План конспект 4 класс my day лапицкая

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Оснащение урока: раздаточный материал (карточки с картинками), учебник, презентация Power Point, мультимедийный проектор.

- умение учащихся рассказать о своем дне

способствовать совершенствованию навыков монологической и диалогической речи по теме "Мой день";

организовать деятельность по активизации в речи учащихся грамматического материала по теме The Present Simple Tense;

содействовать развитию критического мышления учащихся;

I. Организационно-мотивационный этап ( 3 минуты)

1. Приветствие учителя (режим T-Cl)-слайд 1

Т. Good afternoon, children! I am glad to see you. I hope everybody is ready to work. Sit down, please. Now, it is time to start our lesson.

2. Организационный момент. (режим T-P)

T. Who is on duty today? Who is absent? What's today? What time is it? What's the weather like today? What's your favourite season? What can you do in . Thank you. Sit down, please.

3. Объявление темы урока - слайд 2

T. Today we'll repeat all the words on the topic Daily Life. And we'll speak about your daily life and we'll learn how to make up the dialogues.

4. Постановка целей и задач урока

II. Операционно-познавательная часть ( 30-35 минут)

1. Фонетическая зарядка (5 мин) (учащиеся работают в паре) слайды 3-10

T. Let's revise our lexical material on the topic. Have a look at the pictures and repeat after me.

На слайде поочередно появляются изображения, демонстрирующие изученные слова и словосочетания. Учащиеся повторяют слова за учителем.

T. Now, you are ready for a phonetic competition in the form of the game "tick-tack-toe". Who wants to play? - выходят двое учеников к доске ˈʃaʊə

There are some missing sounds in the words. Fill in the gaps and then read and translate the words and word combinations - Учащиеся вставляют пропущенные буквы в словах в форме игры крестики-нолики.

2. Речевая зарядка ( 3 мин) (учащиеся работают в паре) слайды 11-14

T. Now, let's revise lexical material with the second topic - "Time". Have a look at the pictures on the slides and role play the dialogue "What time is it?".

Повторение лексики и темы "Время" в диалогах.

P1 - What time is it?

P1 - It's time to .

3. Презентация проектов учащихся по теме "Мой день". ( 10-15 мин)

T. It's high time to present your projects on the topic "My day" слайды 15-29

Учащиеся презентуют свои проекты по теме.

4. Физкультминутка по теме "Мой день" ( 1 мин) слайд 30 (режим T-Cl)

T. Thank you for your projects! You've done your task successfully! And it's time to have a rest. Let's sing the song. Look at the slide and show me the action. Stand up, please.

Ученики поют песню и выполняют то действие, которое изображено на картинке слайда.

5. Активизации в речи учащихся грамматического материала по теме The Present Simple Tense ( 5 мин)

Let's revise the formation of the negative and interrogative sentences in The Present Simple Tense. - учащиеся повторят правило и рассказывают об образовании отрицательных и вопросительных предложений в Present Simple Tense.

Let's play the Board game. Throw a dice and make negative and interrogative sentences in The Present Simple Tense. If you can't, go back. Get to finish.

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в 4 классе на тему:

Подготовила и провела

Студент-практикант: Айгазинова Ш.Н.

Конспект открытого урока английского языка

по теме “My Day” (4-й класс)

Тип урока: обобщающий

Задачи урока


развитие лексических навыков говорения

совершенствование навыков чтения и аудирования

активизация употребления изученной лексики по теме


развитие внимания, воображения, памяти

развитие коммуникативных способностей путем репродуктивных и частично поисковых методов


воспитание чувства ответственности перед своими одноклассниками

воспитание этики взаимоотношений


физическое развитие учащихся

Оснащение урока

Учебник Students Book

Таблица лексических единиц

Начало урока

Nice day! Nice day!

Pleased to see you, pleased to see you, too.

Let’s run, let’s run.

Let’s play, let’s play.

I will talk to you! I will talk to you!

T: Good morning, boys and girls!

Cl: Good morning!

T: How are you?

P: We are fine, thanks. And you?

T: I’m fine, too. Thank you.

P: We are very glad to see you.

T: I am glad to see you too and hope you are ready for our lesson and are in good mood. Sit down, please. Let’s begin.

What’s the date is today?

P: Today is the 24th of November

T: What day of the week is today?

P: Today is Monday

T: What is the weather like today?

P: It is cold. It is rainy. It is cloudy.

How many seasons are there in the year?

What do you like season best?

P: I like spring best.

T: What season is it now?

T: Do you like autumn? Why?

P: Yes, I do. I have my birthday.

T: It’s great. Let’s recite the poems about autumn.

Yellow, red and green and brown
See, the little leaves come down
Dancing, dancing in the breeze
Falling, falling from the trees.

This is a season when fruit is sweet
This is a season when friends meet
This is a season when leaves fall down
Red, orange, yellow, brown

Warm September brings the fruit
Sportsmen then begin to shoot
October brings the pheasant
Then to gather nuts is pleasant
Dull November brings the blast
Then the leaves are wiring fast.

Spring is green, summer is bright
Autumn is yellow, winter is white.

II. Речевая зарядка

T: All right. Thank you. Autumn is a beautiful season.

So, look at the blackboard, please, and tell me what will we do in our lesson today?

P: Today we’ll speak, read, do some exercises about your working day. The theme of our lesson is “My day”

III. Phonetic work

IV Фронтальный опрос слов

V Lexicographic work

VII Закрепление употребления времени и общих вопросов в Present Simple

(Знакомство Mr.Clock с ребятами)

Mr Clock – P. (Mr.Clock: I’m Mr Clock. Who are you? Are you a tiger? P: No, I’m not a tiger. I’m a boy. Mr.Clock: Let’s be friends, boy.)

VIII. Видео, песенка “What’s the time Mr Clock?”

T: Is it morning? – P: Yes, it is morning.

T: What do we say in the morning? – P: We say: “God morning!”

T: What do you do in the morning? – P: We usually get up, do exercises, wash myself and have breakfast.

T: During our working day we use a watch and a clock to be on time. Now look at the

watches and clocks and say:”What’s the time?” Work in pairs (T: What do we do at the time in the evening? etc. )

P: What’s the time?

T: What do you do at half past one

In the afternoon?

P: It’s half past one in the afternoon.

P: I usually go home

P: What’s the time?

P: It’s a quarter to eight

P: What’s the time?

P: It’s five minutes past eight.

P: What’s the time?

P: It’s six minutes to seven

XI. Работа в группах (Составить предложения )

Get up, in the morning, I, 7 o’clock, at

Have, we, in the afternoon, dinner.

On, we, English, have, Friday, class, our

VI. Физкультминутка (Daddy finger).

VII. Тренировочные упражнения.

VII. Развитие навыков чтения

T: Please, open your activity books page 44, ex. 1. Read the text

IX. Развитие навыков монологической речи (составление рассказа по картинке)

T: Now, please tell us about your working day, using the plan and the phrases.

(На доске план рассказа и выражения get up, wash yourself, dress, have breakfast, go to school, be on time, have classes, go home , play on the computer, read books, watch TV, listen to music, play the piano, go to bed).

T: Ok! I see your working day is very interesting and different.

XII. Подведение итогов

T: Let’s remember What theme of our lesson was? What did we do during our lesson? What have we learned?

T: Ok! You have worked very well! I am satisfied with your work. I give excellent marks to…., good marks to …. (уч-ся оценивают своих одноклассников)

Оснащение урока: учебник, раздаточный материал, аудиозапись, мультимедийный экран.

I Организационный момент.

1. Приветствие учителя:

-Good morning, boys and girls!

-Good morning, good morning, good morning to you.

-Good morning, good morning, we are glad to see you.

-Glad to see you too. Sit down, please.

2. Речевая зарядка:


How are you, Dasha?

How are you, Arina?

What day is it today?

What season is it today?

What is the weather like today?

II Основная часть


Today I want to play with you.

Then let's begin.


We need three teams.


The first team “Orange”

The second team “Green”

And the third team “Yellow”


Look at the screen; you can see the playing field.

There is a task in each cell.

The figure means the number of points that you can earn for a right answer.


You should choose a cell. Correctly answer the question and earn points.

Who will got more points; he will be the winner of our game.


I wish you good luck and let the best win!

Let’s start the game.

Tasks for the game:

Cross the odd one out

Complete the sentences.

I _____________ my hair.

I do my __________________.

I take a __________________.

I ________________ the dishes.

I ________________ my room.

I _____________ to bed.

Put in, at or on.

I usually come home _____ three o’clock.

I usually take a shower _____ the evening.

I usually tidy my room ______ Sunday.

I usually wash the dishes _____ the afternoon.

I usually go to bed _____ 9.30

I play basketball ____ Friday.


OK. Are you tired? Let’s have some rest.

Please, stand up.

Let’s sing and dance.

Answer the questions.

Do you have lunch at school?

Do you watch TV in the morning?

Do you do your homework in the afternoon?

Where do you have dinner?

When do you get up?

What do you do after school?

Correct the mistake.

I have lunch in the morning.

I usually get up at night.

I have lunch in the evening.

I go to school in the evening.

I have dinner in the afternoon.

I do my exercises in the evening.

Make up sentences.

watch / don’t / I / TV / the / morning / in /.

you / at / do / home/ three/come/ o’clock/ ?

have / you / do / where / lunch / ?

do / go / when / to school / you / ?

every / tidy / my / day / I / house / .

porridge / for / and / breakfast / we / egg/ have/.

III Заключительная часть


Our lesson has come to the end.

It was our last lesson on the topic "My Day". I see that you know much about daily life activity.


Thank you for your work. You were very active today. And now let's see which team is the winner of our competition. Please, count your points. How many points do you have?

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты
Класс: 4 класс
Автор: Мигунова Анастасия Андреевна это Вы?
Тип материала: Документ Microsoft Word (docx)
Размер: 12.99 Kb

Конспект урока для 4 класса к УМК В.П. Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа, Э.Ш. Перегудова и др.

Тема урока: “My day”

Цель урока: 1. Обобщение знаний и умений по теме “My day”.

2. Активизация лексико-грамматических навыков.

3. Тренировка в речи вопросительных предложений.

4. Развитие навыков диалогической и моно-

Задачи урока: 1. Развитие логического мышления учащихся в

2. Формирование культуры речи.

3. Развитие навыков восприятия иностранной речи

Оборудование: Слайдовая презентация, карточки, мягкие игрушки, компьютер.

Организационный момент.Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you.

Let’s begin our lesson. Please, answer my questions:

What date is it today?

What day of the week is it today?

What is your favourite colour?

What is your favourite girl’s name?

What is your favorite boy’s name?

1.Фонетическая зарядка: Listen and sing a song!

Spring is green Summer is bright

Autumn is yellow

Winter is white

What is your favourite season? P. I like summer.

P I like spring.

T. Today we are going to have a lesson devoted to our day. You will be actors.Речевая зарядка:

T. Listen to me and answer my questions.

1. T. I get up at 7 o’clock. Do you get up at 7 o’clock!

T. When do you get up?

Do you like to get up early in the morning?

Let’s sing a song.

Are you sleeping,

Morning bells are ringing:

T-ch.Do you wash your hands and your face?

Do you clean your teeth?

Do you like to do your morning exercises?

T. Let’s do some morning exercises and sing a song.

Head and shoulders, knees and toes,

And eyes, and ears, and mouth, and nose.

T. Do you have breakfast at 7 o’clock?Do you go to school at 7.30.

When do you go to school?

When do you go home?

T. Children, it is time to eat. Let’s sing a song.

Are you cooking,

T. This is a new pupil. Let’s ask the questions to know more about his day.P. What is your name?

P Are you from Russia?

P. How old are you?

P Do you have breakfast at 7 o’clock?

P. When do you go to school?

5. T. Children, it is time to play.

Let’s sing a song and play with Alouette.

(Дети водят хоровод и поют)

Alouette, little Alouette,

Alouette, play the game with me!

Put your finger on your head, on your head,

Don’t forget, Alouette. Oh!

6. T. In the evening I usually like to dance.

I think, the bears like to dance too.

Let’s sing a song and dance with five little bears.

Инсценировка песни “Five little bears”

(используются мягкие игрушки)

Five little bears

Dancing on the bed,

One fell off and bumped his head.

Mother called a doctor,

And the doctor said:

“No more little bears dancing on the bed.”

7. What time is it now? (Диалог: P-P) карточки-часы)

- Excuse me. What time is it?

8. T. This is Winnie. I think he is ill. Let’s give the advises.

P. You must clean your teeth.

P You must get up at 7 o’clock

P. You must wash your hands.

P You must go to bed at 9 o’clock.

9. Read the text p.34 ex.1.

Answer the question: When does Roo go to bed?

1 Дети читают текст.

2 Записывают ответ на вопрос в тетрадь.

10. T. Children, let’s describe your day.

P. I get up at 6 o’clock.

I wash my hands and my face.

I clean my teeth.

I have breakfast at 7 o’clock.

I go to school at 7.30.

11. Заключительный этап урока: Homework ex.26 p.43.

12. Рефлексия: Ребята, вы с пользой провели сегодня время?

Дети показывают часы с улыбкой.

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