Telecom tower в лондоне кратко на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Дорогой ученик! В этом материале подготовлено описание достопримечательностей Лондона. Под английским текстом есть перевод на русский язык.

Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace is the official residence of Queen Elizabeth. It is located near Green Park. When the Queen is in the residence, the Royal Standard flies over Buckingham Palace.

There are 775 rooms where members of the Royal family and their servants live. There are also rooms for guests. There are offices, on-site post and even swimming pool in the palace.

Throughout the year right in front of Buckingham Palace the ceremony of the Changing of the Guard takes place, attracting a lot of tourists.

The Tower of London

The Tower of London is one of the main London's places of interest. It is located on the north bank of the River Thames and is one of the oldest buildings.

At different times the Tower was used as a royal residence, fortress, prison, mint and, even, zoo. Today the Tower of London is the place where the Crown Jewels are kept.

Every day its doors are open for tourists. A few black ravens live on its territory. The walls of the Tower are still guarded by palace guard in historical outfits.

Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar Square is located in the centre of London. It was named after the victory in the Battle of Trafalgar. In the centre of the square there is Nelson's column with four lions at the bottom of it.

There are beautiful fountains in the square. Some famous buildings, such as the National Gallery, St. Martin-in-the-fields and Admiralty Arch, are also located there.

The square is the place where a lot of different events and celebrations are held.

Hyde Park

Hyde Park is a big park located in central London. Today it is a popular place for meetings, celebrations and festivals.

The park is known for its artificial lake Serpentine where it is allowed to swim. There is a gallery, a museum and several sculptures on the territory of Hyde Park.

During the Olympic Games 2012 Hyde Park was the place where some competitions were held.

St. Paul's Cathedral

St. Paul's Cathedral is located at the highest point of the City of London, Ludgate Hill. The Cathedral was seriously damaged during the Great Fire of London. It was redesigned by Christopher Wren, a famous architect.

There are three Galleries and 17 bells in the Cathedral. The largest bell is called Great Paul.

The British Museum

The British Museum is one of the largest museums in the world. It was founded in the XVIII century and in the XIX century it was already divided into different departments.

The museum houses large collections of artefacts representing different cultures of the world, both ancient and modern.

So, there is the Department of coins and medals, the Department of prints and drawings, the Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan and many others.

The London Eye

The London Eye is one the largest Ferris wheels in Europe. Unforgettable views of the city open from its height of 135 metres.

The wheel consists of 32 air-conditioned capsules which symbolize 32 boroughs of London. The London Eye rotates with the speed of 0,9 km/hour. The ride takes 30 minutes. The wheel looks like a big bicycle wheel.

Oxford Street

Oxford Street is a lively shopping street located in the centre of London. There are hundreds of shops in this street. The street is 1,9 km long. It is one of the busiest commercial streets in Europe.

During Christmas time Oxford Street is decorated with lots of lights and garlands making it one of the most popular destinations for tourists.


Westminster is a historical area of central London with several famous landmarks.

Westminster Abbey, a Gothic church, is located there. The church is a traditional place of coronation and burial site for all British kings and queens.

Not far from the church there is the Palace of Westminster which is the meeting place of the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

Big Ben

Big Ben is the name of the Great bell of the clock at the Palace of Westminster. Nowadays this name mostly refers to the clock and the clock tower.

In 2012 the tower was renamed to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of the Queen and is now officially known as the Elizabeth Tower.

The height of the tower is 96,3 metres . Big Ben is one of the most prominent symbols of the United Kingdom.

The Tower of London is one of the most famous and most interesting places in the city. The Tower was once a palace, a fortress, a prison and even a Zoo. Today it is known as a historical museum.

Despite being called “The Tower of London”, the place consists of 20 towers. The White Tower is the oldest of them. It was built at the time of William the Conqueror. The Tower of London used to be a place where many famous people lived their last days before execution. Anne Boleyn was beheaded there and future Queen Elizabeth was kept in the prison but later she was released and became Queen.

The guardians of the Tower still tell tourists many thrilling stories about things happened there when the place was a prison. Even a more interesting story is considered to be the one about the start of the Zoo. It is said that King Henry III was given an elephant, a polar bear and several leopards as gifts and he had no place to keep them in except for the Tower of London.

Nowadays the Tower of London is a place of great interest for millions of people. Tourists come there to visit the museum of Royal Armouries, the Fusilier museum and a new Jewel Tower where Crown Jewels are exhibited. Tourists can also speak with the guardians who wear special uniform which was assigned to them during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.


Лондонский Тауэр – одно из наиболее знаменитых и интересных мест в городе. Тауэр когда-то был дворцом, крепостью, тюрьмой и даже зоопарком. Сегодня он известен как исторический музей.

Несмотря на свое название, Тауэр состоит из 20 башен. Белая Башня – самая старая из них. Она была построена во времена Вильгельма Завоевателя. Лондонский Тауэр ранее был местом, где многие известные люди проживали свои последние дни перед казнью. Анна Болейн была обезглавлена там, а будущая королева Елизавета была заточена в тюрьме, а затем ее выпустили, и она стала королевой.

Стражники Тауэра по сей день рассказывают туристам захватывающие истории о событиях, происходивших в то время, когда место было отведено для тюрьмы. Еще более интересной считается история возникновения зоопарка. Говорят, что король Генрих III получил в качестве подарков слона, белого медведя и нескольких леопардов. Королю негде было держать животных, кроме как в Тауэре.

На сегодняшний день Лондонский Тауэр представляет большой интерес для миллионов людей. Туристы приходят туда, чтобы посетить музей Королевского Оружия, Исторический музей и новую Башню Драгоценностей, где выставлены королевские драгоценности. Туристы также могут пообщаться со стражей, которая носит специальную форму, назначенную во времена правления королевы Елизаветы I.

Read the notes about the CN Tower and write a short story about it.
− member of the World Federation of Great Towers
− one of the highest towers in the world
− 553 metres high
− in Toronto, Canada
− CN (Canadian National) − name of the railway company
− built the Tower in 1976 (the railway company)
− is open every day except December 25 .
− visit to enjoy a bird’s eye view of the city


Перевод задания
Прочтите заметки о Си−Эн Тауэр и напишите о ней небольшой рассказ.
− член Всемирной федерации великих башен
− одна из самых высоких башен в мире
− высота 553 метра
− в Торонто, Канада
− CN (Canadian National) − название железнодорожной компании
− Башня построена в 1976 г. (железнодорожная компания)
− открыт каждый день, кроме 25 декабря.
− посещение, чтобы насладиться видом на город с высоты птичьего полета

The CN Tower is situated in Toronto, Canada. The Tower is 553 metres high and it is one of the highest towers in the world. CN (Canadian National) is name of the railway company. The company built the Tower in 1976 . The CN Tower is member of the World Federation of Great Towers. It is open for visitors every day except December 25 . The Tower is worth to visit and enjoy a bird’s eye view of the city!

Перевод ответа
Си−Эн Тауэр находится в Торонто, Канада. Высота башни составляет 553 метра, и это одна из самых высоких башен в мире . CN (Canadian National) − это название железнодорожной компании. Компания построила Башню в 1976 году. Си−Эн Тауэр является членом Всемирной федерации великих башен. Он открыт для посетителей каждый день, кроме 25 декабря. Башню стоит посетить и насладиться видом на город с высоты птичьего полета!

"Те́леком та́уэр", Телекоммуникацио́нная ба́шня (в Лондоне; построена в 1965 Управлением почт [ Post Office] для приёма и передачи радио-, телевизионных и телефонных сигналов; с 1984 в ведении "Бритиш телеком" [ British Telecom] как центральная телефонная станция города; в верхней части - закрытая смотровая галерея и вращающийся ресторан; высота 176 м)

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