The best places to visit in kazakhstan план урока 7 класс обновленка

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

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1. Greetings. Teacher greets students, asks questions about the date, month, weather.

2. Brainstorming.

Teacher asks students to pay attention to English proverbs and ask questions. So students guess the topic of the lesson.

Let’s remember some English proverbs:

East or West, home is the best!

There is no place like home!

What do these proverbs mean?

What is the theme of our lesson?

Why do you think so?

Teacher introduces the learning objectives.

3. Pre-teaching vocabulary

1. sightseeing - the activity of visiting places that are interesting because they are historical, famous

2. exhibition – an occasion when objects such as paintings are shown to the public

3. gallery – a room or building that is used for showing paintings and other art to the public

4. entertainment – shows, films, television, or other performances or activities that entertain people

5. space station – a vehicle in which people can travel round the earth, outside its atmosphere, doing scientific tests

6. mausoleum – a building in which the bodies of dead people are buried

7. monument – a structure or building that is built to honour a special person or event

4. Working with the text.

Nur-Sultan is the capital of Kazakhstan. Nur-Sultan is famous for its modern buildings. The popular buildings are the monument of Baiterek and Duman center. Almaty, the biggest city in the country, is setting between plains and mountains. The town has lots of theaters, museums, exhibition halls, art galleries and business centers and also a wide variety of entertainment complexes including movie theaters, night clubs, restaurants and cafes.

Baikonur Cosmodrome is the world’s oldest and largest space station. It covers an area of nearly 7,000 square kilometers. Baikonur is very important in the history of space travel.

Taraz is the oldest city in Kazakhstan. The town celebrated reaching 2,000 years in 2001. The Aisha Bibi and Babaji mausoleums are great masterpieces of antique architecture.

The Burabai National Nature Park is the most beautiful area of Kazakhstan. In the park you will find incredible lakes, mountains and forests of pine and birch trees. In Burabai you can walk, cycle, swim, camp, lie on beaches and go sailing. The most beautiful lake is Lake Burabai.

1. Nur-Sultan is famous for its old buildings and high mountains.

2. The popular buildings in Nur-Sultan are The Aisha Bibi and Babaji mausoleums.

Материал содержит план урока + презентация. Разработан по учебнику "Excel" for Kazakhstan, Grade 7, by Virginia Evans – Jenny Dooley – Bob Obee, Express Publisshing, Translations by: Natalya Mukhamedjianova

Содержимое разработки


Unit: 7.2 Holidays and Travel

School: Kyzylzhar secondary school

Teacher name: Saliakhunova L.K.

Number present

The theme of the lesson: The best places to visit in Kazakhstan

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

7.C3 respect differing points of view

7.S3 give an opinion at discourse level on a growing range of general and curricular topics

7. R2 understand specific information and detail in texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

give short answers about travelling and tourism in Kazakhstan,

Match the activities and places with some teacher’s support;

Most learners will be able to:

give extended answers about travelling and tourism in Kazakhstan;

show the cities and countries on the map independently;

match the activities and places on their own;

Some learners will be able to:

apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately a rranging words and phrases into well-formed sentences

Previous learning

Gathering information about festivals in Kazakhstan and around the world (Food and drink), countries, cities,

Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

Greetings. “Circle of joy”

Greeting learners. Setting positive atmosphere by asking some ice breaking questions in the circle of joy

(W) Pupils divide into 4 groups by pictures .

(G) Warm-up. Brainstorming.

Game: Where is it?

Pictures are given with different kinds of sights of different countries. Students must guess where everything is.

W hat kind of interesting places of Kazakhstan do you know?


Pre-teaching new vocabulary:

space station

(G) Reading. Jigsaw reading. (FA)

Differentiation. Descriptor:

read correct – 1 point

read correct and translate – 1 point

read correct, translate and retell – 1 point

Texts for group 1

Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. Astana is famous for its modern buildings. The popular buildings are the monument of Baiterek and Duman center

Almaty, the biggest city in the country, is setting between plains and mountains. The town has lots of theaters, museums, exhibition halls, art galleries and business centers and also a wide variety of entertainment complexes including movie theaters, night clubs, restaurants and cafes.

Texts for group 2

Medeo is only 15 km away from Almaty. There is the most unique and largest speed skating rink in the whole world that is located at 1,700 meters above sea level.

Baikonur Cosmodrome is the world’s oldest and largest space station. It covers an area of nearly 7,000 square kilometers. Baikonur is very important in the history of space travel.

Texts for group 3

Taraz is the oldest city in Kazakhstan. The town celebrated reaching 2,000 years in 2001. The Aisha Bibi and Babaji mausoleums are great masterpieces of antique architecture.

Mangystau is the best place in Kazakhstan. It is rich in gas, building resources and oil. It has a rich cultural tradition. Some of the best hotels in Kazakhstan are found here.

Texts for group 4

In Turkestan you’ll see the Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi. It’s one of Kazakhstan’s most important buildings. It’s 39 metres high and it has fabulous blue domes. Khoja Ahmed Yasawi is buried here.

The Burabai National Nature Park is the most beautiful area of Kazakhstan. In the park you will find incredible lakes, mountains and forests of pine and birch trees. In Burabai you can walk, cycle, swim, camp, lie on beaches and go sailing. The most beautiful lake is Lake Burabai.

(FA) Post-reading task

Differentiation. Descriptors:

True or false - 1 point

Make questions and answer them - 1 point

Make a short topic - 1 point

Task for T or F

Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan T F

Almaty is the smallest city in the country T F

Baiterek and Duman center are situated in Almaty T F

Almaty is situated near the Caspian sea

Medeo is situated so far from Almaty T F

Medeo is a skating rink T F

Baikonur Cosmodrome is a space station T F

Baikonur Cosmodrome is situated in Russia T F

Taraz is the oldest city in Kazakhstan T F

The Aisha Bibi and Babaji mausoleums are situated in Almaty T F

Mangystau is rich in gas, building resources and oil. T F

Mangystau has a rich cultural tradition T F

In Turkestan you’ll see the Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi T F

The Burabai is the National Nature Park T F

The Burabai is situated in Astana T F

In Turkestan you can lie on beaches and go sailing. T F

(G) Project work. Feedback

Students make a poster with colorful-pens, colour pencils, markers

To advertise on the most interesting places of Kazakhstan and to protect the poster

What are the best places to go on holiday in Kazakhstan?

Where would you advise tourists to visit in your area? Why?

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Gathering information about festivals in Kazakhstan and around the world.

Planned timing

Planned activities

Teacher greets the learners

Teacher checks the attendance and asks the date and the day

In order to check up their homework teacher gives an instruction

To make up Riddles the learners must guess what festival it is.

We construct a ‘kiyiz ui’ at this festival.( Nauryz)

We eat ‘Nauryz kozhe’ on this day.

Children wait for Santa Claus.

Teacher divides the learners into two groups.

Dividing into 2 groups by choosing words.

1 st group: Lake

The 2 nd group: Sea

Introducing of the lesson objectives and with criteria.

In order to guess the theme of the lesson teacher gives the activity

1 st .Activity: Pre- reading task

By watching a video learners find the theme of the lesson.

Teacher introduces the learners with the new words.

Ancient times- ерте заманда

Body of water- су қоймасы

Flow- ағу, құйылу

Freshwater lake- шағын мүйіс

Wildlife- жабайы табиғат

Teacher reads then her learners repeat words for three times.

The 2 nd activity

Teacher puts display questions to learners to learn the new words.

What’s this word mean?

How do you spell it?

In order to develop the learners reading and speaking, writing abilities and teacher gives the activity to the whole group.

The 3 rd activity .whole group


read and complete the sentences using new words..

1. Revise the new words

2. complete the sentences

------------------- , people thought it was an ocean.

It ------ five countries: Kazakhstan, Russia, Azerbaijan,Iran and Turkmenistan.

As there are no --------- , the Caspian Sea --- water only through

4.It is the world’s largest lake, but it is not ------------- lake.

5. 130 rivers ------ into the lake.

For assessing the work they check themselves looking at the text.

Teacher gives this activity to develop their speaking abilities.

The 4 th activity.Group work.GigSaw


Answer the question

reread the text and make a poster

What makes the Caspian sea unique?

Present it to the class

Learners assess the activity by writing their opions on a five finger sheets of paper

AFL. Five finger method

The 5 th activity.Teacher gives the activity to memorize and develop their thinking and writing abilities.

Learners do this task individually.


Answer the questions

Look through the text

Choose the right answer

They assess each other

Oral feedback.peer assessment.

The 6 th activity.Teacher gives the activity to develop their speaking abilities.

Assessment criteria • Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions

Work in a pair. Take turns in asking and answering the questions below.

Do you like to travel with your mother? Why or why not?

Do you prefer summer vacations or winter vacations? Why?

Do you prefer to travel alone or in a group? Why?

Do you prefer to travel by train, bus or ship?

Do you prefer traveling by car or by plane? Why?

Have you ever been to a foreign country? What?

What countries would you like to visit? Why?

Could you live in another country for the rest of your life?

Descriptor A learner

• demonstrates the ability to answer with an appropriate information;

• shows own opinion;

• produces full utterances based on his/her own experience.

Feedback: Incorrect answer.

If they find mistakes in speaking , in answering they say

I’m glad that’s the wrong answer…………..let’s discuss it.

The 7 th activity.

Teacher gives the task to develop the learners thinking and writing abilities.

The learners try out three step approach to meaningfully integrating the use of words with lexis.

Step 1. Situation

Step 2. Raw words

Step3. Context

Step 1. The Caspian sea

Step2. The water evaporation only the sea Caspian loses

Step 3. The Caspian sea loses water only through evaporation.

AFL. By giving stars

Cards of three cities

Copies with questions

Teacher asks the learners to fill in the chart in order how the liked the lesson or how they understand the lesson. In the colomn ‘+’ the learners will write what they liked

In the colomn ‘-‘ the learners will write what they don’t like.

In the colomn ‘ interesting’ the learners will write what is interesting


Exercise 3 p 38

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you

plan to give more support?

How do you plan to

challenge the more able

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’

Health and safety check ICT links

More support can be given in Activity when the learners discuss the question” why is the Caspian sea is unique?by providing less- able learners with words and in Activity while they write on ‘Grammatization’ while less- able learners can be given the word’s order.Learners who are less confident at answering questions can be given L1 help

The assessment is held with the help of “ oral feedback’

Through the feedback. Students answer the questions by analyzing the lesson and themselves.

Ensure proper ventilation

Check sockets’ safety

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

Did the learners achieve the LO?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?

What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?

What have I learned from this lesson about the class or achievements/ difficulties of individuals that will inform my next lesson?

The best places to visit in Kazakhstan

Бесплатное участие. Свидетельство СМИ сразу.
До 500 000 руб. ежемесячно и 10 документов.

The best places to visit in Kazakhstan тақырыбы 7 сыныпқа арналған сабақ жоспары. Бұл тақырыпта Қазақстанның ең көрікті жерлері туралы айтылады. Және сол тақырып аясында тапсырмалар мен ажттығулар беріледі. Түрлі әдіс-тәсілдер мен бағалау түрлері, формативті бағалау тәсілдері қолданылады. Видио роликтер көрсетіледі.

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