Благотворительность на английском сочинение

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Charity is quite popular these days. People became more open and kind. In General, a charity means the voluntary provision of relief to those in need. Charitable donations may include an act of donation of money, goods, time, attention and kindness to the poor. Most forms of charity means the provision of basic necessities such as food, water, clothing, shelter, health care, etc. in the modern world there are so many charities. Bill Gates is known not only by the fact that he was the developer of the most popular operating system, but the fact that substantiated in 2000 year charitable foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which is by far the most important and largest in the world. Naturally the Development Fund was spent money the Bill Gates Foundation, just in the first year he donated to 106 million dollars. The charity assists seriously ill and the poor, as well as helping to develop health care and education. The development of the Fund attended another businessman is Warren Buffett, Bill Gates ' organization who donated a tidy sum of money.

Charity is quite popular these days. People have become more open and kind. In general, voluntary charity is providing assistance to those who need it. Charitable donations may include the act of giving money, goods, time, attention and kindness to the unfortunate. Most forms of charity means the provision of basic necessities such as food, water, clothing, shelter, health care, etc. In today's world there are so many charities.
Bill Gates is known not only by the fact that he was a developer of the most popular operating system, but that has proved in 2000 Charitable Foundation "Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation," which is by far the most important and the largest in the world. Of course on the development of the fund money was spent most of Bill Gates in the first year he donated his development of $ 106 million. Charitable organizations to assist seriously ill and poor people, as well as helping to develop health care and education. In the development of the Fund attended another businessman - Warren Buffett, who donated the organization of Bill Gates bank.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Once I had a very special day. Christmas came on. Snow was falling, it was almost dark but a lot of people were shopping buying presents, meals and Christmas decorations. But I was not so happy. The snowflakes fell on my hair and my ukulele. I was busking for money and shivering but not from cold and hunger, just felt really unsure of myself and very embarrassed. I knew that street performances are practiced all over the world to get some money, food, drinks or gifts and before I had seen some students playing music for strangers . But that day I had the first experience in my life for busking.

At that time my family had financial problems. My parents were absolutely against the idea to busk but I was very persistent. I took my ukulele and went out full of anticipations. My hands were almost dead with cold. But I knew how much music might warm me and passers- by. As people passed by, they slowed down their pace, lifted their heads from their phones, opened their eyes and ears, stopped and listened to the music, my music for strangers who might or might not want to hear me. Some people came up to me just to talk, other people seemed surprised. Some teens danced and sang along, others dropped coins into my case.

I feel really grateful to that day because I was able to make a little extra money for my family. At the same time people helped me realize that busking is not only about money, but it is also about inspiring smiles and what charity means. After all I managed to do this, thanks to kindness of people and their voluntary help. I realized that charity is a real humanitarian act, based on generosity and compassion.

That amazing day changed my mind about charity. When I was a child I always felt sorry for helpless aged and disabled people begging on the streets to survive. I wish to be a millionaire to give them a shelter and some food. Growing up I found out that there are some people who cheat and manipulate others just using their kindness and compassion.

The Internet is also full of information about compassion, mercy and donation both from common people and celebrities. But the Internet users have a dual approach on this issue. Some people really feel admired about charity but others are sure donations are made just for their own benefit. They say that some people donate just to drown their own pain and forget about negative emotions or just hide their problems away or to be like their idol.

It didn’t really affect me and stop believing in generosity. I still believe in simple human kindness because when you do something positive for people you open a bright side of your heart.

At the same time the Internet helps to understand better why it’s important to support and donate. It encourages young people to do something good through their volunteer commitment. I have read about the children who collect children’s books for shelters, monthly visit local homeless shelters to volunteer, create and distribute care bags with comforting items and a lot more.

At our school different charity events are also held every year. Students bring scrap paper to school, items for children from low-income families or some pet food. Some of my friends visit animal shelters every month and help them in organizing of dog shows. Every child has an opportunity to do some good things and put his efforts and energy into charity.

These acts of kindness – big and small – speak to the generosity of human spirit.

I like the saying “the wealth of a soul is measured by how you feel; its poverty by how little.”

Киселёва Нина Николаевна

Презентация на английском языке о благотворительных организациях России, которые оказывают помощь людям, находящимся в трудных жизненных ситуациях .Данная работа является творческим проектом к учебнику английского языка для 7 класса ( УМК под редакцией В.П. Кузовлева , Н.М. Лапа и др.)

Благотворительные организации России 337.79 КБ
Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Charity Organisations in Russia Работу выполнил ученик 7 класса Троценко Юрий МБОУ сош.№1 г. Донецк Ростовская область Руководитель: Киселева Н.Н.

"Russian Children's Fund" (OOBF "RDF") - the country's first public organization for childhood It was founded in October, 1987. There are 74 departments in Russia. They realize many programs. "Emergency social assistance" - a charity to help children and families (money, clothing, food, school supplies, etc.), charitable assistance to needy graduates of orphanages, children with disabilities, charitable non-recurring payments to students orphans. Tens of thousands of orphans, disabled children, children from poor families receive targeted assistance.

. HELP - a Charity Internet Organisation helps seriously ill people, health - and children's agencies

The Charity Fond “ Sozidanie ” was founded in April, 2001. It takes care for poor families and families of many children, for orphans, seriously ill or disabled children and people in difficult life situations. .

The Charitable Fond “Predanie" provides assistance to people in need and other volunteers organizations. It was founded by the private persons.

The PUBLIC FOUND by V. SMIRNOV supports charities, social and cultural initiatives, provides directory assistance.

The Private Charity Fond "Danilovcy” was organized in 2010. It works in 4 directions: - seriously ill and disabled children, orphans, - elderly people and invalids, - the homeless and prisoners, - donor ship.

. The Charity Fond “CHARITY ADDRESSES ” It raises money and donate it people who are in difficult life circumstances and realizes other charity projects.

Киселёва Нина Николаевна

Презентация на английском языке о благотворительных организациях России, которые оказывают помощь людям, находящимся в трудных жизненных ситуациях .Данная работа является творческим проектом к учебнику английского языка для 7 класса ( УМК под редакцией В.П. Кузовлева , Н.М. Лапа и др.)

Благотворительные организации России 337.79 КБ
Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Charity Organisations in Russia Работу выполнил ученик 7 класса Троценко Юрий МБОУ сош.№1 г. Донецк Ростовская область Руководитель: Киселева Н.Н.

"Russian Children's Fund" (OOBF "RDF") - the country's first public organization for childhood It was founded in October, 1987. There are 74 departments in Russia. They realize many programs. "Emergency social assistance" - a charity to help children and families (money, clothing, food, school supplies, etc.), charitable assistance to needy graduates of orphanages, children with disabilities, charitable non-recurring payments to students orphans. Tens of thousands of orphans, disabled children, children from poor families receive targeted assistance.

. HELP - a Charity Internet Organisation helps seriously ill people, health - and children's agencies

The Charity Fond “ Sozidanie ” was founded in April, 2001. It takes care for poor families and families of many children, for orphans, seriously ill or disabled children and people in difficult life situations. .

The Charitable Fond “Predanie" provides assistance to people in need and other volunteers organizations. It was founded by the private persons.

The PUBLIC FOUND by V. SMIRNOV supports charities, social and cultural initiatives, provides directory assistance.

The Private Charity Fond "Danilovcy” was organized in 2010. It works in 4 directions: - seriously ill and disabled children, orphans, - elderly people and invalids, - the homeless and prisoners, - donor ship.

. The Charity Fond “CHARITY ADDRESSES ” It raises money and donate it people who are in difficult life circumstances and realizes other charity projects.

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