Setting the table план урока

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Разрабка урока для 6 класса по УМК М.З.Биболетовой. Урок соответствует требованиям ФГОС. В урок включена дополнительная подтема "Table Manners”. Рассмотрение данной подтемы представляется существенной, т.к. она органично вписывается в учебный материал и является "мостиком" к следующей теме УМК "Food". На уроке используются ситуационные и контекстные задачи. В приложениях - раздаточный материал, листинг слайд-шоу.

Setting the Table 72.5 КБ
Листинг слайд-шоу 134 КБ
Текст стихотворения 25 КБ
Ситуационная задача №1 20.5 КБ
Ситуационная задача № 2 89 КБ
Контекстная задача -советы 22 КБ
Контекстная задача-инструкции 22 КБ
Phonetic Drilling 29 КБ
Разработка урока 42.68 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Setting the Table

Предварительный просмотр:

Listing of the “presentation”

What is “GOOD” and what is “RUDE”?

Предварительный просмотр:

The fork goes on the left, the knife goes on the right,

And never, ever try to eat without your fork and knife.

Spoons are for soup, forks – for cakes and stew.

But never, ever try to bite more food than you can chew.

Manners, manners – they are all that matters,

Sit as strait as you could, elbows close to your sides.

Manners, manners – they are all that matters,

Never play with your food, and you will be all right.

If something is too far, you pass it to your friends.

And never, ever try to take from other people’s plates.

To talk at table is polite, and NOT to talk is rude.

And never, ever try to talk when your mouth is full of food.

At table every time you have to watch yourself,

And never, ever start without a napkin on your lap.

Предварительный просмотр:

What do you know about table manners?


1. You should eat with your fork and spoon.

2. You shouldn’t talk when you are at table.

3. You shouldn’t talk when you are eating.

4. You can eat your cake with a spoon.

5. You can eat chips with you fingers.

6. You should keep your napkin on the table near the plate.

7. The knife goes on the right of your plate.

8. If something on the table is too far away, you can stand up and take it.

Предварительный просмотр:

What do you know about table manners?

Match the picture and the meaning.

1. I am going to eat more.

3. The table is set.

Предварительный просмотр:

1. Read the poem “Manners, Manners…”

The fork goes on the left, the knife goes on the right,

And never, ever try to eat without your fork and knife.

Spoons are for soup, forks – for cakes and stew.

But never, ever try to bite more food than you can chew.

Manners, manners – they are all that matters,

Sit as strait as you could, elbows close to your sides.

Manners, manners – they are all that matters,

Never play with your food, and you will be all right.

If something is too far, you pass it to your friends.

And never, ever try to take from other people’s plates.

To talk at table is polite, and NOT to talk is rude.

And never, ever try to talk when your mouth is full of food.

At table every time you have to watch yourself,

And never, ever start without a napkin on your lap.

2. Give advice how to behave when you are at table.

Предварительный просмотр:

1. Read the poem “Manners, Manners…”

The fork goes on the left, the knife goes on the right,

And never, ever try to eat without your fork and knife.

Spoons are for soup, forks – for cakes and stew.

But never, ever try to bite more food than you can chew.

Manners, manners – they are all that matters,

Sit as strait as you could, elbows close to your sides.

Manners, manners – they are all that matters,

Never play with your food, and you will be all right.

If something is too far, you pass it to your friends.

And never, ever try to take from other people’s plates.

To talk at table is polite, and NOT to talk is rude.

And never, ever try to talk when your mouth is full of food.

At table every time you have to watch yourself,

And never, ever start without a napkin on your lap.

2. Give instructions how to behave when you are at table.

Предварительный просмотр:

  • napkin салфетка
  • lap колени
  • pass передавать
  • strait прямой, прямо
  • elbows локти
  • bite кусать
  • chew жевать
  • stew жаркое
  • rude грубый, неприличный
  • [‘næpkin]
  • [læp]
  • [pa:s]
  • [strait]
  • [‘elbouz]
  • [bait]
  • [t∫u:]
  • [stju:]
  • [rud]

Предварительный просмотр:

учитель английского языка СП №3 ГБОУ СОШ 2077

Разработка урока для 6 класса по УМК М. З. Биболетовой “Enjoy English”

Тема : “Helping Around the House: Laying the Table. Table Manners”.

Цели: Обобщение изученного материала по теме “Helping Around the

Развитие познавательных интересов обучающихся – “Table Manners”.

Тип урока: комплексный

  1. Активизировать изученный лексический материал по теме “Helping Around the House”
  2. Расширить словарный запас в ходе работы над подтемой: “ Table Manners”
  3. Совершенствовать навык изучающего чтения обучающихся
  4. Совершенствовать навык устной речевой деятельности обучающихся
  5. Решать контекстные и ситуационные задачи
  6. Закрепить грамматические навыки использования “should/ shouldn’t” (даём советы) и повелительного наклонения (составление инструкций)
  1. Развивать умение обучающихся осуществлять монологическое высказывание
  2. Развивать навыки работы в малых группах и в парах с последующим “back -report ”
  3. Развивать у обучающихся стабильный интерес к изучению английского языка
  4. Учить самостоятельно решать проблемы на основе изученного материала
  5. Формировать умение делать выводы и обобщения по основным проблемам темы
  1. Воспитывать у обучающихся интерес к изучению иностранного языка
  2. Расширять кругозор обучающихся
  3. Воспитывать коммуникативную иноязычную культуру
  4. Повышать общий культурный уровень
  1. Технология развития критического мышления
  2. Технология развития оценочных действий
  3. Технология контекстного обучения
  4. Принцип здоровье сберегающего обучения

Компьютер, “Smart Board”

  1. Раздаточный материал для работы в группах (контекстные задачи, ситуационные задачи)
  2. Презентация – слайд-шоу (Microsoft Office PowerPoint)
  3. Стихотворение “Manners, Manners…”
  4. Аудиозапись стихотворения “Helping Mother” (Enjoy English -6. mp3, 056 )

2. Интерактивная – в малых группах, в парах (выполнение дифференцированных заданий).

I. Организационный момент

II. Отработка фонетики (ppt, sl.3)

III. Активизация лексики по теме:

  1. Какую работу по дому вы выполняете, чтобы помочь родителям?
  2. Есть ли у вас постоянные обязанности по дому? Какие?

IV. Вы помогаете накрывать на стол. Как вы это делаете? Подумайте и скажите.

V. Пока вы это делаете, вспомним стихотворение “Helping Mother” – сначала послушаем его, потом вы расскажете его.

VI-VII. Выполнение ситуационных задач (2 пары). (ppt, sl. 4-5; 6-7)

Выполнение контекстных задач (2 малые группы) - back-report

VIII. Аудирование – песня “Manners, Manners…” c последующим прочтением в виде стихотворения всей группой (по цепочке)

IX. Динамическая пауза (ppt, sl.8)

Х. Демонстрация: накрываем на стол (формальная и неформальный обстановка) (ppt, sl. 9-10).

XII. Зарядка для глаз. (

FOLLOW UP (ppt, sl.16)

XIII. Подведение итогов урока

XV. Домашнее задание

XVI. Завершение урока.

* Раздаточный материал и листинг слайд-шоу прилагается

A lesson for grade 6 (A text-book by M. Biboletova “Enjoy English”)

Development of the Lesson

I. Organizing the group

-Good morning boys and girls. (Good morning.)

-I am glad to see you. (We are glad to see you too)

-What date is it today?

-What day is it today?

-What is the weather like today?

-Who is absent today?

-Have you had breakfast today?

-Who set the table?

-Did you clear the table?

-Did you wash up? .

-I believe that your homework is not the only thing you do at home. Do you help you parents?

-So, what do think we are going to speak about today? (PP: - About helping around the house)

-Yes, you are quite right.

3. Short information about the aims and the objectives

-Today we are going to continue our work on the topic “Helping Around the House ” and we are going to touch upon such important subject as “Table Manners”. We are going to do some tasks – situational and contextual and make some important conclusions. We are going to read, to recite a poem, to speak, to listen and to sing. We will work in pairs, in groups, and all together. (ppt, sl.2)

-So, let’s begin. First of all, Phonetic Drilling. Look at the board and say after me.

II. Phonetic Drilling (ppt, sl.3) - Thank you.


-It's time to remember the ways you can help your parents at home.

1) - So, what chore can you do to help your parents at home?

(Students tell the class about their chore) P1, P2, P3 …

2) - Thank you. You really help a lot. Maybe some of you have even some definite duties, don’t you?

(Those students who have duties tell the class about them) P1, P2, P3 …

IV. -Thank you. ….. Girls, you’ve said that you help your mother lay the table. How do you do it? Think a little and be ready to tell us.

V. While you do it, we’ll remember the poem – first listen to it and then recite it …………

(Students listen to the poem)

- OK. Any volunteers? You are welcome. PP …. (Students recite the poem)

-Thank you so much.

- So, girls, are you ready? Now it’s your turn to tell us how YOU do it.

(2 girls tell how they help set the table) PP …

VI-VII. -Thank you. Now I’d like to ask you to form two pairs and all the rest will divide into two groups. So, make pairs and groups.

a) the 1 st pair – situational task /Hand out 1 (True/False)/

b) the 2 nd pair - situational task /Hand out 2 (Matching)/

c) the 1 st group – contextual task / Hand out 3 (Giving advice)/

d) the 2 nd group – contextual task / Hand out 4 (Giving instructions)/

-Please, start working. Let me know as soon as you are ready. ( Students carry out the tasks )

-Well, the pairs , we are ready to listen to you. Look at the board, be attentive. Maybe someone will have different ideas. (ppt, sl. 4-5; 6-7)

-Pair 1, your back-report, please. …

-Pair 1, your back-report, please. …

- Thank you very much. Before listening to the back-reporters of our groups, I’d like to give you the text of the poem “Manners, Manners…”.

-Group 1, your back-report, please. … Thank you.

-Now you, Group 2. It’s your turn. …

VIII .-Thank you so much. Let’s have a rest: listen to the song “Manners, Manners…”, you have the text of it so you are welcome to sing. After that we are going to read it in a form of a poem aloud. 2 lines for each. (Students listen + sing. Than read it out)

IX. DYNAMIC PAUSE (ppt, sl.8) -Thank you. You have been sitting for a long time. Let’s have a dynamic break and do some exercises

-You are real athletes!

Х. We are going to talk about setting the table, the way we should do it in different situation. And we will give some comments. Look at the Smart board.

Setting the Table (ppt, sl. 9-10). Formal and Informal. (Students look at the slides, give their comments, make conclusions about the difference between formal and informal setting).

-Thank you. You are very smart.

XI . -I’ve prepared a sort of presentation for you. Strictly speaking it’s not a presentation, but just a slide-show. Look, decide and say what is “good” and what is “bad”. (ppt, sl.11-14)

(Students carry out the task, answering from their places).

- Thank you. Now I’m sure you will remember how we must not behave when we are at table.


I don’t want your eyes to be tired or overstrained so I suggest you to have a relaxing break and do a few exercises for eyes.

(Students do exercises for eyes)

-That’s enough. Thank you.

FOLLOW UP (ppt, sl.16)

XIII. Summing up

-We’ve done a lot of work today. We’ve done everything I want you to do: worked on the topic “Helping Around the House ”, touched upon Table Manners. You carried out situational and contextual tasks and made some important conclusions. You read, recited a poem, spoke. You worked in pairs, in groups, and all together.

-I believe you’ve worked well. I’m really pleased. Your marks are good and excellent.

-So, our lesson is nearly over. Did you like our today lesson? What new have you learned?

(Students share their ideas)

- About your hometask . You’re going to have holiday. You’ve worked a lot lately. So, have a rest. No hometask.

XVI. Ending of the lesson

- That’s all for today. Thank you for your work. Next time we’ll speak about food and meals. See you later. Be careful, watch yourselves.

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Та?ырып Тема: Table layout.

Ма?сат Цели

Білімділік Дидактическая to give an idea of general rules of table layout;

Дамытушылы?Развивающая to develop the ability of table layout, observe basic etiquette skills;

Т?рбиелік Воспитывающая to educate the positive attitudes to the rules of table layout and bring up interest in the study of English.

Тақырып Тема: Table layout.

Мақсат Цели

Білімділік Дидактическая to give an idea of general rules of table layout;

ДамытушылықРазвивающая to develop the ability of table layout, observe basic etiquette skills;

Тәрбиелік Воспитывающая to educate the positive attitudes to the rules of table layout and bring up interest in the study of English.

Сабақтын типі (тұрпаты)Тип урока: Combined method. Lesson formation of writing skills.

Сабақтын әдісі Метод обучения: Practical method. Collage.Insert.

Корнекілік Оснащение: Text,words.

Сабақтың тақырыбын шығу, жазу Выход на тему, запись темы урока

Good morning, children. How are you? Do you like today's weather?

Look at (these letters) the blackboard and collect the theme of our lesson.

в T a la u le y o t.

Білім жаңғыртуы Актуализация знаний Table lay out.

What do you think it is easy to lay the table?

To lay the table absolutely not so difficult as it seems…

Жана материалды мазмұндау (баяндау) Изложение нового материала

Read the text and translate:

To lay the table not so difficult as it seems. In the center of each device, there is a serving plate or the usual plate replacing it. The serving plate can be and from other material, than all service, for example, gilded or silvered, glass or from dark porcelain, but surely has to be combined with it. By rules of table layout on a serving plate put a plate with snack or soup. For cream soups, give a soup plate, for transparent soups and broths - a cup. To snack or soup at the left above put a small plate for bread, a toast and oils, and nearby a cup for rinsing of fingers. It is required to you if you want to give to guests of oysters, crayfish, an asparagus or fruit. This cup is filled with warm water, adding a slice of a lemon or the sheet of mint.

Near a serving plate and display all forks, a rye, spoon which can be necessary during food above. Forks put at the left, and knives to the right of a plate. The last from a plate the device which is required to the first lies. The soupspoon in case in the menu isn't present a dessert, lies from above from a serving plate if in the menu the dessert is planned, - near the first knife. Glasses settle down on the right and top from a serving plate. There is the same order, as with devices: the first use a distant glass. After each dish, clear the used wares, glasses and devices the table. Only the glass for water isn't cleaned during all feast.

Laying for the menu with transparent soup, snack, a fish dish, a meat dish and a dessert.

There is a set of the rules connected with table layout, for different cases the table is laid in a special way, for example, on evening coffee less devices, than on a formal dinner party or lunch are required. Such set of rules can bring housewives into the deadlock as observance takes away them a lot of time. We will give the basic rules, which allow to lay the table correctly.

The first stage of table layout – preparatory

Both the theater begins with a hanger, and table layout begins with arrangement of chairs for guests. It is desirable to place chairs so that guests, sitting at a table, felt comfortable. The distance between chairs approximately has to make 50-80 cm.

The cloth for a table has to correspond to the size of a table and not to be too small or narrow. It has to hang down below the table edge approximately on 20-30 cm. White color of a cloth will emphasize solemnity of your reception. The cloth has to be linen and carefully ironed. If you suddenly didn't have a cloth, it is possible to use big linen napkins, on them also put dishes and devices.

At table layout, it is also recommended to use small paper or woven napkins. They should be put to the left of a plate or on its bottom. The woven napkin can be put in the form of a cone, a fan, a tulip, etc. and is put on a plate bottom. The woven napkin can be put in the form of a cone, a fan, a tulip, etc. and is put on a plate bottom. The napkin put by one of such ways looks beautifully and unconventionally.

The second stage of table layout – plates and tableware.

There are four types of plates:

- the soup – a soup plate,

- the serving - a big superficial plate,

- a plate for a hot dish – an average superficial plate

- a pirozhkovy plate – the smallest plate.

At first, opposite to each estimated place for the guest, put a serving plate. On it place or a plate for hot, or a soup plate for soup. To the left of a serving plate put a pirozhkovy plate. The Pirozhkovy plate is intended to put on it bread, rolls, etc. During all meal of a plate change, but the serving plate remains always.

Tableware also demands a certain arrangement. Rules of table layout say that the soup spoon and knives settle down to the right of a plate an edge to it, forks – at the left. Both spoons, and a fork it is correct to dispose the concave party to a table. We will consider an arrangement order from right to left. The soup spoon holds the most extreme position to the right of a plate, then put knives from right to left in such sequence: a fish knife or other snack (salads, cold appetizers), a knife for the following dish (if that is supposed in the menu) and, at last, at the edge of a plate – a knife for the main hot dish. You have to know, a knife for a hot dish (as however, and the fork) the biggest by the size, the knives following it is less by the size.

On the left side from a plate forks similarly give all the best. That is the plate has to have a fork for the main hot dish and further in process of removal from a plate the small fork for the following (after fish or other snack) dishes and extreme left situation by rules of table layout for a fork under fish is put. The table fork as it was already told, the biggest by the size and has 4 teeth, fish – it is less by the size and has – also 4 teeth, the snack bar is even less and has 3 (or sometimes 4) a tooth. Behind a plate parallel to the table edge the dessert knife, a fork and a spoon are put. In addition, that it was more convenient to use dessert devices, the fork by rules of laying is put the handle to the left, and a knife (besides an edge to a plate) and a spoon under a dessert – the handle to the left.

Rules of table layout for a big banquet are that. If you plan to organize a holiday table of the house, Mirsovetov as option, suggests being limited to a soupspoon, one knife for a hot dish, to the left of a plate to put one table fork.

Glasses and shot glasses can settle down as a semicircle, well leveled in a row. It is logical that the glass intended for mineral water or other soft drinks will settle down more to the right of all others, after all and it is used first of all. Further, a wine glass for champagne, then – a wine glass for wine follow it (at first for red, then for white) and the shot glass has to stand the last.

Table layout stage – finishing.We will consider, what distance has to be between devices on a holiday table. Plates have to settle down opposite to each chair. The distance from the table edge to a plate has to be 1,5-2 cm, no more. The distance between a plate and tableware has to be about a half-centimeter. It is desirable to sustain the same distance and between devices. Even without knowing rules of table layout it is easy to guess that all tableware will look beautifully and accurately if them to dispose in parallel each other and at right angle to the table edge.

Disposable napkins in the special device - "the holder for napkins", salt and pepper in saltcellars and pepperboxes settle down on all table so that guests hadn't to rise and last.

At table layout, it is recommended to use all ware and tableware from one service as it will emphasize unity of style.

Dishes should be given on a table beautifully issued and properly warmed or, on the contrary, cooled. Cold appetizers and salads need to be put on a table prior to the beginning of a meal. Hot dishes have to be given in warmed, whenever possible closed, ware just before their use. It is recommended to clear every time the table dirty ware and devices, and to put pure ware for giving of a new dish.

Laying of a holiday table is finished. There was a small detail – how to place guests. You can think of it in advance and prepare beautiful cards with the indication of a name of each guest. Cards usually have about glasses. Placing cards, to you will be to seat much more simply and quicker a large number of guests. In such simple way you can seat guests so that it is interesting to neighbors in a table to talk with each other.

Урок позволит сформировать лексические навыки по теме, сформировать грамматические навыки (ознакомление со структурой "either . or. ", повторение косвенной речи).

Описание разработки

Цели урока:

1) формировать лексические навыки по теме “Table manners”, формировать грамматические навыки (ознакомление со структурой “either …or…”, повторение косвенной речи);

2) развивать умения говорения, умения чтения, умения аудирования, развивать внимание, развивать память, развивать мышление, развивать умение работать в коллективе;

3) приобщить учащихся к соблюдению хороших манер за столом, способствовать повышению интереса к изучению ИЯ.

План урока.

I. Организационный момент.

- Good day, children! I’m very glad to see you! How do you feel today?

2. Речевая зарядка

- You look great! You look wonderful today!

- That’s a nice dress! Those are nice trousers!

- That’s a nice colour, it suits you!

- Now, you try to make compliments to your classmates. (учащиеся делают друг другу комплименты, использую лексику предыдущего урока).

- Today at the lesson we’ll revise words, will write a dictation, will study manners at the table, work with grammar and play a little.

- So, let’s start our work. I hope we’ll manage to do everything at the lesson!

II. Проверка домашнего задания.

- At home you were to prepare for the dictation. But before it let’s revise the words.

План-конспект урока по английскому языку Table manners

- Look at the board. Your task is to make up words from these letters & write them down in your exercise-books. (слайд1)

- Let’s see the correct answers. Read what you’ve made. (учащиеся составляют слова из букв, данных вразброс, записывают в тетрадях свои варианты, затем идет фронтальная проверка)

- Your next task is to match the pairs & make up sentences with them. (слайд 2- учащиеся составляют словосочетания, переводят их и составляют с ними свои предложения)

III. Написание диктанта.

- Now, I think you are ready to write a dictation. Prepare your exercise-books & close your books.

1. Foreign countries have a different way of life.

2. We do to the theatre very seldom.

3. dull-duller-the dullest

5. Does he have good knowledge of the French language?

6. He is a boaster and always shows off.

7. a sense of humour, a sense of duty

8. His words offended me.

9. People should respect the law.

10. He is not a respectable man.

IV. Изучение темы “Table manners”.

1. Изучение правил.

- Now, you have a chance to know more about table manners, what people should or shouldn’t do sitting at table.

- By the way, I want to know: do you have good table manners? Do you know these rules? Let’s check!

- At first, open your book at P.187. I want you to read the Table Manners & translate them.

- Now, let’s pass to Ex.19 on P.188.

- What other table manners do you know? (учащиеся предлагают свои варианты)

- Look at the board. There are some more rules. Let’s read them & translate.

Весь материал - в документе.

Содержимое разработки

План-конспект урока английского языка

Тема: “Table manners”

Тип урока: комбинированный

формировать лексические навыки по теме “Table manners”, формировать грамматические навыки (ознакомление со структурой “either …or…”, повторение косвенной речи);

развивать умения говорения, умения чтения, умения аудирования, развивать внимание, развивать память, развивать мышление, развивать умение работать в коллективе;

приобщить учащихся к соблюдению хороших манер за столом, способствовать повышению интереса к изучению ИЯ.

Методы обучения: наглядно-иллюстративный, прямой, игровой

Межпредметные связи: этика

I.Организационный момент.

1. Приветствие

- Good day, children! I’m very glad to see you! How do you feel today?

2. Речевая зарядка

- You look great! You look wonderful today!

- That’s a nice dress! Those are nice trousers!

- That’s a nice colour, it suits you!

- Now, you try to make compliments to your classmates. (учащиеся делают друг другу комплименты, использую лексику предыдущего урока)

3. Установка на деятельность.

- Today at the lesson we’ll revise words, will write a dictation, will study manners at the table, work with grammar and play a little.

- So, let’s start our work. I hope we’ll manage to do everything at the lesson!

II. Проверка домашнего задания.

-At home you were to prepare for the dictation. But before it let’s revise the words.

- Look at the board. Your task is to make up words from these letters & write them down in your exercise-books. (слайд1)

- Let’s see the correct answers. Read what you’ve made. (учащиеся составляют слова из букв, данных вразброс, записывают в тетрадях свои варианты, затем идет фронтальная проверка)

- Your next task is to match the pairs & make up sentences with them. (слайд 2- учащиеся составляют словосочетания, переводят их и составляют с ними свои предложения)

III. Написание диктанта.

-Now, I think you are ready to write a dictation. Prepare your exercise-books & close your books.

1. Foreign countries have a different way of life.

2. We do to the theatre very seldom.

3. dull-duller-the dullest

5. Does he have good knowledge of the French language?

6. He is a boaster and always shows off.

7. a sense of humour, a sense of duty

8. His words offended me.

9. People should respect the law.

10. He is not a respectable man.

IV. Изучение темы “Table manners”

1. Изучение правил

- Now, you have a chance to know more about table manners, what people should or shouldn’t do sitting at table.

- By the way, I want to know: do you have good table manners? Do you know these rules? Let’s check!

- At first, open your book at P.187. I want you to read the Table Manners & translate them.

- Now, let’s pass to Ex.19 on P.188.

-What other table manners do you know? (учащиеся предлагают свои варианты)

-Look at the board. There are some more rules. Let’s read them & translate.

You shouldn’t read while eating.

You shouldn’t speak with your mouth full.

You shouldn’t leave your spoon in the glass while drinking.

You should say: “No, thank you!” if you don’t want to eat.

2. Работа в группах

-Now, you are to divide into 2 groups. Your task is to write a list of good manners. I’ll give you 5 minutes to write the rules down. Who will write more-will be the winners.

- Time is up! Let’s check the task. Read what you have made. But you mustn’t repeat the same rule 2 times.

- The 1 st /2 nd team is the winners! You know a lot about table manners! My congratulations! (учащиеся поздравляют победителей аплодисментами)

- I hope that everyone of you will remember all these good table manners & you will keep to them!

V. Изучение грамматического материала (грамм. конструкция “either…or…” и Reported Speech)

1.Изучение “either…or…”

- Now, it’s time to practice your grammar.

- At first, we’ll study a new grammatical construction “either…or…”

- Open your books at P.182. Let’s study the table.

- Обратите внимание, что если второе слово, присоединяемое данным союзом, стоит во множ. числе, то и форма глагола стоит во множ. числе. А если существительное стоит в ед. числе, то и глагол также будет в ед.числе.

- Well, let’s do Ex.11 on P. 182. Translate these sentences from Russian into English using the words “either…or…”

- At home you are to make this exercise in written form.

2. Повторение Reported Speech

- And now let’s pass to another grammar material & revise Reported speech.

- But you needn’t write anything, we’ll just play a game. It’s called “Whose voice”. I’ll give you different shits of paper, where various sentences are written. - - One of you will go to the blackboard. Who wants?

- You are to turn to the board. Other pupils are to read the sentences. The pupil who stands near the board should say whose voice he/she has heard & change the sentence into Reported Speech.

- Example: “I teach English.” You should say: “the teacher says she teaches English.”

- Is it clear? Let’s play!

(Предложения для детей:

I like an ice-cream.

We went to the theatre.

My friend plays football.

My mother cooks well.

Don’t go there alone.

I want to watch a cartoon.

They should read more.

I will write a letter.

I can play chess.

When were you born?

Do you go to school?

What did you do in the evening?

Do you prefer tea or coffee?

Don’t speak loud.

I have lost my pen.

Don’t laugh at me.

Where do you live?

Don’t open the window.)

- O’k, let’s stop doing that! Thank you for your participation in this game!

-Today at the lesson we’ve done a lot of work: wrote the dictation, studied how to behave at table, studied the grammatical construction “either…or…” & revised Reported Speech in an interesting way. Have you any questions?

- I liked the way you’ve worked today!

- Write down your hometask. At home you are to do Ex. 11 on P. 182 & one more task for you is to compare table manners in England and in Russia, write them down in your exercise-books, compare them & say if there are any differences between them.

- The lesson is over! Good bye!


План-конспект урока английского языка на тему: “Table manners” Класс: 5

8) учиться использовать в качестве опоры при порождении собственных высказываний ключевые слова, тематический слоаварь.

Методы обучения: наглядно-иллюстративный, прямой

Межпредметные связи: этика

I .Организационный момент.

Регулятивные: концентрация воли.

Личностные: смыслообразование (мотивация учебной деятельности)

II .Актуализация полученных ранее знаний.

Регулятивные: выделять и формулировать то, что усвоено, контроль и самоконтроль.

III. Введение новой темы .

Регулятивные: ставить новые учебные задачи в сотрудничестве с учителем.

Познавательные: выделять и формулировать поставленную цель.

Познавательные: называть предметы.

Коммуникативные: проявлять активность.

IV. Изучение темы “Table manners”

Личностные: уважительное отношение к культуре других народов, этические чувства, мотивация к познанию.

Познавательные: анализ информации, передача информации.

Коммуникативные: осознанно и произвольно строить речевые высказывания, организовывать учебное взаимодействие.

Регулятивные: выполнение учебных действий.

V . Повторение грамматического материала (“ should / shouldn ’ t ” и Reported Speech )

Регулятивные: использовать установленные правила в контроле способа решения, вносить коррективы, адекватно воспринимать предложения по исправлению допущенных ошибок.

Познавательные: применять правила и пользоваться инструкциями.

Коммуникативные: осуществлять взаимный контроль.

VI . Составление памятки поведения за столом

Регулятивные: составлять план, выбирать действия в соответствии с поставленной задачей, осуществлять итоговый и пошаговый контроль по результату.

Познавательные: сбор информации, обработка информации, запись информации, интерпретация информации.

Коммуникативные: обращаться за помощью, предлагать помощь и сотрудничество, формулировать собственное мнение.

VII . Совершенствование навыков чтения, аудирования

Познавательные: осуществлять смысловое чтение.

Коммуникативные: проявлять активность во взаимодействии.

Личностные: самооценка на основе критериев успешной учебной деятельности.

Регулятивные: устанавливать соответствие полученного результата поставленной цели.

I .Организационный момент.

1. Приветствие

- Good day, children! I’m very glad to see you! How do you feel today?

2. Речевая зарядка

- You look great! You look wonderful today!

- That’s a nice dress! Those are nice trousers!

- That’s a nice colour, it suits you!

- Now, you try to make compliments to your classmates. (учащиеся делают друг другу комплименты, используя лексику предыдущего урока)

3. Установка на деятельность .

- Today at the lesson we’ll repeat what we know about the UK, will study manners at the table, work with grammar and learn new words.

- So, let’s start our work. I hope we’ll manage to do everything at the lesson!

II . Актуализация полученных ранее знаний.

-Let’s remember what we know about the UK

- Look at the screen. Your task is to complete the sentences to make it correct ( слайд 1,2)

- Let’s check, what you’ve done. Read what you’ve made.

III. Введение новой темы .

- At home you had to reread the text about the English way of life. And now you know that englismen have a special traits of character.

-Remember the text of your homework, look at the pictures and try to guess what is our topic today ( слайд 3).

-We will speak about table manners( слайд 4).

-What in your opinion can we discuss? (Учащиеся предполагают, рабочие вопросы на слайде 5)

- At the end of our lesson we’ll have a list of rules in the dinning room.

-At first let’s work with the words we need.

Как накрыть на стол

- Look at your worksheets and try to write the names of the flatwares.

- Now let’s write it on the blackboard and check yourselves.( слайд 6)

IV. Изучение темы “Table manners”

Изучение правил

- Now, you have a chance to know more about table manners, what people should or shouldn’t do sitting at table.

- We can see a part of lesson of good table manners. Look at the screen.( просмотр отрывка )

- By the way, I want to know: do you have good table manners? Do you know these rules? Let’s check!

- At first, open your book at P.36. I want you to read the Table Manners & translate them.

V . Повторение грамматического материала (“ should / shouldn ’ t ” и Reported Speech )

- Now, it’s time to practice your grammar.

- Let’s pass to Ex.19 on P.37.

- We have to remember what do we know about reported speech.

VI . Составление памятки поведения за столом

Работа в парах

- Your task is to write a list of good manners for our dining room. I’ll give you 5 minutes to write the rules down.

- Time is up! Let’s check the task. Read what you have made. But you mustn’t repeat the same rule 2 times.

- I hope that everyone of you will remember all these good table manners & you will keep to them!

VII. Совершенствование навыков чтения , аудирования

- And at last let’s listen to the poem about good table manners. Open your textbooks on p .35 ex .16 (Прослушивание стихотворения, чтение хором)

- Today at the lesson we’ve done a lot of work.

- Repeat us, please, our topic.

- What was new for you?

- I liked the way you’ve worked today!

- Take the smiles, write your names and show what are your emotions about this lesson.

- Write down your hometask. At home you are to learn the poem p. 35 ex.16 - The lesson is over! Good bye!

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