Сочинение на английском про александра овечкина

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

Alexander Mikailovich Ovechkin, the son of Tatiana and Michael Ovechkin was born on September 17, 1985 in Moscow, Russia.

The first signs of the Ovechkin’s future came when he was a child. At the age of two, in a Soviet toy store, Alexander grabbed a toy stick and helmet and refused to let go. His parents treasure the picture to this day. As a small child, whenever he saw a hockey game on TV, he “threw all his toys” and ran to the TV. He “protested strongly” if his parents tried to change the channel. His parents says they knew he would be an athlete when Alexander chose to run up the steps to their apartment rather than take the elevator.

He began playing hockey at the age of 7. Soon after he began, however, he had to postpone his hockey career because his parents were unable to take him to the rink. But one of Ovechkin’s coaches saw Ovechkin’s talent and communicated to his parents that he should continue to play hockey. Ovechkin’s brother, Sergei, who later died in a car accident, saw that Alexander loved hockey and insisted that he be allowed to return. Ovechkin resumed playing a few months later and never looked back.

Because he has studied at the Military Institute for Border Guards, he apparently does not have to serve in the military in Russia. Military duty is supposed to be “compulsory” in Russia, but it is so in name only and is enforced selectively rather than uniformly; for instance, young Russian star Ilya Kovalchuk has never served in the military, while Ukrainian-born Nikolai Zherdev was forced to go to arbitration court in Switzerland because Russian authorities claimed he had to serve in the military. Apparently Ovechkin will not have to face these circumstances.

Due to the NHL lockout, Alexander Ovechkin is currently playing his fourth season for Dynamo Moscow. He has on numerous occasions expressed his desire to play in the NHL, but there is still

some doubt about his contract status with Dynamo Moscow. Since the agreement between the NHL (National Hockey League), the NHLPA (National Hockey League Players’ Assiciation) and the IIHF (International Ice Hockey Federation) is expired, NHL clubs apparently must negotiate transfer fees–compensation paid to those teams from which NHL teams get their players–individually with the European clubs. Because of the fact that there are no rules, European teams can theoretically demand any price for their players. Dynamo Moscow has so far made demands of up to $3 million dollars for Ovechkin, and it remains to be seen how soon the Washington Capitals will be able to bring him to North America even after the NHL resumes play, at least until the last year of Ovechkin’s contract is expired.

Alexander Ovechkin for the National Team

Alexander Ovechkin.At the age of 16, Alexander Ovechkin surpassed the scoring record set by countryman Ilya Kovalchuk in the World Under-18 Junior Championships by scoring 14 goals and 4 assists in 8 games. Ovechkin still holds the scoring record today.

At the age of 17, Ovechkin helped lead the Junior National Team to the Gold medal with two hat tricks, one against Switzerland and one against USA, and an assist.

Also at the age of 17, when he was selected by legendary Russian coach Victor Tikhonov to play in the Ceska Poistovna Eurotour tournament, Alexander became the youngest skater ever to play for the Russian National Team in the history of Russian hockey. The only other player to play for the National Team at that age was legendary goaltender Vladislav Tretiak. In that tournament he also became the youngest player ever to score for the National Team. He finished the tournament with 1 goals and 2 assists in 3 games.

~Go Russia Go. ~ Профи (749) At the age of 18, Ovechkin was named Captain of the Junior Russian National Team although he was a year younger than many of the other players on the team. Ovechkin finished the tournament with 5 goals and 2 assists, while Russia finished 5′th in the tournament. At the age of 19, Ovechkin was named to the Russian National Team for the 2004 World Cup of Hockey. He was the youngest player in the tournament, and he finished with a goal and an assist in 6 games playing against established NHL stars. This year, at the age of 19, Alexander Ovechkin was named Captain of the Junior National Team in the 2005 World Junior Ice Hockey Championships. This year’s tournament, lasting from December 25 to January 4, was Ovechkn’s third and last. At the end of the tournament he had collected 7 goals (tied for tournament lead) and 4 assists.

Рассказ о знаменитом человеке на английском

Английский топик или сочинение – отличный повод протестировать полученные за время изучения иностранного языка знания. Мы уже не раз отмечали все преимущества такой методики обучения, поэтому и выпускаем достаточно много материалов подобной направленности. И сегодня нас вновь ждет увлекательная работа, а конкретно, будем читать и писать рассказ о знаменитом человеке на английском языке. В статье поговорим о нюансах содержания биографических текстов, а также кратко расскажем, для чего вообще нам нужен навык работы с биографиями. И, конечно же, мы не оставим вас без наглядного образца и обязательно приведем примерный рассказ про известного человека на английском языке с переводом. Сердечно приглашаем к чтению!

Как написать рассказ о знаменитом человеке на английском

Сперва хотелось бы поговорить о том, чем полезны в изучении английского биографии и как же следует подходить к их составлению. При этом сразу отметим, что в данном случае под биографией подразумевается рассказ на английском о знаменитости, т.е. популярном человеке. И это важное уточнение, поскольку с обозначенным моментом связана польза подобных топиков.

Теперь что касается текста. Если вам задали написать на английском сочинение про знаменитость, то советуем прислушаться к следующим рекомендациям:

Заметим, что это вовсе не обязательные строгие требования к написанию биографии. Скорее, перечислены дружеские рекомендации, которые помогут вам сделать текст кратким, познавательным и интересным собеседникам или читателям. А прислушиваться к ним или нет – уже строго ваше персональное дело.

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Примеры рассказов об известных людях на английском языке с русским переводом

Что ж, по теории основные моменты мы обозначили, настало время переходить к практике. Представляем вашему вниманию готовый рассказ про известного человека на английском с переводом на русский, причем сразу в нескольких версиях.

Александр Овечкин

Alexander Ovechkin is a Russian professional ice hockey player. At the time he plays as a left winger for the Washington Capitals of the NHL.

Alexander was born in Moscow in 1985. Ovechkin’s parents are famous athletes. Alexander’s father, Mikhail, is a professional soccer player, and Alex’s mother, Tatyana, has won two ‘Olympic’ gold medals as part of the Russian women’s basketball team.

Ovechkin cultivated an interest in hockey at a very tender age. Alexander was two years old when he first picked up a hockey stick. The boy very loved watching hockey games, and always protesting whenever his parents tried to switch the channel. When Alex was 8, he began to go to the hockey section. His parents were against hobbies of their son, considering this sport very traumatic. So Alexander had to leave the section.

But later Ovechkin returned to the sport. He became hard train and soon Alex was invited to Dynamo Moscow’s sports school. He made a name for himself in the Dynamo Moscow system when at 11 he scored 56 goals, breaking Pavel Bure’s record of 53. At the age of 16 Alexander began his professional career. He played for ‘Dynamo Moscow’ during the 2001–2005 season.

Ovechkin always dreamed of playing in the NHL and he joined the ‘Washington Capitals in 2005. Alex has still been playing in this team. In April 2018, he became the first ‘Washington Capitals’ player to reach the thousand-game mark. Nowadays Alexander Ovechkin is a captain of the NHL club Washington Capitals, winner of Stanley Cup and three-time world champion (2008, 2012, 2014) as a member of the Russian national team.

Александр Овечкин – профессиональный российский хоккеист. В настоящее время играет на позиции нападающего левого фланга в команде Вашингтон Кэпиталз.

Александр родился в Москве в 1985 году. Его родители – знаменитые спортсмены. Отец Александра, Михаил – профессиональный футболист, а мама Алекса, Татьяна, дважды завоевала Олимпийское золото в составе национальной женской сборной по баскетболу.

Овечкин начал интересоваться хоккеем в очень раннем возрасте. Александру было два года, когда он первый раз взял в руки хоккейную клюшку. Мальчику очень нравилось смотреть матчи по хоккею, и он всегда бойко возражал, ели родители пытались переключить канал. Когда Алексу было 8, он начал ходить в секцию по хоккею. Его родители были против увлечений сына, считая этот спорт очень травомоопасным. Так Александр вынужден был покинуть секцию.

Но позднее Овечкин возвратился в спорт. Он стал много тренироваться, и вскоре Алекса пригласили в спортивную школу Динамо Москва. Там он сделал себе имя и забил в 11 лет 56 голов, побив тем самым рекорд Павла Буре в 53 гола. В возрасте 16 лет Александр начал свою профессиональную карьеру. Он играл за московское Динамо в сезонах с 2001 по 2005 год.

Овечкин всегда мечтал играть в НХЛ, и в 2005 году он присоединился к команде Вашингтон Кэпиталз. Алекс до сих пор играет в этой команде. В апреле 2018, он стал первым игроком Вашингтон Кэпиталз, достигшим отметки в 1000 игр. Сейчас Александр Овечкин – капитан клуба Вашингтон Кэпиталз в НХЛ, обладатель кубка Стэнли и трижды чемпион мира, как участник национальной сборной России.

Полина Гагарина

Polina Gagarina is a popular Russian singer, songwriter and actress. Polina was born in Moscow, but she spent four years of her childhood in Greece. Gagarina studied singing at Moscow’s State Jazz College. In 2003 she became the winner of season two of the famous Star Factory show in Russia. After winning Star Factory, Gagarina was invited to perform in the group Playgirls. The group received a recording contract with ARS Records, but ultimately disbanded.

Григорий Перельман

Grigori Perelman is a Russian mathematician, who is best known for his contributions to Riemannian geometry and geometric topology. He was born in the USSR in 1966. Grigori’s father Yakov was an electrical Engineer, and Grigori’s mother Lubov taught Mathematics. She gave up graduate work in mathematics to raise her son.

By the time he graduated from university in 1987, Perelman had already published a bunch of papers on various mathematical theories. In the late 1980s and early 1990s Grigori obtained research positions at several universities in the United States. In 1991, he received the ‘Young Mathematician Prize’ of the Saint Petersburg Mathematical Society for his work on Aleksandrov’s spaces of curvature bounded from below. Since 1992 he lived in New York, where he began work on manifolds with lower bounds on Ricci curvature. In 1996 Perelman returned to Saint Petersburg.

Grigori Perelman is also known for proving Thurston’s geometrization conjecture in 2002. He was awarded the Fields Medal in 2006, but he rejected it saying “I’m not interested in money or fame, I don’t want to be on display like an animal in a zoo”. He also declined the Millennium Prize and refused to accept the offer to become a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Григорий Перельман – российский математик, известный своим вкладом в Риманову геометрию и геометрическую топологию. Родился в СССР в 1966 году. Его отец Яков был инженером-электриком, а мать Григория, Любовь, преподавала математику. Она отказалась продолжать аспирантуру по математике, чтобы воспитывать сына.

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Alexander Ovechkin was born on September 17, 1985 , in Moscow. He was the third child in the family , brother Alexander was 13 and 15 years . Mother of the future hockey player - known basketball player Tatiana Ovechkin , defender of the USSR team . In the national team was the two-time Olympic champion. Father, Michael - a former professional footballer who played for the metropolitan "Dynamo". "My father was an athlete , my mother was a great athlete , so how could I not become an athlete ? " - Said Alexander . ? Interest in hockey has become manifest in Alexander's childhood. In 8 years started in the hockey section. Ovechkin was soon invited to a hockey school of the Moscow " Dynamo". Basically Alexander worked on power skating and appliances carpal throw. All children's teams "Dynamo" was one of the younger ones, but always the best player . At age 12, he broke the record for Pavel Bure , scoring 59 goals in the championship of Moscow . In 2000, Alexander was transferred to the senior team .

Ovechkin made ​​his debut in the Russian Super League in 2001, at age 16 . In his first season he played 22 matches and scored 2 goals , 2 assists cleared and appeared on the ice in 3 playoff games . In 2002, Alexander went to Slovakia to the Junior World Championships in the junior team of Russia , where he became , with 18 points, the highest scoring player . The age of 17 , Ovechkin debuted in adult Russian team at the Cup Ceska Pojistovna Cup
At the end of the season Ovechkin ended a contract with "Dinamo", in the case of moving the player in the NHL, where he was voted " Washington “.

Ovechkin confidently took the first place in the European ranking of forwards, published on the eve of the NHL scouts draft pick in 2004. "Washington Capitals" having the right to choose the first freshman, had about 15 and offers from NHL clubs wishing drafted by the Russians, but general manager "Capitals' George McPhee left Ovechkin right to choose for themselves.

After completion of the lockout , Ovechkin signed a contract with "Washington ." Hockey player offered the highest possible salary for a beginner - taking into account the bonuses he could earn in a season 3.85 million dollars. Alexander made ​​his debut in the NHL October 5, 2005 , in a match with " Columbus Blue Jackets ." In the same match he scored his first goal , and eventually made ​​a double than helped " Washington " to win. October 5 also debuted another promising players , the first room pick in 2005 , Sidney Crosby , submitted by journalists as "new Gretzky ." That it will be a major competitor for the title of best Ovechkin novice league.

The first international competition , which was played Ovechkin Junior World Championship in 2002 . Alexander became the best in the league in scoring (18) , and the team took second place
In 2003, Ovechkin was called Viktor Tikhonov to the main team in the Cup Ceska Pojistovna Cup .
2004 Ovechkin participated in three international tournaments , and in 2 of them represented the first team .
In early 2005, Alexander again made ​​at the Youth World Championships .
In February 2006, Ovechkin first time in his career , took part in the Olympics.

At the 2007 World Championships Team Russia , as well as two years ago , won the bronze medal
Held in May 2008 world championships was a triumph for the Russian team that won its first gold in 15 years .
Ovechkin entered the extended list of 38 candidates for the national team , which will go to the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver

Ovechkin plays fast power hockey. Russian plays on the border of what is permitted, often applying the collision, "head-on". Unlike most players, Ovechkin is able to spend on a hockey rink 2 minutes in a row, although the majority of players are replaced after about a minute. Ovechkin - goalscorer. In 3 seasons of 4 in the NHL, he scored more than 100 points and scored more than 50 goals, and in the aggregate score for the first 3 season 163 goals.

Стивен Хокинг улыбается

I want to tell you about a very famous scientist - Stephen Hawking. He was a theoretical physicist and cosmologist.

He was born in 1942 in England and died in 2018. I was sorry to hear this news. He was a very inspiring person, an example of how a disabled man can do so much for the whole humanity.

He was studying the laws by which the universe is governed. He managed to predict theoretically that black holes emit radiation. For his contribution to the theory of cosmology he received numerous awards.

Hawking was a public person. He put a lot of effort to explain scientific discoveries to a wide audience. He wrote books and essays, gave interviews, and participated in VT-shows.

The film about the scientist “The Theory of Everything” was made in 2014. This film shows what a brave, strong and dedicated woman his wife Jane was. Stephen's disease was diagnosed when he was 21, and doctors said he would live only a couple of years with his illness. But Jane wanted to marry him anyway.

As the motor neuron disease was progressing Hawking was losing his physical abilities: he had to use wheelchair and his speech deteriorated. He couldn’t even get dressed without assistance. For a long time they couldn’t afford to hire a nurse and Jane helped him with everything. She took care of Stephen and their 3 kids.

So I was shocked to know, that after 25 years of marriage Hawking left his wife and married another woman. Generally I don’t condemn divorces. But Jane sacrificed so much for this man, she fought for his life. He should have been grateful. So this fact of his biography makes me see his personality in different lite: he was a selfish man. He betrayed the person who gave him unconditional love and care, who enabled his career, who literally carried him in her arms!

So, no doubt, Stephen Hawking was an outstanding man, a brilliant scientist. But was he a good person? I don’t know the answer. While his work sheds light on the laws of universe, his biography illustrates the human nature. That is why it is interesting.

Я хочу рассказать вам об очень известном ученом - Стивене Хокинге. Он был физиком-теоретиком и космологом.

Он родился в 1942 году в Англии и умер в 2018 году. Это было печальным известием для меня. Он был очень вдохновляющим человеком, примером того, как человек с ограниченными физическими возможностями может сделать так много для всего человечества.

Он изучал законы, которыми управляется Вселенная. Ему удалось теоретически предсказать, что черные дыры излучают радиацию. За вклад в теорию космологии он получил множество наград.

Хокинг был публичной персоной. Он приложил много усилий, чтобы объяснить научные открытия широкой аудитории. Он писал книги и эссе, давал интервью, участвовал в телевизионных шоу.

Фильм об ученом “Теория всего " был снят в 2014 году. Этот фильм показывает, какой храброй, сильной и преданной женщиной была его жена Джейн. Болезнь Стивена была диагностирована в возрасте 21 года, и врачи сказали, что он проживет всего пару лет со своей болезнью. Но Джейн все равно хотела выйти за него замуж.

По мере прогрессирования болезни двигательных нейронов Хокинг терял физические способности: ему пришлось пользоваться инвалидным креслом, и его речь ухудшалась. Он даже не мог одеться без посторонней помощи. Долгое время они не могли позволить себе нанять сиделку, и Джейн помогала ему во всем. Она заботилась о Стивене и их троих детях.

Поэтому я была шокирована, узнав, что после 25 лет брака Хокинг бросил жену и женился на другой женщине. В целом я не осуждаю разводы. Но Джейн многим пожертвовала ради этого человека, она боролась за его жизнь. Ему следовало бы быть благодарным. Так что этот факт его биографии заставляет меня видеть его личность в другом свете: он был эгоистичным. Он предал женщину, которая давала ему безусловную любовь и заботу, которая сделала возможной его карьеру, которая в буквальном смысле носила его на руках!

Так что, без сомнения, Стивен Хокинг был выдающейся личностью, блестящим ученым. Но был ли он хорошим человеком? Я не знаю. В то время как его работа проливает свет на законы вселенной, его биография иллюстрирует человеческую природу. Вот почему она интересна.

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