The famous actors in kazakhstan план урока

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Презентация на тему: " Famous actors and actresses!. Meruert Utekesheva She was born in She graduated from the Institute of Arts named after Kurmangazy in She has." — Транскрипт:

1 Famous actors and actresses!

2 Meruert Utekesheva She was born in She graduated from the Institute of Arts named after Kurmangazy in She has been an actress of the Kazakh Academic Drama Theatre named after Auezov since Being the tenth grade, she was invited to the role of Zhibek. And on the day when in the cinema "Kazakhstan" began a demonstration of the film "Kyz Zhibek", playing the main roles, Meruert Utekesheva and Kuman Tastanbekov celebrated their wedding.

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1. Тақырып бойынша студенттердің білімдерін жетілдіру. Кинолар, актерлер мен актрисалар жөнінде әңгіме өрбіту. Сөздердің айтылуын қайталай отырып, оқушылардың сөздік қорларын жетілдіру. Грамматикалық материал: much, many, little, few тақырыбын игеру.

2. Оқушылардың тыңдалым, сөйлеу, оқу және жазу қабілеттерін дамыту. Мәтін бойынша оқу дағдыларын дамыту.

3. Жан-жақты дамыған тұлға қалыптастыру. Оларды өз ойларын толық жеткізуге бағыттау.

Қазақстан Республикасының Білім және ғылым министрлігі

Техникалық және кәсіптік білім

Колледж директорының ОЖ

Тақырыбы: The Famous actors in Kazakhstan

Pronouns much, many, little, few

Оқытушы: Исатаева А.К.

Шет тілдер ПЦК-ң төрайымы Колледж әдіскері

_______ Г.У. Бекболатова ______ А.М. Кайырлиева

The Theme: The Famous actors in Kazakhstan. Pronouns much, many, little, few.

The aim of the lesson:

1. Тақырып бойынша студенттердің білімдерін жетілдіру. Кинолар, актерлер мен актрисалар жөнінде әңгіме өрбіту. Сөздердің айтылуын қайталай отырып, оқушылардың сөздік қорларын жетілдіру. Грамматикалық материал: much, many, little, few тақырыбын игеру.

2. Оқушылардың тыңдалым, сөйлеу, оқу және жазу қабілеттерін дамыту. Мәтін бойынша оқу дағдыларын дамыту.

3. Жан-жақты дамыған тұлға қалыптастыру. Оларды өз ойларын толық жеткізуге бағыттау.

Visual aids: textbooks, pictures, slides.

The procedure of the lesson

1. Organization moment

T: Good morning, students!

Cl: Good morning, teacher!

T: I am glad to see you. Sit down, please. Who is on duty today? Who is absent?

S1: I am on duty today. All are present.

T: Thank you, sit down.

T: Dear, students, today we have an unusual lesson. Our work will be interesting and useful. Please, be active and attentive. Now, if you are ready let’s begin our lesson. What was your home work?

S1: Our home work was to read the text about Mukhtar Auezov and to learn by heart the new words. I'll name Russian variant of the words you should translate

қайғылы тағдыр – tragical destiny

батылдану – to dare

туыстық жанжал – patrimonial conflict

экранда көрсету – to screen

ерекше талант– inimitable talent

Answer for the questions:

Who was Mukhtar Auezov? (was a Kazakh writer, a social activist, a Doctor of Philology, and an honored academic of the Soviet Union)

When and where was he born? (He was born on September 28, 1897 and raised in Semey (Kaskabulak).)

Where did he get his education? (His grandfather taught him how to read and write. Auezov was educated at the Semipalatinsk Teacher's Seminary and Leningrad State University.)

Say about Auezov’s first and earliest work. (The first play he authored was Enlik-Kebek, a story of two young lovers that resembles the story of Romeo and Juliet.)

What can you say about Mukhtar Auezov? (Auezov's other projects included drawing and translating literature into the Kazakh language. Auezov wrote numerous essays, short stories, and plays (many translated into other languages) in different genres.)

Now, let’s remember our last grammatical lesson: Synonyms and Antonyms

Match the words: Synonyms:

To dare – be brave enough

To seek – to look for

Match the words: Antonyms:

T: You already know a lot about movies. Answer my questions, please:

What types of films do you know?

What kind of films do you like? Why?

What is your favourite film?

Let’s write down the new words: the types of films

Adventure film – шытырман оқиғалы фильм

Black-and-white film – ақ-қара түсті фильм

Colour film – түрлі-түсті фильм

Documentary film – деректі фильм

Educational film – жалпы білімдік фильм

Feature film - көркем фильм

Crime film - детектив

Full-length film – толық метражды фильм

Short-length film – қысқа метражды фильм

Historical film - тарихи фильм

Dubbed film – дубляждалған фильм

Horror film – қорқынышты фильм

Mute film – дыбыссыз фильм

Science fiction film – ғылыми-фантастикалық фильм

Sound film - дыбыстық фильм

Star-studded film – жұлдызды фильм

Serial, soap operas - сериал (сентименталды фильм)

T: Now, students, look at the active board and match the names of these films with their types.

1. A funny film with a happy ending. A) a western

2. A film about cowboys and life in the wild west. B) a soap - opera

3. A film with lots of music and dance. C) a thriller

4. A film about crime and police. D) a horror

5. A film in which mysterious and frightening

thing shappen. E) a musical

6. Story of the daily life of a family. F) a comedy

T: Look at the active board and group them into three.

Classical jazz horror films science fiction

Western pop game - shows soap operas

Thrillers news comedy talk shows

music 2) TV programme 3) films

T: Let’s continue our new lesson. Today we’re going to talk about famous actors and actresses. So, what kind of famous films and kazakh actors or actresses do you know? Do you remember any films where she\he acted? Look at the Interactive Board.

Presentation of actors and actresses

T: Thanks, you are bright.

soap operas / cartoon / Western / horror / action / comedy / documentary

Filling in the blanks with the words given:

1. An … is a movie with a lot of fighting and it can be violent.

2. A … is a movie which is funny and makes us laugh.

3. A … film is a movie about ghosts.

4. A … is a movie which shows us real facts or events.

5. Romantic movies with a lot of series are called ….

6. … is a movie about American cowboys usually riding horses and wearing hats.

7. … is a movie with animations like Tom and Jerry.

Today our grammatical theme is pronouns (местоимения).

Местоимения "much" - много и "little" - мало употребляются с неисчисляемыми существительными (абстрактные понятия, вещества. ).

There is little milk in the cup.
В чашке мало молока.

We spend much time on this experiment.
Мы тратим много времени на этот эксперимент.

Do you have much money on you?
У тебя с собой много денег?

I have very little time.
У меня очень мало времени.

Местоимения "many"- много и "few" - мало употребляются только как определения к исчисляемым существительным во множественном числе.

They have many friends in London.
У них много друзей в Лондоне.

He has few friends. He is very lonely.
У него мало друзей. Он очень одинок.

There are many ways to solve this problem.
Существует много способов решения этой проблемы.

Сочетание "a few" означает "несколько" и употребляется только с исчисляемыми существительными, с неисчисляемыми существительными употребляется сочетание "a little", которое означает "немного".

I bought a few apples.
Я купил немного (несколько) яблок.

Will you give me a little water?
Не дадите ли вы мне немного воды?

Итак, местоимения "a few, a little" означают "немного, но достаточно", а местоимения "few, little" - "мало". Сравните:

I know a little about painting.
Я кое-что знаю о живописи.

I know little about painting.
Я мало знаю о живописи.

There are few flowers in my garden.
В моём саду мало (почти нет) цветов.

There are a few flowers in my garden.
В моём саду есть немного цветов.

Put the pronouns

1. Gaziza Abdinabieva played in … (много) roles .

2. Azat Seitmetov worked … (немного) in another area, and in 2003 returned to the troupe of M.Auezov.

3. Dulyga Akmolda performed … (несколько) roles from Kazakh classics and modern dramaturgy

4. She performed the role of "Karagoz", Tenge in, Zinaida, aunt Aisha and … (много) others.

5. The TV service is not very good. There are … (мало) good programmes.

6. Murat Nurasylov has always worked …(много) in the acting troupe of Academic Drama Theater named after M. Auezov.

7. I know … (мало) comedies.

8.This camera operator did … (несколько) frames.

9. This actor is not well-known. …(мало) people have heard of him.

Home task: T: Cinema combines different arts. That’s why people of different professions are involved in film making. You can see the words. Your task is to make the right sentences and write down on your copybooks.

a) a producer b) an actor c) a camera (operator) d) a stuntman e) a script (writer)

f) an actress g) a make-up (artist) h) a director

1.… is a man who looks through the camera, and operates the equipment.

2. is a man who pretends to be another person and acts in a film.

3.….is a woman who can make a new face for an actor.

4.…is a man who is the boss and tells everybody what to do.

5.…is a person who does all the dangerous things on the screen instead of actors.

6.…is a man who has general control of the money for a film but he doesn't direct the actors.

7.…is a man who writes scripts for films, shows.

8.… is a woman who pretends to be another person and acts in a film.

(Key: 1c 2b 3g 4h 5d 6a 7e 8f)

Now, I should give you marks. Thank you for the lesson. You’re free.

Meruert Utekesheva is merited Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, commander of the Order "Kurmet". She was born in the city of Uralsk.

In 1968 she graduated from high school №66 in Almaty and in the same year she was invited to the main role of the film "Kyz Zhibek".

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты
Автор: Менеева Жанна Муратовна это Вы?
Тип материала: Архив RAR (rar)
Размер: 11.11 Mb

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1. To enlarge students’ knowledge on the theme. Talking about movies, famous actors and actresses. to enrich vocabulary and to pay attention topronunciation. Revising the grammar material: Present Perfect Tense.

2. to develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

to improve speaking skills on the texts and project work.

3. to educate a comprehensive person. to teach them to share their own opinion.

Visual aids: textbooks, pictures, slides.

The procedure of the lesson

1. Organization moment

b) checking the absentees, home work.

c) introducing the pupils with the aim.

3. Speaking skills.

4. Writing section.

5. Revising the grammar material.

6. Listening skills.

8. Evaluation. Home work.

T: Good day, students!

Cl: Good day, teacher!

T: I am glad to see you. Sit down, please. Who is on duty today? Who is absent?

S1: I am on duty today. All are present.

T: Thank you, sit down.

T: Dear, students, today we have an unusual lesson. Our work will be interesting and useful. Please, be active and attentive. Now, if you are ready let’s begin our lesson. What was your home work?

S1: Our home work was Ex:2, retelling the text and learn the new words.

T: You already know a lot about movies. Let us brush up our knowledge of the new words.

What is the English for:

Басты рөлде ойнау -

Answer my questions, please:

What types of films do you know?

What kind of films do you like? Why?

What is your favourite film?

Let’s check your home work. Ex:2, retelling the text. P1, P2.

T: Now, students, look at the active board and match the names of these films with their types.

1. A funny film with a happy ending. A)a western

2. A film about cowboys and life in the wild west. B) a soap - opera

3. A film with lots of music and dance. C) a thriller

4. A film about crime and police. D) a horror

5. A film in which mysterious and frightening

thingshappen. E) a musical

6. Story of the daily life of a family. F) a comedy

T: Look at the active board and group them into three.

Classical jazz horror films science fiction

Western pop game - shows soap operas

Thrillers news comedy talk shows

1)music 2) TV programme 3) films

T: Let’s begin our new lesson. Today we’re going to talk about famous actors and actresses. Open your books on page 140. Step 2 Famous actors and actresses.

So, what kind of famous actors or actresses do you know?

What kind of Kazakh famous actors do you know?

Look at these new words and read

Quiet - тыныш, сабырлы

T: Now, students, look at these questions and make your project work ‘My favourite film star’

Who is your favourite film star?

What do you know about him/her?

What do you know about his/her family?

What is the best film he/she acted in?

T: Thanks, you are bright.

So, look at this photo.

1)What is her name?

2) Do you remember any films where she acted?

Ex: 3p140. Read and translate the text about Keira Knightley.

Ex:4p141. Write questions.

When was she born?

Весь материал – смотрите документ.

Содержимое разработки

Тилеуова Габира Ануаровна учитель английского языка.

Республика Казахстан, город Кызылорда, сш №235

The plan of the lesson

The theme of the lesson: Step2. Famous actors and actresses.

The aim of the lesson: 1. To enlarge students’ knowledge on the theme. Talking about movies,famous actors and actresses. to enrich vocabulary and to pay attention topronunciation. Revising the grammar material: Present Perfect Tense.

2. to develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

to improve speaking skills on the texts and project work.

3. to educate a comprehensive person. to teach them to share their own opinion.

Visual aids: textbooks, pictures, slides.

The procedure of the lesson

b) checking the absentees, home work.

c) introducing the pupils with the aim.

3. Speaking skills.

4. Writing section.

5. Revising the grammar material.

6. Listening skills.

8. Evaluation. Home work.

T: Good day, students!

Cl: Good day, teacher!
T: I am glad to see you. Sit down, please. Who is on duty today? Who is absent?

S1: I am on duty today. All are present.

T: Thank you, sit down.

T: Dear, students, today we have an unusual lesson. Our work will be interesting and useful. Please, be active and attentive. Now, if you are ready let’s begin our lesson. What was your home work?

S1: Our home work was Ex:2, retelling the text and learn the new words.

T: You already know a lot about movies. Let us brush up our knowledge of the new words.

What is the English for:

Басты рөлде ойнау-

Answer my questions, please:

What types of films do you know?

What kind of films do you like? Why?

What is your favourite film?

Let’s check your home work. Ex:2, retelling the text. P1, P2.

T: Now, students, look at the active board and match the names of these films with their types.

1.A funny film with a happy ending. A)a western

2. A film about cowboys and life in the wild west. B) a soap-opera

3. A film with lots of music and dance. C) a thriller

4. A film about crime and police. D) a horror

5. A film in which mysterious and frightening

thingshappen. E) a musical

6.Story of the daily life of a family. F) a comedy

T: Look at the active board and group them into three .

Classical jazz horror films science fiction

Western pop game-shows soap operas

Thrillers news comedy talk shows

1)music 2) TV programme 3) films

T: Let’s begin our new lesson. Today we’re going to talk about famous actors and actresses. Open your books on page 140. Step 2 Famous actors and actresses.

So, what kind of famous actors or actresses do you know?

What kind of Kazakh famous actors do you know?

Look at these new words and read

T: Now, students, look at these questions and make your project work ‘My favourite film star’

Who is your favourite film star?

What do you know about him/her?

What do you know about his/her family?

What is the best film he/she acted in?

T: Thanks, you are bright.

So, look at this photo.

1)What is her name?

2) Do you remember any films where she acted?

Ex: 3p140. Read and translate the text about Keira Knightley.

Ex:4p141. Write questions.

When was she born?

How long has she lived in London?

Which film did she become famous for?

Why did she have problems at school?

What is one of the most famous films where she acted in?

T: Let’s revise our grammar.

What can you say about Present Perfect Tense?

S1: Present Perfect Tense(Аяқталған осы шақ)

Present Perfect Tense шағы болған оқиғаның, іс-әрекеттің нәтижесі туралы айтқанда қолданылады., яғни іс-әрекеттің бұрында басталып, сөйлеу уақытында жалғасатынын білдіреді. Since, for сөздерімен қолданылады.

Жаласу жолы: have+ Past Participle (V3)(V+ed)

Мысалы: My father has worked as a teacher since 1993.

T: According to this grammar rule let’s do ex:6p141

Read the text about Orlando Bloom and choose the correct verb form.

Ex:8p142. Compare the two actors. Find similarities and differences.

1.She was born in 1983.

2. She has an older brother.

3. She left school when she was 15.

1.They are both actors.

2. They both live in England.

3. They were both dyslexic.

4. They have made 11 films since then.

5. They are both famous actors in Hollywood.

1.He was born in 1977.

2. He has a sister.

3. He left school when he was 16.

T: Let’s do the grammar exercise. Look at the active board and put the verbs in the Present Perfect or the Past Simple.

a)I ___(not read) his latest book. (haven’t read)

b) My great grandmother ___ (live) in Italy. (lived)

c) (you visit) ___ India?

d) Amazing news! Scientists ___ (discover) a new planet. (have discovered)

e) I ___ (never enjoy) a holiday as much as this one. (have never enjoyed)

T: Look at the active board

Ex:9p142. Which of these adjectives can describe him?

Sad, brave, funny, tall, creative, moody, talkative, calm, quiet.

S1: Jackie Chan is funny, brave, creative actor.

T: Now, students, listen to the texts from a tape-recorder and match the names of these actors with the information about them.

1.He was born on April 7, 1954, in British Hong Kong. He was nicknamed Pao-Pao Chinese, because the high-energy child was always rolling around. He is Hong Kong actor, action choreographer, comedian, director, producer, martial artist, screenwriter, singer. He played in this movies: All in Family, Snake in the Eagle’s Shadow, The Young Master and Dragon Lord and other. Who is he?

2. He was born in June 9, 1963. He is an American actor, film producer, and musician. He was won the Golden Globe Award and Screen actors Guild Award for Best actor. He played in Pirates of the Caribbean, The Curse of the Black Pearl, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and other. What is his name?

3. He was born in December 18.1963. He is an American actor and film producer. He has received five Academy Award nominations and five Golden Globe Award nominations. He played in Mr. and Mrs Smith, Interview with the Vampire, Ocean’s eleven6 and other. Who is he?

4. He was born in November 11. 1974 in Los Angeles, California. He has five time nominee for Oscar Awards, twice awarded the Golden Globe. He played in Romeo + Juliet, Titanic, Beach, Catch me if you can, and other. What is his name?

5. He was born in Newmarket, Ontario, in January 17, 1962. He is a Canadian American actor, comedian, and producer. He has received four Golden Globe Award nominations. He played in Ace Venture, The Mask, and other. Guess what is his name?

T: Thank you. You are bright.

Look at the fragments of different films.

And say the titles, types of these films.

‘Titanic’ –(drama, love story)

‘Harry Potter’-(adventure and mysterious)

‘Twilight’- (mysterious and horror)

‘Madagascar’- (a cartoon)

T: Write down your home task is Step3 ex:13p143, retelling the text.

I think you have enjoyed the lesson. You were very active and bright. I’ll give you good marks.

The lesson in over. Good bye!


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