Рассказ о евросоюзе на английском кратко

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

The European Union, or EU, is a collaborative effort between 27 European countries to form a mutually beneficial economic and policy community. Since 1993, the EU has worked to increase economies and spread human rights advances worldwide. The goals of the European Union include uniting Europe toward common goals and providing aid to developing nations.

After World War II, Europe was a fractured area, divided by political and cultural differences. Several attempts to promote a regional governing body met with varying success, including the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Community. Because of the power ideological and political differences between Western and Eastern Europe, a true community could not be formed until after the end of the Cold War.

In 1992, the Maastricht Treaty (Маастрихстский договор) was signed by member nations, bringing the European Union into effect. The treaty outlined three pillars (столпы, основы) of the union: European Communities, Common Foreign and Security Policy, and Justice and Home Affairs. The treaty also made provisions to admit many of the nations of Eastern Europe. In 2001, the Treaty of Nice further expanded provisions for new nations.

To become a member of the European Union, a nation must be in conformance with a series of standards called the Copenhagen criteria. These detail geographic and political necessities for member nations. Included standards dictate human rights laws, democracy, protective law for minorities, and a market economy. As of 2008, three states are candidates undergoing review: Turkey, Croatia, and the Republic of Macedonia. Several other nations are identified as potential candidates for future admission, including Albania and Serbia.

One of the greatest achievements of the European Union is the establishment of a single market economy. Between member nations, trade is largely unrestricted. While nations maintain separate laws on taxation and trade standards, EU members agree to basic trade laws between their countries. Almost all products created by one nation are legal for trade in all of the other countries.

Most nations belonging to the EU have adopted a common currency, called the Euro. The Euro is overseen by the European Central Bank, in an effort to promote all economies that incorporate the use of the currency. As of 2008, 15 nations use the Euro, collectively called the Eurozone. Other EU members must meet specific financial and economic standards before being allowed to adopt the currency. Slovenia was the first of the countries from the 2004 expansion to meet euro criteria.

In addition to increasing economic stability, the European Union sets member policy on a variety of social and political issues. Agriculture, energy policy, anti-terrorism efforts, environmental issues, and education are among the serious areas covered by various EU committees. The EU’s goal of creating a neighborhood community of nations is still in its infancy, but measurable impacts are already apparent in the economic and social arenas.

The European Union or the EU is an intergovernmental and supranational union of 25 European countries, known as member states. The European Union was established under that name in 1992 by the Treaty on European Union, the Maastricht Treaty. However, many aspects of the Union existed before that date through a series of predecessor relationships, dating back to 1951.

The European Union"s activities cover all areas of public policy, from health and economic policy to foreign affairs and defence.«However, the extent of its powers differs greatly between areas. Depending on the area, the EU may therefore resemble a federation, for example, on monetary affairs, agricultural, trade and environmental policy or a confederation, for example, on social and economic policy, consumer protection, home affairs, or even an international organization, for example, in foreign affairs.

A key activity of the EU is the establishment and administration of a common single market, consisting of a customs union, a single currency adopted by 12 of the 25 member states, a Common Agricultural Policy, a common trade policy, and a Common Fisheries Policy.

The most important EU institutions are the Council of the European Union, the European Commission, the European Parliament and the European Court of Justice.

As to the enlargement of the EU there were five successive enlargements, with the largest occurring on May 1, 2004, when 10 new member states joined.

Notwithstanding Greenland does not enter the EU because it was granted home rule by Denmark in 1979 and left the European Community in 1985, following a referendum.

Romania and Bulgaria joined the EU on 1 January 2007, so European Union has 27 member states but if Croatia enter the EU by the year 2008 it will have 28 member-states. In time the European Union may grow to 30 member states. The process of enlargement is sometimes referred to as European integration.

In order to join the European Union, a state needs to fulfill the economic and political conditions generally known as the Copenhagen criteria, after the Copenhagen summit in June 1993. Also, according to the EU Treaty, each current member state and the European Parliament have to agree.

The European Union has 25 member states, an area of 3, 892, 685 km2 and approximately 460 million EU citizens as of December 2004. If it were a country, it would be the seventh largest in the world by area and the third largest by population after China and India.

The European Union has land borders with 20 nations and sea borders with 31.

Европейский Cоюз

Европейский Cоюз — это межправительственное и наднациональное объединение (союз) 25 европейских стран, называемых странами — членами Союза. Европейский Cоюз был создан в 1992 году Маастрихтским соглашением о Европейском союзе. Тем не менее много черт, напоминающих этот союз, существовало в предыдущих взаимоотношениях, начиная еще с 1951 года.

Деятельность Евросоюза покрывает все сферы государственной деятельности, начиная со здравоохранения и экономики, заканчивая внешней политикой и обороной. Однако степень этих взаимоотношений зависит от сферы деятельности. В зависимости от сферы деятельности, Европейский Cоюз может напоминать федерацию, например в сфере монетной политики, сельском хозяйстве, торговле, в сфере экологической политики; конфедерацию, например, в сфере социальной политики и экономики, в сфере защиты потребителя, во внутренней политике; может напоминать даже международную организацию, например, во внешней политике.

Ключом всего существования Евросоюза является создание и управление единым рынком, который включает в себя: таможенный союз, единую валюту, введенную в 12 из 25 стран Евросоюза, единую сельскохозяйственную политику, единую торговую политику и единую рыбоохранную политику.

Самыми важными учреждениями Евросоюза являются Совет Евросоюза, Еврокомиссия, Парламент Евросоюза и Европейский судебный орган.

Что же касается расширения Евросоюза, то их было пять, самое большое произошло 1 мая 2004 года, когда К Евросоюзу присоединились 10 новых государств.

Несмотря на это Гренландия не входит в Евросоюз, так как в 1979 году Дания предоставила ей самоуправление и Гренландия вышла из Европейского сообщества в 1985 году, что было одобрено на референдуме.

Румыния и Болгария присоединились к Евросоюзу 1 января 2007 года, таким образом Евросоюз насчитывает 27 государств-членов, а возможно и 28 государств, если до 2008 к нему присоединится и Хорватия. Со временем Евросоюз может вырасти до 30 государств-членов. Процесс расширения Евросоюза иногда называют евроинтеграцией.

Чтобы присоединится к Евросоюзу, государство должно выполнить ряд экономических и политических условий, известных как Копенгагенский критерий, названный так в честь саммита, прошедшего в городе Копенгагене в 1993 году. К тому же, в соответствии с соглашением Евросоюза, каждый нынешний член Евросоюза должен одобрить это вступление.

В Евросоюз входят 25 государств, его общая площадь составляет 3 892 685 км2, а население на декабрь 2004 года составляло примерно 460 миллионов человек. Если бы это было государство, то оно было бы седьмым государством по величине территории и третьим по количеству населения, уступая только Китаю и Индии.

Европейский Cоюз имеет сухопутные границы с 20 государствами, морские — с 31 государством.

The European Union (EU) is an economic and political union of 27 member states, located primarily in Europe.[7][8][9][10] Committed to regional integration, the EU was established by the Treaty of Maastricht on 1 November 1993 upon the foundations of the pre-existing European Economic Community.[11] With almost 500 million citizens, the EU combined generates an estimated 30% share (US$18.4 trillion in 2008) of the nominal gross world product.[12]

The EU has developed a single market through a standardised system of laws which apply in all member states, ensuring the freedom of movement of people, goods, services, and capital.[13] It maintains common policies on trade,[14] agriculture, fisheries[15] and regional development.[16] A common currency, the euro, has been adopted by sixteen member states that are thus known as the Eurozone. The EU has developed a limited role in foreign policy, having representation at the WTO, G8 summits, and at the UN. It enacts legislation in justice and home affairs, including the abolition of passport controls between many member states which form part of the Schengen Area.[17]

An international organisation sui generis,[18][19][20] the EU operates through a hybrid system of supranationalism and intergovernmentalism. In certain areas, it depends upon agreement between the member states; in others, supranational bodies are able to make decisions without unanimity. Important institutions and bodies of the EU include the European Commission, the Council of the European Union, the European Council, the European Court of Justice, and the European Central Bank. The European Parliament is elected every five years by member states' citizens, to whom the citizenship of the European Union is guaranteed.

The EU traces its origins to the European Coal and Steel Community formed among six countries in 1951 and the Treaty of Rome in 1957. Since then the union has grown in size through the accession of new countries, and new policy areas have been added to the remit of the EU's institutions.

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Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

The European Union

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

The European Union

The European Union

There are 12 stars on EU flag

There are 12 stars on EU flag

Germany has the largest population in the EU Germany's population was counted to be 82,175,700 on December 31, 2015

Beethoven’s music was chosen for the EU anthem

Beethoven’s music was chosen for the EU anthem

The main meeting of the European Parliament is in Strasbourg

The main meeting of the European Parliament is in Strasbourg

The members of the EU 1. Austria 2. Belgium 3. Bulgaria 4. Croa.

The members of the EU 1. Austria 2. Belgium 3. Bulgaria 4. Croatia 5. Cyprus 6. Czech Republic 7. Denmark 8. Estonia 9. Finland 10. France

21. Poland 22. Portugal 23. Romania 24. Slovakia 25. Slovenia 26. Spain 27. S.

21. Poland 22. Portugal 23. Romania 24. Slovakia 25. Slovenia 26. Spain 27. Sweden 28. United Kingdom 11. Germany 12. Greece 13. Hungary 14. Ireland 15. Italy 16. Latvia 17. Lithuania 18. Luxembourg 19. Malta 20. Netherlands

EU citizens are allowed to work and study in other EU countries

EU citizens are allowed to work and study in other EU countries

The euro hasn’t become the official currency in the U.K. There are a hundred.

The euro hasn’t become the official currency in the U.K. There are a hundred cents in one euro

Краткое описание документа:

Учебник Forward 9 класс, Вербицкая М. В.

В данной презентации представлены:

- описание флага Евросоюза;

- гимн (с указанием композитора);

- место заседания Европейского парламента;

- страны, входящие в состав Европейского союза;

- страна с самым большим населением;

- валюта, используемая на территории Евросоюза.

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