План конспект уроку з англійської мови 9 клас карпюк

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Розробка уроку містить матеріал про видатних учених, дослідження космосу. До конспекту додається мультимедійна презентація.

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Предварительный просмотр:


Тема: Наука й технічний прогрес. Дослідження космосу

Мета: надати додаткові відомості про видатних вчених та їхні винаходи, вчити учнів висловлюватись про роль науки в суспільстві, про позитивні й негативні сторони технічного прогресу, практикувати в монологічному мовленні, аудіюванні, читанні, розвивати творчі здібності учнів через формування навичок cтворення комп’ютерних презентацій, розвивати вміння самостійно працювати з додатковою літературою, виховувати прагнення пізнавати світ та його досягнення.

Обладнання: портрети вчених, презентація вчителя “Science and Technical Progress”, учнівський проект - мультимедійна презентація “Space Exploration”, відеофрагмент “Moon”, роздавальний матеріал ( НО 1 , HO 2 ), тексти для читання ( HO 3 ).

T: Today we shall speak, listen and read about great inventors and their inventions, about space exploration.

T: Make up sentences using these words. ( Slide 2 )

a) Change / inventions / our / scientific / for / discoveries / better / and / life. ( Scientific inventions and discoveries change our life for better. )

b) We / different / don’t / inventors / when / use / we / about / devices / think / their. ( When we use different devices we don’t think about their inventors. )

3. Vocabulary Practice

T: Join into four groups. Write the following words according to their category.

Group 1 - means of travelling; group 2 - means of communication; group 3 - means of entertainment; group 4 – household items. Tell about the advantages of these devices. The task of other groups is to find their disadvantages.

The other groups: Modern means of travelling need fuel. They use petrol. It is expensive. Gases from transport pollute air.

Train, vacuum cleaner, TV-set, telephone, car, tram, computer, microwave oven, washing machine, mobile phone, plane, video player, tape recorder, refrigerator, Internet, helicopter, bicycle, radio, bus.

4. Grammar practice. Passive voice

Game “Inventions” ( HO 1 )

T: Work in groups. Try to reconstruct the sentences. Take turns to read the sentences. Each correct sentence is one point. The winner is the team with the most points.

1. Dynamite was invented

a) by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.

2. X-rays were invented

b) by a German tailor Levi Strauss.

3. The telephone was invented

c) by Alfred Nobel in 1866.

4. The first underground was built

d) by Samuel Morse.

5. The first pair of jeans was made

e) by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen.

6. The ball-point pen was invented

f) in Russia in 1954.

7. The raincoat was designed

g) in London in 1863.

8. Penicillin was discovered

h) by Russian physicist A. S. Popov.

9. The telegraph was invented

i) by Ladislao Biro.

10. The first nuclear power station was opened

j) by Alexander Fleming.

11. The first radio set was invented

k) by the Romans in 960.

12. Toothpaste was invented

l) by Charles Mackintosh.

5. Speaking Practice

T: Make up sentences using the key words. ( Slide 9 )

  • in medicine
  • dangerous
  • named after
  • made a great contribution
  • information era
  • space era
  • famous scientists

Ps: Many inventions are used in medicine, for example, X-rays, lasers.

Some inventions are very dangerous: nuclear weapon, dynamite.

some inventions are named after their creators: the Diesel engine, Roentgen rays, Morse code.

Albert Einstein, Alfred Nobel, Thomas Edison made a great contribution to the development of science.

Nowadays we live in the information era.

The 20 th century is the space era.

Albert Einstein, Alfred Nobel, Thomas Edison are famous scientists.

6. Listening Comprehension

T: You know the names of great scientists Isaac Newton, Thomas Edison and Alfred Nobel. Listen to the reports about their life.

Pay attention to the words:

differential [ difə'ren∫əl ] - диференційне

calculus [ 'kælkjuləs ] - обчислення

law of gravitation – закон всесвітнього тяжіння

bulb [ bΛlb ] – електрична лампа

Swedish [ 'swi:di∫ ] - шведський

mining [ 'mainiŋ ] – гірнича промисловість

Write the names of the scientists. ( HO 2 )

1. He first went to school at the age of 8 and a half.

2. He studied mathematics at Cambridge University.

3. He was an excellent linguist.

4. His mother taught him at home.

5. He discovered the law of gravitation.

6. He was buried in Westminster Abbey.

7. He wanted to improve the industries in mining.

8. His father died before he was born.

9. He invented the light bulb.

10. He was the great Swedish scientist and inventor.

11. His greatest wish was to see the end of wars.

12. He made more than one thousand inventions.

Isaac Newton was born in the little village in Lincolnshire, England. His father was a farmer and died before Newton was born. Newton studied mathematics at Cambridge University. He made three great discoveries – the discoveries of the differential calculus, of the nature of white light, and of the law of gravitation. Newton died at the age of 84, and was buried in Westminster Abbey.

Thomas Edison first went to school at the age of 8 and a half. But after only three months his teacher called him “stupid” and he came home crying. From that time his mother taught him at home and he read science books by himself. In 1877 he made a “phonograph” – the first ever sound recorder. The next year Edison invented the light bulb. During his life Thomas Edison made more than one thousand inventions.

Alfred Nobel was the great Swedish scientist and inventor. He was a skilful chemist and excellent linguist, speaking Swedish, Russian, German, French and English. He was interested in literature and philosophy. Alfred Nobel invented dynamite to improve the industries in mining and road building, but saw it used as a weapon of war. His greatest wish was to see the end of wars.

What other interesting facts from biographies of the famous scientists do you know?

7. Project Work. Computer Presentation

T: One of the great achievements of science and technology is space exploration. Many centuries ago people even couldn’t think that there are a lot of planets except our earth and that people can fly there. Only the 20 th century became the space era. Your classmate Sophia has made a project about space exploration and wants to present it to the class. After listening you have to do the task: tell what events are connected with the numbers and dates. ( Slide 12 )

108 1969 20 1961 2001 1971 12 1965


People always wanted to overcome gravitation and reach other planets. But it was only in the 1960ies that this dream became reality.

On the 12 th of April 1961 the spaceship “Vostok” was launched into space with a man on board and after orbiting our planet successfully returned to the Earth. The first man to overcome gravitation and orbit the Earth was Yuriy Gagarin. His flight lasted 108 minutes. This day went down in history of mankind as an outstanding achievement, opening the space era. The designer of the first space-rocket systems and spaceships was academician Serhiy Pavlovych Korolyov.

In the course of space exploration there have been lots of achievements of world science and technology. Valentyna Tereshkova was the first woman-cosmonaut to make a space flight. Oleksiy Leonov first walked out into space in 1965. He stayed in the outer space near his spaceship “Voshod – 2” for 20 minutes.

The first American expedition landed on the Moon in July 1969. It was the Apollo – 11 spaceship with three astronauts on board – commander Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin Aldrin.

Space laboratories had flights towards almost all planets of the Solar System: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.

Automatic stations landed on Venus in 1965, in 1970, and on Mars in 1971, 1997, 2004.

In 2001 the first tourist flew into space. It was an American businessman Denis Tito. He paid for his flight about 20 million dollars.

8. Reading Comprehension

a) Pre-reading activity. ( Slides 25 – 26 )

T: I want to show you some video fragment. Look and say what it is about.

Ps: It is about the landing of men on the Moon.

b) While-reading activity.

Work in groups. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box. Read the text. ( HO 3 )

The First Person on the Moon

On a hot day in July of 1969, the Apollo-11 spaceship was launched from Cape Kennedy in Florida. It was headed to the Moon! On board there were three _________________ — Commander Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin Aldrin.

After a long trip through space lasting four and a half days, the Apollo- 11 landing craft reached the __________! The date was July 20, 1969. Neil Armstrong was the first one to climb out of the launcher. He was dressed in a _______________. As he stepped onto the Moon, he said: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for ________________".

The astronauts firmly placed an American _________ on the Moon to show that they were the first people there. They studied the Moon, took many ________________, and gathered moon rocks to take back to the ____________.

mankind, astronauts, photographs, spacesuit, flag, Moon, Earth.

to launch – запускати

to reach – досягати

c) Post-reading activity. ( Slide 27 )

Answer the questions.

1). What spaceship first landed the Moon?

2). What were the names of the astronauts?

3). How many days did their flight last?

4). When did they land the Moon?

5). What did the astronauts place on the Moon and why?

Today we spoke about famous inventions and inventors, about space exploration.

What new facts have you learned?

What was the most interesting?

Write a composition about space exploration.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:


Make up a sentence: our scientific for discoveries better and change inventions life

Check yourself: Scientific inventions and discoveries change our life for better.

Advantages: They help… They make… Disadvantages: They need… They are …

Advantages: They help… They make… Disadvantages: They need… They are …

Advantages: They help… They make… Disadvantages: They need… They are …

Advantages: They help… They make… Disadvantages: They need… They are …

Game “Inventions” Reconstruct the sentences. 1. Dynamite was invented a) by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. 2. X-rays were invented b) by a German tailor Levi Strauss. 3. The telephone was invented c) by Alfred Nobel in 1866. 4. The first underground was built d) by Samuel Morse. 5. The first pair of jeans was made e) by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen. 6. The ball-point pen was invented f) in 1954. 7. The raincoat was designed g) in 1863. 8. Penicillin was discovered h) by Russian physicist A. S. Popov. 9. The telegraph was invented i) by Ladislao Biro. 10. The first nuclear power station was opened j) by Alexander Fleming. 11. The first radio set was invented k) by the Romans in 960. 12. Toothpaste was invented l) by Charles Mackintosh.

Make up sentences using the key words. in medicine dangerous named after made a great contribution information era space era famous scientists

Listening comprehension Write the names of the scientists: Newton, Edison or Nobel. 1.He first went to school at the age of 8 and a half . 2. He studied mathematics at . 3. He was an excellent linguist. 4. His mother taught him at home. 5. He discovered the law of gravitation. 6. He was buried in Westminster Abbey. 7. He wanted to improve the industries in mining. 8. His father died before he was born. 9. He invented the light bulb. 10. He was the great Swedish scientist and inventor. 11. His greatest wish was to see the end of wars. 12. He made more than one thousand inventions.

Check yourself: 1.He first went to school at the age of 8 and a half . Edison 2. He studied mathematics at . Newton 3. He was an excellent linguist. Nobel 4. His mother taught him at home. Edison 5. He discovered the law of gravitation. Newton 6. He was buried in Westminster Abbey. Newton 7. He wanted to improve the industries in mining. Nobel 8. His father died before he was born. Newton 9. He invented the light bulb. Edison 10. He was the great Swedish scientist and inventor. Nobel 11. His greatest wish was to see the end of wars. Nobel 12. He made more than one thousand inventions. Edison

Pre-reading activity. Look and say what events you can see on the video.

What do you want to know about the men on the Moon? Write your questions. Use the table. When How long What did _____ V 1 -------- ?

Светлана Светлана

Iren Kravchuk

Iren Kravchuk

Александра Володина

Даша Хайруллина

Мария Рыбчинская

Доброго вечера!
может у кого есть и кто может поделиться конспектами уроков к учебнику Карпюк 2 класс, 3 класс, 4 класс, 9 класс?

Буду весьма признательна и благодарна. )))

Людмила Федчук

в кого є конспект відкритого уроку з англійської мови в 10 класі на тему: "Кухня"? скиньте будь ласка )))


Порекомендуйте будь-ласка де можна знайти календарне планування на ІІ семестр з англійської мови Несвіт нова програма 3 години на тиждень для 5,6,7 класів. Дякую.

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План-конспект відкритого уроку, проводеного в 9 класі за темою "Масс-медіа".

План-конспект уроку англійської мови.

Мета: повторити й поповнити лексичний запас учнів із теми. Розвивати навички аудіювання із метою розуміння загального змісту тексту та з метою детального розуміння. Розвивати креативне мислення, комунікативні навички. Практикувати учнів в говорінні за темою. Виховувати культуру спілкування. Мотивувати учнів до самостійного вивчення іноземних мов. Учити користуватися інтернет-ресурсами з метою самоосвіти.

Тип уроку: комбінований.

Обладнання: інтерактивна медіа-панель, планшетні ПК, роздаткові матеріали (картки “Matching”, “Word List”).

І. Вступна частина уроку.

1) Привітання. Greeting.

T: Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you. I think you are all fine and I hope you will be very active and energetic during our lesson.

2) Мовна розминка. Warm-up.

T.: Let’s warm-up a bit. There is a riddle on the board. Who can read it?

Whenever the weather is cold.

Whenever the weather is hot.

We’ll whether the weather,

Whatever the weather,

Whether we like it or not.

T.: Let’s read it altogether!

3.) Повідомлення теми та мети уроку. Aim.

T.: Tell me, please, what is the weather like today?

How do we get information about weather, news, famous people? (From Internet, television, radio, press.)

So, the topic of today’s lesson is “Mass Media”.

During this lesson you will:

revise and enrich your vocabulary on the topic “Mass Media”;

work in pairs and in groups over the kinds of Mass Media and different kinds of TV programmes;

watch the video, listen to the song and do some tasks.

II. Основна частина уроку. Main Body.

Актуалізація опорних знань. Опорна схема. Updating.

T.: Divide into four teams as you are sitting. I’ll give you the cards with the names of categories and a list of words which are associated with these categories.

Your task is to match the words to the appropriate category.

You’ve got 2 minutes.

T.: Now, stop working. Choose one member of your group to go to the whiteboard and write down the words under your category.

Good work. You are right.

Робота з лексичним матеріалом теми. Practising the lexical material of the topic.

a) Активізація ЛО теми. Робота в парах. Activating lexical material. Pair work.

T.: Let’s talk about one of the parts of Mass Media – Television. What is this word associated with?

T.: And now work in pairs. I’ll give you the stripes of paper. Your task is to match the descriptions of TV Programmes to their names. For example, Tomorrow’s weather. - Weather forecast.

You’ve got 3 minutes.

Your time is over. Let’s check it up. Read out the definition to the TV programme.

Description TV Programme

We can see it between and Advertisement

during the programmes. It (commercial).

attracts all viewers by dif-

ferent goods: medicine, elec-

tronic equipment, householding

goods, perfumes and others.

A long interview with a Chat (talk) show.

famous person.

The latest events in the world Music programme.

of music, the fresh information

about popular Ukrainian and

foreign singers, this week’s

In this programme they tell News programme.

you what has happened today.

A serious film or television Documentary.

programme that gives facts

about something.

Watching this programme Sport news.

You may find out about box-

ing from Kyiv, swimming

from Sidney and football

from Liverpool.

Some funny stories from Animated cartoon.

Disneyland with Donald Duck.

3. ) Здоров’язбереження. Фізкульт-пауза. (Вправа на тренування обох півкуль головного мозку). Physical activity (whole brain activity).

T.: Listen to me, do the same and say the same as me:

-Stand up.

- Hands down.

- Put your leg up.

- Put your leg down.

T.: Listen to me, do the same, but say the opposite:

-Stand up. (Sit down.)

-Sit down. (Stand up)

-Stand up. (Sit down)

-Hands up. (Hands down)

-Hands down (Hands up)

-Put your leg up (Put your leg down)

- Put your leg down (Put your leg up)

4.) Розвиток навичок аудіювання. Listening.

а.) Перегляд відеотрейлера. Watching video trailer.

T.: And now we’ve got a very interesting task. But first tell me please, have you ever read the book “Peter Pan”? Do you know who is the author of that book?

We’ve got some variants on the whiteboard:

Joanne K. Rowling

James Mattew Barrie

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien

T.: We should prepare for doing the listening task. Switch on your tablets. Go to join.naurok.ua. Enter that code and your name.

So, now we are ready to watch the teaser to the film “PAN” by Warner Brothers.

But first let’s look through the questions of the test you are to do after watching the video.

T.: Do the listening test. You’ve got 5 minutes.

We can see your results on the screen. Not bad, somebody have done it very well!

Now, let’s check it up.

Look at the board. (Flash-cards)

Do you like watching the videos and doing such tasks?

b) Прослуховування пісні. Listening to the song. (Резервне завдання – 5 хв.)

T.: You know, the winter is coming. And we’re waiting impatiently for our winter holidays – Christmas and New Year. We are going to listen to the song “Let it snow” by the famous American singer of mid 20-th century Dean Martin which is often heard on TV during winter holidays. We use our favourite web-site LyricsTraining. Who wants to go to the board for doing the task?

III. Заключна частина уроку. Summarizing.

Домашнє завдання. Homework.

Join/enter LyricsTraining and do the exercise to any song you like.

Рефлексія. Reflexion.

T.: - Did you enjoy our lesson today?

- Do you think Mass Media influences your life?

T.: I’d like to thank everyone for active participation. You worked hard. All of you have got a mark for the listening comprehension task.

Англійська мова. 9 клас: Плани-конспекти уроків (до підручника О. Д. Карп’юк)

Назва: Англійська мова. 9 клас: Плани-конспекти уроків (до підручника О. Д. Карп’юк)
Автор: Мясоєдова С. В.
Рік видання: 2011
Сторінок: 242
Формат файлу: pdf з можливістю копіювання тексту
Розмір файлу: 22 mb

Посібник являє собою плани-конспекти уроків англійської мови до підручника О. Д. Карп’юк для учнів 9-го класу. Побудований відповідно до чинної програми з англійської мови, затвердженої Міністерством освіти і науки України для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. Містить календарне планування та розробки 70 уроків, у яких застосовуються різноманітні форми й методи роботи з класом.
Для студентів факультетів іноземних мов, молодих учителів, учителів-практиків.

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