Стоунхендж на английском языке с переводом доклад

Обновлено: 30.04.2024

Stonehenge, one of the great Seven Wonders of the World, but what do we really know about it. What was its purpose, how was it built and by whom. Many different answers come up when asking the question What was the purpose of Stonehenge , some say that it was a horrid place, which the Druids used for religious sacrifice, but most others have a more positive idea. A temple of the sun, a Pagan Cathedral, or a holy sanctuary in the midst of blessed ground, or maybe a clock or even a place to Predict Eclipses. No one really knows what it was used for; this is due to a great number of facts surrounding all of these ideas. Many ideas come up when talking about why this great structure was built along with an equal amount on who built it. The Druids is the most common response because the Druids inhabited most of the area in which Stonehenge is built. The Pagans are another common answer to this age old question because of the building structure of Stonehenge how it resembles a Pagan Cathedral. Whoever built Stonehenge, they were an extremely advanced society either on purpose or by complete fluke. Many say that because of Stonehenge s exact solar and lunar alignment. That is was the most common thought is that it was built to predict eclipses for worshiping. The following essay is going to state the facts and myths about the great Stonehenge. By the end of this essay, hopefully a solid conclusion will be found to be the most plausible answer for Stonehenges construction.

The moon, it has been a sight for all over time. Back long ago little was none of the reasons for an eclipses, it was thought to be a sing from the gods. In a society which worshiped gods for all the mysteries of the world, the eclipse must have been very special. The builders of Stonehenge must have been marveled at the sight of this holy event, which happened every four years. Most likely the great Stonehenge was built to be a prediction device for the eclipse. Many people have studied Stonehenge and many have found that the stones are mathematically placed to show when and eclipse might occur. In favor of this solution – that the Aubrey holes were used as a computer are these facts: the number 56 is the smallest number that measures the swing of the moon with an over-all accuracy of better than 3 days, and lunar cycles provide the only method of long-range eclipse prediction related to the seasons of the year.

So taking in to account that Stonehenge could predict eclipses another thought is that it was just used for predicting the full moon. The full moon meant new life, so perhaps they used Stonehenge for ceremonies to worship new life. Seasons changed, and the people of British Isles had no idea why all of a sudden the weather would begin to change and the day s length increase or decrease. That is why experts say that it was used to predict the winter and summer solstice and the spring and fall equinox. The earth moves around the sun in an orbit that is nearly a circle, and the axis of rotation of the earth maintains an effectively fixed direction. The orientation of the sun to the two hemispheres of the Earth changes during the year, and this change causes the seasons.

Stonehenge was not only, many other sites of similar age or older are linked to Stonehenge. There was the Cursus, and Woodhenge. Cursus meaning Course in Latin has similar features, which shows that Stonehenge was not by accident. Archaeologists think that the inner Woodhenge structure erected after the outlying ditch and bank were placed, probably by the same Secondary Neolithic people who started Stonehenge. Woodhenge, some say it was like a rough draft of the monument, built to exact proportions from which builders could use while constructing the stone version. Another reason for Woodhenge is that it was used for housing for the men who built Stonehenge. With that in mind, you can draw the conclusion that the constructors cared for the people building their structure. To support that theory, objects like pottery and household odds and ends have been found showing us that a few people did live there at one point in time.

Back when Stonehenge was built people had no way of telling the time. Perhaps the Druids wished to keep records of events. Stonehenge is said by some to be one widespread sundial, a clock used in ancient times. When the sun rises it casts a shadow though an opening in the one side of Stonehenge, the day passes and the shadow move across the middle showing the druids the time of day.

Of course when researching anything you come across facts and fiction. Stories say that Stonehenge was associated with Merlin and King Arthur.

In the realm of purer myth, there may be more than engineering connection between Merlin and Stonehenge. Some mythographers have thought that the name Merlin is a corruption of the name of the ancient Celtic sky god Myrddin, who might have been worshiped at stone monuments. There is a story, which credits Merlin for creating Stonehenge by transporting the stones from Ireland by magic, and that he and King Arthur are both buried under the great stones. Although many stories say this to be true, that is all they are . Stories. Merlin was a character made up in a time when the British needed a reason to believe in their importance, Stonehenge has nothing to do with the make believe wizard.

And finally, the idea that it was used for ancient sacrifice by the druids to there gods. This is a logical idea, do to the facts presented by the construction of Stonehenge. The Alter Stone is the stone in the middle of the circle of stones this would have been ideal for a sacrifice of any kind, and the alignment of the stones look like pillars in a temple which means this could just as well been a temple.

Stonehenge really boggles the mind when you look at all the possibilities it holds. Where the people back then so intelligent that they knew how to predict seasons and eclipses, or were they religious cult members using it as a horrid sacrificial temple. For all we know Merlin did just make it appear out of nowhere, this is all very vague. But this essay was to give an educated guess about What was the purpose of Stonehenge? From the information I found there are many ways I could go. The two most realistic were the temple and eclipse prediction theories. I m going to go with the eclipse theory, there are two many coincidences for it to have just been an accident, they must have been an advanced civilization which understood the most complicated mathematics and building techniques. It is not so unrealistic to assume this, we know so little about the culture back then who says that they couldn t have figured it out. So in conclusion, I believe the purpose of Stonehenge was to predict the appearance of eclipses, do to their beliefs an eclipse was a sign from the gods that perhaps they had done something wrong and by worshiping it they could make it right. Stonehenge is truly the greatest mystery in the world, I hope they find out what it was truly for someday.

Стоунхендж (Stonehenge) топик по английскому

Стоунхендж (Stonehenge) топик по английскому, который рассказывает об уникальном доисторическом архитектурном памятнике, который находится в английском графстве Уилтшир. Благодаря топику по английскому Стоунхендж (Stonehenge) вы сможете узнать, как выглядит этот загадочный монумент, а также когда и из каких материалов он был построен. Возможно, благодаря топику на английском языке Стоунхендж (Stonehenge) у вас возникнет желание посетить Англию и увидеть памятник своими глазами.


Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument in Wiltshire, England. Its construction started in about 3000 B.C. and consisted of several phases.

About 5000 years ago the first stones were transported to Salisbury Plain, where the monument stands now.
We can only wonder about the purpose of Stonehenge. The historians believe that it was a sanctuary. According to another hypothesis it could have been an astronomical observatory.

The mystery of the monument attracts a lot of tourists, who want to see Stonehenge with their own eyes and to take pictures. This place is especially popular on June 21 when people celebrate the longest day of the year.


Стоунхендж – это доисторический памятник, который находится в графстве Уилтшир, Англия. Его постройка началась примерно в 3000 году до нашей эры и состояла из нескольких этапов.

Примерно 5000 лет назад первые камни были привезены на Солсбери-Плейн, где сейчас находится монумент.
О целях постройки Стоунхенджа мы можем только догадываться. Историки полагают, что он являлся святилищем. Согласно другой гипотезе это могла быть астрономическая обсерватория.

Тайна монумента привлекает многих туристов, которые хотят увидеть Стоунхендж своими глазами и сделать фотографии. Это место пользуется особой популярностью 21 июня, когда отмечается самый длинный день в году.


Stonehenge is the most famous prehistoric monument in Britain. It is located in the middle of Salisbury Plain, to the northwest of Southampton. Even now, nearly 4000 years after it was built, large numbers of tourists come to see it, especially on June 21 when the sun rises immediately over the Hell Stone of the circle and casts its shadow on the Altar Stone in the middle. But what does it all mean, and who were the people who built it?

It was started about 2700 B.C. by the late Neolithic people ( or people of the Stone Age). Then Somewhere around 2000 B.C. the Beaker people continued to build it. The people were named Beakers by the archaeologists when they found many pottery vessels in their graves. Stonehange was built at various stages, and was finished at about 1500 B.C. Its older part is the outer ditch and circular bank. Inside the bank there were 56 pits which are known as the Aubrey Holes after their discoverer, John Aubrey. Later a double semicircle of Bluestones was put up, and these stones were brought from the mountains in Wales by land, sea and river. At about 2000 B.C. the Bluestones were removed, and two double circles were built.

Today people wonder how these vast stones were transported so far and erected. Some people believe that they were transported by sledge, and were erected by using a lever and piled up timber. The lintel stones(horizontal ones) were raised and put into position over the two vertical stones. So we see that ancient people were very clever, and could construct huge monuments though they did not have machines. But what was Stonehenge used for? Over the years many theories have appeared and people continue to present their versions.

One speculation is that its builders were sun-worshippers and that the monument was a temple to the Sun. On the other hand, many scientists believe that it was used as a calendar to establish a fixed point in the year from which the annual calendar could be counted. Howerever, the most interesting theory is that of Professor Gerald Hawkins. He filmed the sunrise and showed that the sun rose exactly over the Altar Stone. He also proved that the stone circle could contain other exact astronomical measurements. Hawkins found that by using the 56 Aubrey Holes outside the stone circle, Stonehenge could be used as a very exact computer to forecast the time of the next eclipse.


Stonehenge Legends.


There are probably hundreds of myths and legends about Stonehenge. Various people have attributed the building of this great megalith to the Danes, Romans, Saxons, Greeks, Atlanteans, Egyptians, Phoenicians Celts, King Aurelius Ambrosious, Merlin, and even Aliens. There is one legend which is quite funny. According to it the devil built it in one single night.
He flew backwards and forwards between Ireland and Salisbury Plain carrying the stones one by one, and putting them in place. While he worked he laughed to himself because he knew that doing so people would have to think how the stones were brought to the site. But a friar or monk who was hiding in a ditch nearby saw this. He surprised the devil and made him very angry. The devil took a stone and threw it hitting the friar on the heel. According to this legend the stone which the devil threw is known as the "heel stone". It still can be seen standing by the side of the road and it really has the form of the heel of a shoe. As for the stones geologists have shown that the stones were brought by the ancient people as far away as from south Wales and north Wiltshire, and not from Ireland.

Привет, друзья. Побывать в Англии мечтают многие туристы — большинство достопримечательностей этой страны являются самыми узнаваемыми в мире. Биг-Бен, Тауэрский мост – кто не знает эти названия? Знаменитую английскую любовь к порядку можно оценить даже в парках и ботанических садах этой страны – они содержаться в идеальной чистоте, расположение клумб и аллей в них безупречно спроектировано.

Достопримечательности Англии – примеры текстов

The Lake District (Озёрный край)

The Lake District

It is the largest of the United Kingdom’s National Parks. The place, also known as the Lakes or Lakeland, is a popular vacation area, which is located in North West England.

The Lakeland is a mountains region. This area is popular for the local lakes and mountains and also its associations with the early 19th century English poetry. The Lake District history goes back to the Stone Age. Anglo-Saxons, Romans and Vikings used the area for farming, and throughout the middle ages local farms had a good history. From the 16th century mining began to outdo farming as the main industry of the area. The Lakeland really started to be appreciated for its natural beauty only in the 19 th century. And the Lake District National Park was created in 1951.


Это крупнейший национальный парк Великобритании. Это местечко, также известное как Озера или Озерная страна (Лэйкленд), — популярное место отдыха, расположенное на северо-западе Англии.

Stonehenge (Стоунхендж)


Stonehenge is a prehistoric ritual monument which is situated on Salisbury Plain in south-western England. It is one of the world’s most famous monuments.

Stonehenge was built over many hundreds of years. Experts believe that the monument was constructed in the late Neolithic Age and the Bronze Age (from 3000 BC to 2000 BC). The Stonehenge-monument consists of thirty sarsen stones and they can be seen from miles around. The stones are 4 m high above the ground and they form a circle which is 33 m in diameter.

We may never know exactly why the monument was built, but people probably gathered there for religious ceremonies. Now Stonehenge is added to the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.


Стоунхендж – доисторический ритуальный монумент, расположенный на равнине Солсбери, в юго-восточной Англии. Это один из известнейших в мире памятников.

Стоунхендж был построен много лет назад. Эксперты предполагают, что памятник возводили в века Позднего Неолита и Бронзовой эры (с 3000 по 2000 г. до н.э.) Монумент-Стоунхендж состоит тридцати сарсеновых камней их видно за многие мили вокруг. Камни достигают высоты над землей более 4 метров, и образуют круг диаметром 33 метра.

Возможно, мы никогда не узнаем для чего строился этот монумент, но, вероятно, люди собирались здесь для проведения ритуальных обрядов. Сейчас Стоунхендж внесен в список объектов всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО.

Windsor Castle (Замок в Виндзоре)

Windsor Castle

It is an ancient castle, one of the residences of the monarch family. The building is situated at Windsor in south-eastern England. Every year the royal family lives in the castle for one of the months of spring. Therefore, it is the largest inhabited castle in the world.

Windsor Castle was built in the 11th century by William the Conqueror. The castle is located on a hill and occupies 5 hectares of ground above the south bank of the River Thames. The castle’s court comprises two building complexes that are separated by the Round Tower, which is visible for many miles over the surrounding flatland. The court west of the Round Tower is called the lower ward and the court to the east is called the upper ward.


Это старинный замок, одна из резиденций монаршей семьи. Здание находится в городе Виндзор, в юго-восточной Англии. Каждый год королевская семья живет в замке на протяжении одного из весенних месяцев. Таким образом, это крупнейший жилой замок в мире.

Виндзорский был построен Вильгельмом Завоевателем в 11 веке. Замок расположен на холме и занимает 5 гектаров земли на южном береге Темзы. Замковый двор включает в себя два комплекса зданий, разделенных Круглой Башней, которая видна на многие километры вокруг. Двор к западу от Круглой Башни называется Нижним, а к востоку – Верхним.

Edinburgh Castle (Эдинбургский замок)

Edinburgh Castle

It is an ancient fortress in Scotland and one of the oldest fortified places in the whole Europe. Nowadays, Edinburgh Castle has become a national icon. This castle is the most famous Scotland’s tourist attraction: over 2 million persons visited the castle last year.

This building is located on the Castle Rock, the summit of which is 135 meters above sea level. The rock formed after a volcano erupted over 340 million years ago. On this place castle has a very good strategic position and can only be easily approached from one side. Therefore, the Castle Rock had been a military base and royal residence for centuries. However, the edifice that is known as Edinburgh Castle was built by David I only in the 12th century. The fortress was a tribute to his devout mother.


Эдинбургский замок – античная крепость в Шотландии и одна из старейших фортификаций во всей Европе. В наши дни Эдинбургская крепость стала национальной иконой. Этот замок считается самой знаменитой туристической достопримечательностью Шотландии: за прошлый год замок посетили более 2 миллионов человек.

Здание расположено на Замковой Скале, вершина которой достигает высоты в 135 метров над уровнем моря. Эта гора образовалась в результате извержения вулкана, произошедшего более 340 миллионов лет назад. В этом месте замок имеет очень хорошую стратегическую позицию, и легко подойти к нему можно только с одной стороны. Поэтому, Замковая скала была военной базой и королевской резиденцией на протяжении многих столетий. Однако, здание, известное как Эдинбургский замок, было возведено Давидом Первым только в 12 веке. Крепость стала посвящением его почившей матери.

Canterbury Cathedral (Собор в Кентербери)

Canterbury Cathedral

It is an oldest English cathedral located in Canterbury. The official name of this church is Cathedral and Metropolitical Church of Christ at Canterbury.

In 597 this church was established by Saint Augustine of Canterbury. It was rebuilt twice: after the Danish attack (in 1013) and after the Norman conquest (in 1066). That’s why the cathedral is also one of the main examples of mediaeval Norman architecture in Britain. In 1174, a fire almost completely destroyed the church. Later William of Sens, famous architect from France, reconstructed the building.

The Cantebury Cathedral is the first Gothic cathedral in England. Architecture of the edifice is very peculiar. The church is long and low, with a roofline broken by the central tower and the lower western towers. The Gothic architectural style added the building the famous height and larger windows. Thus, the cathedral can be considered the result of the fusion between three mediaeval architectural styles: Norman, Romanesque and English Gothic.


Это старинный английский собор, расположившийся в Кентербери. Официальное название церкви звучит следующим образом: Собор и Митрополитская Церковь Христа в Кентербери.

В 597 году эта церковь была основана Святым Августином Кентерберийским. После она была перестроена дважды: в связи с нападением датчан в 1013 году и после нормандского завоевания в 1066 году. Именно по этой причине собор также является одним из главных примеров средневековой нормандской архитектуры в Британии. В 1174 году пожар почти полностью уничтожил собор. Позже Уильям Сенс, архитектор из Франции, реконструировал здание.

Кентерберийский собор – это первый готический собор в Англии. Архитектура здания очень своеобразна. Церковь приниженная и длинная, с линией крыши, изрезанной центральной башней и нижними западными башнями. Готический стиль архитектуры добавил зданию знаменитую высоту и вытянутые окна. Таким образом, собор можно считать результатом слияния трех средневековых архитектурных стилей: нормандского, романского и английской готики.

Поездка в Лондон самостоятельно: советы туристу в Англии

Достопримечательности Англии настолько многочисленные и разнообразные, что составлять график их посещения и осмотра следует заранее. В особенности, если ваша поездка не будет продолжаться длительный срок.


Stonehenge is a monument to the pre — celtic civilization. Rude and majestic, this monument stands on Salisbury Plain. According to the data from the English Heritage its constuction started in about 3000 B.C. and consisted of several phases (see pictures below ).

Now we can see the semi-circular ruin. It is all that was left from that circular gigantic structure. Have you ever thought that some ancient architects just played cards? They put huge stones on perpendicular props so that the whole structure looks like houses built of playing cards. The horisontal slabs seem be soaring — whence the name of the structure, the “Hanging Stones” that is “Stonehenge”.

Stonehenge or the Hanging Stones (in pictures)

We take pictures of it and still wonder about its purpose. It can’t have been a fortification because it doesn’t look like that. Could it be a place of worship, a sanctuary? The historians beleived so and the cult had been probably the suncult. Although there is a hypothesis that it could have been an astronomical observatory, as the geometrical form of the structure suggests that. All these guesses may be close to the truth because ancient priests were sure to need the astronomical data to control their believers.

Мы фотографируем Стоунхендж и думаем, с какой целью было построено это сооружение. Могло это быть военным укреплением? Непохоже. Место поклонения богам? Святилище? Историки полагают, что так оно и было, и поклонялись здесь богу солнца. Хотя существует гипотеза, что это была астрономическая обсерватория, в пользу этого говорит геометрическая форма конструкции. Все эти догадки недалеки от истины, ведь древние жрецы нуждались в помощи солнца и звезд, чтобы вселять веру в свое могущество.

Трудно представить, как такие громадные глыбы можно было поставить в горизонтальное положение. Но видимо древние люди были достаточно умны. Ниже вы увидите, как они это сделали. Читайте дальше)))

Хотите узнать, как был построен Стоунхендж?

  1. Они насыпали холм.
  2. Они затащили камни на холм и опустили их в ямы.
  3. Они выровняли положение камней с помощью канатов.
  4. Они положили сверху каменные перемычки.
  5. Горизонтальные перемычки были соединены особым образом.

Удивительно просто, не так ли?

How Stonehenge was built (in pictures)

1. How Stonehenge was built. The first steps (1-3)

  • They built a mound on the ground.
  • They pulled slabs up to the mound and put them into the long pits.
  • They level the position upright.

How Stonehenge was built

2. How Stonehenge was built. The next steps (4-5)

  • They put the lintels on the ground and joined them.
  • They connected the lintels in a special way.

How the Stonehenge was built

Stonehenge at different times. History

I. Stonehenge 3100 B.C.

Stonehenge 3100 B.C.

The Illustration by Solovyev A.G.

II. Stonehenge 2100 B.C.

Stonehenge 2100 B.C.

The Illustration by Solovyev A.G.

III. Stonehenge 1500 B.C.

Stonehenge 1550 B.C.

The Illustration by Solovyev A.G.

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