Times around the world план урока 5 класс

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Урок английского языка по теме "Мир вокруг нас" для 5 класса по учебнику Верещагиной И.И., Аванасьевой О.В.
В ходе урока использован авторский материал учителя(прилагается отдельно), а также аудиодиск к учебнику.

план-конспект урока английского языка по теме Мир вокруг нас 74 КБ
диалог для тренировки разговорных клише 24.11 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

План-конспект урока английского языка в 5-м классе

Учитель: Адольф Валерия Валерьевна

Цель урока : активизация и закрепление употребления разговорных клише по теме “Прощание” в диалогической речи

Развивающая : совершенствовать навыки связной речи, развивать мышление, память, стимулировать самостоятельность учащихся, формировать познавательный интерес учащихся к предмету.

Воспитательная : прививать интерес к культуре, традициям, стимулировать интерес учащихся к изучению английского языка посредством ЭОР , формировать уважительное отношение к иной культуре, традициям и обычаям другой культуры, воспитывать умение работать в коллективе, в группе, паре.

Используемые учебники и учебные пособия:

Компьютер, диск к учебнику, раздаточный материал

1 . Организационный момент

Teacher: Hello boys and girls!

Pupils: Hello teacher!

Teacher: Let`s begin our lesson. Please, sit down.

Who is on duty today?

Pupils: I'm on duty today.

Teacher: What date is it today?

Pupils: Today is November, the 17th.

Teacher: Who is absent today?

Pupils: …is absent today/nobody is absent today.

Teacher: Thank you a lot

2 . Объявление целей урока.

Teacher: Today we’ll continue speaking about English-speaking countries, we’ll learn how to finish a conversation, answer some questions and learn some phrases.

3. Фонетическая зарядка.

Teacher : But first let’s do some phonetic exercises. Today we will practice the sounds [ θ] и [ ð ]

Th is, th is. Is th is yours?
Th ere, th ere. Are you going th ere?
Th en, th en. Then will you go with us?
Brea th e, brea th e. You need to brea th e.
Th is is beautiful.
ma th , ma th . Are you studying ma th ?
Too th , too th . My too th hurts.
Ba th , ba th . I am going to take a ba th
I like your mou th , not I like your mouse.
Move your mou th .
4. Активизация употребления разговорных клише . Teacher: Let’s learn how to finish a conversation with your friend. Open your books p.100 ex. 11

5. Teacher: Excellent! Now we are ready to do some listening exercises. Open your books p. 100 ex. 12. Listen to the dialogues, then we’ll read them learn by heart

6. Тренировка пройденного материала . Teacher: So, you’ve learned how to finish your conversation and now take these shits of paper, put necessary words instead of smileys to complete the dialog.(учитель раздает материал)

7. Закрепление пройденного материала . Teacher: Now let’s read the dialog about English-speaking countries and say why Helen is interested in the English language(p 106 ex 23) .

8. Рефлексия . Teacher: Dear boys and girls, our lesson is over. I hope that you have enjoyed our lesson , and now write down your home task.

9. Домашнее задание .

Teacher: Your home task for the next lesson will be Ex. 16, p 103, ex. 20 p. 105

That’s all for today. Goodbye.

I hope to see you some day; painting; customs and traditions; the same to you; used to;

I was glad to meet you; exhibition;

-I’m sorry It’s time to go home. This was really wonderful.

-I visit museums every month, but now I don’t .

-Let’s visit the gallery of Fine Arts next time and study of English-speaking countries.

-Sure. They say there is a famous of the Tower of London in this gallery and I would like to see it.

а) развивать навык фонетического слуха
б) развивать навыки диалогической речи
в) развивать умение учащихся осуществлять монологические высказывания
г) развивать навыки выразительного чтения
д) развивать индивидуальные творческие и артистические способности учащихся
е) развивать интерактивные коммуникативные способности
ж) развивать аудитивные навыки

а) воспитывать у учащихся любовь к окружающему миру
б) воспитывать у учащихся умение приветствовать и реагировать на приветствия
в) воспитывать у учащихся уважение к культуре страны изучаемого языка

Применяемые технологии:

а) коммуникативно-ориентированного обучения
б) развития познавательных интересов
в) личностно-ориентированного обучения
г) учебно-познавательная игра
д) информационные технологии

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент (приветствие и объяснение целей урока).

- Good morning, children! (Good morning,)

- I am glad to see you. How are you today? (We are fine, thank you. And how are you?)

- 1 am fine, too, thanks. Who is absent? (All are present.)

Let's begin our lesson. This time we'll learn a new topic "World Around Us". We'll speak about foreign countries, different continents where these countries are situated, about people of different nations and nationalities who live in these countries. You'll also discuss ecological problems; speak about nature, about animals and birds that are in danger nowadays. And today you'll listen to the dialogues and make up your own.

2. Фонетическая зарядка (отработка лексики по теме “Осенние каникулы”).

[t] - autumn: stay; travel; travel to Moscow.

[d] - spend: did you spend.

[n] - nice; no; not: did not: did not do;

[1] - sleep; help: play; play different games;

[r] - during; rain: rainy read;

- Read the words after me.

- Read the words in pairs.

- Read the words as quickly as you can. (на экране)

3. Речевая разминка.

  1. Where did you go during your autumn holidays?
  2. What did you do there?
  3. What was the weather like?
  4. What books did you read?

- Ask each other questions about your autumn holidays. Work in a chain.

P1: I spent my holidays in the country. Where did you spend your autumn holidays?

P2: I spent my holidays visiting Moscow. Where did you spend your autumn holidays?

4. Повторение пройденной лексики.

- Do you like to take part in different competitions? (Of course, we do.)

- I see you are interested in taking part in competitions. Let's have a competition then. You will do different tasks. I hope it will be interesting, funny and useful. Let's form two teams.

- You already know some words on topic "Nature" and "World around Us". Let's play a memory game. Open your books and find ex. 1, p. 82. Look at the words for a moment, then close the books and name everything you remember. The team which names more words will be the winner of this part.

- OK, thank you, pupils. I see you have a good memory.

2. Can you divide the words

- The next task for you is to divide these words into three groups denoting:

a) waters: b) plants; c) places on the earth. You should write the words into three columns. The

team which does this task quickly and correctly is the winner of this part. (на экране)

- Thank you, pupils, I see you can divide the words quickly and correctly.

3. Let's choose a Leader

The next task is called "Let's choose a leader". Now I’ll explain the rules of the task. I’ll ask you 6 questions. The team which gives the most correct answers will be the leader of this part of the game. The questions are not very easy. So, be attentive, please. (ex. 4 p. 82) (на экране)

- Thank you very much.

4. Think of names for them

- The next task is called "Think of names for them". I'll explain you some words. And your task is to think of the names for these explanations. Don't forget to discuss the name in your teams. You have 1 minute to do it.

Учитель зачитывает объяснения слов, используя ex. 3, p. 82. (на экране)

- Thank you, pupils, you were quite right

5. Describe your favourite season

- And the last task for you is to speak about your favorite season. Your home task was to choose the season and make up a short story about it. And the other team will guess what season it is.

- Thank you, pupils, your stories were original. Now our game has come to an end. Our best congratulations to the first team. They are the winners of the contest. Don't worry if you are not the first. Only one team can be the first.

- Let me thank all the participants of the competition. Now let's do some exercises.

6. Обучение словообразованию.

- Now pupils, your task is to say what part of speech the words warm, long, wide and strong belong to.

- Of course, you are right. They are all adjectives. And now we'll learn how to make nouns from the adjectives. I want you to look at the blackboard. You'll work yourselves and try to explain how to make nouns from the adjectives.

- Who is ready to explain this kind of word building? (Ученики работают самостоятельно, готовят вывод о том, как образовать существительные от прилагательных с помощью суффикса – th.)

- Will you translate the nouns?

- OK, let's repeat them after me.

- And now I want you to work in pairs and make a right choice doing ex. 9, p. 84. (на экране) Look through the exercise. Is the task clear? Begin working then.

7. Развитие речевых умений в диалогической форме речи.

- You've rested. Let's continue our work. I am sure you remember what people usually say when they meet each other. Will you name them? (Hi. Hello. Good morning. etc.)

- I see you remember them. And now I want you to read some new words. Open your books and find ex. 6, p. 83. Read the words in the table.

- You see English people often use "How do you do" and they use it in official language. Now read what people usually say after such greetings.

Ученики читают реплики-ответы с проектора.

- You see English people often say "OK''; "Fine", "Very well". They don't show that something is not well. Only sometimes when they speak about somebody they can say that he(she) is ill; is sick For example:

- And now let's listen to the dialogue "On meeting" and say what greeting and answers they use in it. (запись на кассете №24)

- What greetings have you heard?

- Now let's read this dialogue after the announcer. Mind the stresses and the intonation.

Ученики читают диалог за диктором. После прочтения диалога за диктором учитель обращает внимание учеников на интонационный рисунок (падающий тон), а также акцентирование слов во фразе “How are you?” в зависимости от того, начальная ли эта фраза диалога после непосредственного приветствия или реплика на неё. (на экране)

- Hi, how are you?

- Fine. How are you?

- Now read this dialogue in pairs with correct intonation. (на экране)

- Make up your own dialogues using the words from the table. (Ученики работают в парах и составляют свои диалоги.)

- OK, let's listen to your dialogues.

- Thank you, pupils for your work. You were active today and worked hard.

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Урок " Around the World ". 5-й класс

Зайнуллина Венера Тагировна , учитель английского языка

Тип урока: комбинированный урок.

Воспитательная – воспитывать чувство интернационализма, патриотизма; воспитывать умение слушать собеседника; воспитывать интерес к культуре и традициям страны изучаемого языка.

Развивающая – работать над развитием учебно-организационных навыков, умением работать над расширением кругозора, развитием языковой интуиции, речевых навыков и умений, способности к коллективной работе.

Оборудование: карточки с заданиями, учебник, компьютер, проектор, презентация, картины с достопримечательностями Лондона.

УМК : Spotlight 5 (Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Olga Podolyako, Julia Vaulina)
Module 6d. Culture Corner “Landmarks”, 6 урок в системе, 1 урок страноведения за год.

1. Организационный момент

Приветствие. Презентация . Слайд №1

T: Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you. How are you? Now greet your shoulder partner (Rally Robin).
S: Hello, my friend! How are you? – I’m fine (OK, excellent).
T: Thank you! Sit down, please! Be active and try to do your best!
Well, let’s start! Tell me please, do you like travelling?
S: Yes
T: You are lucky today; we are going to travel by bus and visit interesting places. We’ve got an unusual lesson today. I’m your guide and you are my tourists.

(На доске развешано несколько картин с достопримечательностями Лондона.)

I invite you to visit one of the most famous cities of Europe and Russia. Look at the board. Слайд №2 You see its Top Tourist Attractions here. Guess, what city is it? Where are we going now?

S: We are going to Moscow, Kazan and London.
T: And now imagine you’re tourist. You are young journalists from Junior Achievement and you’re here to write a journal about the most famous cities of Europe and Russia and now you’re in the Double-Decker bus. Слайд №3.

The wheels on the bus go round and round,
Round and round, round and round,
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
All day long.

T: ( текст гида ) So, hello, ladies and gentlemen! Слайд №5 Welcome to Republic of Tatarstan! Слайд №6 A colourful distinctive country rich in historical traditions of two great cultures, a country which is both ancient and young. Welcome to Kazan! I’m your guide. Let’s start with a sightseeing tour on a double-decker bus. Make yourself comfortable, please.
Kazan is the third most important city of Russia. It was founded in 1005. It’s one of the biggest cities on the Volga River. Слайд №7 The city is famous for its ancient Kazan Kremlin, Слайд №8 The Spasskaya Tower is the official entrance to the Kremlin; Слайд № 9 The brightest architectural jewel, standing out from the whole ensemble is the Suyumbike Tower. There are many legends connected with this tower. Слайд №10 Kremlyovskaya Street is one of those places which offer a magnificent view of a city. Слайд №11 The Kazan University was built in 1804 and today continues its important work in education and research.

S. I have got a question. What can you say about national cuisine of this city?

T. Yes. Слайд № 12 Oh, speaking about their cuisin, I can say that tatars like echpochmak, peremyach, belish, gubadya, kosh tele and chak-chak. Слайд № 13 Chak-chak makes a good souvenir of Tatarstan.

Слайд №14 Now we are going to Moscow.

The children on the bus go wriggle wriggle wriggle,
Wriggle wriggle wriggle wriggle wriggle wriggle,
The children on the bus go wriggle wriggle wriggle,
All day long. Слайд № 15

Moscow is the capital of the Russian Federation. Слайд № 16 It was founded in 1147 by Prince Yury Dolgoruky. Слайд № 17 Now it’s a modern city. It is one of the biggest cities in Europe. A river runs through the center of it. This wonderful Russian city is famous for its many places of interest. Слайд № 18 There are more than 80 museums ( ex. The Pushkin Museum), Слайд № 19 10 large stadiums (ex. Luzhniky Stadium) and Слайд № 20 40 theatres (ex. The Bolshoy Theatre).

So, me dears, have you got the questions?

T. My dear, tourist, the next station will be London. Слайд №21

The wheels on the bus go round and round,
Round and round, round and round,
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
All day long. Слайд №22

London is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Слайд №23-24 London is an old city. It is more than 2. 000 years old. Слайд №25 There are many Tourist Attractions in the city: ( Работа с новой лексикой )

Trafalgar square
The Tower of London
The Houses of Parliament
Big Ben
Westminster Abbey
The Tower Bridge
Buckingham Palace

Слайд № 26 We start from Trafalgar Square. On the column in the centre there is a statue of Admiral Nelson. Слайд №27 Now we are at Buckingham Palace. Слайд №28 We are passing St. Paul’s Cathedral is the second famous church in London. The architect is Sir Christopher Wren. Слайд №29 Now you can see the Houses of Parliament. It is the seat of the British Government. Слайд №30


I see you are tired. Let’s have a rest. Will you stand up, please?

Up, down, up, down
Which is the way
To London town?
Where? Where?
Up in the air
Close your eyes –
And you are there.

T: Are you relaxed now? Are you ready to continue our trip?
S : Yes

(№1 с.80 дети слышат бой часов)

T: Listen, what is it? Where is it?
S: It’s Big Ben. Слайд №31
T: Sure, it is Big Ben, one of the most important attractions in the World. Stop here, please.
Where is Big Ben situated?
S: It is situated in London, the capital of the UK.
T: Do you want to learn more about Big Ben?
How tall is it?
Where does the name “Big Ben” come from?
How long is the long hand?
How long is the short hand?
Can you answer these questions? So, we’ve got a lot of questions so it’s time to get answers to them. Let’s listen to the text about Big Ben. But before we start listening, look at the screen. Do you know these words? I think they help you understand the text better. Let’s read and translate some new words. Слайд №32

exactly – точно
perhaps – возможно
above – над
huge – огромный
wide – широкий
minute hand – минутная стрелка
hour hand – часовая стрелка
belfry – колокольня
ton – тонна
commissioner of works – руководитель работ

(Читаем, переводим новые слова, отрабатываем произношение)

Now look at the cards on your desks. You see some sentences. Your task is to listen and complete them. Слайд №33

Big Ben is in …
Big Ben is the name of …
The tower is … high.
Each hour hand is … long.

(Дети слушают и извлекают информацию для заполнения предложений)

T: Well done! Now you will work in pairs (Timed Pair Share). Слайд №34 Read each other your completed sentences.

( Дети работают в парах )

T: Read the correct sentences aloud and check your answers (Take off – Touch down) Слайд №35-38

(Дети читает правильные предложения, если их ответ верен – встают, нет – сидят на месте)

T: OK. Can you answer our questions now? Not yet? Well, open your student’s books at page 81. Now read the text about Big Ben . Слайд №39

( Дети читают текст про себя )

T: OK, let’s summarize the information.

1) Where is Big Ben? It’s in London.
2) How tall is it? It’s 98 metres high .
3) Where does the name “Big Ben” come from? It comes from Sir Benjamin Hall, the bell’s commissioner of works.
4) How heavy is Big Ben? It weighs 14 tons.
5) How long is the long hand? It’s 4 metres long.
6) How long is the short hand? It’s 3 metres long.
7) How big is the clock face? It’s 7 metres wide.

(Учитель рисует кластер и записывает ответы на вопросы о Биг Бене) Слайд №40

T: Well done! And now write down your home task. Listen, imagine that you are a tour guide. Tell a group of tourists about Big Ben and the Spasskaya Tower of the Kazan Kremlin using our cluster.

Рефлексия Слайд №41

T: Our bus trip is over. And now we return to our native town Kazan. I think that today we have had a very interesting and useful triplesson. I am satisfied with your work and you?

Did you like it? Yes, we did.
What have we done today?
What have you learnt?
What did you know?

(Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя.) Слайд №42

How do you feel? Choose the smile which shows your feelings. Слайд №40

T: I see you can write an article about the most famous cities of Europe and Russia and there’re famous landscapes. Слайд №42 Домашнее задание

The lesson is coming to an end. Thank you. It was pleasant to work with you. Good bye! Слайд №43

Направленность выбранного урока: вводный урок (первый урок в теме)

Цель урока: рассказ о мире природы, который нас окружает

Задачи урока:

практическая задача: обеспечить развитие навыков монологической речи.

развивающие задачи: содействовать развитию памяти, внимания, умения анализировать, развивать учебно-организационные навыки (самостоятельная деятельность, коллективная деятельность).

воспитательные задачи: содействовать развитию интереса к окружающей природе, чувства красоты (картинки), активизировать познавательную инициативу учащихся, создать условия для воспитания вежливости, тактичность, умения слушать и слушать (во время фронтальной работы).

Планируемые результаты:

Личностные: формирование коммуникативной компетентности в общении, освоение социальных норм, правил поведения, готовность идти на контакт, умение выслушать чужое мнение и высказать своё;


- регулятивные: ставить новые учебные цели и задачи в сотрудниче­стве с учителем и одноклассниками, объективно оценивать результаты своей деятельности.

- познавательные: отвечать на вопросы учителя, выбирать эффективные способы деятельности в решении поставленных задач, структурировать тексты, отделять главное от второстепенного,

- коммуникативные: воспринимать и понимать информацию, вступать в учебный диалог, задавать вопросы в случае затруднения;

- уметь: вести этикетную беседу, строить связное монологическое высказывание с опорой на наглядность, понимать на слух высказывание на английском языке по теме урока, выразительно читать вслух небольшие построенные на изученном материале аутентичные тексты, употреблять в устной речи в их основном значении изученные лексические единицы.

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