Travelling brochure план урока 7 класс

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

The official language is Welsh but people usually speak English.

It often rains in Wales.

Have a great time in Wales!

There are wonderful shops, restaurants and night life.

Fishing, cycling and walking are very popular activities.

Wales is very green.

English is widely spoken by Maldivians.

There are beautiful white sandy beaches, crystal clear lagoons and colourful corals.

Malé is the capital of the country.

It is a sunny side of life…

Almost all visitors get to the Maldives by air

Diving, fishing and snorkeling are very popular activities.

It has a great number of colourful, tropical fish.

Russia is a land of long rivers and large lakes.

Russia is the largest country in the world.

Moscow is the capital of the country.

The Volga River runs in the Caspian Sea, the largest lake in the world.

Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world.

There are many ancient cities, for example, Vladimir, Tver, Yaroslavl, and Kazan.

St.Petersburg is one of the greatest and most beautiful cities in the world.

Welcome to the Russian Federation!

Work in pairs. Talk to your partner about your ideal holiday.

I would like to go to… (where?)

I’d like to go for… (how long?) with… (who?)

I’d like to … (what activities?)

Work in pairs. Talk to your partner about your ideal holiday.

I would like to go to… (where?)

I’d like to go for… (how long?) with… (who?)

I’d like to … (what activities?)

Work in pairs. Talk to your partner about your ideal holiday.

I would like to go to… (where?)

I’d like to go for… (how long?) with… (who?)

I’d like to … (what activities?)

Work in pairs. Talk to your partner about your ideal holiday.

I would like to go to… (where?)

I’d like to go for… (how long?) with… (who?)

I’d like to … (what activities?)

Work in pairs. Talk to your partner about your ideal holiday.

I would like to go to… (where?)

I’d like to go for… (how long?) with… (who?)

I’d like to … (what activities?)

Work in pairs. Talk to your partner about your ideal holiday.

I would like to go to… (where?)

I’d like to go for… (how long?) with… (who?)

I’d like to … (what activities?)

Work in pairs. Talk to your partner about your ideal holiday.

I would like to go to… (where?)

I’d like to go for… (how long?) with… (who?)

I’d like to … (what activities?)

Work in pairs. Talk to your partner about your ideal holiday.

I would like to go to… (where?)

I’d like to go for… (how long?) with… (who?)

I’d like to … (what activities?)

Answer the questions:

Why do people travel? __________________________________________

2) Do you like to travel? And why? ___________________________________

3) What do people do when they travel? _______________________________

4) What do you like to do when you travel?_____________________________

5) How do people travel? ___________________________________________

Answer the questions:

Why do people travel? __________________________________________

2) Do you like to travel? And why? ___________________________________

3) What do people do when they travel? _______________________________

4) What do you like to do when you travel?_____________________________

5) How do people travel? ___________________________________________

Конспект урока английского языка 7 класс

Тема: Путешествия

Воспитательная – воспитание толерантности, культуры общения, умения слушать друг друга

Развивающая - формирование у учащихся внутренней мотивации к изучению иностранного языка и культуры, развитие у детей внимания и восприятия, развивать умение применять материал в практи ческих ситуациях в повседневной жизни

Образовательная -расширение кругозора учащихся за счет ознакомления с новым материалом, применяя ИКТ

Формирование навыков чтения, говорения, письма

Контроль усвоения новых лексических единиц

Класс: 7-Б

Материал: компьютер, мультимедиа проектор, раздаточный материал

Ход урока:

Go camping жить в палатках

Go sightseeing осматривать достопримечательности

Go snorkeling заниматься подводным плаванием

Stay at a youth hostel останавливаться на молодежной турбазе или общежитии

Picturesque places живописные места

Ancient towns древние города

Bathe купаться

Lie in the sun=sunbathe загорать

4. Демонстрация презентации - развитие навыков чтения, аудирования и письма.

5. Фон. Зарядка ( на материале лексики по теме)

6. Answer the questions- развитие навыков говорения

1) Why do people travel?

2) Do you like to travel? And why?

3) What do people do when they travel?

4) What do you like to do when you travel?

5) How do people travel?

7. Now I’m a tourist and you work at this travel agency. Try to persuade me to go to your country.

8. Make up dialogues .

9. Tests “How many smiles do you have?”

10. Revision of the words. Translate the sentences from English into Russian.

Well, what have you learnt today?

make up dialogues

make presentations about countries

12. Домашнее задание

1) Learn new words

2) Tell about one of the countries

Слайд 1

Слайд 2

Words:  Go camping жить в палатках  Go sightseeing осматривать достопримечательности  Go snorkeling заниматься подводным        плаванием Stay at a youth hostel останавливаться на молодежной турбазе или общежитии Picturesque places живописные места Ancient towns древние города Bathe купаться Lie in the sun=sunbathe загорать Stay at/in a hotel останавливаться в отеле Consist of состоять из чего-либо

Слайд 3

Questions: 1) Why do people travel? 2) Do you like to travel? And why? 3) What do people do when they travel? 4) What do you like to do when you travel? 5) How do people travel?

Слайд 4

Слайд 5

Слайд 6

Слайд 7

Слайд 8

Слайд 9

Слайд 10

Слайд 11

Слайд 12

Слайд 13

Слайд 14

Слайд 15

Слайд 16

Слайд 17

Полный текст материала Разработка урока английского языка "Travelling" (с презентацией); 7 класс смотрите в скачиваемом файле.
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Методическая разработка открытого урока по английскому языку для 7 класса. Тема "Travelling brochure".

Содержимое разработки

Unit 3: Holidays and travel

Travelling brochure

Date: 20.11.2018

Teacher’s name: Serdalinova G.B.

Number present:

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

7.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups;

7.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics;

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

- Use speaking and listening skills to solve problems using subject-specific vocabulary.

Most learners will be able to:

- Understand the main points in video

Some learners will be able to:

- Use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively

Language objective

Use new vocabulary and correct grammar constructions in their speech

Previous learning

Reading: Travelling around the world

Speaking: Travel talk

Cross-Curricular Link

Smart Board and projector to present the material, smartphones, audio material

Didactic material

Cards, poster, smiles

Planned timings

Planned activities

Warm-up activity

- Good afternoon, dear children! I am very glad to see you. I see that all of you are present and I’d like to start our open lesson.

- What season of the year is it now?

- What date is it today?

- What day of the week is it today?

- What is the weather like today?

- Who is on duty today?

- Who is absent today?

- You divided into the 3 teams (3 colours): black, white, red. Choose the captain. It will be competition between teams. Which team collect more points, that team will win.

- Look at the screen and try to give a theme of our lesson. Write it in your poster.

Smart Board and projector

- You are right. Today our lesson objectives are to take information about travelling brochure. Travelling brochure helps you to receive more information about country or city where you want to travel, how you can reach there, how much it will be cost, where you can accommodate or live during the travelling.

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cultural: to develop pupils’ interests to travelling and desire to know as much as possible about Great Britain.


Teacher: Hello, my dear friends! Glad to see you. I hope we’ll have wonderful minutes of communication. First of all let us pronounce our chant to build up our self-esteem:

P-1: I’m a talented student.

P-2: I’m a good student.

P-3: I’m a clever student.

P-4: I’m the most enthusiastic student.

P-5: I’m a brilliant student

P-6: I’m a broad-minded student.

P-7: I’m a capable student.

P-8: I’m a careful student.

P-9: I’m an efficient student.

P-10: I’m a curious student.

P-11: I’m a decisive student.

P-12: I’m an intelligent student.

P-13: I’m a hard-working student.

P-14: I’m a modest student.

Teacher: That’s good. I’m sure you’re trying to be the best students in the world.

The topic of our lesson is ‘’Travelling to Great Britain”. Look at the blackboard. There is a sentence here. But all the words in it are written together. Try to divide these words and read the sentence.

Every journey gives you its own favour.

T. Well-done. So, this is the motto of our lesson: Every journey gives you its own favour.

As you know there are different ways of spending free time. Many people spend it travelling. What about you? Do you like to travel?

P-1. Yes, I like travelling very much. I’m quite sure that modern life is impossible without travelling because it gives us an opportunity to see new places, to make new friends, to open our mind.

T. Have you ever been abroad?

P-2. No, I haven’t, but I’d like to visit the USA and Australia.

P-3. Neither would I. As for me I’d like to visit England.

T. Would you like to live abroad?

P-4. Perhaps, a short period of time, but not all my life.

T. We have already leant some proverbs and quotations about travelling. Look at the blackboard and match the beginning with the ending.

-He that travels far knows much.

-Travelling is one way of lengthening life.

-If the ass goes travelling, he will not come home a horse.

Travel makes a wise man better, but a fool worse.


T. What do you imagine when you hear the word”travelling”? Write down the words on the sheets of paper. Let’s make a spidergram about travelling.

TRAVELLING: weather, money, luggage, new places, new impressions, destination, by train, by plane, problems, tickets, free time, on foot, customs, and business.

T. As none of us has ever been to Great Britain I suggest travelling there just now. Of course we’ll visit London, the capital of the country, and some other big cities.

But to my mind, we can’t go anywhere if we know nothing about the place. Thus, our task is to find out if London and other big cities are worth visiting. Big cities have, of course, some advantages and disadvantages (on the blackboard).

Big cities are usually very old.

They have rich history. Thus, it’s very interesting to keep in touch with it.

There are many sights: museums, art galleries, monuments.

You are never bored because there are a lot of places for entertainment.

Various sport facilities are at your disposal.

All modern conveniences are your disposal.

-It’s very noisy because of heavy traffic. Besides, there are a lot of traffic jams.

- You are to cover long distances to get to the place of your destination.

- There’s a lot of air pollution.

- Living in a multi-storey building with a lot of flats is a real disaster.

T. So, as we see, there are more advantages than disadvantages in big cities. It’s quite sure that London is worth visiting. Let’s meet tomorrow in airport.



Custom’s officer. Ladies and Gentlemen!

You have to fill in some customs declarations. Please, do it – it is important because you are going abroad.

C u s t o m F o r m

Date of Birth____________________________

Foreign Languages You Speak______________


Custom’s officer: Oh, miss. Have you done it?

-What is your name?

-My name is Maria Petrenko.

-Where are you going?

- Have you got the national currency of Ukraine and other currency in cash?

- Do you have any jewelry?

- I have one golden ring and a pair of golden earrings.

- What about drugs?

- I haven’t got any.

- Have you got works of art?

- What’s the purpose of your visit, business or pleasure?

- How long will you be staying in England?

- Please, show your return tickets.

- Thanks. Enjoy your flight.

T. – Now, imagine you are on board of the plane.

Stewardess 1. Ladies and Gentlemen! You are greeted by the captain of our place.

The Captain. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. This is your captain speaking. I’d like to welcome you aboard Eastern’s Flight 179 to London. We’re flying at an altitude of 33,000 feet. Our speed is approximately 500 miles per hour. We’ll land in London in two and a half. The temperature in London is 25degrees Celsius. Our flight attendants will serve lunch in a few minutes. Enjoy your flight!

Key: beach, destination, railway, rucksack, bus, boarding, motor-bike, scooter, float, port, bicycle, coast, voyage, journey, airport, guide, ticket, plane, trip, hike, train, car, boat, fly, vehicle.

All the words in the puzzle are read across and down.

Stewardess 2. In order not to be boring I’d like to suggest you a quiz about Great Britain. Your task is to identify famous British people, events and places.

He and his ‘merry men’ lived in Sherwood Forest. (Robin Hood)

His monument stands in the centre of Trafalgar Square. Admiral Nelson)

Here many famous Englishmen are buried. (Westminster Abbey)

The Crown jewels are kept here. (The Tower of London)

The biggest bell in the world. (Big Ben).

The traditional rowing race between 2 universities. (The Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race)

He wanted to blow up the Houses of Parliament. (Guy Fawkes)

A famous picture house in Trafalgar Square. (The National Gallery)

365 feet high and built by Christopher Wren. (St.Paul’s Cathedral)

It is one of the most famous and important libraries in the world. (The British Museum).

The residence of the Queen. (Buckingham Palace).

It is one of the most famous and important libraries in the world. (The British Museum).

Stewardess 1. Well-done! Ladies and Gentlemen! Our flight is over. We are landing

At the Heathrow, the main airport of Great Britain.

Guide. ! Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to Great Britain! My name’s Anastasia and I’m your guide. First of all I’d like to provide you with some information about London.

One of the passengers. Oh, I’m sorry, miss for interrupting you, but I think that we know enough about your capital. We know that London is the capital of Great Britain and lies on both banks of the river Thames. Its population is about 8 million people. London is also a very big port, one of the greatest commercial centers in the world, a university city and the seat of the British Parliament. The most important parts of London are Westminster, the City, the West End and the East End.

Guide. Oh, I see your knowledge of our country is profound. And what sights of London would you like to see?

Passenger 1. I’d like to visit St.Paul’s Cathedral and the Tower of London.

Passenger 2. As for me, I’d like to visit the Royal Opera House and the Shakespeare Theatre in the West End.

Guide. And I advise you to see Buckingham Palace, the British Museum, the National Gallery, the Tate Gallery and the Madame Tussaud’s Museum. And what other cities of Great Britain would you like to visit?

Passenger 1. . I’d like to visit Cambridge.

Passenger 2. As for me, I’d like to go to Liverpool to know more about “The Beatles”.

Guide. That’s OK. During this week we’ll organize some trips to different cities and you’ll have a chance to visit Cambridge and Liverpool.

Teacher. So, some days passed. Our tourists are again at the airport waiting for the flight home. Oh, I see some reporters of such British newspapers as “The Times”, “The Star Business” and of the magazine “Woman’s Weekly”. They want to ask our tourists some questions.

The “Star Business “ Reporter. Good afternoon. I’m a correspondent from the newspaper “The Star Business”. My first question is to a tourist from London. Where did you stay in London?

Tourist 1. We lived in the hotel named the «Tower of Bridge”. This place reminds us of the Great Fire in London.

The “Star Business “ Reporter. Have you visited the Hampton Court?

Tourist 1. Yes, I have been there.

The “Star Business “ Reporter. How did you get there?

Tourist 1. I left the “Tower Bridge” hotel, crossed the road and saw the boats on the left. It costs me 2 pounds for a return ticket but it was worth seeing.

The “Star Business “ Reporter. Thank you.

“The Times “ reporter. Nice to meet you. Let me introduce myself. My name is John Hill. I’m a reporter from the newspaper “The Times”.What is the second famous University City in England?

Tourist 2. Cambridge is the second oldest University City in Britain. It lies on the river Cam and takes its name after the river. Cambridge was founded in 1284 when the first college, Peter House, was built.

The “Woman’s Weekly” reporter. Good afternoon, I’m a correspondent from the magazine “Woman’s Weekly”. I have some questions to tourists from Liverpool.

What famous people from Liverpool do you know?

. Everybody knows that Liverpool is the birthplace of “The Beatles”, John

Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. I also adore all football players from Liverpool.

The Reporters. Thank you for your interview. We wish you good luck and success.

Teacher. Now we’ll sum up our lesson and do it in a form of a poem which is called “cinquain”. Let’s remember the rules of such a form of poetry (Dima, read them please):

The first line: Theme (the main word)

The second line: two adjectives

The third line: three verbs (actions of the main word)

The fourth line: a sentence (quotation on the topic)

The fifth line: synonym/ antonym of the main word.

Teacher. Our main word is” Travelling”.

You should try to use different notions connected with it in order to show its diversity and your associations. Work in two groups, please. There is an example:

Wonderful, exiting

To explore, to learn, to visit

Every departure has an arrival

Teacher. Thank you for the fruitful work. I can say you worked very hard. I’m really proud of you. And your marks for the lesson are… Your home task is to write a composition about your last trip. Are you in a good mood now? –Yes, we are .

And when we are in a good mood we sing. Let’s do it now.(a song “Poznaika”)

Разработака урока по теме Travelling around the world для 7 класса, позволяет закрепить лексику по теме Путешествие, обсудить лучшее путешествие, поразмышлять о способах пушествия.

Содержимое разработки

Day 4: Planning and resources Session 3: Medium- and short-term planning (2)

Handout 4: Short term plan blank template

Lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan Travel

School: Lycee ‘”BEST”

Teacher name: Chizhakovskaya Y.S.

Number present:

Lesson title

Travelling around the world

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme)

7.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

7.L1 understand with little support the main points in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics

7.S2 ask complex questions to get information about a limited range of general topics and some curricular topics

7.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

7.W6 link with little or no support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using a variety of basic connectors on a range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

name means of transport

listen and answer peers’ questions

Most learners will be able to:

name countries and cities according to the texts

make up a dialogue using prompts

Some learners will be able to:

write an essay on the topic “My best trip ever” (180 words)

Assessment criteria

Interact with each other delivering content correctly and clearly to others

Values links

Leading active way of life

Cross-curricular links

Previous learning

Basic means of transport, countries and their capitals, passive voice structure (present simple passive, past simple passive, future simple passive)

Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

Lead in: Brainstorming

On board: pictures of different countries.

To activate students’ prior knowledge of the topic it will be better to answer teacher’s questions:

What can you see? What countries are these? What are the capitals of these countries? What are their symbols? Have you ever been to this countries?

Drilling. To make sure of correct pronunciation students are to repeat the names of countries and their capitals after the teacher all together.

(Kazakhstan, The USA, Great Britain, China, Turkey)

Match the countries. (Listening)

Students are to listen to 4 people talking about different countries, they are to identify the person with the country using a chart.

Pre-listening task: Students are to remember English-speaking countries and name them.

While-listening task: Students are to complete the chart according to the audio.

Britain, France, Italy

Post- listening task: students match the opinions. 1.Dan and Jill discovered a new type of holiday and now go away every year in winter.

2. Tony doesn’t like his city in warm weather, but wouldn’t like to be in the countryside in winter.

3. Chris got fed up with family holidays abroad and now goes on activity holidays

4. Karen travels around and goes to a variety of places

2. 48 hours in Manhattan (asking for information)

Have you ever been to Manhattan? What do you know about it? Where is it situated?

The class should be divided into pairs. Each pair has a short simple text about Manhattan.

While-reading task: Each pair should read the text and analyse making up questions about it using prompts.

Post reading task: after completing the task students are to make up a dialogue using their questions about Manhattan and exchange the information.

3.Have you ever travelled? Where? Whom? When?

Student are to make up a graphic organizer of their travelling’s key words.

After a short discussion students are to write an essay on the topic “My best trip ever” using appropriate vocabulary (180 words)

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