План урока на тему environment

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Технология урока: РКМЧП, (кластер, FQ&SQ,стратегия Fishbone, РАФТ)

  • развитие монологической речи учащихся с использованием новых выражений, формирование целостного представления о мире, об общих проблемах, стоящих перед человечеством в XXIвеке;
  • систематизация и обобщение знания учащихся по теме.
  • расширить кругозор по теме;
  • формировать лексико-грамматические навыки в формате ЕГЭ;
  • поддерживать дух толерантности, принимая другие точки зрения;
  • формировать уважительное отношение к природе, бережливости; осознание роли человека во взаимодействии с природой;
  • формировать способность осознать экологические проблемы и желание помочь природе;
  • поддерживать других и быть к ним благожелательными.
  • способствовать развитию аналитического, критического, латерального мышления, через использования проблемных ситуаций ;
  • развивать умение работать в группе

Оборудование урока: видеоклип с песней Майкла Джексона "The Earth Song" (Приложение1), аудиозапись песни "I saved the world today"Eurythmics, звучат в начале и в конце урока (Приложение2); видео "I saved the world today" (Приложение 3); раздаточный материал для учащихся, мультимедийная презентация урока (Презентация).

The nation that destroys its soil, destroys itself.
Franklin D. Roosevelt.

1. Стадия вызова (Evocation)

Teacher. Dear boys and girls, I'm very glad to see you. I hope you are fine. So let's begin our lesson. The subject of today's discussion is very vivid. Today we are going to talk about the environmental problems. Look at the epigraph of our lesson. What do you think about this quotation? Do you agree with it?(слайд 2)

Let’s watch the video. ("The Earth Song" by Michael Jackson) It has made a great impression on me. (video). (Приложение1) (слайд 3)

I’ve just received a very unusual letter. Let’s read it. It has been written to all of us. (the letter from Mother Earth) (Приложение 4) (слайд 4)

2. Стадия осмысления (Realization of meaning)

2. Teacher. Our planet is on the verge of a global ecological catastrophe. Acid rain, global warming, air and water pollution, destruction of wildlife are the problems that threaten human life on Earth. Who is to blame for the disaster? The answer is simple: us.

We’ll have to give a general idea of the ecological situation on our planet and try to highlight the most dangerous tendencies that have deadly consequences for us. In conclusion, we’ll try to find possible ways of solving some of environmental problems.

3. But first, I want to make sure you know the meaning of the words on the topic. Let’s do some tasks to brush up our vocabulary.You are divided into two groups and each group has its own tasks.

Brush up your vocabulary

Match the words with their definitions.

1.extinct a. a person who kills wildlife illegally
2.pollution b. an electricity generation station which uses radioactive fuel to drive the generators
3.ozone layer c. no longer existing, as an animal species
4.poacher d. the damage done to air, water or soil by the addition of harmful chemicals
5.habitat e. the part of the Earth which contains all the living creatures
6.biosphere f. the process of treating paper, plastic and metals so that they can be used again
7. acid rain g. the raising of the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere caused by the burning of fossil fuels and increased amount of gases such as carbon dioxide
8.nuclear power station h. the natural environment of a plant or animal
9.endangered species i. the act of cutting down large areas of forest
10. recycling j. a species which is in danger of becoming extinct
11.global warming k. rain that contains acid from industrial waste
12.deforestation l. a layer of the chemical ozone in the earth’s atmosphere that block harmful rays from the sun

Keys: 1.c; 2.d; 3.l; 4.a; 5.h; 6.e; 7.k; 8.b; 9.j; 10.f; 11.g; 12.i (слайд 25-37)

Choose the most suitable word for each space.

The threat to the environment.

  1. a) danger b) threat c) problem d) vanishing
  2. a) marks b) more c) species d) forms
  3. a) disappeared b) vanished c)empty d) extinct
  4. a) harm b) safe c) protect d) serve
  5. a) hunted b) chased c) game d) extinct
  6. a) like b) such c) or d) where
  7. a) lively b) alive c) for life d) for living
  8. a) spot b) point c) place d)site
  9. a) exhausting b) departing c)escaping d) disappearing
  10. a) each b) land c) soil d) area
  11. a) spaces b) air c) up d) parts
  12. a) products b) fields c) herbs d) crops
  13. a) spoil b) harm c)wound d)wrong
  14. a) survived b) over c) missing d) left
  15. A) answer b) calculate c) solve d) explain

Keys: 1) a; 2)c; 3)d; 4)c; 5)a; 6)b; 7)b; 8)c; 9)d; 10)b; 11)a; 12)d; 13)b; 14)d; 15)c;

Fill in the gaps with words derived from the words in brackets.

There are many problems which (1)__________(threat) our natural environment. Acid rain, (2)__________(globe) warming and air and water (3)__________(pollute) are among the most serious ones. There are several ways to help improve the situation. Firstly, we should encourage (4)__________(recycle) because it is the(5)__________(produce) of new materials which causes the most damage. We must learn to reuse things like plastic bags and glass jars. Secondly, driving an environmentally- friendly car is also(6)__________(help).Furthermore, joining an (7)__________(organize) which plants trees or cleans up beaches would be a (8)__________(prove) that you are really (9)__________(concern) about the environment. Lastly, supporting groups such as Greenpeace, which try to prevent many(10)__________(environment) disasters, would help to ensure that our planet will be clean and safe for the future generations.

Keys: 1.threaten; 2. global; 3. pollution; 4. recycling; 5. production; 6.helpful; 7. organization; 8. proof; 9. concerned; 10. environmental.(слайд 38)

4. Let’s summarize and analyse all the information about the problem. We have made a special scheme which is called a "cluster". It shows the ways of our thoughts. It is a structure of our thinking. Consult the cluster on the screen and decide if we have missed anything important.Would you like to add anything? Of course, the list of serious ecological problems could be continued. We can also mention such burning issues as nuclear pollution and shortage of natural resources.(слайд 39)

5. Now I’d like to ask you some questions. They are fishing questions and shooting question. Fishing Questions (FQ) are exploratory. We may roughly know the area of the answer or sometimes we know this more exactly and sometimes we know it hardly at all. With an FQ we are exploring and trying to find things out.

With a Shooting Question we are not exploring but checking up on something. An SQ always has a "yes" or "no" answer. In other words the question can always be put in a way that could be answered with a "yes" or a "no." So in a shooting question we know what the answer might be and we are just checking to see whether or not it is so. A shooting question is specific and aimed.

  1. Are we facing some global environmental problems today?
  2. What is happening to our forests? Why is it necessary to save the remaining rain forests?
  3. Is the greenhouse effect a dangerous phenomenon?
  4. Why are the seas in danger?
  5. Should ecological education be introduced at schools?
  6. Why is air pollution a serious problem?
  7. Are people getting ecologically wise?
  8. Why are nuclear power stations dangerous?
  9. Should people recycle things?
  10. What is the main cause of the greenhouse effect?
  11. Should the ecological campaign be better advertised?
  12. What will happen to our planet if the present trends continue?(слайд 40)

6. I have prepared for you some texts. Each group will get its own one. While reading you should use the scheme which is called Fishbone. I’d like to remind you what it is. It’s a special scheme that helps us to structure the text. The main problems are put in the head, upper bones are used for reasons (why the problem exists), lower bones are used for facts proving the existence of the reasons. Facts give the problem clear outlines. Your notes should be short. Use key words, contractions and exact details from the text. In the end you should come to the conclusion (or find possible ways to solve the problem) and put it in its tail. You will choose one representative from each group to announce the answers.(слайд 41)

8. It’s time to come to the conclusion. So, what can we do to improve the ecological situation? Work in groups and brainstorm the ideas. Are your ideas realistic? Can they be achieved in an everyday life? (слайд 42)

  1. We must avoid using non-biodegradable material.
  2. We have to find alternative ways to make energy. People should use clean energy, such as wind, solar and wave power, which don’t emit greenhouse gases.
  3. Some serious measures should be taken to create a system of ecological security.
  4. We should walk, cycle or use public transport whenever possible.
  5. When shopping, use a reusable bag instead of buying a plastic one in each shop.
  6. Use energy saving light bulbs.
  7. Plant a tree. A single tree will absorb one ton of carbon dioxide over its lifetime.

3. Стадия рефлексии (Reflection)

This song was written to support some international organizations such as Amnesty International and Greenpeace. I Saved the World Today is a song recorded by the British pop music band. Eurythmics. It was written and co-produced by band members Annie Lennox and David A. Stewart and was included on their album Peace in 1999.

At a private concert, on board the Greenpeace flagship Rainbow Warrior II on the Thames

in London, they decided to donate all profits made by their tour to the two organisations.

The concerts took place across Europe, Australia and the US between September and December in 1999.

Annie Lennox and Dave Stewart wanted to make a positive contribution to the environment and human rights at the start of the new millennium. They also encouraged concert-goers and album-buyers to make a personal pledge to Greenpeace and Amnesty International.

While watching the video, you should fill the table, where you can express your personal opinions about some methods we have used during our lesson. Which of them do you find useful? Which of them will you use in the future? Do you want to improve your practical skills in some of them? (слайд 43, 44)

It’s possible to use I can use it I want to improve my skills
Fishing questions
Shooting questions

10. Your home task is on the screen. Comment on the following statement.(слайд 45)

Some people think that cars should be banned from the centres of big cities. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?

Write an essay. (200-250 words)

Use the following the plan.

1. Make an introduction (state the problem)

2. Express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for it

3. Express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for it

4. Explain why you don’t agree with it

5. Make a conclusion restating your opinion

11. Подведение итогов урока.

The topic of our today's conversation was very serious. There are a lot of problems but, unfortunately, we don’t have enough time to discuss all of them.

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Aim: to teach students to use new lexis in everyday life, to teach to express their own opinion, to broaden their outlook, to teach to work in team.

educational: to enrich students’ vocabulary stock with words concerning the theme

developing: to develop speaking, reading and writing habits

bringing – up: to motivate students’ interest in learning English, to educate the feelings of patriotism, to make students feel themselves rich and successful

Aim: to teach students to use new lexis in everyday life, to teach to express their own opinion, to broaden their outlook, to teach to work in team.

educational: to enrich students’ vocabulary stock with words concerning the theme

developing: to develop speaking, reading and writing habits

bringing – up: to motivate students’ interest in learning English, to educate the feelings of patriotism, to make students feel themselves rich and successful

The type of the lesson: getting information

The kind of the lesson: traditional lesson

The visual aids:

І. Organization moment. Greetings.

II.Warming up – Ex. 1, p. 77

ІІІ. Checking up a home task. Ex. 11, p. 80

We represent the worldfamous organization "Green peace".

1) Environmental problems endanger people's life.

2) The most serious ecological problems are water pollution, air pollution, land pollution.

3) Pollution of water is a very important problem. Many fish and sea animals are already dead.

4) Some factories pollute the atmosphere with toxins and dangerous chemicals. Most of the pollution comes from cars and buses. That's why it is difficult to breathe in big cities. We need good filters at factories and on cars to make the air clean.

5) Our land is also polluted with toxins and chemicals. There are plastic bottles, tins, glasses everywhere. It is very ugly.

6) The other problem is a problem of disappearing of animals because of bad ecology. The second reason of their death is a man, who kills them for their skin or meat.

7) Today people create different organizations such as "Green Peace", "World Wild Life Fond". They want to help the environment. We must solve ecological problems together.

8) Every day we throw away millions of tones of rubbish. A lot of this is paper, plastic, glass and metal that we can reuse. We must find ways to recycle them.

9) We must use special containers for rubbish.

10) Many natural resources are not forever. Coal, gas, metals, minerals will finish some day. People must find ways to save them. We must also find alternative ways to make energy. We can use the sun, the wind, the sea and the heat of the Earth.

Important definitions of the key words:

People are more worried about the environment (the air, water, and land around us) as a result of the harmful (dangerous/damaging) effects of human activity. Some of these activities cause pollution (dirty air, land and water) and some are destroying the environment (damaging it so badly that soon parts will not exist).
The Greens is a short name of the organization called Green Peace. It's an international organization whose members work actively to protect the environment from damage caused by industrial processes or military activities. It is known especially for using its own boats to try to prevent governments from testing nuclear weapons, to prevent companies from pouring poisonous chemicals into the sea, and to try to save whales and other sea animals from being killed.

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Овчинникова Юлия Александровна

План-конспект урока английского языка

Класс : 7

Тема: Environment

Тип: урок-систематизация знаний

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор

Формы работы: фронтальная, групповая

Деятельностная: Формирование у учащихся способности к систематизации и структурированию изучаемого предметного содержания

Развивающая: Формирование учебно-познавательной, коммуникативной и регулятивной компетенций

Планируемые результаты

- формирование представления об английском языке, как средстве познания окружающего мира

- формирование дружелюбного отношения и толерантности к носителям другого языка на основе знакомства с известными людьми в других странах

- развитие навыков сотрудничества со сверстниками в разных ситуациях общения в процессе совместной деятельности

- Развитие самостоятельности и личной ответственности за свои поступки

- Развитие навыков сотрудничества со взрослыми и сверстниками в разных социальных ситуациях


Регулятивные УУД:

- умение определять цель занятия

- понимание задач учебной деятельности и поиск их решения

- освоение способов решения проблем творческого и поискового характера

- формирование умения планировать, контролировать и оценивать учебные

действия в соответствии с поставленной задачей и условиями ее реализации

Познавательные УУД:

- использование знаково-символических средств представления информации

- активное использование речевых средств и средств информационных и коммуникационных технологий для решения коммуникативных и познавательных задач

- использование различных способов поиска, сбора, обработки, анализа, организации, передачи и интерпретации информации в соответствии с коммуникативными и познавательными задачами и технологиями учебного предмета. Овладение логическими действиями сравнения, анализа, синтеза, обобщения, классификации по родовидовым признакам, установления аналогий и причинно-следственных связей, построения рассуждений, отнесения к известным понятиям

Коммуникативные УУД:

- использование речевых средств для решения коммуникативной задачи

- использование различных способов поиска информации для решения коммуникативной задачи

- осознанное построение речевого высказывания в соответствии с заданными коммуникативными задачами

- слушать и слышать собеседника; вести диалог

- развитие логического мышления

- развитие умения работать в группе

- развитие языковой догадки

- закрепление конструкций с союзом “ if ”

Организационный этап

Учитель : Good morning, children. Sit down, please.

Ученики : Good morning, teacher.

Учитель : How are you?

Ученик 1: I’m fine, thank you.

Ученик2: I’m OK.

Постановка цели и задач урока

Учитель : I’ve got a letter from an English pen-friend. Please, read it.

Thanks for your letter. We’re making a project about the ecological situation in Russia. Could you help me?

How do people in Russia help the environment? What can you do to improve the ecological situation?

Write back soon.

All the best,

Учитель : What are we going to discuss today?

Ученик 1: We are going to discuss the ecological situation in Russia and how we can help to improve it.

Ознакомление с лексикой урока

Учитель : to discuss the ecological situation in Great Britain and in Russia, we need to learn some new words. Look at the screen .

To recycle – перерабатывать (по словообразовательной модели)

A fur coat – a coat ( пальто ), fur ( мех ) = шуба

A fine – догадка по контексту (If people drive fast, they’ll have to pay a fine .) – штраф

To pay – платить (по контексту)

Rubbish= litter ( мусор )

Turn on/turn off – включать / выключать

Read the following statements and say if they are true or false (textbooks p.68 Ex.4)

1. P е opl е n е v е r forg е t to turn off th е lights, b ес aus е е l ес tri с it у is ех p е nsiv е .

2. Nobody w е aIS fur с oats, b ес aus е it is not с old.

3. P е opl е sort th е ir rubbish, b ес aus е th е y want to h е lp th е е nvironm е nt.

4. P е opl е us е р oop е r S с oop е rs ( с o вки ) and с l е an up aft е r th е ir dogs.

5. Nobody drops litt е r b ес aus е th е y lik е th е ir towns and с iti е s с l е an.

6. Nobody go е s с amping, b ес aus е it'S bad for th е е nvir о nm е nt.

7. Th е r е ar е sp ес ial fa с tori е s whi с h r ес y с l е mat е rials.


Учитель : Rob is telling his friends about the environment in his country. Listen to the text and guess the meaning of the following words

To sort out rubbish


Public transport

Подготовка к обсуждению

Make up the sentences

1. If I sort m у rubbish ' a) I с an sav е th е е nvir о nm е nt.

2. If I r е us е my old ехе r с is е books, b) I са n sav е th е o се ans, s е as and riv е rs.

З . If I d о n't W е ar a fur с oat, с ) I с an sav е th е f о r е sts.

4. If I always turn wat е r off. d) I с an sav е th е animals.

Examples: If I sort my rubbish, I can save the environment.

Учитель : We have discussed the ecological situation in Great Britain. Now let’s see, what we can do to improve the ecological situation in Russia.

Описание разработки

Цели урока:

Образовательная цель: расширение знаний учащихся об экологических проблемах.

Воспитательная цель: формирование уважительного отношения к природе и ответственного отношения к экологическим проблемам, воспитание бережного отношения к природным богатствам, чувства любви к родной природе.

Развивающая цель: развитие информационных умений учащихся, умение обобщать информацию, развитие самостоятельности и ответственности, умение использовать новые информационные технологии.

Задачи урока:

Совершенствование навыков и умений речевой деятельности на английском языке.

Обучать учащихся выражать и аргументировать свое отношение к проблеме.

Создание комфортной психологической и образовательной среды.

Ожидаемые результаты:

Расширение словарного запаса.

Свободное употребление новых лексических единиц по экологической тематике и грамматических структур в речи.

Выработка у учащихся личностного эмоционального отношения к экологическим проблемам современного мира.

Оснащение урока: технические средства обучения (компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, материалы на электронных носителях, пособия)

Ход урока.

1. Рассказ учителя о плане урока. (1 слайд).

Good morning! I am glad to see you! We live in the world where there are a lot of ecological problems. Nowadays the global situation in ecology is very serious. Many people all over the world are worried about it and discuss it in Russian, English, French and other languages. We are here to discuss several questions connected with pollution and other environmental problems and how to solve some problems.

2. Речевая зарядка.

The environment is your surroundings, your house, your garden, your town, your shops, the hills and rivers, the ocean, the air and so on.

Environment is our surroundings and what around us. Its where we live. Some environments are cleaner than others and that's a healthy environment, sadly some places are not. This is caused by pollution and littering.

The environment can be as broad as their surroundings. For animals, this can included their habitat, other animals, and other things that may not be part of their natural habitat like a power plant or other unnatural addition. For people, the environment not only includes the building or city in which they reside, but also every person with whom they have contact and every part of nature to which they are exposed. Environment can include any living or nonliving element to which a subject is exposed.

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