Реферат на тему астана на английском языке

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. It's a very big and beautiful city. There are so many interesting and wonderful showplaces! A lot of people visit Astana for sightseeing. Baiterek is the symbol of the city, and from it you can see the whole city. Astana is situated in Central Kazakhstan, on the river Ishim. There are also a lot of theatres, cinemas and stores. Astana is a young city, but it's very developing city.
или это
Before visiting Astana I was sure that Almaty is the best city of Kazakhstan. The former capital of our country which is situated at the foot of the Ala-Tau Mountains is fantastic. But last summer I greatly changed my opinion.Astana is not only the heart of my Motherland but it’s a very beautiful city with modern buildings, splendid flowerbeds, wide and straight streets, magnanimous citizens. There you can see the blue sky, which is usually is not seen in big cities. As most of the biggest capitals of the world Astana is situated on the banks of the river.For the history the age of Astana is a moment but in a short of time one of the most important cities of Eurasia appeared. It has a great future. I wish this city become one of the best cities of the world.

I have got very few friends and unfortunately I haven't got enough time ever for them.
I have got very few friends and unfortunately I haven't got much time ever for them.

Мои обычные рабочие дни выглядят практически одинаково. Я стараюсь сделать их более интереснее и полезнее. Жизнь невозможна без работы. Учителя и родители всегда говорят что тяжелая работа единственный путь к достижению наших целей. Мой рабочий день обычно начинается как этот. В ровно 6 часов звенит мой радио-будильник. Хотя я не лентяй, но зимой мне сложно просыпаться рано. Я делаю зарядку каждое утро. Я знаю что хорошее здоровье лучше чем плохое. После душа я одеваюсь и расчесываю волосы. На это уходит около 4о минут. Я по привычке ем легкий завтрак. После завтрака я хватаю портфель и спешу в колледж. К несчастью я живу далеко от колледжа. Мне нужен час что бы дойти до него. Иногда мое настроение зависит от моих школьных предметов. Иногда одни уроки пролетают очень быстро, особенно если они гуманитарные или это математика, которая мне нарвииться больше всего, время тянется медленнее если это урок химии или биологии и в особенности когда мы пишем тест. Занятия начинаются в 8:20. Обычно семь уроков в день. Каждый урок идет по 45 минут, а перемены слишком короткие, всего лишь 5 или 10 минут. К счастью есть большая перемена в середине дня которая длится 45 минут. Во время этой перемены мы идем в столовую. В з часа, когда занятия заканчиваются я иногда остаюсь в колледже поиграть в футбол с одногрупниками По вечерам я занят домашней работой. Если у меня есть немного свободного времени я иду с друзьями на прогулку, почитать или посмотреть телевизор. Около 8 вечера наша семья ужинает. В 11:30 я принимаю душ и ложусь спать.

1.I study well-I do not study well
2.I like to read books-I don `t like to read books
3.I watch TV in the evenings-I do not watch TV in the evenings
4.I often get good grades-I do not often get good grades
5.I love the extreme-I do not like extras
6.I very often sit at the computer-I'm not very often sitting at the computer
7.I like black color-I do not like black color
8.I love shopping-I do not like to go shopping
9.I like bicycles-I do not like bicycles
10.I really like math-I do not really like math

-мне скучно
-Как игра? Я знаю, что они всегда неплохо играют
-я слушаю музыку. Я слушал ее в течение часа и я еще не услышал новую песню. Они все одинаковые
-пап, ты знал что два моих друга участвовали в игре?
-но у нас не имеется новых фильмов. И все старые фильмы, что у нас есть скучные!

1. If I (not feel) ____________better tomorrow, I’ll call the doctor. 2. If I (be) ______________you, I (not go)___________out w

Ex. Use the Present Continuous or the Present Perfect Continuous tenses instead of the infinitives in brackets: 1.She (to live)

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Astana is a modern city with a favorable environment attractive for tourists and comfortable for residents and guests of the Kazakh capital to live in.

Astana became the capital of new Kazakhstan in 1998 for a variety of reasons. By the end of the XX century, the country’s former capital Almaty was facing a heap of difficulties hampering further development of the city: the problem of overpopulation (over 1.500.000 inhabitants); traffic congestion; deteriorating environmental conditions. Moreover, compact planning of the “southern capital” in practice, restricted modern development of the city.

The choice was made in favor of Astana due to a number of decided advantages: vast urban area, favorable geographical location - close to the country’s main economic centers, significant demographic potential, well-developed transport infrastructure and the relatively favorable environment.

From the history of Astana

[Baiterek Tower, Astana] The horizonless Akmola steppes have long been the place for various civilizations and cultures to meet and intertwine. The “Father of History” Herodotus, in his writings, mentioned the route, laid through the Great Steppe (later known as the Great Silk Road), caravans passed by through these places. Development of handicrafts and home industry, trade boom in the cities, formerly traditionally employed exclusively in animal husbandry and agriculture, were boosted by the caravan routes of the Great Steppe.
The medieval ancient settlement of Bozok, found five kilometers from modern Astana, can rightly be called a millennial predecessor of the Kazakh capital.

[Khan-Shatyr] Almost two decades ago, in the 30-s of the XIX century, in these steppes, on the site of Akmola village was founded the city of Akmolinsk to serve as a military, commercial and economic center.
Due to virgin land reclamation in the 60-s of last century Akmolinsk was renamed Tselinograd (“tselina” means “virgin land”).

The historical name Akmola was returned to the city in 1992. When the city was granted the status of the Kazakh capital on May 6, 1998, it was named Astana, which means “a capital”. Thus, the ancient city of able craftsmen, skilled tradesmen and industrious farmers became the center of political, public, social and cultural life of new, democratic sovereign Kazakhstan.

Today Astana is not only a country’s major administrative center, located at the intersection of major development networks of the country. It is the city-leader, setting the pace in the innovative development of Kazakhstan. The city, which acts as a locomotive of the reforms in Kazakhstan of the new millennium is also a tourist attraction in the steppes.

Астана - современный город с благоприятной атмосферой, привлекательной для туристов и комфортной для жителей и гостей столицы Казахстана.

Выбор был сделан в пользу Астаны из-за ряда решенных преимуществ: обширная городская территория, благоприятное географическое положение - недалеко от основных экономических центров страны, значительный демографический потенциал, развитая транспортная инфраструктура и относительно благоприятная обстановка.

Из истории Астаны

Средневековое древнее поселение Бозок, найденное в пяти километрах от современной Астаны, по праву можно назвать тысячелетним предшественником казахстанской столицы.

[Хан-Шатыр] Почти два десятилетия назад, в 30-х годах XIX века, в этих степях на месте поселка Акмола был основан Акмолинск, который служил военным, торгово-экономическим центром.

Сегодня Астана является не только крупным административным центром страны, расположенным на пересечении крупных сетей развития страны. Это город-лидер, определяющий темпы инновационного развития Казахстана. Город, который действует как локомотив реформ в Казахстане нового тысячелетия

Разработка урока содержит информацию на английском языке о столице Казахстане-Астаны, о истории, о достопримечательностях. Так же имеется тестовая работа.

Естибаева Эльмира Даулетовна, учитель английского языка средней школы имени Жансугурова Аксуского района, Алматинской области, Казахстан

Описание разработки


Educational: to enrich pupils’ knowledge about education the capital of our country, to enlarge pupils’ vocabulary.

Developing: to develop pupils’ reading and writing skills

Bringing - up: to develop pupils’ work in groups, to be friendly in touching.

The motion of the lesson:

B) Checking up the homework

III. To divide the class into three groups with the help of modern buildings of Kazakhstan:

The group “Ak Orda” will speak about the history of Kazakhstan;

The group “Pyramids” will speak about the geographical position of Kazakhstan;

The group “Baiterek” will speak about the modern buildings of Kazakhstan.

Answer the questions:

  1. What is the capital of Kazakhstan?
  2. Where is the“Baiterek” situated?
  3. Where will “EXPO - 2017” take place?

IV. New words

Rename – қайта атау

V. The work with the text.

Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan

Astana (the former Akmola) was founded in 1830. In 1862 stanitsa Akmola got the status of a town. In March 1917 the Soviet Power was established in Akmola. In 1961 Akmola was renamed into Tselinograd and became the centre of Tselinny Krai. In 1992 the city got its name Akmola again and since October 1997 Akmola has become a new capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Later on it got its present name Astana.

Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. It occupies the north - western part of the Sary Arka, on the river Ishim. The climate is extreme continental and drought - prone. The scorching summers bring dust storms and hot, dry winds. Astana is a modern growing city, a political, financial, economic, scientific and socio - cultural centre of the state. In 1999 Astana was awarded with the medal and little of City of Peace by UNESCO

There are a lot of magnificent beautiful buildings, higher educational establishments, colleges and secondary schools, hotels, banks and other commercial structures in Astana, the new capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan. There are many places of interest in Astana: the Central Square the Republic Avenue, the Palace of Youth and the Bridge across the Ishim River, the Reginal Museum of Fine Arts and others. From everywhere you can see Baiterek, the symbol of prosperity and happiness.

The Baiterek Tower has become the city's symbol and its visiting card. The height of the structure is 105 meters. At the height of 97 meters there is an observation deck providing a bird's eye view of the city. The figure of 97 was not chosen at random. It symbolizes the year of the movement of the capital from Almaty to Astana. The Baiterek Tower accommodates an art gallery, a large aquarium and a restaurant.

Three group prepare the poster about the capital of Kazakhstan.

V. Conclusion of the lesson:

1. When was founded Astana (the former Akmola)?

2. What is the name of the capital of Kazakhstan at present time?

3. Where was the Soviet Power established in March 1917?

4. When has Astana became a new capital of Kazakhstan?

5. On what river is Atana situated?

6. When was Astana awarded with the medal and title of City of Peace by UNESCO?

7. What is the symbol of the Baiterek Tower?

A) peace and happiness

C) prosperity and happiness

VI. a) Marking pupils’ knowledge

b) Giving the home work: to write an essay “My native region”.

Содержимое разработки

Theme: Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan

Educational: to enrich pupils’ knowledge about education the capital of our country, to enlarge pupils’ vocabulary.

Developing: to develop pupils’ reading and writing skills

Bringing- up: to develop pupils’ work in groups, to be friendly in touching.

The motion of the lesson:

B) Checking up the homework

III. To divide the class into three groups with the help of modern buildings of Kazakhstan:

The group “Ak Orda” will speak about the history of Kazakhstan;

The group “Pyramids” will speak about the geographical position of Kazakhstan;

The group “Baiterek” will speak about the modern buildings of Kazakhstan.

Answer the questions:

What is the capital of Kazakhstan?

Where is the“Baiterek” situated?

Where will “EXPO-2017” take place?

Rename – қайта атау

V. The work with the text.

Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan

Astana (the former Akmola) was founded in 1830. In 1862 stanitsa Akmola got the status of a town. In March 1917 the Soviet Power was established in Akmola. In 1961 Akmola was renamed into Tselinograd and became the centre of Tselinny Krai.In 1992 the city got its name Akmola again and since October 1997 Akmola has become a new capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Later on it got its present name Astana.

Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. It occupies the north-western part of the Sary Arka, on the river Ishim. The climate is extreme continental and drought- prone. The scorching summers bring dust storms and hot, dry winds. Astana is a modern growing city, a political, financial, economic, scientific and socio-cultural centre of the state. In 1999 Astana was awarded with the medal and little of City of Peace by UNESCO

There are a lot of magnificent beautiful buildings, higher educational establishments, colleges and secondary schools, hotels, banks and other commercial structures in Astana, the new capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan. There are many places of interest in Astana: the Central Square the Republic Avenue, the Palace of Youth and the Bridge across the Ishim River, the Reginal Museum of Fine Arts and others. From everywhere you can see Baiterek, the symbol of prosperity and happiness.

The Baiterek Tower has become the city's symbol and its visiting card. The height of the structure is 105 meters. At the height of 97 meters there is an observation deck providing a bird's eye view of the city. The figure of 97 was not chosen at random. It symbolizes the year of the movement of the capital from Almaty to Astana. The Baiterek Tower accommodates an art gallery, a large aquarium and a restaurant.

Three group prepare the poster about the capital of Kazakhstan.

V. Conclusion of the lesson:

1. When was founded Astana (the former Akmola)?

2. What is the name of the capital of Kazakhstan at present time?

3. Where was the Soviet Power established in March 1917?

4. When has Astana became a new capital of Kazakhstan?

5. On what river is Atana situated?

6. When was Astana awarded with the medal and title of City of Peace by UNESCO?

7. What is the symbol of the Baiterek Tower?

A) peace and happiness

C) prosperity and happiness

VI. a) Marking pupils’ knowledge

b) Giving the home work: to write an essay “My native region”


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Буквально на следующий день Светлана предоставила выполненную работу, получила "отлично". Огромное спасибо!

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