Some comedies are silly план конспект урока

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Does your health depend on weather? How do you think?

How does your health depend on the weather?

What is the topic of the lesson?

Learn the new words

What can you do to get better

Good afternoon, our teacher!

Today is the 20 th of January.

All are present. (Pupil 1)

I think it depends on the weather. (Pupil 3)

[h] - health, horrible, headache, hand, hurt

[r] - rest, drink, throat, horrible

[s] - sore, stomach, rest, compress, plaster (Слайд 3)

Ученики повторяют некоторые звуки и слова, которые будут встречаться на уроке.

Речевая зарядка. (Подготовка к усвоению новых знаний. Формирование лексических и грамматических навыков, развитие умения общаться с одноклассниками)

Now, look at the screen.

There are some pictures there.

They help you to remember some part of the body and train yourself in asking questions.

What are these parts of the body?

What kind of nose have you got?

Some parts of body we use in plurals. You add the ending +s or +es. For example: arm-arms, hand-hands,ear-ears.

It's an elbow. It's a head. It's an ear. It's an eye. They are teeth. It's a hand. It's a leg. They are knees.

P1 - I have got a straight nose.

What kind of head have you got?

P2 - I have got a clever head.

What kind of eyes have you got?

P3 - I have got blue eyes.

What kind of teeth have you got?

P4 - I have got white teeth.

What kind of hands have you got?

P5 - I have got long hands.

What kind of arms have you got?

P6 - I have got large arms.

What kind of legs have you got?

P7 - I have got long legs.

(Учащиеся выполняют упражнения)

Учитель может поместить слова на экране в том порядке, в котором они находятся в стихотворении или указывать на них.

Stand up and show me nose!

Hands up and show me eyes!

Clap! Clap! Show me ears!

Sit down! You are here!

Stand up and show me arms!

Hands down and show me legs!

Clap! Clap! Show me head!

Sit down! It's nice, not bad!

Презентация нового лексического материала и его закрепление. Открытие новых знаний.

The topic of our lesson is:

"I have a horrible headache."

Look at the screen. There are some new words. (Слайд 6)

Guess the meaning of the words:

a stomachache [´stʌməkeik]

an earache [´iəreik]

a backache [´bᴂkeik]

a toothache [´tu:θeik]

Pay your attention on the first part of the words. They are parts of the body. Do you know these parts? Name them. (Слайд 7)

What is the similar part of these words?

So, try to translate these words.

Read and guess the meaning:

consult - консультироваться
medical - медицинский

Head, stomach, ear, back, tooth.

Р1 - головная боль

Р2 - боль в желудке

Р4 - боль в спине

Р5 - зубная боль

Первичное закрепление в речи учащихся новых знаний. Актуализация знаний по теме урока.

Let' read these words after me.

Let's read all together.

Read the word individually.

Now, pupils open your textbooks at page 92, ex. 1 and listen to sentences.

(номера упражнений, выполняемых в классе, записаны на доске).

You see, children have problems with their health.

What can they do to get better? Ex. 2, p. 93

Pair work. You have a health problem. Give the advice.

What do you do when you have a health problem?

Pupils repeat the words after teacher.

Pupils read the word all together.

Pupil read the words individually.

Pupils read the task of the exercise and do it.

Учащиеся знакомятся с двумя вариантами употребления слов (британский и американский), выучить необходимо британский вариант.

1. Pupils read and try to understand the sentences.

2. Make up the situation.

3. Make up the sentence.

Pupils, please, listen to the song and match the names of the children with their health problems on your shits of paper.

Учащиеся слушают (два раза) песню и отмечают соответствия в упражнении, затем читают.

Ruth has a headache.

Teddy has a stomachache…

Введение второй части новых слов. Презентация лексического материала.

Children, you can do something to get better, when you have problems with your health. But it is better to consult a doctor.

What doctors help you in your problems with health?

Look at the screen.(Слайд 8) The meaning of the word isn't difficult to guess, but pronunciation is difficult, pay attention on the transcription.

a surgeon [´sə:dȝən]

a dentist [´dentist]

a veterinarian [ˏvetəri´neəriən]

a pediatrician [ˏpi:diə´triʃn]

Слова не требуют большой отработки, учитель приступает к закреплению их в упражнениях учебника.

Ученики слушают учителя и пытаются понять названия профессий.

Закрепление введенного материала. 1.Включение нового материала в систему знаний.

Ex. 3, p. 94 (Слайд9)

When do you consult the doctors?

For example: I consult a veterinarian when my cat has an earache. And you?

Перед тем, как приступить к выполнению упражнения, следует прочитать CultureNote, p. 94.

Now, try to ask the questions to each other. As an example take ex. 4(1,2), p. 94.

P1- I consult a surgeon when I've hurt my arm.

P2 - I consult a dentist when I have a toothache.

P3 - I consult a pediatrician when I have a sore throat.

P1-Do you often have a cold?

P1 - What do you usually do to get better?

P2 - I drink a lot of tea with a lemon and consult a pediatrician.

P1 - Do you often have a head ache?

P1 - What do you usually do to get better?

P2 - I rest in bed.

P1- Do you often hurt your legs?

P1 - But what do you do to get better?

P2 - I consult a surgeon and rest in bed.

2. Развитие навыков монологической речи.

Make up a report. Example has given in ex. 4(3), p. 94

Pupils often have a sore throat. They usually stay at home, drink warm tea and consult a pediatrician.

Итог урока, комментирование оценок и домашнее задание.

So, boys and girls, let's do the conclusion.

What have you learnt at the lesson?

OK. You're right. Is everything clear for you? Have you got questions?

… , … were very active today and didn't do any mistakes, they got "5"s.

… , … used many new words in their answers and didn't do any mistakes, they got "5"s.

…, … were also active, but made some mistakes in pronunciation, they got "4"s.

… was not active, didn't answer a lot of my questions and the dialogue was not good, so "3"

And now, open your diaries and write your home task for the next lesson. (Слайд 11)

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В разработке представлен план-конспект урока в 5 классе по теме "Телепередачи".

Форма проведения урока – урок-телепередача

Образовательный аспект: обобщить и систематизировать лексико-грамматические навыки в рамках изучаемой темы

Сопутствующие задачи: совершенствовать навыки монологической и диалогической речи, совершенствовать навыки восприятия иноязычной речи на слух

Развивающий аспект: развивать навыки парной работы, логическое мышление, учебно-организационные навыки и умения

Воспитательный аспект: воспитывать интерес к изучению иностранного языка

Оборудование: мультимедийная презентация Power Point, карточки с заданиями, карточки для рефлексии, флэшкарты

Создание доброжелательной атмосферы, организация деятельности (приветсвие, проверка готовности к уроку, организация внимания)

Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you today! Are you ready for the lesson? Sit down, please.

How are you today?

Стимулирование устноречевого иноязычного общения

Here is a magic TV-box for you, and it as usually has questions for you. Answer them.

Do you like watching TV?

Do you like comedies?

What is your favourite TV programme?

Do you like cartoons?

Who is your favourite actor/actress?

Do you like the news?

Тема и целеполагание

Определение темы и целей урока

Tell me now, what is the topic of our lesson? Of course, it’s TV. And do you want to make our gymnasium TV channel?

Ok, if you’re ready to do this, we’ll try. Today you’ll be reporters, actors and TV managers. Let’s start!

Проверка домашнего задания

Совершенствование навыков монологической речи

What can’t each TV channel live without?

Right you’re! let’s start making our TV with advertisements. At home you are to make an advertisement of your favourite TV programme or film.

Составление программы телепердач

Совершенствование навыков восприятия иноязычной речи на слух

Well done, but there is one more thing which each channel must have. What is it? /a list of programmes/ let’s make a list of programmes for our “Gymnasium TV”

The task for you is to listen to the dialogues about TV programmes for today & complete the same programme written in your cards with the proper time & programmes.

Remember that we have flash-cards today. If you hear a mistake, you’ll raise them. Let’s check!

Sports programme (football match)

Look at the screen, please. Combine the letters in order to get the name of our next programme. /wnseteh/

Right you are! The news is on! Now you all are reporters, but your text contains some gaps. Complete them!

We are … reporters. Yesterday we wanted to make … programme about TV. We stopped two monsters! … monsters were very bad. They took our camera and run away. We asked … policeman to help us. … policeman took his dog and run after … monsters. … dog found them!

Now read your news as you’re 5-year-old children, 60-year-old grannies or adult men.

Снять усталость, повысить работоспособность

Well, if you want to know about our next programme, do the chat of letters. The odd letters will help you to get its name

Образовательная: Совершенствование и систематизация грамматических навыков устной речи. Совершенствование навыков говорения, умение выражать собственную точку зрения.

Развивающая: – развитие способностей к логическому изложению, развитие способностей осуществлять репродуктивные и продуктивные речевые действия; развивать языковую догадку, память, логическое мышление, умение общаться минимумом языковых и речевых средств для решения коммуникативных задач, развивать умения участвовать в коллективных формах общения, обобщать полученные сведения, развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи, развивать навыки чтения.

Воспитательная: формирование потребности и способности понимать чужую точку зрения на социальные и гуманитарные проблемы, достигать согласия и сотрудничать в условиях различия взглядов и убеждений;

Учебная : совершенствование речевых навыков; сопутствующие задачи — развитие умения читать с общим охватом содержания, с целью извлечения конкретной информации, развитие умения понимать на слух с общим охватом содержания.

Режим работы : фронтальный, индивидуальный опрос.

Who is on duty today?
What the date is it today?
What date of the week is it today?
Is anybody absent today?
What is the title of the topic we are learning now?

Look at the blackboard and say after me all together.

[t] – story, highlight, concert

[O] – theatre, theatrical, thinks

[r] – opera, opera house, rock opera, hero, character

3. Речевая зарядка.

a) Name as many styles of music as you can.

Teacher : Make my sentence longer. A lot of people like jazz.

P1 –P5 - A lot of people like jazz and rock music. ( country…)

b) Ask each other questions in a chain about your favorite music.

Teacher : What style of music do you prefer? P6 - P10

Teacher : -Do your parents like the music you listen to?

Teacher : -Grown-ups sometimes criticize young people for listening to the latest music. They hear nothing but noise and bad message and worry about how it will affect their children. What do these people think of modern music?

Teacher : -What negative and positive things is he/she talking about?

Teacher : -Do your parents agree or disagree with the above opinions?

Teacher : -What do your parents think about modern pop music?

Teacher : I think nobody can imagine our life without arts. Some kinds of arts, such as painting, dancing and music appeared very early, at the prehistoric times. But the years passed and arts were developing with the humanity. And nowadays it takes different forms such as music, painting, dancing, architecture, poetry, cinema, theatre, literature.

As to the cinema I should say that people don’t go to the cinema regularly nowadays. They prefer to stay at home and watch films drinking tea or coffee in their armchairs. But cinema is still popular among teens. The cinema’s possibilities are unlimited. The cinema’s industry is the most developed in the USA, Hollywood, but every country has its own cinematography too.

Teacher – Ex.2 p. 178. Read the text and answer the questions.

  • What new information have you learned about Hollywood and film making?
  • Why is Hollywood called the capital of filmed entertainment?

Teacher – Let’s listen about Russian cinematography and answer the questions.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Выберите документ из архива для просмотра:

Выбранный для просмотра документ Фильмы которые мы любим. Говорение. ( 5г, 5д) - 16.11.docx

План - конспект урока по теме

Класс: 5

Составила учитель английского языка : Кульминская Екатерина Михайловна

Цель : развить навыки понимания прочитанного, совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков говорения


образовательные: создать условия для отработки навыков монологической и диалогической речи;

развивающие: создать условия для развития коммуникативной культуры учащихся, умения вести диалог, умения обобщать

воспитательные: создание условий для формирования культуры общения, умения работать в коллективе.

Вид занятия: комбинированный урок .

Введение в атмосферу иноязычного общения.

Good morning, my dear pupils! Pleased to see you again. Take your seats.

Who is on duty today?

What date is it today?

What’s the weather like today?

Who is absent today?

Проверка домашнего задания

Контроль выполнения домашнего задания

Now, Let’s check your homework.

Who wants to read your sentences?

Other pupils, pleas give me your copybooks with your homework.

Совершенствование произносительных навыков.

It’s time to practice our vocabulary.

Answer my questions please.

What did you do yesterday?

Did you watch TV?

How many pupils watched TV yesterday?

Pay attention to spelling of the plural form of the noun comedy “comedy – comedies”.

Look at the flashcards on the board, name all of them.

Please tell me, do you like or don’t like each of the TV programs.

According to my question try to understand our topic today.

Look at the words in the yellow box, what do they mean?

Создание условий для снятия напряжения и отдыха учащихся.

Now stand up please. If you hear the word “ head” touch your head, if you hear the word “ shoulders” touch your shoulders, if you hear the word “ knees” touch your knees

Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes,

Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes,

And eyes, and ears, and mouth, and nose,

Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.

Изучение новой грамматики. Объектный (косвенный) падеж личных местоимений.

ex. 2 Grammar presentation

How did you answer the question “Do you like comedies?”

(Write the question on the board)

Do you like comedies?

I like comedies. - I like them.

Which answer better? Why?

Possible answer: “I like them” is better because it doesn’t repeat the word ‘comedies”.

Good answer! “Them” stands for “comedies” here. Very often we don’t want to repeat the words that we have just said. To do so we need special words – pronouns in a special form. We already know subject pronouns: I, you, he. Can you say the other subject pronouns?

( Elicit the words and write them into the table on the board)

Использование изученной грамматики на практике.

ex. 3a

In this exercise we encountered ‘them’. Under which subject pronoun do you think it belongs in the table? - ‘they”.

Put the flashcard ‘them” under the word “they” on the board.

look at ex.3a again and find the form of the subject pronoun ‘it’. – ‘It’. Put the flashcard ‘it” under the word “it” on the board.

Put the rest of the object pronouns above the table and ask Ps to work in pairs out where they should go.

Elicit Ps’ answers complete the table with the flashcards.

Pay attention to the difference between subject and object pronouns ( their place in the sentences)

Gapped sentences on the board:

Natasha is my sister/ _____ is a nice girl. I like ____.

Ps work in pairs to complete them using the words from the table on the board.

Then check their answers as a class.

ex. 3b

Read the Grammar secret together.

ex. 4a

Ask your partner as many questions as you can in 3 minutes.

you can use the words from the box.

Check your answers.

ex. 4b

Change the roles.

Восприятие и понимание речи на слух.

ex. 5a

Look at the pictures. Translate the words on the picture.

Listen Mike, Liz and elfin talking about TV and answer. What do the children like watching? What don’t they like? Why?

ex. 5b

Work in pairs. Speak about what TV programmes and films you both love, like, don’t mind and hate.

Use ex.1 as a model.

ex. 5c

Report to the class.

Работа в тетрадях

Workbook activities

WB ex.1

Colour the stressed syllables in the words, then listen to the recording and check your answers.

WB ex.3, 4

PB, ex. 5d, p.83

Write 5-8 sentences about TV programmes and films.

Рефлексия, подведение итогов урока, оценивание учебной деятельности

Обобщение материалаурока, создание условий для оценочной деятельности учащихся, формирование у них способности к самоанализу.

What facts do you remember from Liz’s interview?

Дорисовать смайлик. Если ребенок хорошо усвоил лексику, грамматику и ему удалось говорение, то он рисует веселый смайлик, если нет, то грустный.

In conclusion I want to thank you for the lesson and your cooperation. You know the material rather well.

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