Что такое культура на английском кратко

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

In the modern world, we often wonder: what is culture? Personally, I think culture the behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age group.

There are a lot of different kind of culture in our life. For example: national culture (the culture of a particular nation), youth culture (characteristic of persons of young age), rock culture (culture which refers to person who interested in rock music) and other.

In my opinion, in the hectic world of today celebrity culture is one of the most popular culture. Its existence can be proved that the celebrities can be attributed to a particular group, which brings together people who have achieved success in a certain field of activity and this success led them to publicity life.This culture began to emerge in ancient Rome, where gladiators were the first celebrities.

On the one hand their life seems like a fairy tale and a continuous joy.

They attend trendy clubs, restaurants, always the center of attention, have high fees. But on the other hand their life is really difficult. In life of any celebrity present stress, daily flights from one country to another, paparazzi harassment, celebrity gossip and little time to build a personal life. Personally I think that any person can already get crazy with this routine life. It is natural that they have cocky demeanor because of this rhythm of life.

Sure, celebrities can have a great influence on other people especially on teens. For example, we strive to be like them, listen to their opinion, stick to their fashion and so on.

But unfortunately, It's obvious that celebrities can set a negative role model and exert a bad influence on the fans. First of all many of them taking drugs, drinking alcohol, smoking. Secondly, some fans especially youth become so dependent on them that turns his life into a continuous pursuit and imitation to their idols. Thirdly, despite their perfect images in glossy magazines fans aspire to the same ideal appearance making plastic surgery thus can distract their lives.

In conclusion I can say that it is impossible to rely on the opinion of celebrities and throughout imitate them. You must try to be yourself, because every celebrity has gained great success when show their personality.

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the ideas and ways of working that are typical for an organization, and that affect how it does business and how its employees behave:

build/develop/foster, etc. a culture Our aim was to foster a culture of innovation at all levels in the company.

business/company/management culture This is a handy guide to the management culture in the countries with which we do business.

Примеры для culture

Addition of minocycline to cultures reduced but did not completely inhibit activation of this pathway.

This does seem to be a somewhat anthropocentric viewpoint and one, moreover, that effectively replaces the old culture/nature dualism with a human/non-human dualism.

In the present work we wanted to verify whether oocytes recovered from preantral follicles were able to acquire calcium activity during follicle culture.

In terms of recreation, culture, education, and even rural industries, the period was characterised as much by development and change as by stagnation and decline.

Not surprisingly, language and culture are playing important roles in the struggle to reclaim the land.

Oocytes surviving the injection were either cultured without further treatment or exposed to ethanol solution to induce parthenogenetic activation.

But elsewhere in his paper he argues that landscape mediates nature and culture, it is a 'synthesis or alliance'.

The theoretical implication is that to ignore political culture in measuring and analysing state/society interaction could give a misleading picture.

The findings suggested the need for culture specific case methodology training sessions for both case leaders and students.

The "ethnographic approach" that the authors favored will not provide sufficient evidence to claim the presence of culture.

Contradictions inherent to these world views provide a basis for the transformation of political rhetoric and thus changes in political culture itself.

Любые мнения в примерах не отражают мнение редакторов Cambridge Dictionary или издательства Cambridge University Press или ее лицензиаров.

Коллокация с culture


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He sought neither to reduce the cultural sciences to the natural sciences nor to show that science was just another aspect of culture .

Эти примеры взяты из Cambridge English Corpus и из источников в Интернете. Любые мнения в примерах не отражают мнений редакторов Cambridge Dictionary или издательства Cambridge University Press или ее лицензиаров.

Culture (from the Latin cultura stemming from colere, meaning "to cultivate") generally refers to patterns of human activity and the symbolic structures that give such activities significance and importance. Cultures can be "understood as systems of symbols and meanings that even their creators contest, that lack fixed boundaries, that are constantly in flux, and that interact and compete with one another".

Culture can be defined as all the ways of life including arts, beliefs and institutions of a population that are passed down from generation to generation. Culture has been called "the way of life for an entire society." As such, it includes codes of manners, dress, language, religion, rituals, games, norms of behavior such as law and morality, and systems of belief as well as the art.

Cultural anthropologists most commonly use the term "culture" to refer to the universal human capacity and activities to classify, codify and communicate their experiences materially and symbolically. Scholars have long viewed this capacity as a defining feature of humans (although some primatologists have identified aspects of culture such as learned tool making and use among humankind's closest relatives in the animal kingdom).

The universum of artificial objects created by mankind in the course of development of the nature and possessing structural, functional and dynamic laws.
универсум искусственных объектов, созданный человечеством в процессе освоения природы и обладающий структурными, функциональными и динамическими закономерностями.

1) the total of the inherited ideas, beliefs, values, and knowledge, which constitute the shared bases of social action 2) the total range of activities and ideas of a group of people with shared traditions, which are transmitted and reinforced by members of the group the Mayan culture 3) a particular civilization at a particular period 4) the artistic and social pursuits, expression, and tastes valued by a society or class, as in the arts, manners, dress, etc 5) the enlightenment or refinement resulting from these pursuits 6) the attitudes, feelings, values, and behaviour that characterize and inform society as a whole or any social group within it yob culture 7) the cultivation of plants, esp by scientific methods designed to improve stock or to produce new ones 8) stockbreeding the rearing and breeding of animals, esp with a view to improving the strain 9) the act or practice of tilling or cultivating the soil 10) biology a) the experimental growth of microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi, in a nutrient substance (see culture medium ), usually under controlled conditions b) a group of microorganisms grown in this way

1. искусственные объекты (отметки и названия на топографических картах городов, дорог и т. п.) 2. культура
argillite culture аргиллитовая культура
blade culture спелеол. культура лезвий или пластин
Cochise culture кохизская культура
flake culture культура отщепа
Folsom culture фольсомская культура
Khorezmian culture хорезмская культура
neolithic culture культура неолита
Oldowan culture олдувейская культура
Ordos culture ордосская культура
paleolithic culture культура палеолита
Sogdian culture согдийская культура
Sumerian culture шумерская культура
Uittite culture хеттская культура
Ussello culture уссельская культура
Yuman culture культура юман

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corporate culture культура производства culture бакт. культура, выращивание бактерий culture культура culture отметки и названия на топографических картах culture разведение, возделывание; culture of vine (oysters, etc.) разведение виноградной лозы (устриц и т. п.) culture сельскохозяйственная культура culture разведение, возделывание; culture of vine (oysters, etc.) разведение виноградной лозы (устриц и т. п.) organizational culture культура организации

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a man of little culture - малокультурный человек; невежда

culture of silk [cotton] - культура шёлка [хлопка]

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ˈkʌltʃə сущ.
1) возделывание почвы Syn: tillage, husbandry, cultivation
2) а) возделывание, выращивание( растений) Syn: cultivation б) разведение( рыб, устриц и т. п.), выращивание (искусственного жемчуга и т. п.) в) бактер. культура, выращивание бактерий
3) развитие, совершенствование( интеллектуальных и других способностей) The Jewish system was intended for the culture of the religious life of the Jews. ≈ Иудейская система была нацелена на развитие религиозной жизни евреев.
4) культура a man of considerable culture ≈ человек высокой культуры Culture is not merely the sum of several activities, but a way of life. ≈ Культура не есть сумма различных видов деятельности, но способ жизни. The primary channel of transmission of culture is the family. ≈ Основной канал передачи культурных ценностей - это семья. культура - ancient * древняя культура - Greek * греческая культура - physical * физкультура - he is a man of considerable * он человек большой культуры - a man of little * малокультурный человек;
невежда сельскохозяйственная культура - * of silk культура шелка разведение (устриц, рыбы, шелковичных червей и т. п.) - * of vines возделывание виноградной лозы - bee * пчеловодство (биология) культура бактерий - * medium питательная среда (топография) пометки сооружений на картах (книжное) возделывать, обрабатывать;
выращивать( редкое) развивать, совершенствовать( биология) выращивать (микроорганизмы) в питательной среде corporate ~ культура производства culture бакт. культура, выращивание бактерий ~ культура ~ отметки и названия на топографических картах ~ разведение, возделывание;
culture of vine (oysters, etc.) разведение виноградной лозы (устриц и т. п.) ~ сельскохозяйственная культура ~ разведение, возделывание;
culture of vine (oysters, etc.) разведение виноградной лозы (устриц и т. п.) organizational ~ культура организации

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1) соц. культура (создание и использование людьми символов и артефактов; то или иное состояние общественной, хозяйственной, умственной жизни в какую-н. эпоху, у какого-н. народа, класса.)

2) соц. культура (сфера духовной жизни людей; включает в себя предметные результаты деятельности людей, такие как машины, сооружения, результаты познания, произведения искусства, нормы морали и права и т. д., а также человеческие силы и способности, реализуемые в деятельности — знания, умения, навыки, уровень интеллекта, нравственного и эстетического развития, мировоззрение, способы и формы общения людей)

Culture is not merely the sum of several activities, but a way of life. — Культура не есть сумма различных видов деятельности, но способ жизни.

The primary channel of transmission of culture is the family. — Основной канал передачи культурных ценностей - это семья.

The Jewish system was intended for the culture of the religious life of the Jews. — Иудейская система была нацелена на развитие религиозной жизни евреев.

* * *
культура: обычаи, отношения между сотрудниками, язык, процедуры, характерные для той или иной компании или банка; см. corporate culture.

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- ancient culture
- centre of culture
- man of considerable culture
- study ancient culture
- save up cultural values

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Culture is not merely the sum of several activities, but a way of life. — Культура не есть сумма различных видов деятельности, но способ жизни.

The primary channel of transmission of culture is the family. — Основной канал передачи культурных ценностей - это семья.

20 culture

Набор ценностей, общих для группы людей, включая ожидания в отношении поведения людей, их идей, убеждений и практик. См. тж. видение.
[Словарь терминов ITIL версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]


A set of values that is shared by a group of people, including expectations about how people should behave, their ideas, beliefs and practices. See also vision.
[Словарь терминов ITIL версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]



См. также в других словарях:

Culture — culture … Dictionary of sociology

Culture.ca — Culture.ca: Culture Online Made in Canada is the first website of its kind that introduces visitors to the strong and vibrant presence of Canadian culture online. On January 15, 2008, the honourable Josée Verner, Minister of Heritage Canada,… … Wikipedia

culture — cul‧ture [ˈkʌltʆə ǁ ər] noun 1. [countable, uncountable] the ideas, beliefs, and customs that are shared and accepted by people in a society: • Western culture places a high value on material wealth. 2. [countable, uncountable] the attitudes or… … Financial and business terms

culture — 1. Here is a word that had mixed fortunes in the 20c, and means all things to all men. There are about 128,000 examples of it (including the plural form and compounds such as culture bound) in the 500 million word Oxford English Corpus (language… … Modern English usage

Culture — Cul ture (k?l t?r; 135), n. [F. culture, L. cultura, fr. colere to till, cultivate; of uncertain origin. Cf. .] 1. The act or practice of cultivating, or of preparing the earth for seed and raising crops by tillage; as, the culture of the … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

culture — CULTURE. s. f. Les travaux qu on emploie pour rendre la terre plus fertile, et pour améliorer ses productions. La culture des champs. La culture des vignes, des plantes, des fleurs. Travailler, s adonner à la culture de . Abandonner la culture… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

culture — (n.) mid 15c., the tilling of land, from M.Fr. culture and directly from L. cultura a cultivating, agriculture, figuratively care, culture, an honoring, from pp. stem of colere tend, guard, cultivate, till (see CULT (Cf. cult)). The figurative… … Etymology dictionary

culture — n 1 Culture, cultivation, breeding, refinement are comparable when they denote a quality of a person or group of persons which reflects his or their possession of excellent taste, manners, and social adjustment. Culture implies a high degree of… … New Dictionary of Synonyms

culture — Culture. s. f. v. Les façons qu on donne à la terre pour la rendre plus fertile, & aux arbres & aux plantes pour les faire mieux venir, & les faire mieux rapporter. La culture de la terre. la culture des vignes, des plantes. travailler à la… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

culture — [n1] breeding, education, sophistication ability, accomplishment, address, aestheticism, art, capacity, civilization, class, courtesy, cultivation, delicacy, dignity, discrimination, dress, elegance, elevation, enlightenment, erudition,… … New thesaurus

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Предмет - английский язык.

Тип мероприятия - урок – дискуссия, мастер– класс.

Образовательные: приобщение к культурным ценностям англоязычных стран.

Развивающие: развитие языковых, интеллектуальных и познавательных способностей у обучающихся.

Воспитательные: формирование у обучающихся чувства уважения и интереса к культуре других стран; формирование коммуникативной компетентности в межкультурной коммуникации.

Практические: приобщение к культурным ценностям англоязычных стран.

Универсальные учебные действия.

а) личностные УУД : формирование устойчивой учебно– познавательной мотивации и интереса к изучению культуры других стран;

б) регулятивные УУД : умение самостоятельно планировать свои действия в соответствии с поставленной задачей;

в) коммуникативные УУД : формировать умение находить общее решение, аргументировать свое высказывание и работать в сотрудничестве;

г) познавательные УУД : развивать умение осознанно строить речевые высказывания в устной речи.

Планируемые результаты.

а) предметные:
- умение слушать и вести беседу на английском языке;
- рассказывать об увиденном и услышанном;
б) личностные:

- научатся работать в команде, формируя чувство ответственности и организованности;
в) метапредметные:

- научатся делать выводы о традициях, обычаях и праздниках страны изучаемого языка, выражать свое отношение к услышанному и осуществлять самопроверку по теме.

Межпредметные связи.

Литература, история, обществознание.

Ресурсы :
1. Карты англоязычных стран.

2. Выставка рефератов по изученному курсу.

3. Интернет– ресурсы.

Форма мероприятия: групповая.

Сценарий мероприятия.

Начало мероприятия. Вступительное слово учителя:

Would you agree or disagree with the opinion expressed in the following statement:

In today’s Russia there is something like a foreign language boom. People of different age groups, professions and social status are involved in learning or even mastering this or that foreign language.

Задание : Justify your point of view. ( Заслушиваются 2-3 высказывания )

Вопрос : Should we or shouldn’t we integrate language learning and culture learning? To answer this question do the following task.

Учитель : Nowadays much has been said about the importance of learning about other cultures in today’s multicultural Global Village. But what is culture? There are hundreds of definitions of culture, but what is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear this word? Literature, Music, Art? Cultural patterns of behavior in contrast to non-cultural manners of behavior? What does this word means personally to you?

To answer these questions you have to read the quotations reflecting different points of view on what human culture is?

Задание: Прочитайте варианты трактования культуры писателями разных стран. Сравните все эти высказывания и составьте мнение о том, что включает в себя культура.

What is culture? I believe, it is the way of life of a particular society or group of people, including patterns of thought, beliefs, behavior, customs, traditions, rituals, dress, language, as well as art, music and literature.

Culture is the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one group from another.

Very often when we use the word “culture” we mean the customs, beliefs, art, music and all other products of human thought which were made by a particular group of people at a particular time.

Culture is the best that has been known and said in the world, and thus the history of the human spirit.

Culture consists of patterned ways of thinking, feeling and reacting. The essential core of culture consists of traditional ideas and especially their attached values.

Culture refers to the experience, knowledge, values, and behaviors of any one group of people.

Culture is but the fine flowering of real education, and it is the training of the feeling, the tastes and the manners that makes it so.

Задание : Read the following interpretation of the concept “culture” given in one of Russian reference books. What is in focus in this “culture” definition?

Give the right answer to the questions below:

Is culture a product of historical development of human society?

Is culture a way of life?

Is culture a product of human spirit?

Is culture as cultural patterns of interaction of people in a particular society?

Does the definition say that culture is something learned by an individual in society or does it say that it is genetically given to every member of the society?

Does it say that education helps to transmit culture from one generation to another in any society?

Культура (от лат. слова ” culture ” - возделывание, воспитание, образование, развитие, почитание) - исторически определенный уровень развития общества, творческих сил и способностей человека, выраженный в типах и формах организации жизни и деятельности людей, в их взаимоотношениях, а также в создаваемых ими материальных и духовных ценностях.

Заслушиваются ответы трех-четырех обучающихся, остальные обучающиеся выражают согласие или несогласие.

Учитель : Match the English and Russian words with each other. (На экран выведены две группы слов на английском и русском языках)

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