Present perfect passive план урока

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

формировать умения делать выводы, выделять главное, понимая важность изучения всех аспектов английского языка и потребность пользоваться им как средством общения.

Оборудование: схемы, таблицы, карточки, рабочие тетради учащихся, учебники.

Форма проведения

урока: комбинированный урок.

9kl_6s_stradatelnyy_zalog.doc 74 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Урок грамматики в 9 классе

Тип урока: усвоение новых знаний

Цель урока: отработка грамматических структур в пассивном залоге.

обучающая: научить распознавать временные формы глагола в пассивном залоге, научить преобразовывать структуры активного залога в пассивный;

развивающая: развивать навыки употребления пассивного залога в чтении текстов и устной речи учащихся, развивать умения работать с таблицами, формулами и схемами;

воспитательная : развивать интерес к изучению грамматики в английском языке;

вовлекать учащихся в активную практическую деятельность,

формировать умения делать выводы, выделять главное, понимая важность изучения всех аспектов английского языка и потребность пользоваться им как средством общения.

Оборудование: схемы, таблицы, карточки, рабочие тетради учащихся, учебники.

урока: комбинированный урок.

I. Организационный момент.

II. Фонетическая зарядка.

III. Повторение первичных знаний об английском глаголе в пассивном залоге

IV. Работа с таблицами.

V. Развитие грамматических навыков в речи учащихся.

VI. Отработка грамматических навыков.

VII. Проверка домашнего задания.

X. Инструктаж по выполнению домашнего задания.

-Good morning boys and girls. We are continuing our talk about the Passive Voice.

I hope you remember what the Passive Voice is. We shall have an excursion to “ The Land of the Passive Voice” today. You will learn the usage and the formation of Passive constructions in the English language, read a short text and do some exercises. I shall be your guide at our lesson.

-Let’s start our excursion.

1.The first station is a “Phonetic ” minute. Look at the blackboard and repeat after me:

They are written, it was broken,

He is given, she’ll be left.

They were eaten, it was spoken,

It’s being driven, he’ll be lent.

-Now read these lines in pairs. You see the Passive constructions in every line there.

III. Повторение первичных знаний об английском глаголе в пассивном залоге.

2.-The second station of our excursion is ”The Formula“ of the Passive Voice.

-What is the common formula for all the tenses in the Passive Voice?

(The auxiliary verb “to be” and the Participle II of the main verb)

-What is the Participle II?

(It is the main verb in the third form.)

Please, write down the formula. to be + V 3

-How do we form Present, Past and Future Simple Passive?

ученики приводят формулы с примерами)

The Passive Voice

Залог - это форма глагола, которая показывает, является ли подлежащее производителем действия , выраженного сказуемым, или само подлежащее подвергается воздействию . В английском языке имеется два залога: the Active Voice (действительный залог) и the Passive Voice (страдательный залог). Страдательный залог показывает, что действие направлено на предмет или лицо , выраженное подлежащим.

Your son broke my window . - Действительный залог.

В данном примере наше подлежащее (son) выполнило действие (broke).

My window was broken (by your son) - Страдательный залог.

В данном примере мы видим, что подлежащее не выполняет действие, а действие было выполнено над ним, причем нам не столь важно кем. (Окно не само себя разбило. Действие было произведено над ним).

Значение и употребление времен глагола в страдательном залоге чаще всего такое же, как и времен глагола в действительном залоге.

Страдательный залог употребляется, когда само действие представляет больший интерес, чем тот, кто его выполнял, или в том случае, когда исполнитель действия неизвестен.

My watch was broken. Мои часы были сломаны.

Если в страдательной конструкции указывается исполнитель действия, выраженный существительным или местоимением, то перед ним ставится предлог "by":
The book was written by Tom Brown.

Если указывается объект или материал, от имени которого совершено действие, употребляется
предлог "with":

The finger was cut with a knife.

Страдательный залог показывает, что подлежащее не выполняет действия, а подвергается действию другого лица или предмета. Если указано, кем произведено действие, то употребляется предлог by , а если указано, чем произведено действие, – предлог with :

Donald Duck was created by Walt Disney in 1936. Утенок Дональд был создан Уолтом Диснеем в 1936 году.

Rice is eaten with chopsticks in China Рис едят палочками в Китае.

- Fill in by or with

  1. The lock was broken with a hammer.
  2. This book was written … my favorite author.
  3. The cake was decorated … icing.
  4. The tiger was shot … a gun.
  5. He was hit on the head … an umbrella.
  6. Moscow University was founded … Lomonosov in 1755.
  7. The first flight into space was accomplished … Yuri Gagarin.
  8. The story was written … Akunin in 2000
  9. Donald Duck was created … Walt Disney in 1936.
  10. Rice is eaten … chopsticks in China

IV. Работа с таблицами.

-The next station of our excursion is ”The Table “

-Make up sentences and translate them.

Present Simple Passive

This boy
Many factories
New schools
A big stadium
The pupils

invited to a party.
visited by tourists.
asked to recite a poem.
sent to Moscow.
built in our city.
taught to play the piano.
seen there every day.
much spoken of.

Past Simple Passive

Our school
Those houses
This book
These stories

asked to go home.
visited by a delegation.
printed in London.
built two years ago.
written by him.
met by Nick.
seen by her.
read with interest.

Future Simple Passive

The theatre
Two schools
A new film
This book

shall be
will be

published next year.
examined by the teacher.
asked to tell the story.
built in our town.
shown there tomorrow.
given the task.
sent to the book-shop.
met by Oleg.

-Define the tense and the voice. (ученики показывают карточки с верным залогом)

  1. A new house was built near the park last year.
  2. Football is played almost everywhere.
  3. A large sum of money was received by him.
  4. A new shopping center will be built here next year.
  1. Past Simple Passive.
  2. Present Simple Passive.
  3. Past Simple Passive.
  4. Future Simple Passive.

V. Развитие грамматических навыков в речи учащихся.

- Find out the tense of the sentences and use them in the Passive Voice:

  1. We visit our school every day.
  2. He will speak to his cousin tomorrow.
  3. They often give Mary fruits from their garden.
  4. They built a new hospital last year.
  5. She is reading a book at the moment.
  6. Sasha sent a letter to Alison.
  7. I have done my homework.
  8. He will look after his brother next week.
  9. Pupils visited the boy last week.
  10. We learn poems at home.
  1. Our school is visited every day.
  2. His cousin will be spoken tomorrow.
  3. Mary is often given fruits from their garden.
  4. A new hospital was built last year.
  5. A book is being read at the moment.
  6. The letter was sent to Alison.
  7. My homework has been done.
  8. His brother will be looked after next week.
  9. The boy was visited last week.
  10. Poems are learnt at home.

-Определите залог каждого предложения, выбрав A (=active) или P (= passive).

  1. I'm paid twice a month.
  2. She opened the door.
  3. Renault cars are made in France.
  4. Are any classes taught at weekends?
  5. Do you study at weekends?
  6. The policeman helped us.
  7. We were helped by the policeman.
  8. The President was photographed by the journalists.
  9. The journalists photographed the President.

VI. Отработка грамматических навыков.

-The next station of our excursion is ” The Grammar Exercises “

-Read the sentences, find mistakes and correct them.

  1. The text will be translated when he came.
  2. English is speak all over the world.
  3. Ice cream be made from milk.
  4. The computers was bought in the shop.
  5. The flowers are not watered last week.
  1. The text was being translated when he came.
  2. English is spoken all over the world.
  3. Ice cream is made from milk.
  4. The computers were bought in the shop.
  5. The flowers were not watered last week.

-You have done the exercise well. How can you translate these sentences into Russian? The next station of our excursion is “Translation”.

-Choose the correct translation.

1. She was sent a fax.

а) Она послала факс.

б) Ей пошлют факс.

в) Ей послали факс.

2. They were told an interesting story.

а) Они рассказали интересную историю.

б) Им рассказали интересную историю.

в) О них была рассказана история.

3. We were shown a film.

а) Фильм будет показан нам.

б) Мы показали фильм.

в) Нам показали фильм.

4. Sasha was offered help.

а) Саша предложил помощь.

б) Саше предложили помощь.

в) Помощь будет предложена Саше.

5. I was promised a trip to England.

а) Мне обещали поездку в Англию.

б) Я обещал поездку в Англию.

в) Они обещали поездку в Англию.

(Учащиеся самостоятельно выполняют упражнение, затем проверяют задание.)

Ответы к заданию: 1 в, 2 б, 3 в, 4 б, 5 а, 6 в )

VII. Проверка домашнего задания.

-The next station of our excursion is “Home task”.

-Let’s check your home task. Your home task was to read, find and underline passive voice.

I sat down at my table, took a sheet of paper, a pen and an envelope. I tried to write all that I had to say. When the letter was written, it was put into the envelope. The address was written on the envelope.

The letter was ready. It could be posted.

VIII. Первичный контроль грамматического материала

-Thank you very much. The most pupils have done the task well and some pupils have made a few mistakes. Now, friends, our excursion is going to the end. The final station of our trip is “Test Yourself ”. “Please take cards and do exercises in pairs.

Choose the true point.

1. Shakespeare …"Hamlet".

A) wrote B)write C)was written

2. "Hamlet" …by Shakespeare.

A) was written B)written C) wrote

3. The Chinese …paper.

A)invite B)was invited C)invited

4. Paper …by the Chinese.

A)invited B)was invited C)invite

5. Butter …from milk.

A)made B)was made C)is made

6. A kettle …to boil water.

A)used B)is used C)use

7. We …a kettle to boil water.

A)used B)is used C)used

8. My new car …yesterday.

A)is stolen B)was stolen C)stolen

9. I …to the cinema every weekend.

A)go B)was go C)went

10.We …to school by bus.

A)was taken B)are taken C)taken

Keys: wrote, was written, invited, was invited, is made, is used, use, was stolen, go, are taken.

- Change the sentences into the Passive Voice.

  1. They usually repair cars very quickly.
  2. Somebody has stolen my keys.
  3. She composed her first opera five years ago.
  4. They closed the supermarket at 7 p.m. yesterday.
  5. They will visit Shakespeare’s birthplace next month.
  1. Cars are usually repaired very quickly.
  2. My keys have been stolen.
  3. Her first opera was composed five years ago.
  4. The supermarket was closed at 7 p. m. yesterday.
  5. Shakespeare’s birthplace will be visited next month.

(Учащиеся в парах выполняют задания, чтобы у них была ситуация успеха и уверенности в первичном контроле знаний по грамматике.)

- Our excursion to the “Land of the Passive Voice” is over. You have done a lot of activities and exercises. We shall have Grammar Practice next time.

X. Домашнее задание.

-And now write down your home task. Your h/t will be to repeat the grammar themes and prepare for test.

-We work hard today and I think everybody gets good marks. See you next lesson. Goodbye!

Целью урока является отработка грамматических структур в пассивном залоге. На уроке решались основные задачи:

обучающая: научить распознавать временные формы глагола в пассивном залоге, научить преобразовывать структуры активного залога в пассивный;

развивающая: развивать навыки употребления пассивного залога в чтении текстов и устной речи учащихся, развивать умения работать с таблицами, формулами;

воспитательная: развивать интерес к изучению грамматики в английском языке; вовлекать учащихся в активную практическую деятельность, формировать умения делать выводы, выделять главное, понимая важность

изучения всех аспектов английского языка и потребность пользоваться им как

средством общения. На уроке использовала схемы, таблицы, карточки, рабочие тетради учащихся.

Использовала новые технологии обучения, словесный метод, частично-поисковый, проблемный, метод опережающего характера, наглядный материал, что может заинтересовать учащихся и повысить активность на уроке. Выбранная структура последовательная при выполнении всех этих задач, так как этапы урока логично связаны между собой. Урок проходил в форме урока-экскурсии. При групповом задании оценивались знание, умение и навыки всей группы. При подборе заданий были учтены индивидуальные способности каждого учащегося.

Я считаю, что урок достиг поставленных задач.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Конспект урока 8 класс Масленица + презентация к открытому уроку

Цель урока: повторить и обобщить знания по ДПИ, правила создания коллажа.Задачи: Обучающие: показать особенности изображения одного и того же явления в разных видах .

Конспект урока 6 класс. Причастие. Урок обобщения и систематизация изученного материала.

Тема: ПричастиеТип урока: Урок о.

Конспект урока в классе со сложной структурой дефекта, по предмету "Социально-бытовая ориентировка". Тема урока "Приготовление бутербродов"

Конспект урока в 6 классе по предмету "Социально-бытовая ориентировка". Тема урока "Приготовление бутербродов".

План-конспект урока, 9 класс, учебник: Spotlight 9 (Ю. Е. Ваулина, Д. Дули, М.Д. Поспелова, В. Эванс), тема: "Illusions" (1 урок по теме)

План-конспект урока, 9 класс, учебник: Spotlight 9 (Ю. Е. Ваулина, Д. Дули, М.Д. Поспелова, В. Эванс), тема: "Illusions" (1 урок по теме).

План конспект урока, 3 класс, учебник: Spotlight 3 (Ю. Е. Быкова, Д. Дули, М.Д. Поспелова, В. Эванс), тема: "In the park!" (4 урок по теме)

План конспект урока, 3 класс, учебник: Spotlight 3 (Ю. Е. Быкова, Д. Дули, М.Д. Поспелова, В. Эванс), тема: "In the park!" (4 урок по теме).

Тема: Страдательный залог настоящего завершенного времени
Цель урока: повторение страдательного залога;
- развитие способностей к сравнению, анализу, обобщению, развитие произвольного внимания;
- совершенствование лексических и грамматических навыков говорения;
- воспитание любознательности, познавательных потребностей, желания расширять кругозор.
Речевой материал: лексический – for, since.
Грамматический - Present Perfect Passive.
Ход урока.
- Hello, children, I’m glad to see you!
-How are you?
Речевая зарядка.
Answer my questions:
- What date is it today?
- Do you like the weather today?
Дети отвечают на вопрос.
Основная часть урока.
1. Учитель раздает тетради с выполненной работой детей.
- Children, I checked you class works. You have done it well. I will give you your copybooks. You can see your marks.
Учитель раздает тетради. Ученики открывают тетради и смотрят свои работы. Готовятся к работе на уроке.
2. Презентация нового грамматического материала.
- Children, listen to me. Today we’ll study “Present Perfect Passive”.
(Сегодня мы будем изучать новое грамматическое правило «Страдательный залог настоящего завершенного времени).
- Let’s open your copybooks, write down date. Now write down the rule.
- Эту грамматическую структуру мы употребляем, когда действие началось в прошлом и продолжается до настоящего момента, но не указано, кто совершает данное действие. Present Perfect Passive образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола have (has), а также вспомогательного глагола been и третьей формы основного глагола. Например, football has been played for hundreds of years (в футбол играют на протяжении сотен лет) или the world competition has been organized since 1900. Present Perfect Passive употребляется с предлогами for, since.

Open please the table with the irregular verbs. You will see the third form of the verb form there.
( Откройте, пожалуйста, таблицу неправильных глаголов. Там вы будете смотреть третью форму глагола)
Lets see examples:
I have already been instructed - Меня уже проинструктировали.
The parcel has not been sent yet - Посылка ещё не послана.
Has Jack been promoted? - Джека продвинули по службе?
What have you been told? - Что тебе сказали?

Exercise 1. Read the texts and find the sentences with Present Perfect Active and Present Perfect Passive tense forms. Translate them into your language.
Nina has lived in Sydney for two years. She has done a lot of things in Sydney. She has seen several plays, she has gone to the picture galleries and museums. She has visited the circus as well, and she has taken a tour to the Islands on Port Jackson. However, there are a lot of planned things she hasn’t done yet. Australian Reptile Park has been visited by her . Nina hasn’t been to some other parks yet.

Exercise 2. Change the sentences with Present Perfect Active into Present Perfect Passive.
Example: I have already finished my work.— My work has already been finished.
1. I have already taken the books back to the library. The books . 2. She has just posted those letters. Those letters . 3. The teacher has already checked my test. 4. He has lost the key. 5. We have opened all the windows. 6. I have bought bread on the way home. 7. I have done this exercise. 8. She has done her work.

Exercise 3:
Change the offer in the active voice to the passive voice, paying attention to the grammatical tense of the verb. Use the preposition by.
(Измените предложения в активном залоге на пассивный залог, обращая внимание на грамматическое время глагола. Используйте предлог by).

For example: French priests built this cathedral. (Французские монахи построили этот собор.) – This cathedral has been built by French priests. (Этот собор был построен французскими монахами.)
1. The headmaster sent a letter.
2. Our children organized the Christmas party next Friday.
3. Mary trained the dogs in the garden.
4. Mrs. Simpson has cleaned all the windows today.
5. Frank has not packed the suitcase.
6. Bob paid the bills.
7. The doctor examined her tomorrow.
8. She has not written a story.

Завершение урока.
- Children, today we worked hard, we learnt grammar structure
Сегодня мы узнали новую грамматическую структуру
Учитель объявляет отметки за урок.
-Write down your homework. Change the sentences with Present Perfect Active into Present Perfect Passive.
Запишите домашнее задание. Изменить предложения с Present Perfect Active в Present Perfect Passive
Home work
1. She has closed the door.
2. Someone has spilt some wine on the tablecloth.
3. They have finished the work.
4. My granny has paint the door
5. Many tourists have visited that castle.
6. I have written a story.
7. They have built a house
8. He has broken my window.
- The lesson is over , good-buy.

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Read the texts and find the sentences with Present Perfect Active and Present Perfect Passive tense forms.

Masha has lived in Boston for two years. She has done a lot of things in Boston. She has gone to the picture galleries and museums. She has visited the circus, and she has taken a tour to the Islands. There are a lot of planned things she hasn’t done yet. Masha hasn’t been to some other parks yet.

The boss is angry with his secretary today because important documents haven’t been typed yet. Coffee has been given to him cold. Wrong telephone numbers have been written down. The mail hasn’t been sent in time. A lot of time has been spent over the telephone.

Use Present Perfect Active or Passive of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences .

Dan . (to break) the window.

The exercise . (to write) already.

The text . (to write) by Victor.

The teacher just . (to explain) the new rule.

We (to learn) the Passive Voice already.

A new church . (to build) in this street.

Use the verbs in brackets in the appropriate forms (present perfect passive or past perfect passive) to complete the sentences.

1. This problem just (discuss).

2. When I came home the sweets (eat).

3. My flat (clean) by six o’clock yesterday.

4. You already (invite) to the party?

5. The history quiz (show) on TV lately.

6. The scientists said that the results of the work (send) to their colleagues.

7. She said this book (not devote) to her best friend.

8. The cups (not wash) yet.

9. The police informed us that some of our programs (crack)

10. The problem (discuss) by six?

Choose the appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets (present perfect passive or past perfect passive) to complete the sentences.

Peter said the homepage of their class (has been created/had been created) on the Internet. Now all his classmates could use it.

Many letters (have been written/had been written) by the 20 th of April.

A lot of rare animals (have been shot/had been shot), that’s why many species are endangered now.

More than 100 people (have been sent/had been sent) to that dangerous region to save people. There is no danger now.

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Тип урока: урок комплексного применения знаний и умений ( урок закрепления).

Использованные ЭОР:

- видеоролик ;

Цель урока: формирование у учащихся знаний, умений, навыков по грамматическому материалу (повторение страдательного залога во временной форме настоящего совершенного действия);


- отработать грамматический материал при помощи интерактивного урока ( на интерактивной доске);

- научить использовать грамматическое время Present Perfect Tense Passive в речевых ситуациях;

-совершенствовать лексические и грамматические навыки говорения;


- развивать способности к сравнению, анализу, обобщению

- развивать произвольное внимание;


- воспитывать любознательность, познавательную потребность, желание расширять кругозор.

личностные: положительное отношение к процессу познания,

регулятивные: планирование решения учебной задачи,оценивание и корректировка своей деятельности; формирование навыков самостоятельной и групповой работы с учебным материалом;

познавательные: умение извлекать необходимую информацию в любом виде и перерабатывать ее

коммуникативные: способность участвовать в учебном процессе, умение правильно применять в речевых ситуациях Present Perfect Passive, задавать вопросы, необходимые для организации собственной деятельности и сотрудничества с партнером;осознание важности коммуникативных умений в жизни человека; оформление своих мыслей в устной и письменной форме с учетом речевых ситуаций; выступление перед аудиторией сверстников

Речевой материал: лексический – for, since.

Грамматический - Present Perfect Passive.

Ход урока.


- Hello, children, I’m glad to see you!

Речевая зарядка.

Answer my questions:

- What date is it today?

- Do you like the weather today?

Дети отвечают на вопрос.

Основная часть урока.

Учитель раздает тетради с выполненной работой детей.

- Children, I checked you class works. You have done it well. I will give you your copybooks. You can see your marks.

Учитель раздает тетради. Ученики открывают тетради и смотрят свои работы. Готовятся к работе на уроке.

2. Презентация нового грамматического материала.

- Children, listen to me. Today we’ll study “Present Perfect Passive”.

Exercise 1. Read the texts and find the sentences with Present Perfect Active and Present Perfect Passive tense forms. Translate them into your language.

Nina has lived in Sydney for two years. She has done a lot of things in Sydney. She has seen several plays, she has gone to the picture galleries and museums. She has visited the circus as well, and she has taken a tour to the Islands on Port Jackson. However, there are a lot of planned things she hasn’t done yet. Australian Reptile Park has been visited by her . Nina hasn’t been to some other parks yet.

Exercise 2. Change the sentences with Present Perfect Active into Present Perfect Passive.

Example: I have already finished my work.— My work has already been finished.

I have already taken the books back to the library. The books . 2. She has just posted those letters. Those letters . 3. The teacher has already checked my test. 4. He has lost the key. 5. We have opened all the windows. 6. I have bought bread on the way home. 7. I have done this exercise. 8. She has done her work.

Change the offer in the active voice to the passive voice, paying attention to the grammatical tense of the verb. Use the preposition by.

(Измените предложения в активном залоге на пассивный залог, обращая внимание на грамматическое время глагола. Используйте предлог by).

For example: French priests built this cathedral. (Французские монахи построили этот собор.) – This cathedral has been built by French priests. (Этот собор был построен французскими монахами.)

The headmaster sent a letter.
2. Our children organized the Christmas party next Friday.
3. Mary trained the dogs in the garden.
4. Mrs. Simpson has cleaned all the windows today.
5. Frank has not packed the suitcase.
6. Bob paid the bills.
7. The doctor examined her tomorrow.

8. She has not written a story.

Завершение урока.

- Children, today we worked hard, we learnt grammar structure

Сегодня мы узнали новую грамматическую структуру

Учитель объявляет отметки за урок.

-Write down your homework. Change the sentences with Present Perfect Active into Present Perfect Passive.

Запишите домашнее задание. Изменить предложения с Present Perfect Active в Present Perfect Passive

В данном уроке ребята вспомнят, как образуется пассивный залог в таких временах, как the Present Perfect и the Past Perfect. Учащиеся узнают, как формируются утвердительные, отрицательные и вопросительные предложения. В конце ребята смогут закрепить полученные знания, выполнив упражнение.

В данный момент вы не можете посмотреть или раздать видеоурок ученикам

Чтобы получить доступ к этому и другим видеоурокам комплекта, вам нужно добавить его в личный кабинет, приобретя в каталоге.

Получите невероятные возможности

Конспект урока "Revision of Perfect forms of Passive"

— Hello, dear friends. My name is James Wilson. This is Martin Green.

— We are glad to welcome you on our lesson.

— Our friend Nathaniel is also with us today.

— Yesterday we decided to go shopping.

— Martin, James and I wanted to go to the mall by bus. That’s why we went to the bus stop.

— When we got on the bus, we saw a boy and his grandad.

— They were having a heated discussion. Let’s listen to it.

— Grandpa, stop yelling at me. You’re wrong in this situation!

— No, Bobby. I’m right. And you need to learn the rules better!

— Stop it! I know everything. And you are just too old.

— I may be old, but I'm not insane. And my memory is great.

— Martin and I decided not to interfere in this conversation, but Nathaniel decided otherwise.

— He came to them to ask what’s wrong.

— Excuse me! I’m sorry to interfere in your conversation, but my friends and I make lessons for pupils. Can I offer you our help?

— Oh, I don’t know. It's so sudden. How can you help us?

— Well… We can explain the rule to you.

— Oh, OK. My grandson and I were talking about the passive voice.

— I said: “I have just informed about the winter holidays”. According to my grandpa’s words, I needed to say: “I have just been informed about the holidays”.

— I’m sure that I’m right!

— No, grandpa! You aren’t.

— Oh, I see. Let me invite both of you to our place tomorrow. My friends and I will explain everything to you.

— Thank you. We’ll come with a great pleasure.

Today in the lesson we will:

· Revise the difference between active and passive voice;

· Revise the formation of the Present Perfect Passive and Past Perfect Passive.

— Hello! We’re glad to see you.

— Let’s start our lesson.

— First of all, let’s revise the difference between active and passive voice.

The active voice describes the sentences where the subject performs the action stated by the verb. The construction of such sentences is easy to read.

Let’s look at the example.

Jessica washes the dishes every day.

(In this sentence “Jessica” is a subject that tells us about the person who performs the action. “Washes” is a verb in the Present Simple Tense. It describes the action, which is completed by Jessica. “The dishes” is an object).

The passive voice describes the sentences where the subject is acted upon by the verb. We use this voice when we want to focus on the action. It is not important or not known, however, who or what is performing the action.

Let’s rewrite the first example in the passive voice.

The dishes are washed by Jessica every day.

(In this sentence “the dishes” is the object, not the subject of the sentence. The dishes are not doing an action. “Are washed” is a verb in the passive voice. “By Jessica” describes the person who does the action).

If we want to mention the person who does the action, we can use the preposition by.

The mouse was caught by the cat.

The cakes are made by my sister.

The scarf will be bought by Emma.

The fridge was fixed by Robert.

— We told you about the difference between active and passive voice.

— Today we will also tell you how to form the sentences in the Present and Past Perfect Passive.

— Let’s start with Present Perfect Passive.

To form positive sentences, we put the subject in first place, then we put: have or has. After that we put the word been. And then we put the past participle of the main verb.

If the verb is regular, we add the ending -ed, for example: The films have been watched. The music has been played.

If the verb is irregular, we use the third form of this verb, for example: The book has been written. The songs have been sung.

For example, if the verbs are regular, we’ll have:

The films haven’t been watched. The music hasn’t been played.

If the verbs are irregular, we’ll have:

The book hasn’t been written. The songs haven’t been sung.

To form questions, we put have or has in first place, the subject — in second place. Then we put been. After that we put the past participle of the main verb.

If the verbs are regular, we’ll have:

Have the films been watched? Has the music been played?

And if the verbs are irregular, we’ll have:

Has the book been written? Have the songs been sung?

Let’s look at the example:

— Aidan, has your dad’s house been sold?

— No, Antonio, it hasn’t been sold yet.

— Oh, that’s great! I would like to buy it. Could you tell your dad about this, please?

— Sure, I’ll tell him. But the garage has already been sold.

— Oh, it’s okay. I don’t need the garage. I would like to buy only the house.

— Okay, I’ll give you a call when I ask him.

— Great! Thank you.

— Now you know how to form the sentences in the Present Perfect Passive.

— Let’s discuss how to form them in the Past Perfect Passive.

To form positive sentences, we put the subject in first place, then we put had. After that we put the word been. And then we put the past participle of the main verb.

If the verb is regular, we add the ending -ed, for example: The films had been watched. The music had been played.

If the verb is irregular, we use the third form of this verb, for example: The book had been written. The songs had been sung.

To form negative sentences, we put the subject in first place, then we put had plus not, the short form is hadn’t. Then we put been. After that we put the past participle of the main verb.

For example, if the verbs are regular, we’ll have:

The films hadn’t been watched. The music hadn’t been played.

If the verbs are irregular, we’ll have:

The book hadn’t been written. The songs hadn’t been sung.

To form questions, we put had in first place, the subject — in second place. Then we put been. After that we put the past participle of the main verb.

If the verbs are regular, we’ll have:

Had the films been watched? Had the music been played?

And if the verbs are irregular, we’ll have:

Had the book been written? Had the songs been sung?

Let’s look at the example:

— Jason, had the letters been posted by 6 р.m.?

— No, Mr. Harris, they hadn’t been posted by 6 p.m.

— When had the letters been posted then?

— They had been posted by 9 p.m.

— What? Next time if you don’t do everything on time, I will fire you!

— I’m sorry, Mr. Harris. I promise it will never happen again.

— Did you understand how to form the sentences in the Past Perfect Passive?

— Now let’s put the knowledge into a practice.

Turn the underlined sentences into passive structures.

1. The dog looks hungry. I’m not sure that Lucy has fed it.

I’m not sure that it has been fed by Lucy.

2. Kate’s scarf is so nice. I know that her sister has knitted it.

I know that it has been knitted by her sister.

3. The mirrors look so dirty. Lily hasn’t cleaned them.

They haven’t been cleaned by Lily.

4. We’ll go to the party soon. Jenna has ordered a taxi for us.

A taxi has been ordered for us by Jenna.

5. The museum looks so beautiful. The workers have already built it.

It has already been built by the workers.

6. The plates are dirty. Marry hasn’t washed them yet.

They haven’t been washed by Marry yet.

Now meet Michelle, please. She came to her town after 8 years’ absence. Help her to say what she saw using passive structures.

For example: She saw that…

a) they had built lots of cafes.

The right variant is:

She saw that lots of cafes had been built.

b) they had rebuilt the old bus station.

c) they had closed the old grocery store.

d) they had opened a new cinema.

b) She saw that the old bus station had been rebuilt.

c) She saw that the old grocery store had been closed.

d) She saw that a new cinema had been opened.

The following sentences:

e) they had changed the name of the bakery.

f) they had built two swimming pools.

g) they had brought a tiger to the local zoo.

h) they had destroyed the main bridge.

e) She saw that the name of the bakery had been changed.

f) She saw that two swimming pools had been built.

g) She saw that a tiger had been brought to the local zoo.

h) She saw that the main bridge had been destroyed.

— Thank you, gentlemen. Your information was very useful and interesting!

— Yeah! I agree with my grandad. And I wanted to apologize for my behavior yesterday. Grandpa, I’m really sorry that I called you old.

— Oh, Bobby, but it’s true. I’m very old.

— Maybe, but you are also very smart.

— All right, Bobby! I accept your apologies.

— Thank you very much, sirs. You helped me to understand that I was wrong.

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