Spotlight 9 family matters конспект урока

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Задачи урока:

Ход урока

1. Warming up

T: Hello, everybody! Pleased to meet you. Hope you are fine and ready to work. Try to do your best, show all your knowledge. I am sure you can.

Today we are going to talk about things concerning each of us. Look at this slide (slide 1), read the Chinese proverb and define the topic of the lesson.

If there is light in the soul,
There will be beauty in the person.
If there is beauty in the person,
There will be harmony in the house.
If there is harmony in the house,
There will be order in the nation.
If there is order in the nation,
There will be peace in the world.
Well, what are we going to talk about?

S: We are going to talk about family matters, about happy families who make a happy society and the happy world (love, mutual respect, tolerance, and understanding).

T: Our lesson is about family matters, about sometimes difficult family relationships and by the end of the lesson we should work out some rules to have a successful family life.

2. Developing vocabulary skills

1. Definition

T: To start with, let's define the word "a family".

What exactly is meant by the word "a family?" Can you define it?

S: "A family" means a group of people who are re­lated to each other by blood (e.g. a brother or a sister) or by marriage (e.g. a husband and his wife's sister). [9]

T: You know the popular saying which says, "Blood is thicker than water". What does it mean?

S: Our family are the most important people in our life.

2. Types of families

T: Not all families are the same.

1. There are different kinds of families. What are they? (slide 2) Match the term and its definition.

A family where couples either cannot or choose not to have children.

A family that consists only of one parent who lives with the children.

One-parent family (single parent)

A family that consists not only of parents and children but also of grandparents and other family members.

Blended family (Step family)

A family that consists only of a husband, wife and their children.

Childless family (Married couple)

A family where one parent has children that are not related to the other parent.

3. Work with the family tree

T: Study the family tree. Make up the sentences about the people in the family tree (slides 3,4).

4. Vocabulary exercises (slide 5)

T: Name the male/female equivalent [3].

T: Relatives can be by birth and by marriage (slide 6).

Which of the following are relatives by birth and which are relatives by marriage?

Brother-in-law, uncle, niece, stepmother, half-brother, great grandparents, cousins.

5. Complete the sentences with the words in brackets (slide 7) [3]

1. Weren't the……vows beautiful at Anna and Nick's. (wedding/marriage)

2. There are just four people in my ………family? But more than twenty in my ……family. (extended/immediate)

3. My …. who came to the family celebration spanned three…. (generations/relations)

4. Some …. of ours recently gave us a photo album full of pictures of our ……(ancestors/relatives)

5. My…grandmother lives in a little . cottage. (old/elderly)

6. A…family consists of father, mother and children whereas a … family consists of one parent and children. (single parent, nuclear)

6. Fill in: engaged, married, divorced, separated, single, get, widow, stepmother, in-laws [3] (slide 8)

1. My sister is ……to be …….to a wonderful man.

2. When she ……from her husband, she moved to her parents' house.

3. It's difficult to be a ……parent.

4. Her parents didn't … on well so they decided to get….

5. Mrs. Hams' husband died four years ago and she hasn't married again. She is a ……….

6. These are my husband's parents. They are my ….

7. When her mother died, her father got married to another woman. Her ……. looked after her well.

7. Explain the following words (slide 9)

Sister-in-law, to date, engaged, bride, divorce, custody, ancestor, generation gap.

3. Grammar task

Choose one of these modal verbs (can, may, must, should) to complete the sentences [2]:

  1. Conflicts … lead to bad relations.
  2. We … hear what the other person is saying.
  3. We … prevent conflicts.
  4. We … have respect for other people.
  5. Political parties …resolve conflicts by peaceful means.
  6. States … prevent wars if they decide to resolve conflicts peacefully.
  7. You … have better relations with people if you resolve a conflict peacefully.
  8. You … learn about conflict resolution if you read books about conflict.
  9. You … have more friends if you learn to resolve conflicts peacefully.

4. Reading task

Read the text; after reading the text choose "True" or "False" [6].

Carey Anderson lay on the bed, trying to fall asleep. As often happens late at night she was thinking of what she had to do the next day. She needed to get the washing done, and do the shopping, if she could find the time. Suddenly she heard a noise at the bedroom door and got frightened. She thought it could be a burglar -the one from a scary movie she had watched the night before.

The bedroom door opened slowly and she heard Angie's voice saying in the dark, "Carey! Carey! It's me". Carey got out of bed and looked at the clock. It said three in the morning. She turned on the lamp.

Her newly adopted child Angie stood next to the bed. She was only three years old and about three feet tall. Her white nightgown reached just below her knees. She was barefoot. Angie made a sign to follow her. In the corridor Angie turned the corner and led Carey to the brightly lit kitchen.

The kitchen was a complete mess. Carey saw the refrigerator door and the drawers wide open. Empty packages of ham and cheese, and white bread, spoons and forks were all over the kitchen floor. In the middle there was an open package of apple juice. The whole view of the kitchen was surprising for Carey and brought tears to her eyes. She never let the family go to bed without having a meal. She used to cook tasty dinners, bought sweets and fruit for Angie and would bake her favourite chocolate cake. She made a great effort for the new member of her little family. As Carey opened her mouth to shout at Angie for the first time, she noticed a tray in the middle of the kitchen table. On the tray there was a plate with two sandwiches, a glass of juice, two forks, and a folded napkin beside the plate. Angie walked over to a tray. "Are you hungry?" Angie asked. Carey looked at the little girl. Angie was smiling, her small finger pointing at the sandwiches. "See, Mum? One for you, one for me" she said, waiting for Carey's approval. It was the first time Angie had called her mum. Trying to smile through her tears, Carey grabbled Angie and kissed her a thousand times.

Then she picked up the food and sat down at the kitchen table. Angie jumped into her arms and there they sat at three in the morning, enjoying their ham and cheese sandwiches. That morning Carey was sure that a child's love was the best reason to wake up at three o'clock.

1. Late at night, Carey was watching a film.
1) True 2) False

2. Angie was Carey's little sister.
1) True 2) False

3. Angie was dressed for a walk.
1) True 2) False

4. Carey found the kitchen very untidy.
1) True 2) False

5. Angie had prepared a meal for two.
1) True 2) False

6. That night's event made Carey feel happy.
1) True 2) False

T: Explain what the problem is. Is this family happy?

5. Developing speaking skills

1. Family responsibilities

T: You know in a family every member usually has certain responsibilities.

What responsibilities should children have in a family?

What is your attitude to household chores?

2. Family conflicts

T: There is no doubt that to have loving and caring parents, brothers and sisters is really important. But no matter how much you love your family, unfortunately, there are sometimes hard situations in families. In particular, these situations happen when children become older. We've already mentioned a generation gap.

What can you say about a generation gap?

S: The generation gap is the difference between young people and old people who do not understand each other because of their age difference. [9]

Why do conflicts happen? Is it important to avoid or prevent conflicts in the family?

S (a sample answer): Conflict is a natural thing in our life. Conflicts happen because people are different: they want different things, they have different ideas, their values are different. Sometimes they don't listen to each other well. They think what they want to say and don't really hear what the other person is saying.

3. Watching the video. (slide 11) [4]

T: Watch the video and say what problems Izzy and George have in their families.

Why are George and Izzy so frustrated? What do they suggest to solve each other's problems?

What problems do teenagers can have in their families?

4. Working with the diagram (slide 12) [2]

Study the diagram and say what kind of problems teenagers have in their family and define the amount of them (in per cent).
Have you had similar problems in your families?

6. Work in pairs

Choose the five most common causes of conflict in a family from the list [2]. Explain your choice:

Parents want their children to obey them.

Children ignore their parents.

Parents don't approve of their children's friends?

Some family members don't have the same rights as other members of the family.

Children are dependent on their parents.

Children suffer unfair punishments.

Children/Parents make a fuss about silly things.

Children/Parents shout at their parents/children.

Children/parents don't observe the laws of co-existence.

Children/parents make fun of their parents/children.

Children/parents have too many responsibilities at home.

Children/parents have nobody to rely on.

Children/parents have nobody to talk to.

Parents interfere in the relationships with children's friends.

Parents don't like the music children listen to.

Parents think their children are lazy

Parents think their children waste much time with my gadgets

Parents try to solve children 's personal problems without children

Parents think children can have better marks at school

Parents break their promises

Parents don't like children's haircut.

T: Tell your partner what problems you have in your family and how you cope with them.
Act out the dialogues with your partner.

7. Group work. Discussing the situations

1.Divide the students into three groups and hand out the situation cards to them.

T: Imagine that you are a parent. What would you do in the following situations?

1) Your 9-year-old son refuses to perform the simplest duties about the house: to make his bed, to remove his toys, to wash his plate after dinner, etc.

2) Your 12-year-old daughter has become aggressive and difficult to control. She spends too much time with her friends, miss some lessons and smokes.

Your attempts to discipline her make the things worse.

3) Your 6-year-old son asks you to buy him a very expensive toy. He does not stop talking about it. Besides, his best friend's parents have already bought him 'that wonderful robot'. You don't want to upset your son but you can't afford to buy this toy.

The students have 5 minutes to discuss the given problem in the groups; afterwards they present their solution.

2.What should people do when they have a conflict? Use the ideas from the box (slides 13, 14) [2]:

Be able to listen to each other, to quarrel without children, calm down and talk very calmly, find any compromise, give some pieces of advice (to ask for advice), respect smb's opinion, work out a list of rules, get along with, try to forgive and approve, understand the younger (older) generation, rely on own family, cheer smb up …

Tell day and night to keep the room tidy, spoil the mood, threaten or frighten (bully), make fun of smb., make smb feel uncomfortable, make smb suffer from…, envy smb's success(to feel jealous), betray our friends, criticize smb, shout and quarrel in a loud voice, irritate smb, trouble with some boring or unpleasant things…

8. Summarizing

T: Our lesson is coming to the end. What did you do at the lesson?

I ask you to assess yourself (from 3 to 5). Mark your result, please.

1. I worked hard

2. I listened attentively

3. I spoke English

4. I did grammar exercise

  • От 18 до 20 - оценка 5
  • От 14 до 17 - оценка 4

T: Thank you for the lesson. You worked actively and hard and I hope this lesson will be useful for you. I wish you to have happy families and to learn the art to live together and to overcome any difficult family situation. Let's have a friendly and understanding family. It depends on us.

The hometask for the following lesson is to write a composition "A family of my dream, the family I want to have".

I want to finish our lesson with the words by Mother Teresa "We can do not great things, only small things with great love".

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Teacher: Now you’ll play ”Pyramid” game. Split into 4 groups. Your task is to comment on this quotation and give your arguments:

“A successful society consists of happy people, a happy personality is grown up in a happy family”.

Ps: Group 1. (puts a question on the statement) – Are you a happy personality?
Ps: Group 2. (gives answers in one sentence and puts a question to the 3rd group)
– Do you think you have a happy family?
Ps: Group 3. (answers in two sentences and puts a question to the 4th group)
– Do you think you live in a successful society? Why?
Ps: Group 4. (gives a reply in three or four sentences and asks the 1st group)
– Do you think all people in our country happy?

II Введение в тему. Определение темы и задач урока (описание слайда 2,3)

Discussing family matters involves a lot of other topics

III Актуализация имеющихся знаний

As you can see the Motto of our lesson is (сл

Today we are going to speak about family matters, but before we start I’d like you to explain the meaning of the word “FAMILY”. As you know “a family” means a group of people who are re­lated to each other by blood (e.g. a brother or a sister) or by marriage (e.g. a husband and his wife’s sister). Look at the word “MATTERS” in the title. Is it a noun, a verb or both?

Look up the word in the dictionary an give the Russian equivalent.

Matter, n. - вопрос, дело

To matter, v. - иметь значение.

Can the both meanings be suitable for it? (yes, they can)

And now let’s find out how well you know your relatives.

Your father's sister is your ___ (aunt)

Your sister's husband is your ___(brother-in-low)

Your mother's mother is your ___(grandmother)

Your sister's daughter is your ___( niece)

Your son's son is your ___ (grandchild)

Your sister's brother is your ___(brother)

Your mother's brother is your ___ (uncle)

Your uncle's son is your ___ (cousin)

Your brother's son is your ___ (nephew)

Your mother's father is your ___ (grandfather)

And now please let’s speak about your “family matters” . Do you get on well with your family and relatives? Look at ex.2 p.28 and answer the question

Which member of your family…

never gets off the phone?

is always taking things without asking?

never helps around the house?

never switches the lights off?

takes care of you

is always leaving things everywhere?

never tidies up?

plays loud music?

doesn’t let you stay out late?

is always there for you?

helps you with your homework?

defends you when needed?

IV. Обучение аудированию и говорению на основе прослушанного.

Now you are going to read a dialog between a mum and her daughter. Read the sentences in ex.4(a) and complete the dialog below with them. There is one extra sentence.

V. Первичное закрепление с проговариванием во внешней речи

Well, as you can see, sometimes we have to criticize someone or to apologise for our wrong behaviour. Look at ex.3 p.28 work in pairs. Use the language in the table to do it as in the example.

(Pupils make their own dialogs)

VI. Физминутка. Well done, my friends. So, you look little bit tired, let’s have a little rest. Here is an exercises for eyes. Listen to this relaxing music and follow my magic stick.


VII. Работа в группах или парах. Развитие навыков монологического высказывания учащихся, связанного с началом урока.

OK! Now you are ready to continue the lesson. Let’s move on. Open the workbooks on page 28 ex.8. Here 3 paragraphs of one text. Each group will have one paragraph and will fill in the gaps with proper grammatical form of capitalized words. Then you will try to put the paragraphs in the right order. After all you’ll think of a title for the text.

Spend Time with Family and Loved Ones

When was the last time you told your family and close friends that you loved them? Whatever you answer, do it today. A few days ago my grandfather was taken to hospital, just days after his eightieth birthday, for heart problem. He had already had heart surgery, and this time, as in the past, he managed.

But any day can be his day, the day when it will be late to tell him how much he meant to me over the years. Don’t let that day to come for you loved ones without telling them what they mean to you. I know that for many of us, expressing those kinds of feelings isn’t easy. That’s try for me, but I have tried to overcome those barriers since I understood it.

But even if that is too difficult for you, I recommend you to spend more time with your family or your best friends. Talk to them. Listen to them. Understand them. Just spend a little time with your loved ones showing that you care. I have already come to the point that it’s not our words, but our actions, really speak what our hearts are feeling.

VIII. Рефлексия деятельности. Подведение итогов урока.

You are absolutely right. I am very proud of you. And to conclude the point let’s create a portrait of a good and happy family. What are the most important qualities of a good family?

Pupils answers: respectful, loyal, friendly, caring, helpful, supporting, loving, honest, understanding, responsible. It’s time to make up a Cinquain related to the word family. Let’s remind each other what is a cinquain. Cinquain is a short poem which appeared in the USA under the influence of Japanese poetry. It consists of five lines.

Line 1: title – 1 noun

Line 2: description – 2 adjectives that describe line 1

Line 3: actions – 3 verbs that relate to line 1

Line 4: a sentence of 4 words, that relate to line 1

Line 5: one word (synonym of line 1) that sums it up.

Now lets see if you managed to realize your hopes. If you think you did – clap your hands.

Thank you. Your home task is on the screen. Good bye!

When was the last time you 1)___________told your family and close friends that you 2)___________them? Whatever you answer, do it today. A few days ago my grandfather 3) ___________ to hospital, just days after his 4)___________ birthday, for heart problem. He 5)_____already______heart surgery, and this time, as in the past, he managed.

But any day can be his day, the day when it 1)___________late to tell him how much he 2)____________to me over the years. 3)__________that day to come for you loved ones without 4)__________them what they mean to you. I know that for many of us, expressing those kinds of feelings isn’t easy. That’s true for me, but I 5)___________to overcome those barriers since I understood it.

But even if that 1)__________too difficult for you, I recommend you 2)___________ more time with your family or your best friends. Talk to them. Listen to them. Understand them. Just spend a little time with your loved ones 3)____________that you care. I 4)_______just________to the point that it’s not our words, but our actions, really speak what our hearts 5)_____________.

never gets off the phone? is always taking things without asking? never helps around the house? never switches the lights off? is always leaving things everywhere? never tidies up? plays loud music? doesn’t let you stay out late? is always there for you? helps you with your homework? Which member of your family…

Parents interfere in the relationships with my friends

Parents don’t like my hair cut

Parents don’t like the music I listen to

Parents think I’m lazy

Parents think I waste much time with my gadgets

Parents try to solve my personal problems without me

Parents think I can have better marks at school

Parents break their promises

Parents think I’m lazy 91% Parents think I waste much time with my gadgets 89% Parents think I can have better marks at school 76% Parents interfere in the relationships with my friends 46% Parents don’t like the music I listen to 46% Parents try to solve my personal problems without me 30% Parents don’t like my hair cut 6% Parents break their promises 1%

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions : 1.Does mother sound offensive , demanding or agressive ? 2 .Why is she in such a mood ? 3.Did they make up at the end ? 4.What was the compromise ?

Criticising Apologising That’s / It’s not very good / nice. Sorry! / I’m so sorry. I won’t do it again. You shouldn’t do / have done that. I’m (very) sorry. I didn’t realise … You drive me crazy / get on my nerves when you… Please forgive me. I didn’t mean to… I can’t stand it when you… I apologise . / I do apologise .

Listening. B2 A B C D E 4 1 5 2 6

WORD FORMATION. My great-grandmother , Frances Thompson , was a very 1)………… woman. She was a 2)………. But she also loved to paint and draw things. For years she tried to become a 3)……… artist , but she never became 4)………. However , she enjoyed teaching a lot , so she wasn`t 5)……. She taught in a primary school for forty years and when she retired she enjoyed a club in order to meet more people and managed to make friends 6)…………. I still have some of the paintings which she gave to me years ago. 1)TALENT 2)TEACH 3)SUCCESS 4)FAME 5)HAPPY 6)EASY

My great-grandmother , Frances Thompson , was a very 1)TALENTED woman. She was a 2)TEACHER. But she also loved to paint and draw things. For years she tried to become a 3)SUCCESSFUL artist , but she never became 4)FAMOUS. However , she enjoyed teaching a lot , so she wasn`t 5)UNHAPPY. She taught in a primary school for forty years and when she retired she enjoyed a club in order to meet more people and managed to make friends 6)EASILY. I still have some of the paintings which she gave to me years ago.

CINQUAIN. Line 1 : title -1 noun Line 2 : description – 2 adjectives , that describe line 1. Line 3 : 3 verbs , that relate to line 1. Line 4 : 4 or more words (a complete sentence) , that relate to line 1. Line 5 : one word (synonym of line 1that sums it up)

Give a 1,5 – 2 minute talk about your family Remember to say: who your family consists of what relations have you got in your family how you spend weekends what duties you have got in your family Homework :

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

(углубленное изучение)

Учитель Карпович Татьяна Васильевна

Тема урока: Family Matters .

Учебные задачи, направленные на достижение личностных результатов обучения:

– формирование позитивной моральной самооценки и моральных чувств;
– уважение ценностей семьи.

Учебные задачи, направленные на достижение метапредметных результатов обучения:

– развивать коммуникативную компетенцию во взаимодействии с окружающими;
– осуществлять самоконтроль и самооценку в процессе коммуникативной деятельности на английском языке.

- развивать креативные способности учащихся. Помогать осознавать собственное продвижение вперед.

Учебные задачи, направленные на достижение предметных результатов обучения:

– совершенствовать развитие навыков устной речи на английском языке в рамках заданной учебной ситуации;
– овладеть речевой, социокультурной компетенциями.

Универсальные учебные действия:

Познавательные действия, направленные на овладение способностью определять, принимать и сохранять цели и задачи учебной деятельности, поиска средств её осуществления; осуществлять осознанное построение речевого высказывания на основе анализа, сравнения, установления аналогий.

Регулятивные действия, направленные на принятие решения и осуществление самостоятельного выбора в учебной и познавательной деятельности.

Коммуникативные действия, направленные на развитие навыков сотрудничества со сверстниками; определение общей цели и путей её достижения; осуществление взаимного контроля в совместной деятельности.

Оборудование урока: ПК учителя, мультимедийное оборудование, учебники, рабочие тетради, материалы из сети Интернет, презентация к уроку.

I. Самоопределение к деятельности.

Warm-up activities ( Энергизирующая разминка )

Teacher: Now you’ll play ”Pyramid” game. Split into 4 groups. Your task is to comment on this quotation and give your arguments:

“ A successful society consists of happy people, a happy personality is grown up in a happy family”.

Ps: Group 1. (puts a question on the statement) – Are you a happy personality?
Ps: Group 2. (gives answers in one sentence and puts a question to the 3rd group)
– Do you think you have a happy family?
Ps: Group 3. (answers in two sentences and puts a question to the 4th group)
– Do you think you live in a successful society? Why?
Ps: Group 4. (gives a reply in three or four sentences and asks the 1st group)
– Do you think all people in our country happy?

II Введение в тему. Определение темы и задач урока (описание слайда 2,3)

Discussing family matters involves a lot of other topics. What do you expect from the lesson?

Let’s build Tree of hopes. Formulate your hopes from the lesson.

Write down them on the apples . Put your “apples” on the Tree of Hopes. (You can have more than one wish). Just mind, that every dream can be materialized.

III Актуализация имеющихся знаний


The Motto of our lesson is ( слайд 5)

Today we are going to speak about family matters, but before we start I’d like to remind you the meaning of the word “family”. As you know “a family” means a group of people who are related to each other by blood (e.g. a brother or a sister) or by marriage (e.g. a husband and his wife’s sister).

Should the word "matters" in the title be read as a noun, as a verb or possibly both?

Matter, n. - вопрос, дело

To matter, v. - иметь значение

Leo Tolstoy , the Great Russian writer said in his famous novel “Anna Karenina”: “ All happy families resemble one another; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way”. ( слайд 7) . What in your opinion is the biggest problem in connection with family life?

-misunderstanding between parents;

-divorce and its aftereffects;

-emotional tension and emotional scars after a divorce;

-the lack of finance;

-drinking alcohol and taking drugs by children or parents;

-violence and abuse in a family;

-too little time spending together

3) The popular saying says, " Blood is thicker than water". What does it mean? ( слайд 8)

There are few people without kith or kin. Let`s see if you know who your kinsfolk are ( слайд 9)

Your father's sister is your ___

Your sister's husband is your ___

Your mother's mother is your ___

Your sister's daughter is your ___

Your son's son is your ___

Your sister's brother is your ___

Your mother's brother is your ___

Your uncle's son is your ___

Your brother's son is your ___

Your mother's father is your ___

Let’s relax and play “Words Recognition”. Обучение аудированию и тренировке в лексике по теме.

You stand in a circle each one holding a card of different colors with some words on the topic “Family Matters”.

The task is: listen to the text very carefully and walk across the circle when hearing a word about family written on your card.

Mind, what kinds of families are described in the text.

What exactly is meant by the word family? One might think the answer is obvious - a husband and wife or a mum, a dad and their kids- but these definitions would not cover all the different types of family which exist. There are nuclear families, extended families, one- parent families and families with adopted children.

Nuclear families are those which have a mother, a father and their children (biological or adopted). The phrase “extended family” describes a larger network of relatives- grandparents, great- grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins. One - parent families are those where one of the parents is no longer part of the family unit, possibly due to death or divorce.

The extended family set - up is perhaps the most efficient from a sociological point of view. There is safety in numbers, after all! Traditionally the males of the family would provide shelter and food for the females and young. The females would prepare the food and take care of their babies. The older members of the group also benefited from the security of the arrangement.

Nowadays, in developed countries, it is more and more common to find nuclear families living individually, sometimes great distances from other members of their family.

When the extended family is not available people often find their friends taking on a more important role in their family life, perhaps acting as “uncle” or “aunt” figures in their children`s lives.

Single (or one) - parent families are becoming more and more common these days, partly because divorcing an unsatisfactory partner has become both more acceptable socially and easier legally.

I V . Первичное закрепление с проговариванием во внешней речи

Teacher: Now I’d like you to form 4 groups to match these phrases into four columns.

Работа в группах или парах . Pupils match phrases with the families.

a) You learn to be tolerant and understanding;
b) You have a lot of personal time and space;
c) You’re the only one to get love of your parents;
d) You always have someone to keep your company;
e) You enjoy great family parties and family traditions;
f) You don’t have to adjust to anyone that much;
g) You have to discuss your problems with only one of the parents;
h) You learn to be flexible and communicative;
i) You don’t have to share room and things;
j) You learn to be responsible for someone;
k) You get a lot of attention and support;
l) You have no problems with privacy;
m) You learn to be independent and self –sufficient;
n) You live with parent who abandoned you;.

– Do you think the same or different? (listens to all groups’ opinions ).

Give the example of your family. One of the pupils describes his Family Tree.

VI. Физминутка . Exercises for eyes. (слайд 15-21)


V . Обучение аудированию и говорению на основе прослушанного.

Let’s speak about the closest members of the family. Listen to the texts and agree or disagree with these opinions.

Фоменко 2013. V 10, P . 185

VII . Работа в группах или парах. Развитие навыков монологического высказывания учащихся, связанного с началом урока. (слайд 24)

Now we return to the beginning of the lesson to the phrase “A successful society consists of happy people, a happy personality is grown up in a happy family”.

You are divided into groups or pair and make a project as

Adults with not advisable methods of upbringing

Pupils represent their projects.

Families in different cultures are different because people are different as well as their believes, customs and lifestyle. The most important thing to remember is that no matter what your family is like, it is always a value.

Pupils expressing their opinion about values in the family.

Ps: I think the most important value in the family is …

IX . На дом: Ex . 44, P . 218

You will read the text about families in the Victorian period in Britain.

Cinquain is a short poem which appeared in the USA under the influence of Japanese poetry. ( слайд 28)

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