School days план урока 2 класс

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Before beginning the lesson we shall speak about your mood. I have the pictures of 4 faces. They are “OK”, “Bad”, “Good”, “So-So”. If your mood is fine, draw “Good”, if your mood is good, draw “OK”, if your mood is bad, draw “Bad’, if your mood is so-so- draw “So-So”.

Отработка отдельных фонетических звуков

Look at the blackboard.

Repeat the sound after me.

Repeat the word ….

Repeat the whole phrase:

And on that slitted sheet

Повторение лексики по теме

Look at the blackboard. Put the word in the right place.

( Учащиеся берут карточку со словом ( приложение 1 ) и помещают ее в соответствующую колонку School/ Numbers)

Count from 1 – 10

Count from 10 -1

What is before 5(7, 9 …)

What is after 2 (3, 5 …)

Count. Do the sums. ( приложение 2 )

How clever of you!

Let’s refresh our memory with a song about COLOURS

Ученик должен разложить цветные карточки в том порядке , в котором они звучат в песне

Teacher: What’s this?

Pupil: It’s a brown pen

(white pencil, green book, yellow pencil case, grey ruler, blue rubber …)

Let’s rest a little!

Hands on the hips

Hands on the sides

Bend left, bend right

One, two, three – hop

One, two, three – stop

Let’s play the game!

Guess the subject!

Ученикам показываются картинки с изображением ( глобус, мяч, ноты, краски …..). Они должны назвать школьный предмет.

Now, write this word on the blackboard!

Teacher: What is your favourite subject?

(работа по цепочке)

Работа с учебником

Open your books at p. 23. Ex. 5

Write the names of the school subjects.

Подведение итогов урока

Take your sheets of papers with your drawings and explain your mood now at the end of the lesson.

Thank you for your excellent work at the lesson!

Rubber, two, three, pen, ten, ruler, eight, Art, seven, History, one, pencil, nine

The game "Forest echo". A little bear Bess is in a good mood: it is running to the school along the forest path, and playing with the cheerful forest echo. Together they enjoy the morning sun and the echo repeats after Bess:

Echo: Sunday, Sunday.

Echo: Monday, Monday.

Echo: Tuesday, Tuesday.

Echo: Wednesday, Wednesday.

Echo: Thursday, Thursday.

Echo: Friday, Friday.

Echo: Saturday, Saturday.

Teacher demonstrates how Bess plays with an echo with folded hands to his/her mouth. Teacher invites the children to be the forest echo and repeats every word several times.

Days of the week song

Pupils name week days.

Teacher: Now I want to know how you remember the days of the week.

What day comes after Friday? (Saturday)

What day is between Tuesday and Thursday? (Wednesday)

What day comes before Wednesday? (Tuesday)

What day is between Sunday and Tuesday? (Monday)

What day comes after Thursday? (Friday)

What day comes before Friday? (Thursday)

What day comes before Monday? (Sunday)

There are seven days in a week:

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,

And my favourite day of all,

TRACE the days of the week.

COMPLETE the words.


Teacher demonstrates simple verbs.

Sing an action song to demonstrate common verbs

Look at the pictures of kids how they do different things on different days of the week. Use the example and make up the sentences about yourself.

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Short term plan

School: №

Teacher name:


Number present:

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

1. listening to a description and labeling a picture

2. developing language skills.

3. providing opportunities for individual and collaborative writing.

2.L1 understand a range of short basic supported classroom instructions

2.L5 identify missing phonemes in incomplete words

2.S3 use a limited range of basic words, phrases and short sentences to describe objects, activities and classroom routines

2.R4 begin to use with support a simple picture dictionary

2.UE11 use have got+noun to describe and ask about possessions

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Sing a song’’ Hello’’

To introduce the pupils to the English alphabet;

To present and prictise school supplies

Most learners will be able to:

To practise greetings with teacher’s support

Some learners will be able to:

Make simple dialogue with teacher’s support

Language objectives :

Learners can:

By the end of the lesson learners will be able to

- says what he/ she likes;

- says what he/she doesn’t like.

Key words and phrases: Food and drink items: milk, cheese, bananas, juice, eggs, chicken, like, don’t like, yum, yuk I’ve got some milk for you. I like milk. Yum! I don’t like milk. Yuk!

Useful classroom language for dialogue/writing: oral

Discussion points:

Can you say why we eat food?

Writing prompts:

Assessment for Teaching

Criteria based assessment

Assessment criteria: Demonstrating food and drink items appropriately to the class

Descriptor: A learner

 says what he/ she likes;

 says what he/she doesn’t like

Self-assessment: Traffic lights

How to overcome barriers in learning English

-Scaffold learners if necessary

-Ask more questions

Success criteria

Pupils achieve if:

Can pronounce words

Can listen sounds



Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

Learners are introduced with the lesson objectives

/D/ Organize the lesson

Greetings Hello, Good morning pupils!

How are you? Fine, thanks. Sit down.

Warm up. Brain storming.

Stand up, please!

Let’ s do exercises.

Hands up! Clap! Clap! Clap!

Hands down! Shake! Shake! Shake!

Hands on hips! Jump! Jump! Jump!

(Activities to revise the vocabulary from the previous lesson)

Before going into class

Write a number from 1 to 5 on slips of paper. Duplicate the numbers so that each pupil has got a slip.

Hand out a slip of paper to each pupil. Explain the activity. The pupils move around the classroom, trying to find their classmates with the same number. They ask and answer without showing their slip of paper. Demonstrate the following exchanges:

e.g. Pupil1: What’s your number?

Pupil 2: (Three) what’s your number?

Pupil1: (Four) etc.

The pupils get into groups according to the number of their slip of paper. Well all the groups have been formed, check that the pupils are in the correct group.

Play the numbers song from the previous lesson. Encourage the pupils to sing along.

Present and practice

(activities to present and activate the new language.)

Listen, point and repeat

Pupils’ books closed. Put up the flashcards, one at a time and say the corresponding words. The pupils repeat, chorally or individually. Point to each flashcards in random order. Ask individual pupils to say the word. Ask the rest of the class for verification. Name a school item, e.g. book. Ask a pupil to show you a book. Repeat with the rest of the items.

Have you rest?

Double, double, this, this

Double, double that, that

Double this, double that

Double, double, this, that

Pupils’ books open . Play the CD. The pupils listen point to and repeat the letters and the words. Play the CD again pausing after each word. The pupils repeat, chorally or individually.


Schoolbag, book, pen, pencil, rubber

Track the colour. Then point and say.

Refer the pupils to the picture and elicit the school items. Revise the colors by pointing to different items around the classroom and eliciting the colours. Ask the pupils to trace and color the school items. Allow the pupils some time to complete the activity. Then call oout on item and ask from individual pupils to point to it and say what colour it is.

Suggested answer key

It’s a blue schoolbag.

It’s a red pencil.

It’s a green book.

It’s a yellow rubber.

It’s a purple pen.

Sing the get your pencil song

Pick up a pencil and a pen, point to them and say:

Get your pencil! Get your pen! The pupils repeat after you. follow the same procedure and present the rest of the song.

Play the CD. The pupils listen to the song. Divide the class into two groups and assign a verse to each group. Ask them to have the corresponding school items at hand. Play the song again. The groups listen to the song and hold up the items every time they are heard. Play the song a third time. The groups sing the assigned verses.


Get your pencil, Get your pen,

Get your book, It’s school again!

Get your rubber, Your schoolbag too,

Get your things, And go to school!

Let’s listen!

Set the scene by asking the pupils questions about what they can see in the picture.

Extension activity (Optional)

-For stronger classes: Select a short exchange from the dialogue for the pupils to act out in pairs. Allow them some time to rehearse their exchanges. Have some pairs come to the front of the class and perform their exchanges.

-For weaker cases: ask some pupils to take out their story cutouts. Ask them to shuffle them. Play the dialogue with pauses. The pupils listen and hold up the corresponding cutout.

(An activity to consolidate the language of the lesson)

Chinese Whispers!

Explain the game. You whisper a school item to the first child, who whispers it to the child sitting next to him/her and so on. The last child calls out the word.

Activity book (optional)

If you wish, you can do page 25 from the Activity book during this lesson or the next one.

The song “Good bye”

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Cross-curricular links
Health and safety check
ICT links
Values links

More support:

 Provide less ablelearners with the foursentences written on aworksheet so they canlisten and read.
 Create mixedability groups fordiscussion. Ensure they
are not always in the roleof timekeeper.

More able learners:
 At start of lesson, theythink of several reasonswhy pictures could be theodd one out.
 They sharefurther facts about naturaldisasters.

 Monitor learners to checkthey can pick up specificdetails when listening tofacts reported from map,facts about naturaldisasters; detail fromvideo. Note those who
found listening for detailhard.
 Observe learners whenparticipating in discussion.Did the group dynamicswork? Did each learnercontribute to thediscussion? If not, whynot? (e.g. didn’tunderstand what to do; not
so confident speakingEnglish; not interested intopic; other)
 Record what theyconsidered they hadlearned from the lesson.
Could they express whatthey had learned aboutcontent and language?
Could they express whichskills they had developed?

Learners work in groups apply skills and knowledge to a practical and cooperative task, and produce their own materials. All of these lesson correlate with the aims of critical and creative communication set out .

 Job and work: developingvocabulary range tocommunicate knowledgeof natural disasters;
looking at a interview for jobs showing recentnatural disasters andinterpreting information onit.
 Respecting diversity ofopinion

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

What did the learners learn today?

What was the learning atmosphere like?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

бұл ашық сабақ ағылшын тілі сабағы болып табылады. оқушылар бұл сабақта бір аптада жеті күнді үйренеді.

Lesson plan

Long-term plan unit: 3

Teacher name: Jusipova Dana


Number present:

Theme of the lesson: School Days

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

2.L3 recognise with support common names and names of places and the spoken form of a limited range of everyday and classroom words

2.S3 ask questions in basic exchanges about people, objects and classroom routines

Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to:

recognise and write days of the week

recognise and name common verbs

listen and describe their days

Success criteria

Learners have met this learning objective 2.L.3, if they can indicate 5-7 words correctly

Value links

Labor and creativity

Cross curricular links

The world around us

Previous learning

Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

Teacher: Good-morning boys and girls!

Children: Good-morning, teacher!

The theme: Around school

осы сөздердің суреттерін тауып теңестіреді балалар

екі топқа 2 тапсырма жасаймын.

Әр тапсырмада жауап берген оқушыға смайлик беріп отырам.

Pupils name week days.

оқушылардан 7 күнді сұрайсың.

көрнекілік жасайсың 7 күнге іліп қоясың.

Teacher: Now I want to know how you remember the days of the week.

What day comes after Friday? (Saturday)

W hat day is between Tuesday and Thursday? (Wednesday)

What day comes before Wednesday? (Tuesday)

What day is between Sunday and Tuesday? (Monday)

What day comes after Thursday? (Friday)

What day comes before Friday? (Thursday)

What day comes before Monday? (Sunday)

Listening to children talking about on which day they do things at school. Learners draw lines to the correct day.

Teacher:You are tired. Stand up and do some exercises with me!

Hands up! Clap! Clap! Clap!

Hands down! Shake! Shake! Shake!

Hands on hips! Jump! Jump! Jump!

Run! Go! Swim! Stand up!

Children present their time charts by telling their activities on this or that day of the week.

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

[ei]: name, take, ten, may, like, cake, pet, lake, way can, play, bye, make, try.

Teacher: Children sing a song “Days of the week”

Learners name and write days of the week.

. Now I want to know how you remember the days of the week. (Работа у доски, проверка знания написания слов).

What day comes after Friday? (Saturday)

What day is between Tuesday and Thursday? (Wednesday)

What day comes before Wednesday? (Tuesday)

What day is between Sunday and Tuesday? (Monday)

What day comes after Thursday? (Friday)

What day comes before Friday? (Thursday)

What day comes before Monday? (Sunday)

Teacher demonstrates simple verbs.

Sing an action song to demonstrate common verbs

Look at the photos of Jim and Jill how they do different things on different days of the week. Use the example and makeup the sentences about yourself.

I play football on Monday.

Read books Tuesday

Sing songs Friday

Visit my friends Saturday

Have porridge Sunday

Run in the park Wednesday

Learners listen and write thewords of week days.

Learners recognize verbs and week days.

Teacher: When we want to say about our activities, that we do this or that thing and would like to tell about the day of the week as well, we use the preposition ON. I go to the gym on Tuesday. but in English we say ON Monday, on Sunday.

We are very busy each day of the week. I will tell you about the activities I do on different days. If you do the same, repeat after me. If you don't, keep silent. I have breakfast at 7 on Monday.

Stand up, listen, look and mime.

Turn around, like a top.

Seven days are in a week.

Now, sit down or take a seat.

Learners name simple verbs and week days.

1) Teacher: Now, work in pairs and tell your partner 3 things what you do on this and that day of the week. Your partner will tell us later about your activities. This table will help you to make your choice.

2) Teacher: I know that you are very busy, you attend different hobby and sport clubs during the week. Now let's have a look at the activities we may do.

(Have an English class, meet friends, go to the sport center, visit grandparents, go for a walk, and come home late).

So, try to fill in the timetable with the activities you do each day of the week. It will help you not to forget about them.

Pupils put actions cards on the corresponding blank field in the schedule.

3) Now, I hope you've done that, Nick. I know you attend the hockey club. When do you go there?

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