Can relationships be good in a foster family план конспект

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Урок английского языка для 10 класса "Семейные отношения", можно использовать и для 9 класса, по программе З.М.Биболетовой.

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Предварительный просмотр:

The theme of the lesson (тема урока):

Тип урока: комбинированный, урок совершенствования знаний, умений и навыков

Вид урока: урок закрепления изучаемого материала

Задачи (с позиции УУД и требований к предметным результатам ФГОС):

Предметные: формирование и совершенствование иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции, расширение лингвистического кругозора и лексического запаса, систематизация знаний о семье, дальнейшее овладение общей речевой культурой.

Метапредметные: умение осознанно выбирать наиболее эффективные способы решения учебных и познавательных задач и использовать речевые средства в соответствии с задачей; умение оценивать правильность выполнения учебной коммуникации для выражения своих потребностей; владение устной и письменной речью английского языка.

Личностные: учить искусству общения, умению уважать мнение собеседника, воспитывать любовь и уважение к семье и семейным традициям, развивать чувство независимости, учить находить выход из нестандартных жизненных ситуаций, развивать сознательное отношение к изучению иностранного языка.

Здоровьесберегающая: предупреждать переутомление у учащихся путем смены деятельности.

Технологии: традиционно-педагогическая, информационно-коммуникативная (слайдовая презентация), критического мышления, сотрудничество.

Формы работы – индивидуальная, парная, групповая.

Приемы работы – классификация знаний, обобщение знаний, перенос знаний в новую ситуацию, проблемные ситуации, использование ТСО.

Оснащение урока: дидактический раздаточный материал по теме, компьютер, проектор

1. Introduction (организационный момент):

Good morning dear students. How are you? Fine, thanks, and you? I am glad to see you.

Warming up: (разогрев, вызов обучающихся на диалог-технология “Small talk”)

2. Orientation (ознакомление с темой и целями урока):

T: Oh! Students, how do you think, what is the topic of our lesson? Who knows? I’ll help you. You should look at words on the slide 1, and choose the title of our lesson (слайд 1 - тема урока, ученики должны вывести тему урока сами). Now we’ll speak about Family relationships . During our work we must repeat the words and summarize everything you’ve learnt about Family relationships , we are going to remember the types of relationships and discuss the ways of living in the family then do some tasks. Let`s start our work.

T: OK! Let’ s answer my questions (учитель задает вопросы о семье, ученики отвечают): Have you got a family? Is your family big or small? How many persons are there in your family? Name them! Are you happy in your family? What do you usually do together?

Family T: Good for you, please read your versions (ученики читают

F- father, fantastic, варианты)

4.Main body (Основная часть урока):

1. T: Well done! Listen to the next task. Do you know the proverbs about family?

Yes, of course. We know the provers about family.

T: Then do the next task: match the proverbs with their explanations and give the Russian equivalents. Then interpret the proverbs (slide …)

(ученикам задан вопрос: Знают ли они пословицы о семье? они отвечают на него и выполняют задание, нужно подобрать английским пословицам их интерпретацию)

1. It runs in the family

2. Your own flesh and blood

3. Blood is thicker than water.

a) a member of your family, no matter what

b) an ability or talent that is passed on through the generation.

c) family ties are stronger than any others, despite arguments.

2. T: Well done! Students look at the phrases, read, translate and divide them into 2 groups: positive and negative, (ученикам предлагаются фразы, они должны разделить их на 2 группы (положительное значение и отрицательное), прочитать и перевести их.

to respect other people, to support each other, to quarrel with each other, to ignore other opinion, to take care of, to be happy, to spend time together, to misunderstanding one’s opinion, to be lucky, don’t care about, to make somebody do something, to help in different situations, to argue

to respect other people

to quarrel with each other

to support each other

to ignore other opinion

to take care of

to misunderstanding one’s opinion

don’t care about

to make somebody do something

to help in different situations

to argue on different topics

to speak to each other

to be flexible and tolerant

to trust each other

to listen so that to hear and learn

to communicate with each other.

1 group: a short story, 6-8 sentences 2 group: make up the claster

My family relationships “family relationships”

I would like to say…

My family consists of…(There are…)

I think, I believe…

In conclusion, I want to say…

6. Feed-back (Reflection):

T: Good for you, students! Children, how do you think?

to respect other people

to support each other

to spend free time together

to help each other

to love each other

to be flexible and tolerant ( слайд 12 )

to communicate with each other.

to trust each other

Now you must say what do you know at the lesson? What conclusion do you draw? Please, say some words. (Рефлексия-учитель просит детей сделать вывод: что нового узнали они на уроке, используя данные словосочетания)

Teacher: Thank you very much for the lesson. Well, today at the lesson we discussed very important problems. When a family is happy it means that all members of the family trust each other , tell each other about their joys and sorrows. The family plays a very important role in everybody’s life. Love, mood and what is called happiness depend on family relations.

Your marks are… The lesson is over. Good –bye. See you later.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Sports at school, Music in my life, Travelling abroad, My hobby, Family relationships, Famous people, My friends, The Russian Federation, Books in my life

The task: spell the word FAMILY into letters, think of the words, concerning family relationships FAMILY The task : spell the word FAMILY F – into letters, think of 2 words to each A – letters, concerning family relationships M – I – L – Y -

Match the proverbs, translate them and give Russian equivalents 1. It runs in the family 2. Your own flesh and blood 3. Blood is thicker than water. a) a member of your family, no matter what b) an ability or talent that is passed on through the generation. c) family ties are stronger than any others, despite arguments.

Look through the words and divide them into 2 groups, be ready to translate to respect other people, to support each other, to quarrel with each other, to ignore other opinion, to take care of, to be happy, to spend time together, to be lucky, to argue to misunderstanding one’s opinion, don’t care about, to make somebody do something, to help in different situations,

Check your notes positive (+) negative (-) to respect other people to quarrel with each other to support each other to ignore other opinion to take care of to misunderstanding one’s opinion to be happy don’t care about to be lucky to make somebody do something to help in different situations to argue on different topics to speak to each other to be stressed to be flexible and tolerant to be nervous. to trust each other to listen so that to hear and learn to communicate with each other.

1 group: t o write a short story My family relationships , 6-8 sentences I would like to say … My family consists of…(There are …) As for me ,…. In my opinion ,… I think, I believe… In conclusion, I want to say…

2 group: make up the claster “family relationships”

IDEAL FAMILY RELATIONS? The most important thing is…… to help each other to respect other people to support each other to spend free time together to trust each other to love each other to be flexible and tolerant to communicate with each other.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Данная методическая разработка содержит материал по совершенствованию навыков устной речи на основе проблемно-ситуативного метода.

Презентация к уроку английского языка " My family" 2 класс

Презентация к уроку английского языка по УМК Биболетовой М.З. 2 класс. Урок 19. My family. Знакомство с буквой Rr.

План-конспект урока английского языка “A family”
ТЕХНОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ КАРТА УРОКА АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА Класс: 4 Учебник: Spotlight 4, Быкова Н. И., Поспелова М. Д. Английский язык Тема урока: Что ты можешь узнать в зоопарке? Грамматика: степени сравнения прилагательных(Аt the Zoo?)

ТЕХНОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ КАРТА УРОКА АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКАКласс: 4Учебник: Spotlight 4, Быкова Н. И., Поспелова М. Д. Английский языкТема урока: Что ты можешь узнать в зоопарке? Грамматика: степени сравн.

Конспект урока английского языка "My family", 3 класс

Тема урока: My family Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации предметных знанийЦель урока:формирование у учащихся способностей к структурированию и систематизации изученного материала по теме .

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Конспект урока

Учитель: Ащеулова Юлия Николаевна

Тема урока: Семья. Взаимоотношения в семье.

Средства, обеспечивающие учебный процесс на уроке: ТСО, учебная компьютерная программа, наглядность (карточки со словами, картинки), раздаточный материал.

Организационный момент

Hello, guys! Nice to meet you. Take your seats.

How are you today?

Today we are going to talk about one of the most important thing. Let me start with the small poem:

With one another.

What do you think about the theme of our lesson?

You are absolutely right! Today we’ll talk about American Families and their relationships.

(the poem on the blackboard –

Работа со словами

I’d like you to start with vocabulary work.

Firstly, we should read these words all together

Now I ask you to match the English words with their Russian ones.

Thank you, guys! You’ve done this task perfectly.

Continue our vocabulary work in check lists. There are the check lists on you desks. Task 1 .

Let’s begin with the Russian translation of the definitions.

Your task is to match the English words with their definitions.

You can do the task as you like: by yourselves, in pairs, in small groups of 3 – 4pupils.

5. former marriage

6. foster family

7. current marriage

10. to get married

1p -Traditional family – традиционная семья

2p – adoption - усыновление

3p - marriage - брак

4p - divorce - развод

5p- former marriage – предыдущий брак

6p - foster family – приемная семья

7p - current marriage – действующий брак

8 p - to drop – падать, уменьшаться

9 p - step family – семья с детьми от предыдущего брака

10p - to get married - пожениться

Pupils are suggested working with the interactive English program “ American Mosaic – American Families ”

( диск - vocabulary )

pupils repeat the words

The program corrects the pupils’ answers.

Children get check lists.

The corrections are not available in the check lists.

( см . приложение 1 )

Pupils read the definitions and translate

The program corrects the pupils’ answers.

Аудирование и работа с тестом

It’s time to listen to the text about American Families and to answer the questions. Write your answers in the check lists - Task 2.

-What kind of families prevails among Americans?

-What has been recently found out?

-Are there many different kinds of families today in America?

-Are there many unmarried women who have babies in the USA?

2p – the marriage rate is dropping.

3p – yes, there are.

4p – yes, there are.

Pupils are suggested listening the 1 st part of the text with the interactive English program “ American Mosaic – American Families”

( см . приложение 1- listening part1 )

Look at the slide of the program and mark the statements in your lists True or False.

As if the pupils finish the work in the lists, we’ll check the answers.

Опрос учащихся по заданному на дом материалу.

Each of you have the family and I am not mistaken if I say that relationships in families are different.

1 part – phrases:

In each family there are two sides: a side of children and a side of parents. Your homework was to divide the phrases into these two sides.

So you are welcome.

What wonderful pupils!

Thank you for your work.

A side of parents:

1p – to study well; not to go to discos; to obey;

2p – to respect their views;

To go to universities;

3p- to grow up to be independent;

A side of children:

Not to control and nag;

2p – to like friends;

3p—to pay attention;

Not to treat like a child;

Two pupils come to the blackboard. Pupils from the class tell them the phrases and they write them down. After 3 – 4 phrases, another pair of pupils are invited to the blackboard. And so on…

2 part – grammar

“ Complex Object”

Well, guys! Please, read your home sentences.

How smart you are.

Everybody knows that there are some misunderstandings between children and parents.

What do you think they should do not to burn bridges?

You absolutely right!

1p – my parents want me to study well.

2p – I expect my parents to give me pocket money.

3p- I’d like my parents not to treat me like a child.

1p – to talk to each other

2p – to find the reason of misunderstanding

3p – to trust and respect each other

Pupils read their home sentences.

Активизация письменной речи

So, children! You’ve done a very good job today. And the last task for today: take your check lists and using the blackboards or your home exercises, write a paragraph about the relationships with your parents.

Завершающий этап урока

I’m so grateful to you for this lesson. Especially I’d like to admit……..

We’ll discuss your check lists and your work next lesson.

Good bye, guys. See you on.

Good bye, teacher.





A traditional family

A family, consisting of a married couple and their own children

Legal union of a man and a woman

Lawful end of a marriage

A great number of something

To decrease in number

A foster family

To start a legal union of a man and a woman

A family, consisting of a married man and a woman and at least one child from the previous marriage

A previous marriage

A marriage which is still in effect

A kind of family in which the child who doesn’t have parents is placed until he can be adopted

The legal process by which a child becomes a part of a family

Answer the questions 2. True or False

Answer the questions and write your opinion.

Do you think that family is the most important thing in your life?

What are your relationships with your parents?

Describe what you and your parents want/ expect/ would like/ make/ let…(use Complex Object)

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Цель: создать условия для проектной работы по теме “ My family is. . ” через поэтапную отработку материала с помощью всех видов речевой деятельности.


Познавательная – формировать знания в области семейных отношений через работу с лексическим материалом.

Развивающая – способствовать развитию навыков устной речи через серию упражнений; готовности к коммуникации; развивать память, мышление, воображение через постановку проблемных задач;

Воспитательная – создать условия для воспитания чувства толерантности, способствовать воспитанию чувства локтя в семье, гордости за свою семью.

Оснащение урока: ПК, медиа - проектор, медиа - презентация

The Notes of the lesson

- Good morning boys and girls. Let’s start our lesson. What is our theme today? So we will revise a lot of words and practice speaking about family.

2. Answer my questions.

- Have you got a mother?

- Is your mother a doctor?

- What is your mother?

- How old are you?

- How old is your sister?

- How old is your brother?

2. Vocabulary work.

a) Read the transcriptions of thе words and translate them.

b) Match the pairs

c) Read the descriptions of people and say what they are…

3. Let’s check up your homework

a) Some of you have prepared projects. Tell us about your family tree.

- Listen to the poem. Read the poem.

3. Speaking practice

a) Let’s remember family poems.

I have a mother,

I have a father,

I have a sister,

I have a brother.

Father, mother , sister, brother:

Hand in hand with one another.

My sisters and brothers

All go to school.

We help one another,

It is a good rule.

We help our mother,

When she washes or cooks.

Together with father

We like to read books.

wash dishes, cook

do the ironing tidy up the room

clean the house sweep the floor

Hands up! Clap, clap!

Hands on the hips! Step, step!

Bend your right,

Turn yourself around.

Hands up! Hands down!

Hands at sides and sit down

c) Listen to the joke. ” Mother and William”

Translate this joke to us.

Have you got a grandmother?

What is her name?

Do you visit her?

Do you help her?

When is her birthday?

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Содержимое разработки

Lesson plan

Тема: Family and Family Relationship

Цель: создать условия для проектной работы по теме “ My family is..” через поэтапную отработку материала с помощью всех видов речевой деятельности.

Познавательная – формировать знания в области семейных отношений через работу с лексическим материалом.

Развивающая – способствовать развитию навыков устной речи через серию упражнений; готовности к коммуникации; развивать память, мышление, воображение через постановку проблемных задач;

Воспитательная – создать условия для воспитания чувства толерантности, способствовать воспитанию чувства локтя в семье, гордости за свою семью.

Оснащение урока: ПК, медиа-проектор, медиа-презентация

The Notes of the lesson

The beginning of the lesson.

-Good morning boys and girls. Let’s start our lesson. What is our theme today? So we will revise a lot of words and practice speaking about family.

2. Answer my questions.

- Have you got a mother?

- Is your mother a doctor?

- What is your mother?

- How old are you?

- How old is your sister?

-How old is your brother?

2. Vocabulary work.

a) Read the transcriptions of thе words and translate them.

b) Match the pairs

c) Read the descriptions of people and say what they are…

3. Let’s check up your homework

a) Some of you have prepared projects. Tell us about your family tree.

- Listen to the poem. Read the poem.

3. Speaking practice

a) Let’s remember family poems.

I have a mother,

I have a father,

I have a sister,

I have a brother.

Father, mother , sister, brother:

Hand in hand with one another.

My sisters and brothers

All go to school.

We help one another,

It is a good rule.

We help our mother,

When she washes or cooks.

Together with father

We like to read books.

B)What do you do to help your family?

wash dishes, cook

do the ironing tidy up the room

clean the house sweep the floor

Hands up! Clap,clap!

Hands on the hips! Step,step!

Bend your right,

Turn yourself around.

Hands up! Hands down!

Hands at sides and sit down

c) Listen to the joke.” Mother and William”

Translate this joke to us.

Have you got a grandmother?

What is her name?

Do you visit her?

Do you help her?

When is her birthday?

- Open your books. Page 27 Ex. 70. Read the story and say…..

- Let’s sing a song. “ Tomorrow ‘s granny birthday”

Tomorrow is her birthday

So let us celebrate

Let us decorate the flat

And let’s phone our mates.

Let them bring her presents

Let them sing a song

Let us play computer games all day long.

Let’s go out for dinner

Let us watch TV

Let us phone my granny

Let her come to me

Let us have a big cake

Let us say “Hooray!”

Let it be her birthday every day!

What will you do on your granny’s birthday? (I will…..)

-give her flowers

- make a present for her

- sing song for her

5. The end of the lesson

1. Your marks are…….

2. your homework is. Ex. 71. P. 27 Answer the questions.

Learn the words

Project “Family tree”


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План-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему "Семейные отношения". Для 9-11 классов.

План-конспект урока по английскому языку

Тема уроку: Сімейні стосунки.

Подтема урока: Parents and adolescents.

Практические задачи: 1) организовать чтение текста "George`s story" с изъятием общей информации;

2) организовать монологическая речь учащихся по теме "The conflict between parents and adolescents";

Образовательные задачи: формировать образовательную автономию учащихся, способность самостоятельно и осознание работать с языком, формировать умение работать с учебником и в разных режимах, развивать информативную культуру учащихся, расширять общий кругозор учащихся, формировать образ страны изучаемого, и своего англоязычного ровестника.

Развивающие задачи: формировать положительную мотивацию ученика, развивать лингво-познавательную, коммуникативную и социальную культуру учащихся, интеллектуальные, познавательные и вещательные способности, формировать кратковременную и оперативную память, внимание и фантацию.

Воспитательные задачи: воспитывать интерес к культуре страны изучаемого языка, формировать общую культуру учащихся, способность выражать свое собственное мнение.

Организационный момент. Приветствие.

Речевая зарядка с использованием пословицы

а)презентация пословицы учителем;

Постановка. Вызов потребности и интереса с указанием на коммуникативную перспективу урока.

Good morning, class! I`m very glad to see you!

So, who is on duty today? Who is absent today?

Let`s start our lesson. Look at the blackboard. Here you can see the proverb. Repeat after me: “Tit for tat”. Try to translate it!

Repeat after me again: Tit for tat.

How do you understand this proverb?

The both variants are right! This is your own ideas and it`s very interesting!

Today, class, we are going to speak about your family relations and discuss the new theme “Parents and adolescents”. We`ll learn some new words and practice them in the text. Besides, we`ll read a story about man and the problems with his teenage daughter. I think that it`s such a close problem for you now.

Good morning! We are glad to see you too!

Lisa: I am! Roman and Anna are absent today.

Pls: Tit for tat.

It`s very difficult!

Pls: Tit for tat.

Denis: May be if you want to have a good relationship with somebody you should treat people as you want they to treat you.

Egor: And if we treat them well they will respond to us in return. For example, if we don`t want to have any conflicts with our parents we should be more attentive, don`t provoke them to nervous and on the contrary!

Дети встали и приветствуют учителя.

На доске записана пословица.

Задача I. Организация чтения текста с изъятием общей информации.

Постановка задачи: указания на коммуникативную перспективу.

Снятие лексических трудностей.

Чтение текста. Прием: чтение молча.

Контроль розуміння загального зміста тексту.

Психологическая разрядка: аэробика.

Задача II. Организация монологической речи учащихся по теме.

Заключительная часть III.

Подведение итогов работы на уроке. Рефлексия действий учащихся.

Оценки деятельности учащихся на уроке.

Объяснение домашнего задания

Open your books on page 76. Let`s read the text “George`s story” about the relations between father and his problem teenage daughter. Read this text attentively, because then you`ll answer some questions.

There are some unknown words in this text. You can see them on the blackboard. Repeat after me:

an adolescent - подросток;

to assault -штуровать;

to blame - провиниться;

to escape -сбежать ;

to interfere - пересекаться;

to obey - подчиняться;

to prevent - предотвратить;

to reject - отвергать;

to remain - оставаться;

to resent - возмущаться;

to be grounded –основываться;

to be jailed – быть заключительным;

to run out of –убежать из;

in order to – для того, чтобы.

Now, read the text silently and be ready to answer the questions.

I'm a respectable businessman and all I'd been trying to do was keep my daughter away from drugs and bad company, and I ended up in a police cell.

I've got two daughters, Helen and Susie. Helen's 17 and Susie's 15. I've had no trouble with Helen, apart from a bit of bulimia 1 . Susie's the problem. She used to be a lovely girl with her dolls and toys, but a few months ago her behavior started to deteriorate. She started dating people who were much poorer than her and staying out later at night. It was really worrying and annoying. Her American boyfriend was colored and much older than her, not at all suitable for her.

We had some rows 2 about this, and after one row she stormed out and went missing for a whole weekend. I think she was taking drugs. So then I started physically to stop her going out. But one night she went out when we'd gone to bed, and in the early morning the police brought her home. So I told her, 'You see what happens?' I told her she'd only got herself to blame. After that, I hoped she would start listening to me. But she didn't.

Then last week she wanted to go out again. I had had enough. I told her, 'You're going to do as I tell you.' But she shouted she'd do what she liked. I grabbed her by the wrists, but she pulled herself free and ran out of the house. I was sick with worry. And then the police came and arrested me for assault! I was taken to the police station like a common criminal. After a few hours, they released 1 me on bail, and I haven't been charged. But it was really unpleasant. I'm just a normal father trying to save my little girl.

My girls were lovely when they were younger. I drove them to piano lessons and

drove them back. My wife always made sure they were dressed really nicely. We gave them everything we could, the sort of things I never had when I was a child. They were my pride and joy.

I don't understand this rebellious stuff. I never spoke back to my parents. I never went out drinking. In those days, if you didn't like something you just put up with it. I was working when I was 16, and I've spent my life building up a business for my family, so they would have a better future. And now this! I feel like my world has fallen apart.

Let`s discuss some points. There is a list with questions:

1. What is this text about?

Good for you! The next one:

2. What is the main idea of this text?

3. How do you feel about the fact that George was Jailed?

4. If you were Susie, would you have gone to the police? Why(not)?

Fine! It`s very interesting idea!

5. How would you have handled the situation if you had been in George`s shoes?

6. Why do you think George acted the way he did? Why do you think Susie acted the way she did?

Stand up! We are going to do some exercises. Let`s pretend that we are travelers. And we are in Great Britain now. See, it`s London. Everybody wants to see London. It`s so beautiful and exciting. Look! Who is over there? Oh, there are some people. What are they doing? They are jogging! Stop! Who is that? Do you know this man? Oh, it`s Sting! What is he doing? He is jogging too. Let`s jogging after him! Jog, jog, jog… . Jog and push jog and push… . Go on jogging, don`t stop, we can`t keep up with him. Stop and shout: We are the champions!

Good job! Sit down!

Now I want you to think and say your own opinions about the main areas of conflict between parents and adolescents, say:

To what extent do you think that such conflict is inevitable? How can it be avoided?

What does it mean to be a good son or a good daughter?

Do you think the ability to be a good parent comes naturally or should people be taught certain rules? What rules?

Perfect! Thank you very much!

Now you have your own opinion about this issue: the main areas of conflict between parents and adolescents. Thank`s for your hard working on the lesson. It was really good job. I appreciate all your tries. But don`t forget that practice makes perfect. You should always improve your language, develop your skills to automaticity.

You did good job but I want you to be more active on the lessons and practice your grammar.

You home task is to write down a short summery about your relations with parents.

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Words and Phrases with Examples

1. baby – a very young child

I always do some housework when the baby is sleeping in the afternoon.

2. infant – a baby or very young child, newborn child

My sister is 14 years old, but sometimes she acts like an infant.

3. toddler – a young child who has just learnt to walk

Toddlers can walk, but they don’t always talk yet.

4. marriage – legal relationship between a husband and wife

She only has a stepdaughter from her husband’s first marriage, but she likes her as her own.

5. marry (sb), get married to sb – become somebody’s husband or wife

My father was 29 and my mother was 25 when they got married.

6. go out (with sb) – spend time with somebody and have a romantic or sexual relationship with them

My parents had been going out for two years before they got married.

My mother doesn’t like that I go out with Tom; she says he’s too old for me.

7. get engaged – agree to marry somebody

Imagine, my sister has just got engaged to a footballer, they’re planning to get married in the summer.

8. wedding – the act of marrying, a marriage ceremony (and the meal or party that usually follows it)

9. bride – a woman on her wedding day, or just before or just after it

10. (bride)groom – a man on his wedding day, or just before or just after it

The prince’s wedding ceremony will take place in the cathedral. Then the bride and the groom will be taken to the wedding reception in an open Rolls Royce.

11. honeymoon – a holiday taken by a couple who have just got married

We couldn’t go to the Bahamas on honeymoon, but we felt sitting on the top of the world even in a campsite at the local lake.

12. divorce – the legal ending of a marriage; end your marriage legally

Unfortunately, very many marriages end in a divorce in our country.

She divorced her husband immediately when she learned he had a secret girlfriend.

My friend and his wife got divorced at last, after long years of quarrel and disagreement.



We are a typical family of two parents and two children. Like most other families we have our own traditions and our own problems.

My parents are the dearest people for me. They have brought me up and taught me a lot of things. The main one is that if you want to be successful in life, you should work hard. They teach me not only in words but also by deeds of theirs.

My father’s name is Oleh Mykolayovych. He is a tall, solidly-built man of 43. His kind grey eyes, luxurious moustache and a charming smile make him incredibly attractive. In fact, he is not a very strict father, but is responsible and reliable. My Dad is very intelligent but rather modest. He has always been loved and respected by his friends and colleagues.

My mother’s name is Ulyana Volodymyrivna. She is nice, young-looking and cheerful. Being active and smart, she is interested in many things: psychology and philosophy, art and literature, economy and politics. People often ask her for help or advice and she never refuses. Mom is a very sociable person and very popular with her friends. That’s why on high days and holidays we always expect many people to come to our place. Then from the early morning we prepare for the party. My sister and I switch on the tape-recorder and tidy up the flat. Dad goes shopping and Mom does the cooking. Actually Mom is very good at making salads. She knows a lot of recipes and likes to invent new ones. When Dad returns he joins Mom in the kitchen. His usual tasks are to peel potatoes and to make chops. Meanwhile we finish doing the flat up and start laying the table. When everything is ready and we all are a bit tired, we are still looking forward to having lots of fun, guitar songs and dancing, when everybody feels relaxed and comfortable.

We have got such parties on special dates only. But on usual evenings we also like to gather in the living-room, watch TV and discuss the latest events of the day.

I don’t share all my problems with the parents because sometimes I don’t want to upset them or for some personal reasons. But I can discuss everything that worries me with my sister. Although she is two years my junior she is rather smart and practical, she takes things easier than I do and it lets me see the other side of the situation. My sister and I are very different, we sometimes have arguments (for example when she wears my clothes without per­mission), but we are very close and she is the person whom I trust, appreciate and love.

It’s so good to have a friendly family and to feel safe and happy in it.

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