Our world time for clil план урока 1 класс

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

На сегодняшний день это один из самых интересных и распространенных подходов к обучению иностранному языку.

С одной стороны, эта методика делает изучение языка прикладным, так как язык применяется для решения конкретных задач познания окружающего мира.

С другой стороны, изучение языка приобретает целенаправленную форму, что помогает развивать и совершенствовать языковые компетенции и навыки естественной устной речи.

Что же представляет из себя урок по методике CLIL , и чем он смог завоевать признание большого количества педагогов по всему миру?

Рассмотрим структуру урока по CLIL.

Урок по CLIL включает следующие компоненты (так называемые четыре C):

Этот компонент направлен на формирование межкультурных знаний учащихся.

• CONTENT(Содержание) стимулирует развитие знаний и умений по изучаемой предметной области.

Данный компонент нацелен на достижение максимально эффективного общения на иностранном языке, осознанном и свободном использовании иностранного языка в повседневном общении.

• СOGNITION (Познание) стимулирует развитие мышления и творческого потенциала учащегося.

Методика CLIL стимулирует ученика на учебу в целом, давая ему возможность расширять кругозор, осознавать и развивать свои способности как на изучаемом, так и на родном языках.

Она позволяет значительно повысить мотивацию учащихся к изучению иностранных языков, формирует знание и принятие других культур и ценностей, развивает и совершенствует коммуникативные компетенции через изучение иностранного языка.

Предлагаю вашему вниманию урок по методике предметно-языкового интегрированного обучения в 4 классе МБОУ НОШ №9, Сергиево-Посадского г.о.

Тип урока: CLI L (интегрированный).

Межпредметные связи: Окружающий мир.

Рассмотрим данный урок с точки зрения структуры CLIL :

Вопросы, которые ставятся и решаются на уроке в рамках предметной области, следующие:

- Почему так важна тема погоды в нашей жизни?

- rain and snow (осадки в виде снега и дождя)

- temperature (температура воздуха)

- nature changes with the seasons (изменения природы в разное время года).

Планируя содержание, необходимо учитывать возраст, интерес, а также уровень знаний учащихся по данному предмету на родном языке.

На уроке организуется коммуникативное взаимодействие учащихся для совместного достижения планируемых результатов.

На данном этапе происходит развитие мышления, умения формулировать свою мысль, расширение словарного запаса, развитие памяти.

С целью формирования страноведческой компетенции в ходе занятия учащимся будет предложено прочитать и сопоставить информацию о погоде в России и США , а на основании полученной информации составить небольшое высказывание о погоде своего края.

Ниже приведена технологическая карта урока по данной теме.

Технологическая карта урока английского языка в 4 классе

Тип урока: CLI L (интегрированный).

Межпредметные связи: Окружающий мир.

Цель урока: 1)Ввести новый материал и проверить его усвоение.

2) Формировать УУД:

- личностные: развивать способность к самопознанию;

- познавательные: развивать логику и мышление, умения проектной деятельности;

- регулятивные: освоение способов решения проблем поискового характера,освоение метода языковой догадки;

- коммуникативные: планировать совместную деятельность.

познавательные: формирование представлений об окружающем мире, живой и неживой природе, погоде на изучаемом языке;

коммуникативные: осознанно строить речевое высказывание в соответствии с задачами коммуникации.

2.S3 use a limited range of basic words, phrases and short sentences to
describe objects, activities and classroom routines
2.R1 read and spell out words for others
2.UE6 use demonstrative pronouns this, these, that, those to make and
respond to requests for information
2.L1 understand a range of short basic supported classroom instructions
2.L4 recognize with support short basic questions relating to features
such color as and number

Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:

• understand a range of short basic supported classroom instructions
Most learners will be able to:
• identify at least 10 words from the list of body parts vocabulary
• write all the words and match at least some of them
Some learners will be able to:
• identify 2 and more words from the list of food vocabulary
•use demonstrative pronouns this, these, that, those to make and respond
to requests for information

План урока на тему Our World-Time for CLIL для 1 класса.

Содержимое разработки

Long-term plan unit:

Module 5. My food

School: 270

Date: 14.02.2017

Teacher name: Tugelbayeva Aiymzhan

Grade: 1

Number present:

Theme of the lesson: Our world – Time for CLIL

Learning objectives that this lesson is contributing to

S5 consolidate food and drink items;

R1 recognise and identify some familiar sight words from local environment ;

L2 recognise with support a limited range of basic common personal questions spoken slowly and distinctly;

W2 Learners given worksheet with letters to overwrite.

UE9 learn about food from the USA, Kazakhstan and Turkey.

Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to:

To understand the difference between fruit and vegetables.

Success criteria

Learners have met the learning objective (R1) if they can:

To explore other subject areas (Science)

Value links

Cross-curricular links

Using videos& pictures with URL

Previous learning

Planned timings

Planned activities

5 mins

Teacher greets students; students respond to greeting and take their places.

The aim of the activity is for each pupil to remember what the previous pupil has said and add one extra food item, so that a “chain” is formed. The pupil who breaks the “chain” either by forgetting one item or his/her own, is out of the chain or pays a forfeit with mimes an action etc. then the game starts again.

Ex: Pupil 1: I like bananas.

Pupil 2: I like bananas and apples;

Pupil 3: I like bananas, apples and pears. Etc.

Activity 1. Project time

Refer the pupils to the project and the picture. Tell the pupils that they are going to draw or attach photos of a food item they like. Refer them to the sentences. Tell them to present their projects to the class.

Ex: I like chicken. Yummy!

Activity 2.

Hand out the Plasticine to the pupils. The pupils use it to make their favourite fruit or vegetables. Then they talk about it.

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Short term plan

LESSON: Our World – Time for CLIL

School:№ 13

Teacher name: Abdurakhmanova D.

Number present:

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

1. to choose a story about a bus for which you can get hold of visual and story sequences to project

2. encourange learner engagement with the story through this process of collective class telling.

3. focus learner on a particular point in the story and where the characters are.

1L1.Recognize short instructions for basic classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly

1S1. Make basic personal statements and simple statements about objects

1L3.Recognize with support simple greetings

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Sing a song’’ Hello!

To learn about famous characters

To learn about primary and secondary colours.

Most learners will be able to:

Pronunciation simple words with teacher’s support

Some learners will be able to:

Make simple dialogue with teacher’s support

To explore other subject areas(Art)

Success criteria

Pupils achieve if:

Can pronounce words

Previous learning

Ask the pupils to present their project from the previous lesson.


Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

Learners are introduced with the lesson objectives

/D/ Organize the lesson

Greetings Hello, Good morning pupils!

How are you? Fine, thanks. Sit down.

Warm up. Brain storming.

We are wonderful!

/D/ Teacher demonstrates and drills basic transports, prepositions of place using visual at board.

What was your homework for today?

(Activities to revise the vocabulary from the previous lesson.)

Our world

(Activities to familiarize the pupils with famous characters from different parts of the world.)

Listen and point

Pupils’ books closed. Put up the world map. If you haven’t got one, you can download the countries’ maps from the internet. Point to the UK and say: This is UK. Ask the pupils to tell you what they know about this country, e. g. capital city, flag, famous people, etc. follow the same procedure with the USA and Japan.

Pupils’ books open. Refer the pupils to the pictures of the different characters. Elicit the characters’ names. Play the CD. The pupils listen and point to the pictures. Play the CD again pausing after each sentence. The pupils repeat, chorally and or individually.

Audio script

This is Winnie the Pooh, my favouritecharacters .

This is Superman, my favourite characters.

This is Tazshabala, my favourite characters.

Draw your favourite characters. Present it to the class.

Explain the activity. The pupils draw and present their favourite characters. Make sure you display their drawings somewhere in the classroom. Alternatively, explain the activity and assign it as homework. The pupils can find pictures of theirfavourite characters online. Once the pupils have presented their drawings/ pictures, help them file their drawings in their Language Portfolios.

Suggested answer key

This is Scart, my favourite characters.

/P/ /f/ Colouring / colour quiz

Learner given worksheet with the outline of recognizable objects e.g. Kazakh flag, traffic lights, zebra, ladybird and have to agree with another learners what colour to colour things. In feedback learners say colours.

/G/ Group learners given an image of colours and cut-outs of key characters. Check learners are familiar with all names.

Use animation flashcards:

/W/ use a visual presentation of objects complete with colours for feedback

Examples: What colour is it? - It is red.

White [wa ι t] - белый Red [red] – красный

Black [blæk] - черный

Yellow [‘jel ә u] – желтый Green [gr ι :n] - зеленый

Blue [blu:] – синий Orange [‘Ɔr ι nʤ] - оранжевый
lightblue [la
ι tblu:] – голубой

Purple [‘p ә :pl] – фиолетовый Grey [gre ι ] - серый
Violet [‘va
ι ә l ι t] – фиолетовый

Pink [p ι ŋk] – розовый Brown [braun] - коричневый

/W/ Learners listen and sing along to an animation of the song. Get learners performing gestures to accompany the lyrics of the song-

Song: The wheels on the bus go round and round. London city.

/W/ /f/ Then learners make up the clusters. Learners move the characters.

Explain the learners that they are going to describe the jobs in the following list but without saying the name of the job and explain their choices.

/W/ Learners listen and sing along to an animation of the song. Get learners performing gestures to accompany the lyrics of the song – What colouris ….

/I/ Blindfold activity involing dressed/costumed stuffed toys. Blindfolded learner given three of five stuffed toys that the whole class has seen and has to point and say the colours of different items on them e.g. pointing to a panda’s ear, learner says

Find the crosswords:


/G/ Repeating the theme with group learners given an image of the colours and cut-outs of key characters. Check learners are familiar with all names.

Examples: What colour is it? - It is red.

What colour is it?-It is blue.

What colour is it?-It is green.

What colour is it?- It is yellow.

What colour is it?- It is white.

Find the colours:

Time for CLIL

(Activities to learn about primary and secondary colours)

Sing the Mixing Colours song!

Pupils’ books closed. Write the following on the board: red, yellow, blue. Explain to the pupils. In L 1 if necessary, that these colours exist on their own. We do not create them by mixing other colours (Primary). When we mix these colourstogether,however, we create some other colours (Secondary). Put up the Mixing Colours poster on the board. Point to the primary colours, one at a time, and name them. Point to the secondary colours and elicit their names.

Pupils’ books open. Point to the first set of colours and say: red and yellow. Yellow and red. What do you get? Have the pupils repeat after you. then say: Orange! Have thepupils repeat after you. follow the same procedure and present the rest of the song.

Play the CD. The pupils listen to the song. Divide the class into three groups and assign a verse to each group. Play the CD again. The groups sing the assigned verse. Time permitting, play the song a third time For the pupils to sing the song as a class.

Audio script

Red and yellow, yellow and red

What do you get? What do you get?

Blue and yellow, yellow and blue.

What do you get? What do you get?

Red and blue, blue and red

What do you get? What do you get?

(See the introduction for further ideas on how to exploit the songs.)


Explain the activity. The pupils look at the colour combinations and colour in the missing colours. Allow the pupils some time a complete the activity. Check their answers.

Have you rest?

Listen and sing a song

(An activity to consolidate the language of the lesson)

(before going into class)

Photocopy the colour wheel template from the Teacher’s Resource Pack CDD-ROM, one per pupil.

Hand out the color wheels. Ask the pupils to color them in. the color wheel can help them remember primary and secondary colors. The secondary colors are in between the primary ones. For example, the primary colours of red and blue point together will produce the secondary colour purple. For practice, say two primary colours and ask a pupil to tell you the secondary colour we get when we mix these two colours together.

The song “Good bye”

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Cross-curricular links
Health and safety check
ICT links
Values links

More support:

 Provide less ablelearners with the foursentences written on aworksheet so they canlisten and read.
 Create mixedability groups fordiscussion. Ensure they
are not always in the roleof timekeeper.

More able learners:
 At start of lesson, theythink of several reasonswhy pictures could be theodd one out.
 They sharefurther facts about naturaldisasters.

 Monitor learners to checkthey can pick up specificdetails when listening tofacts reported from map,facts about naturaldisasters; detail fromvideo. Note those who
found listening for detailhard.
 Observe learners whenparticipating in discussion.Did the group dynamicswork? Did each learnercontribute to theiscussion? If not, whynot? (e.g. didn’tunderstand what to do; not
so confident speakingEnglish; not interested intopic; other)
 Record what theyconsidered they hadlearned from the lesson.
Could they express whatthey had learned aboutcontent and language?
Could they express whichskills they had developed?

Learners work in groups apply skills and knowledge to a practical and cooperative task, and produce their own materials. All of these lesson correlate with the aims of critical and creative communication set out .

 Job and work: developingvocabulary range tocommunicate knowledgeof natural disasters;
looking at a interview for jobs showing recentnatural disasters andinterpreting information onit.
 Respecting diversity ofopinion

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

What did the learners learn today?

What was the learning atmosphere like?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

All lesson and learning objectives were met.

The lesson was exciting. Learners were always in action and interaction.

Game style lessons prove to be very useful.

Simulation game created this opportunity for them.

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?

1: Simulation game

2: Video and vocabulary prior to the game

What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?

1: Better level of English language of learners. Inability of communication in English language of some learners keeps behind more able ones as well.

2:Learners came late after flash mob break. This usually happens.

What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

План урока по английскому языку на тему "Our world" для 1 класса.

Содержимое разработки

Тексерілді: Даирбекова К.

Form: 1 Date: 11.10.16

Theme: Біздің әлем! Ұлыбритания, Ресей мен Қазақстан мектептері.

Aims: 1. To learn about means of transport in the UK., Russia and Kazakhstan.

2. To explore other subject areas.

3. to understand the concept of land, air and sea means of transport.

Equipment: bus, flag of the countries.

Plan of the lesson:

I. Organization moment:

Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you.

Who is on duty today?

II. Talk the theme:

Today we talk about yourself.

III. Explain the new theme:

Children, open your book.

Listen, point and repeat. (Track 41 CD1)

- Look at the board and listen the video about other countries.

Great Britain Kazakhstan Russia

England Astana Moscow

IV. Training:

- Let’s do training.

Work with someone you don’t know. Find as much information as possible.

What is a capital of Russia?

What is a capital of Kazakhstan?

What is a capital of Great Britain?

Introduce the person to the class.

It is …(Astana, Moscow, England)

Repeat the last words: rubber, pen, pencil, book, etc. (Numbers)

V. Generalization of the lesson:

What did we do today?

What is a capital of …?

VI. Homework: to learn new words and repeat the names of countries.


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