Toxic friendship план конспект

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

ПРАКТИЧЕСКАЯ: Создать условия для формирования умений составлять монологические высказывания на основе изученной лексики и придаточных определительных с союзными словами который/которые в объеме 8 предложений.

РАЗВИВАЮЩАЯ: Развивать творческую активность учащихся.

-организовать тренировку употребления лексики по теме и придаточных определительных с союзными словами who(m)/that\

-помочь учащимся в составлении высказываний по теме.

ОСНАЩЕНИЕ: проектор, диск с заданиями и презентацией

Орг. момент и речевая зарядка

На экране изображения, иллюстрирующие

известных сказочных героев: Карлсона, Кота Леопольда, черепашек Ниндзя, Тома Сойера, Гарри Поттера.

Уч: kids, which of these characters would you like to make friends with?

I would like to make friends with Harry Potter

because he is a magician.

I would like to make friends with Cat Leopold

Постановка цели урока

Well, and do you think those characters would make friends with you? Can you be a good friend?

because he is very kind.

As for me I would like to make friends with Turtles Nindzja because they are brave and always help others.

I think Tom Sawyer would like to make friends with me because I am easy to get along with.

I am sure Karlson

So today we are going to

would make friends with me because I

discuss such problems as :

have a sweet tooth

a true friend, real

and I would share jam

and sweets with him.

and after that you will be able to make up your own stories on the topic.

At home you were to learn poems by heart

Уч-ся рассказывают стихи (стр. 102)и представляют свои варианты перевода и акростихи.

1)Дружб а - дело для двоих, а чем больше -лучше!

Песню весело поют

все друзья, подружки.

С дружбой жить нам веселей!

Дружба- то, что нужно*

2) Друг познаётся в беде.

Друг не бросит нигде.

Он остаётся на века. Его заменить никак

Друга нельзя растоптать,

На экране акростихи,

которые уч-ся сдали на

Он как хлеб- без

него не прожить.

Он не предаст тебя

Друг остаётся им

Has similar interests with

Pleasant to the eye and

переводят их, так

Easy to be with

Dear to me (Петковская H.)

Impossible to live without Easy to get along with

Doesn’t ignore your problems (Ненахова JI.)

Уч-ся читают свои

придаточных определительных Who /that/which

Open your textbooks at p.

105 and read grammar in

Will you find ex. 2 on p.

106 and try to transform what Laura and Phil say According to the models given below.

Работа в группах

На экране космический сюжет.

At the beginning of the

Уч-ся работают 5

lesson you said that you

could be good friends.

очереди выходят к

So will you imagine that

you are going to fly into

space and you need a team of 5 people from your form. Whom would you take with

На экране образец:

I would like to take Misha because he is a person who

I have great fun with .

I’ve got a letter of a girl who has a problem with her friend. She was so upset while writing the letter that her tears dropped down the letter and some words vanished.

Let’s read her letter insert the missing words and think if we can give her some advice.

На экране письмо:

I . got a girl-friend called Tracy. She lives . door and we sit . the same desk in class. Tracy has troubles . Maths and she always copies my . work. But I think It’s . good and one day I didn’t allow her . copy my homework. Tracy got angry . me and . that I wasn’t a true friend. And now she doesn’t want to sit next. me and never says “hello”. What. I do?

Yours, Ann Smith

Well, kids, can you give

Рефлексия и подведение

any advice to Ann?

Tracy. Try to explain your behaviour.

  1. Imagine you are Ann Smith. Try to prove that you are right and Tracy is not.
  2. Say if you have ever had suctr problems with your friends.

Ребята, сегодня мы затронули тему настоящей дружбы. Я хочу, чтобы вы дома написали эссе по этой теме. Скажите, поможет ли вам в домашней работе то, что мы делали сегодня на уроке?

Что вам понравилось?

Что не понравилось?

Уч-ся выбирают для себя тему или придумывают свою.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Презентация к уроку (6 класс) по теме "Урок Мужества "Площадь Памяти"

Данное мероприятие четко связано с другими, направленными на формирование у учащихся чувства патриотизма, и соответствует возрастным особенностям детей. Занятие логически делится на две части: теорети.

План-конспект урока во 2 классе по теме: "Friendship"

Данный план-конспект содержит материал для проведения урока во 2 классе по теме "Дружба".

Урок истории. Класс: 5. Тема урока: Жизнь египетского вельможи.

Урок: историяКласс: 5 Тема урока: Жизнь египетского вельможи.Цель и задачи урока: 1. Познакомить учащихся с жизнью египетских ве.

Технологическая карта урока в 7 классе на тему "Что думают англоговорящие люди о своих странах" к УМК М.З.Биболетовой "Enjoy English 7"
Урок английского языка в 10-м классе на тему "Friendship In Our Lives"

Урок английского языка в 10-м классе по УМК "Rainbow English", И.В. Михеева, О. В. Афанасьева. Технологическая карта урока. .

Материал к уроку английского языка по теме "Friendship"

Материал к уроку английского языка по теме "Friendship", построенному на основе песни Bruno Mars - Count on me (с упражнениями).

Peter Pettigrew entered Hogwarts in 1971. During his Sorting ceremony, the Sorting Hat didn’t know what house to place him: Slytherin or Gryffindor. After about five minutes the Hat decided to Sort him into Gryffindor.

He joined the group of friends Sirius Black, James Potter, and Remus Lupin who called themselves the “Marauders.” He was not as a skilled wizard as his friends, and he hang out with them because he idolized them. With them he learned to transform into a rat, helped write the Marauder’s Map, and joined the Order of the Phoenix.

Peter was a person who was easily influenced by those around him. Once he was out of school, Pettigrew became an easy target for the Dark Lord. He was so afraid of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named that became a spy for Voldemort.

The Potters and their friends didn’t know this, of course, and continued to trust Peter so completely that on Sirius Black’s advice, he was made James and Lily’s Secret Keeper. A week later they were dead, when Peter betrayed their hiding place to his master. Pettigrew then cleverly framed Sirius Black by blowing up a street full of Muggles and cutting off one of his own fingers to fake his own death. Peter Pettigrew was “posthumously” awarded the Order of Merlin. Sirius was arrested for being a Death Eater, killing Pettigrew and the Muggles, and betraying the Potters, and was imprisoned in Azkaban without a trial.

1.Who were the “Marauders”?

2. Were they real friends? What did they do together?

3. The Sorting Hat had been hesitating for more than 5 min before it made a decision what house was suitable for Peter Pettigrew. Why?

4. Why did he become a spy for Lord Voldemort?

5. What traits of character did he possess?

6. Minerva McGonagal said:

"Hero-worshipped Black and Potter. Never quite in their league, talent-wise. I was often rather sharp with him. Stupid boy. Foolish boy. "

Do you agree that he was foolish and stupid?

7. What advice would you give to the rest “Marauders”?



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Ситуация: Toxic friendship

Дата проведения: 28.11.2017

Речевые функции: giving information; expressing ideas

Цели учебного занятия:

l cпособствовать формированию умений информативного аудирования

Воспитательная цель: способствовать воспитанию потребности дружить и понимать ценности дружбы, видеть положительные качества личности

Развивающая цель: способствовать развитию умений учащихся обобщать полученные знания, развитию внимания, языковой догадки

Сопутствующие задачи:

  • организовать деятельность учащихся по обобщению и систематизации ими знаний и умений
    • посодействовать повышению уровня мотивации на уроках через средства
    • создать условия для расширения лингвистического кругозора учащихся
    • формировать умений поискового чтения


    • Учебник Н.В.Юхнель, рабочая тетрадь, дополнительный раздаточный материал, карточки с вопросами, аудио, видеоматериал, компьютер, колонки, доска

    Этап проверки выполнения домашнего задания

    Этап проверки понимания изученного

    Этап применения знаний

    Этап контроля и самоконтроля знаний

    Этап информации о домашнем задании

    Этап подведения итогов занятия

    Введение в атмосферу иноязычного общения

    Выявление степени усвоения заданного на дом

    Формирование умений обобщения фактологической информации текста

    Снятие языковых трудностей, постановка задачи

    Сов-ние навыка аудирования Контроль понимания

    Выявление наличия возможных трудностей, при выполнении дз

    Good morning, students. I am glad to see you. Sit down, please.

    Today we are going to discuss a really interesting and serious topic.

    Who is your best friend?

    What do you usually do with your friends?

    How can you describe your friend? How long have you known your friend?

    Do you have a pen-friend?

    At first look at the screen and tell me do you know who are they?

    -You are quite right. You can see the heroes of a serial “Friends”. And I have a surprise for you. They sent us a letter where ask us some questions. During our lesson we’ll try to answer these questions. Now let’s read the questions.

    ü What does your best friend look like?

    ü What is he like?

    ü What does he like?

    ü What advice can you give to those who have toxic friends?

    Do you understand all the questions?

    By the way, what does toxic friendship mean?

    At home you have read Rosie’s friendship story she wrote for a Teen magazine. Let’s discuss it.

    When and why did her friendship come to an end? (what was the reason?)

    What did you learn about their relationships?

    Is it ok for a friend to control your behaviour?

    What advice can you give to Rosie?

    How do you think what did Rosie do? Make a prediction.

    Rosie has given an interview at the local radio station. Look at the questions and try to predict answers.

    Listen to the interview and check your predictions.

    Do you think Rosie did the right thing?

    Do you have such friends?

    Now I would like to learn more about your friends. There are some questions on the blackboard. You task will be to choose any sheet of paper, answer the question and adress this question to one of your groupmate.

    Thanks for your answers.

    ü What is better to make up with such friends or to end up friendship?

    ü What advice can you give to those who have toxic friends?

    ü What are the ways to end up toxic friendship?

    ü What shouldn’t we do?

    ü What is a typical behaviour of a toxic friend when you want to leave?

    ü What kind of people are around you? Are they toxic?

    Now let’s read what Rachel thinks about friendship. But the letter is damaged and some of the words are missing. Our task is to fill in with the suitable phrasal verbs from the blackboard (Приложение 2)

    Open your record-books, please. At home you should prepare your own letter to the heroes of a serial “Friends”, write them about your real friend.

    Thank you for your work today. Your marks for today are….

    Friendship plays a very important role in our life. People are happy when they are with their true friends.

    What do you think about this famous proverb?

    I propose you to watch the video. Just enjoy and relax.

    Учащиеся показывают подготовку к уроку. Отвечают на поставленные вопросы.

    Toxic is smth unhealthy

    Отвечают на вопросы по домашнему тексту

    ü To make somebody do something

    Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы и задают другому учащемуся.(p-p)

    Отвечают на поставленные вопросы.

    Высказывают свое мнение

    Обобщая пройденное на уроке, ученики задают интересовавшие их вопросы.

    Учащиеся выражают своё мнение о высказывании

    Lesson 7 ex.3b

    - So, Rosie, tell us about your toxic friend.
    - Well, actually, most of the story was in the magazine. I must only add that for two years I had been a friend with someone who did not really care about me. What kind of person I am, what I think and what I want.

    - What did you do when you realized you didn’t want it any more.

    - First I talked to my mum and dad. I was surprised to find out that my dad had very similar story at school. His best friend for two years never let him win at sports, made him wear old-fashioned clothes and share his pocket money. He was always unhappy, talking about himself and made my dad feel bad for being happy and having fun when other people had problems.

    - That’s interesting!
    - Yes. We decided I had to study more to keep my mind off my toxic friends and I started playing hockey in a school team that helped me find new friends.

    I also created a motto to guide me:“Know who you are. Be yourself. Love yourself.”

    - Do you love yourself now?
    - I do. I know, I’m not a bad person.

    - All right! What happened to your toxic friend, then?
    - I thought she was out of my life. But I was wrong. We're older now, and she hasn't changed. We're not friends, but we have classes together. She gets into my talks with friends, tries to beat me at everything. But it's different now. Her words don't have the effect they used to have in fourth grade.
    I am a stronger person now. I have found who my true friends are and I'm not playing her game anymore.

    Приложение 1

    1. What did Rosie do next?

    a) Talked to her parents

    b) Studied harder

    c) Took up a hobby

    2. Who told her the story of their toxic friendship?

    3. What kind of toxic friend was it?

    a) Naughty and controlling

    b) Loud and nosy

    c) A boring couch potato

    4. What kind of motto did Rosie create to help her?

    a) Know who you are

    b) Get up and fight

    c) Be yourself, love yourself

    5. Are the girls still friends?

    a) Of course, not

    b) No, but they still talk sometimes

    c) Yes, it is better to have a toxic friend them have no one to talk to.

    6. Has her toxic friend changed?

    a) People don’t change

    b) She’s become Rosie’s true friend

    c) She’s found a new friend to bully.

    Приложение 2

    We have a lot in common with my friends. I get on well with all of my friends, I miss them even they go away for a week- end. To go out with friends is the best way to spend your free time. Never ignore your friends, always find a minute to call them back. Believe me, nobody in this world is rich enough to throw away a friend. It is OK for best friends to fall out sometimes, do not think it is better to look for a new one. Always try to find a way to make up with the people you love. At the the same time watch out for unhealthy friendship that makes you feel bad about yourself.

    Государственное учреждение образования

    • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
    • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам


    ПРАКТИЧЕСКАЯ: Создать условия для составления монологического высказывания по теме на основе изученной лексики.

    РАЗВИВАЮЩАЯ: способствовать развитию умений учащихся обобщать полученные знания, выделять главное, систематизировать материал .

    - организовать деятельность учащихся по обобщению и систематизации ими знаний по теме;

    -создать условия для расширения лингвистического кругозора учащихся;

    - создать условия для формирования умений поискового чтения, восприятия и понимания речи на слух

    ОСНАЩЕНИЕ: учебник Юхнель Н. В., Наумова Е. Г 7 класс (2010г.), рабочая тетрать (ч. 1 7 класс), видеозапись, раздаточный материал.

    Орг. момент и речевая зарядка (5 мин)

    Hello, boys and girls! Glad to see you in a good mood today! Sit down, please, and let’s get started!

    Remind me, please, what topic were we discussing during our previous lessons.

    Right you are ! We were speaking about friendship and your friends.

    So tell me something about your friends 1. appearance. What does he/she look like?

    3. hobbies and interests.What does he like?

    We were speaking about friendship

    1.Tall/short: colour of his/her eyes and hair, his/her nose, the shape of his/her face and figure and so on

    2.friendly, lovele, boring, amusing, romantic, clever, polite, active, careful, naughty, is always there for me…

    3. have in common, share, enjoy…

    Постановка цели урока, проблемного вопроса (5 мин.)

    All right, then. Now I see that you can talk freely about your friends. But today we are going to speak about something, that has an opposite meaning… What is it? Lets try to gess the topic of our lesson by doing the crossword. ( Прил . 1)

    So today we are going to speak about toxic friendship and friends that are not real ones. By the way, can you find the synonym to the word”toxic”? Did any of you use to have such kind of friends? Can you tell me what kind of people are they? Is it necessary to stop this kind of friendship or should we continue communication with such people?

    I do hope that after today’s lesson you will have the answers to all these questions.

    Учащиеся разгадывают кроссворд. Групповая/парная работа

    Развитие навыков аудирования (10-12 мин)

    Today I prepared a video for you. While watching I’d like you to fill in the table with different characteristics of true and toxic friends.

    There are some cards on your tables which I’m sure will help you to do this task easily. So, take the cards out of the envelope and let’s read them aloud. ( Прил . 2)

    Учащиеся по очереди произносят написанные на карточках характеристики. Затем смотрят видео и составляют схему - таблицу : “true and toxic friends: 10 things to realize the difference”

    Развитие навыков чтения с извлечением необходимой информации (поисковое чтение). (15 мин)

    Good job! I hope, now each of you realizes how to distinguish a toxic friend. But there is one more thing we have to find out today: how to stop or to end toxic friendship. There is a kind of advice for you (WS: p. 50, ex. 1a). I’ll give you some time to look through the text and give me the answers to the following questions:

    What are the 2 ways to end toxic friendship?

    What should/shouldn’t you do to stop it.

    Учащиеся работают в группах.

    Рефлексия (5 мин)

    So, our lesson is coming to the end. Let’s summarize, what we’ve learned about toxic friends and toxic friendship.

    today we have spoken about toxic friendship and friends that are not real ones.

    We’ve found out the differences between real friends and toxic friends:…

    We’ve learned how to stop toxic friendship…

    I hope, that now everybody is ready to write an essay: “Toxic friends”. The plan is on the blackboard. The ideas are in your minds. The pens and notebooks are on your tables. So, good luck! And see you !

    Беляева Юлия Александровна

    Translate the words

    2. Никто из трех и более

    4. любой из двух

    10 major difference between real friends and toxic friends.

    They celebrate your success, because they are proud of you

    They get jealous of your achievements

    They know the importance of your alone time and never get offended if you tell them that you need some time to be alone

    They try to occupy all your time

    They are caring and empathetic

    They judge and criticize you

    They respect you and value your friendship

    They lose their temper easily and they can even shout at you

    They enjoy exchanging opinions because they are interested in what you are thinking

    They only want to win an argument

    They believe your words

    They doubt everything you say

    They call you because they miss you and worry about you

    They find you only when they need your help

    They accept the way you are

    They try to change you and to control you. And their advice sometimes is so annoying!

    Дополнительный материал к уроку в 7 классе (Unit 3 Lesson 7).

    Ex. 2 p. 75
    elementary school — начальная школа
    through — через
    anyone else — кто-то ещё
    loyal — верный
    catch — caught — застать
    control — контролировать
    bullying — запугивание, тирания
    be instructed — получать указания
    feel lower — быть в подавленном состоянии, чувствовать себя плохо

    Keys to ex.2b p. 76
    1. Her friend has been controlling her for 2 years.
    2. She didn’t like when Rosie ate with other girls. She asked Rosie if she was loyal and who her friends were. She talked about Rosie with other girls.
    3. No, it isn’t.
    4. She wanted to be superior to Rose in their friendship. She liked that Rosie depended on her.

    Listen to the interview
    Перед упр. 4а стр. 77

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