Английский план урока разговор об увлечениях работе

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

Задачи урока:

знакомство с популярными способами проведения досуга в России и англоговорящих странах;

формирование и развитие речевых способностей, психологических функций, связанных с речевой деятельностью (память, мышление, способность логически мыслить, умение анализировать).

акцентирование внимания учащихся на способах проведения досуга;

введение нового лексического материала по теме Hobby и отработка его употребления в речи;

формирование лексических навыков говорения по теме “Hobby”;

совершенствование навыков чтения и говорения с различной стратегией.

развитие умения сопоставлять факты, развивать исследовательские и творческие навыки;

создание условий для развития навыков общения и совместной деятельности.

Тип урока: урок первичного применения знаний

Формы и виды работы: индивидуальная, фронтальная, групповая.

Оборудование урока: Planet of English, учебник английского языка для НПО и СПО Г.Т. Безкоровайная, доска, карточки с новой лексикой, картинки по теме, карточки с заданиями, тетрадь.

Ожидаемые результаты

ОК 1. Организовывать собственную деятельность, выбирать типовые методы и способы выполнения профессиональных задач, оценивать их эффективность и качество.

ОК 2. Принимать решения в стандартных и нестандартных ситуациях и нести за них ответственность.

ОК 3. Осуществлять поиск и использование информации, необходимой для эффективного выполнения профессиональных задач, профессионального и личного развития.

ОК 4. Использовать информационно-коммуникационные технологии в профессиональной деятельности.

ОК 5. Работать в коллективе и команде, эффективно общаться с коллегами, руководством, потребителями.

ОК 6. Брать на себя ответственность за работу членов команды (подчиненных), за результат выполнения задания

1.Организационный момент (2 минуты).

Good morning, dear students! I am glad to see you. I hope you are fine today. Who is absent today?

2. Целеполагание (2 минуты).

You are quite right. The theme of our lesson is “Hobby”. Today we’ll speak about different ways of spending our free time and learn new words.

3. Фонетическая зарядка (5 минут ).

So, let's begin our lesson from reading a funny poem. Listen to me attentively and then repeat all together.

What are little boys made of? Made of?

What are little boys made of?

Frogs and snails

And puppy-dogs’ tails,

That’s what little boys are made of.

4. Актуализация знаний (5 минут )

Answer my questions, please.

Do you have much free time?

How do you usually spend your free time?

What is your favourite hobby?

Why do you like your hobby?

Are there any hobbies you would like to try?

Which hobbies do you think are the most difficult?

Thank you for your answers.

5. Первичное введение нового материала (15 минут).

And now let’s look at your cards on the desks and write down new unknown words.

item — предмет, единица в коллекции

stamp collection — коллекция марок

consist of — состоять из

be fond of — увлекаться

be proud of — гордиться

be interested in — интересоваться

be good at — хорошо получаться

be keen on — сильно увлекаться

be crazy about — обожать

have fun — развлекаться

have a good time — хорошо проводить время

be popular with — быть популярный у

have nothing to do / do nothing — ничего не делать

go out – проводить время вне дома

stay indoors — оставаться дома

surf the Internet — сидеть в интернете

rest/ have a rest — отдыхать

get bored — скучать

share pictures / photos — делиться фотографиями

play table games (chess, cards, etc.) — играть в настольные игры

growing flowers (pot flowers) — выращивание цветов (комнатных растений)

doing sport — заниматься спортом

roller-skating /skateboarding — катание на роликах, на скейтборде

learning languages — изучение языков

reading books — чтение книг

making up stories — сочинение рассказов

taking pictures (photography) — фотографирование

dancing, singing — танцы , пение

listening to music — музыка ( досл . слушать музыку )

playing the guitar — игра на гитаре

drawing / painting — рисование ( живопись )

watching TV, playing computer games — смотреть телевизор, играть в компьютерные игры

going to museums — посещение музеев

going to the theatre (a theatre-goer) — посещение театров

going to the cinema (a cinema-goer) — посещение кинотеатров

cooking, baking — выпечка

handicraft – ремесло , рукоделие

beading – вышивание бисером

woodwork – резьба по дереву

cards — открытки , карты

toy soldiers — игрушечные солдатики

toy cars — игрушечные машинки

velvet toys — мягкие игрушки

Are you ready? Ok, let’s read and translate them one by one.

6. Динамическая пауза (12 минут).

Game “ Crocodile ”.

And now let’s have a rest and play a little. One student will come to the blackboard, I’ll show him a picture ( приложение 2) and he will have to show to group without words what he has seen on the picture. Who will guess, will explain another word from the picture.

7. Первичное введение нового материала (8 минут).

Pay attention to the following synonyms and remember:

После этих глаголов употребляется глагол с окончанием - ing .

be fond of — увлекаться

be interested in — интересоваться

be good at — хорошо получаться

be keen on — сильно увлекаться

be crazy about — обожать

My sister is fond of dancing.

Nick is interested in skateboarding.

I am good at cooking.

Young people are keen on surfing the Internet.

Little girls are crazy about playing with dolls.

После глаголов love , like , hate , start , begin , continue , stop и некоторых других может употребляться как инфинитив смыслового глагола, так и смысловой глагол с окончанием - ing .

Men like to hunt/hunting.

They continue to learn/learning English.

I love to watch/watching comedy films.

8. Первичная проверка понимания (5 минут).

Is everything clear ? Do you have any questions?

So, make up 2 sentences using the verbs above.

9. Первичное закрепление (16 минут ).

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

обучающие – научиться вести разговор об увлечениях и о разных профессиях;

развивающие – развивать коммуникативные универсальные учебные действия (УУД) через все виды речевой деятельности;

воспитательные – воспитывать уважение к людям разных профессий.

I . Организационный момент

-Good afternoon, boys and girls! ( Good afternoon,!)

-I am glad to see you. (We are glad to see you too.)

-How are you? (We are fine, thanks. And how are you?)

-I’m fine, thank you. Vova, how is your mother? (She is fine, thanks).

-Masha, is your father OK? (Yes, he is. He is OK).

-Who is absent today? (All pupils are present).

-And who is on duty today? (Vova and Masha are on duty today).

-OK. Let’s start our work. Look at the pictures on the screen. Can you guess what we are going to talk about? You are right. We’ll discuss hobbies and jobs.

II . Фонетическая разминка

Задачи: развитие фонематического слуха; отработка произношения в противопоставлении звуков [e]–[ æ ]; обобщение правил чтения с данными звуками.

Open your textbooks at p.32, ex.5. We’ll remember the sounds [e]–[æ]. Listen to the speaker, repeat and tick. Think of more words with these sounds.

III . Речевая разминка

Задача: активизировать изученную ранее тематическую лексику, мотивировать учащихся на дальнейшую работу по теме.

Let’s remember the words we learnt last lesson.

Let’s play an interesting game. It is called “What is missing?” You can see some words on the blackboard. Can you read and translate them?

Try to remember these words. Now close your eyes. Open your eyes. What is missing ? You are right . It is bodyguard .

Запись на доске:

Guide, prisoner, uniform, bodyguard, armed forces, striking

- Look at the pictures on p.32. What do you think these people do for a living?

- Write down as many jobs as you can think of. Compare the list with your partner. Give short definitions for each job using WHO as in the example in ex.1, p.32.

V . Обучение поисковому чтению. Совершенствование произносительных навыков

Задачи: развитие фонетических навыков; развитие умения прогнозировать содержание диалога с опорой на отдельные реплики; развитие умений поискового чтения.

- I want you to do ex.2, p.32. Listen and repeat the sentences.

- These sentences are from a dialogue between two friends. What are they talking about? Read through and check.

Дежурный ученик произносит слово-команду, а выполняет другое движение. Ученики должны выполнить нужную команду .

Hands on the hips!

Hands to the sides!

Look at your schoolbag!

Close your eyes!

VII. Тренировка навыков изучающего чтения

Задача: развитие умений изучающего чтения.

- The next task for you is ex.3, p.32. Read the dialogue and put the phrases A-F in the correct place. There is one extra phrase. Then listen, read and check if you are right.

VIII. Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи

Задача: развитие навыков диалогической речи (диалог-расспрос).

- It’s time to talk about your parents’ profession. What do your parents do? What do they do in their free time? Act out a similar dialogue with your partner. Use the plan from ex.4, p.32 and the dialogue in ex.3 as a model. Add your own ideas. Record yourselves.

IX. Подведение итогов урок а

- Do you like our lesson today? What do you like doing most of all? Thank you for your work. I am sure that our new material was interesting and useful for you. Good - bye , children .

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Цели: научиться вести разговор об увлечениях и о разных профессиях; развивать коммуникативные универсальные учебные действия (УУД) через все виды речевой деятельности; воспитывать уважение к людям разных профессий.

I. Организационный момент

-Good afternoon, boys and girls! (Good afternoon,!)

-I am glad to see you. (We are glad to see you too.)

-How are you? (We are fine, thanks. And how are you?)

-I’m fine, thank you. Vova, how is your mother? (She is fine, thanks).

-Masha, is your father OK? (Yes, he is. He is OK).

-Who is absent today? (All pupils are present).

-And who is on duty today? ( …….. are on duty today).

-OK. Let’s start our work. Look at the pictures on the screen. Can you guess what we are going to talk about? You are right. We’ll discuss hobbies and jobs.

II. Фонетическая разминка

Задачи: развитие фонематического слуха; отработка произношения в противопоставлении звуков [e]–[æ]; обобщение правил чтения с данными звуками.

Open your textbooks at p.32, ex.5. We’ll remember the sounds [e]–[æ]. Listen to the speaker, repeat and tick. Think of more words with these sounds.

III. Речевая разминка

Задача: активизировать изученную ранее тематическую лексику, мотивировать учащихся на дальнейшую работу по теме.

Let’s remember the words we learnt last lesson.

Let’s play an interesting game. It is called “What is missing?” You can see some words on the blackboard. Can you read and translate them?

Try to remember these words. Now close your eyes. Open your eyes. What is missing? You are right. It is bodyguard.

Запись на доске:

Guide, prisoner, uniform, bodyguard, armed forces, striking

- Look at the pictures on p.32. What do you think these people do for a living?

- Write down as many jobs as you can think of. Compare the list with your partner. Give short definitions for each job using WHO as in the example in ex.1, p.32.

V. Обучение поисковому чтению. Совершенствование произносительных навыков

Задачи: развитие фонетических навыков; развитие умения прогнозировать содержание диалога с опорой на отдельные реплики; развитие умений поискового чтения.

- I want you to do ex.2, p.32. Listen and repeat the sentences.

- These sentences are from a dialogue between two friends. What are they talking about? Read through and check.

Дежурный ученик произносит слово-команду, а выполняет другое движение. Ученики должны выполнить нужную команду.

Hands on the hips!

Hands to the sides!

Look at your schoolbag!

Close your eyes!

VII. Тренировка навыков изучающего чтения

Задача: развитие умений изучающего чтения.

- The next task for you is ex.3, p.32. Read the dialogue and put the phrases A-F in the correct place. There is one extra phrase. Then listen, read and check if you are right.

VIII. Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи

Задача: развитие навыков диалогической речи (диалог-расспрос).

- It’s time to talk about your parents’ profession. What do your parents do? What do they do in their free time? Act out a similar dialogue with your partner. Use the plan from ex.4, p.32 and the dialogue in ex.3 as a model. Add your own ideas. Record yourselves.

IX. Подведение итогов урока

- Do you like our lesson today? What do you like doing most of all? Thank you for your work. I am sure that our new material was interesting and useful for you. Good-bye, children.

Teacher: At the beginning of our lesson I want to check your homework. Tell me, please. What was your hometask for today?

P 1: Our hometask for today was ex.1 on the piece of paper, sentences from 1 till 5.

T: You are right! Let’s check it!

Введение в иноязычную атмосферу, определение темы урока

Teacher: Please, look at the screen. There are some pictures on it. Look at them attentively and what can you say about them? (Ученики называют что изображено на картинках) Sl 1

Ps: About hobbies.

T: You are right! Our today’s topic is hobby. Sl 2

Фонетическая разминка.

Teacher: Let’s read a poem according to our topic. Sl 3

I like to study every day.

II Основная часть

T: On your desks you can see papers with new words on it, which we will use during our lesson. Let’s read and discuss them.

Have dancing/acting classes

Посещать уроки танцев/актерского мастерства

Сплавляться на плотах

Кататься на велосипеде

Играть в шахматы

Collecting stamps and coins

Собирать, коллекционировать марки и монеты

Ride on a rollercoaster

Кататься на американских горках

Катание на коньках

Катание на лошадях

Развитие навыков аудирования с использованием нового лексического материала

T: Now open your copy-books. Write down the date. Your task will be to guess what hobby I will read you about, and put the letters of the pictures and names’ of the hobbies in the correct order. Sl 4

This hobby is popular among the people of all ages. People like to go the stadium or to the sports ground. They are strong and cheerful. Their hobby helps them to develop their mind and body and teaches them to plan their time. (b Sport.)

This hobby is interesting and useful. People try to find or buy different things such as stamps, badges, coins, pictures, dolls, etc. This hobby helps people to make new friends and to learn some new things about countries and lands, animals and birds, famous people and historical events. (a Collecting.)

People like to work in the garden and to spend some time in the fresh air. They are fond of flowers, trees and different kinds of plants. They like nature and admire the beauty of nature. Their hobby is the best way to relax. (f Gardening.)

People like to make new dishes. They often cook for the family and for their friends. They can present the food nicely and lay the table beautifully. They can boil or fry meat, fish, and chicken and make souses and deserts. (c Cooking.)

People like to go to the library. Some of them have a good collection of books at home. And they are really proud of it. They can have different books: fiction, historical novels, books about animals and birds, books about different countries. Their hobby helps them to relax, to learn the world and understand other people better. (e Reading.)

Such people like to visit different cities, towns and historical places. Some people even visit other countries. They can travel by car, by plane, by train, by bus or on foot. This hobby helps them to learn history, geography and traditions of different people and countries. ( d Travelling)

Развитие навыков чтения и понимания прочитанного

T: Your next task is to make up the dialogue Sl 5

-How are you? 3

-I am watching TV. 6

-Fine, thanks. 4

-What are you doing? 5

-Sorry, I am busy. 8

-Let’s go to the cinema. 7

-Let’s go tomorrow. 9

T: Let’s check your answers. Sl 6

Развитие грамматических навыков. Закрепление знаний о Present Perfect Tense Sl 7

T: Now? Let’s remember “What is it Present Perfect Tense?” “When do we use it?” “How do we built it?”

T: Look at your piece of paper. Ex. 3. You should open the brackets using Present Perfect Tense. Sl 8

Dear Amy
I haven`t had a letter from you for a long time. Have you lost my address? I bought a new Steps CD at the weekend. I`ve already listened to it. Have you heard it yet? It`s brilliant. There`s a new video too but I haven`t seen it yet.

School is going OK. I`ve just finished some exams but the holidays haven`t started yet. We`re going to Ireland. I`ve never been there.
Write soon with your news.

T: Very nice. Thank you!

T: It’s the time to have a rest. Stand up.

Look left, look right, look up, look down, look around

Look at your nose, look at that snow.

Close your eyes, open, wink and smile. Your eyes are happy again.

Развитие навыков чтения и понимания прочитанного. Закрепление изученного материала.

T: Open your books on page 26. Look at ex.4. Read the task.

T: Now answer the questions.You can discuss it with your neighbor.

T: Time is over. Let’s check.

Raynece Leader-Thompson, Esteban Cortezar

Raynece Leader-Thompson, Esteban Cortezar, Akaiana Kramarik

Развитие навыкoв говорение.

T: Now, in the conclusion. I ask you to answer on my questions.

What hobbies can people have?

What hobbies are popular in your family?

What hobbies do you know?

What things do people usually collect?

Is it interesting to collect things?

III Завершающий этап урока

Рефлексия. Прием незаконченного предложения:

T: Sl 9 Now, continue my sentences…

1 At English lesson I was …active/passive

2 The English lesson was … short/long

3 During the class I was … not tired/ tired

Подведение итогов.

T: I’d like to say our lesson was interesting and unforgettable. You worked hard and I’m satisfied with your answers. I am going to give the most of you excellent and good marks.

T: Open your dairies and write down your home task. Sl 10 Write essay “My hobby” 10-12 sentences.

Thanks for hard work. The lesson is over. Good-bye till our next lesson! Sl 11

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