План урока travelling 8 класс

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Цели урока:
а) развитие ключевых компетентностей учащихся :познавательной коммуникативной и социальной
б)Развитие мотивации к дальнейшему овладению иностранным языком
в) повышение интереса учащихся к изучению иностранного языка через применение ИКТ

Тип урока: урок развития знаний, умений и навыков с применением ИКТ.

Тема урока: “ Traveling ”

Задачи урока:
1.Образовательные : активизировать ранее изученные лексические единицы по теме, развивать навыки устной (монологической) речи с использованием опорного конспекта, навыки письменной речи(заполнение анкеты), практиковать в выполнении заданий по чтению

2. Развивающие: развивать речемыслительную деятельность учащихся, формировать навыки межличностного общения,

3. Воспитательные: поддерживать интерес к изучению английского языка, воспитывать уважение, понимание и толерантность к другой культуре, обучать сотрудничеству и работе в группах

Социокультурный компонент: использовать приобретённые знания и умения в практической деятельности и повседневной жизни:
а) для социальной адаптации; б) для достижения взаимопонимания в процессе устного и письменного общения с носителями иностранного языка.

Оборудование: учебник, рабочая тетрадь. карточки, презентация

Ход урока:

1. Организационный момент. Приветствие.

T  Class: Good morning! Glad to see you. Sit down, please .

2. Речевая зарядка

Do you know the topic of our lesson?

Guess, what we are going to talk about.

-People like to do it .

-They usually do it in summer.

-They take a lot of luggage with them.

-A lot of people do it all over the world.

T: You are right.

1 Активизация употребления изученных лексических единиц

T:-What is the word”Traveling”associated with?

T: As for me, I like to travel. I can do it by train, by car, by plane. It’s interesting to have a voyage by sea. It’s beautiful to stay at the hotel at the seaside.

T:-Let’s have a talk and discuss methods of traveling. What do you think?

-How can people travel?

-Which is the quickest method of traveling?

-Which is the most comfortable?

-Which is the cheapest?

-Which is the most expensive?

-Which one is the most interesting for you?

2. Практика в чтении.

T : We ’ re going to read the texts . Guess the method of traveling . (ученики читают тексты на карточках- по одной карточке с текстом на парте- и отгадывают способ передвижения)

It is the quickest way of traveling. It can take you from one town or city to another in no time. The seats are comfortable. That”s a pity, but you can see very little from the windows. Things are too small to be seen. When the weather is rainy or foggy, you can’t travel by it.(by plane)

This way of traveling is quick. You can stop at any place you like and go where you like. You need no tickets. Usually families travel by it.(by car)

This is the slowest way of traveling. Both young and old people like it. You need’t tickets. The only thing you need is a rucksack. You can visit many places in such a way.(on foot)

This way of traveling is quick. It is very pleasant to travel in this way. The seats are comfortable. You can see a lot of interesting things from the windows. You can make long journeys on land by it.(by train)

This way of traveling is not so fast. Some people enjoy traveling by it .But others don’t like it at all. Usually people travel in this way in summer, when they are on holidays. You can see waves and sea-gulls. (by ship)

I see, you know the methods of traveling.

3. Групповая работа учащихся .

T: Now you will work in groups. Each group will choose and speak about one way of travelling. Your time is 3-5 minutes.

The 1 st group speaks about travelling by air.

The 2d group-about traveling by sea.

The 3d group-about travelling by land.

You may use these words and word combinations. Then one of you will speak on the topic

T: Thank you. Your stories were interesting.

Проведение эмоциональной разрядки:

T: Let’s have a rest. Imagine! You travel by sea, on board the ship. The sky is blue. The weather is fine. It is hot and sunny. The light wind is blowing. The sea is warm and friendly. You sit in the comfortable armchair and enjoy your trip. You have a good time! You are happy!

4.Практика в письме

T:- It’s time to make a trip to the foreign country. You see, when you are going abroad you must fill in your application forms.

Please take the forms and write down your name, surname, age ,nationality and address.

( напомнить написание адреса)

5. Практика в устной речи .

T:-Look on the screen. What country is it? Yes, you are quite right. It’s Great Britain.

What is the capital of Great Britain?

Are there many places of interest in London?

It will be interesting to know what place you would like to visit and why.

Цели урока: формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся, расширение страноведческого кругозора учащихся.

  • повторить и активизировать в речи учащихся изученную лексику по теме “Travelling” ;
  • развивать умения учащихся в монологической речи, а также устной неподготовленной речи;
  • отрабатывать навыки аудирования, чтения
  • продолжить развитие навыков диалогической речи.
  • способствовать развитию интеллектуальной, эмоциональной, мотивационной сферы личности учащихся;
  • развивать познавательную активность учащихся;
  • развивать внимание, воображение и логику.
  • формировать у учащихся интерес к культуре разных стран мира;
  • формирование навыков и умений интеллектуального труда (поиск информации в различных источниках, навыков самостоятельной и групповой работы).

Тип урока: комбинированный урок.

Формы проведения : заочное путешествие, интерактивная беседа, диалоги,

I . Организационный момент.

T: Hello, my dear friends! Nice to see you again!

Students: Hello, teacher!

T: Sit down, please! How are you today?

T: I am glad you are fine! Let’s start our English lesson.

Введение в тему:

T: Let’s try to guess the topic of our lesson. I have prepared some puzzle-questions for you. If you tell all the words correctly, you will be able to name the topic of our lesson.

  1. You buy it, if you want to go by bus, or by plane, or by train. What is it? (ticket)
  2. Where can you see a lot of planes? What is it? (airport)
  3. With seat belts on
    We drive around.
    We stop and go
    All over town.
    What is it? (car)
  4. “All Aboard!”
    We go speeding
    Down the track.
    What is it? (train)
  5. The pilot takes us
    Up so high —
    A giant “bird”
    Up in the sky.
    What is it? (airplane)
  6. Across the lake
    I row and row.
    The harder I pull
    The faster I go.
    What is it? (boat)
  7. Up in the sky
    Above the clouds
    Propeller whirring
    Fast and loud.
    What is it? (helicopter)

T: Now you see that the topic of our lesson is… Students: ”Travelling!”

We are going to speak on this topic as much as possible, to remember the new words, to read texts, to listen and to make up dialogues. Look at the blackboard and read the motto of our lesson:

“The More we learn different lands, the more we know each other”

II . Речевая зарядка.

T: What’s the weather like today?

T: Great! And what season is coming? What is your favorite season? When do you prefer to travel? Lets start our travelling from weather forecast.

III . Активизация лексики по теме урока.

Let’s revise words and expressions on the topic “Travelling”.

Now you will receive a sheet of paper with words: travel, journey, passenger, luggage, departures, arrivals, gate, delay, depart, suitcase.

Your task 1 is to make sentence

Next is to fill in:

1. At the station there is a lot of________ with children.

2. We lost our ____________at the train station

3. We like to _______a lot around the world

4. Our _________________ was sent to a different address

5. We do not know the time of __________of our plane

6. Near the airport ___________ there are a lot of people

7. Flight ___________ caused excitement of people

T: We know that many people are fond of traveling

1 . Why do people like to travel?

S1: They want to learn about different countries, culture and sightseeing’s.

S2: Travelling is good because you meet new friends.

S3: You can visit famous museums, galleries, buy souvenirs.

S4: You can learn about national traditions of many countries.

2 . How can people travel?

S1: They can travel by car, by sea, by plane, by bus, on foot.

3. What means of transport do you prefer to travel?

S1: I prefer to travel by car because I can stop when and there I want and enjoy nature.

S2: I prefer to travel by sea because I enjoy the wind and the sea.

S3: I prefer to travel by plane because it’s the quickest means of transport and comfortable

S4: I prefer to travel by train because it’s the most convenient and not expensive.

IV . Ролевая игра. Чтение.

S1: Dear guests! Welcome to our Tour Agency. I am a manager of our tour agency and these are my agents. Our tour agents have prepared some information about four places of interests (учащиеся рассказывают о четырёх турах с опорой на текст в учебнике)

S1: Russia/ Siberia

S2: I invite you to do Wagon Travel in Wyoming

S3: I invite you to visit Morocco

S4: Ice diving in the Arctic

V Аудирование. Составление диалогов.

T: If you are ready to travel, let’s choose the way how we can do it:

- Let’s try to make your own dialogues with arguments against and arguments in favour of going abroad. You can see 2 tables on the screen with arguments, so use them to make sentences. Don’t forget your colloquial vocabulary:

First. Second. Besides,…By the way,…I agree (disagree) with the view that…, I’d like to add that…,May I put in a word? etc.

Arguments against tourism abroad

A lot of places to visit in your own country (there are)

- to reserve tickets

- to buy tickets and think of timetables

- to carry heavy suitcases

- to wait at airports and railway stations

- to think of rucksacks and suitcases

- speak your own language

- choose your favourite food

- to make your relatives wait for you and worry

- to be always near you (your family and best friends)

- to be polluted and dangerous for health (a lot of places)

- it’s no use going abroad

Arguments in favour of going abroad

- to discover new places in other countries (it’s wonderful)

- to be a part of people’s education

- to teach people about art and culture

- to teach people to understanding

- to broaden the mind

- to help people to relax sometimes

- to make friends with interesting people

- can help to improve the knowledge

of foreign languages

- can help practice speaking English

- to accept English as a new means of communication

- to learn more about other countries and their traditions

- to have an opportunity to go sightseeing

-on the one hand

VI Рефлексия. Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок.

Домашнее задание: Ex 1 p.92

Thank you for your hard work. Good bye.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

План-конспект урока по теме "Travelling"

Данный план-конспект урока является заключительным в разделе "Путешествие". И решает все основные образовательные, развивающие и воспитательные задачи.

Конспект урока английского языка в 5 классе "A funny space travel"

Конспект урока с раздаточным материалом к дню космонавтики.

Конспект урока английского языка в 6 классе. Unit 8 Holidays and Travelling. Step 1. Irregular Verbs in the Past Simple Tense.

Конспект урока в 6 классе по УМКО.В. Афанасьевой,И.В Михеевой "Новый курс английского языка для российских школ".

Учитель: Егоренкова Ю.В., ГБОУ СОШ № 145 Калининского района Санкт-Петербурга.

Методическая разработка урока английского языка в 5 м классе. Тема урока: Travelling and transport: choosing the mean of travelling (Путешествия и транспорт: выбор вида путешествия)

План-конспект урока Travelling and transport

План-конспект урока по теме "Путешествия" для учеников 4 класса.Учебник Английский язык 4 класс, углубленный уровень. Авторы: Верещагина И. Афанасьева О.В.

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.


учителя гимназии № 2 г. Гродно

Амбарцумян Марины Акоповны

Тема урока : “The World of Travelling”

Цели урока: а) Образовательная – Активизировать употребление лексики предыдущих

уроков по теме “Путешествия”

б) Развивающая – Практиковать учащихся в устной речи, чтении,

аудировании; развитие психических функций (аудиовизуальные виды

памяти, восприятие, творческое воображение)

в) Воспитательная – Расширить кругозор учащихся, привитие навыков

самостоятельной работы по дальнейшему овладению иноязычной речью

Урок обобщает и систематизирует изученный материал.

Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, карточки с заданиями, буклеты с информацией о странах, распечатка теста “Are You a Thrill-seeker?”


Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls. Glad to see you. How are you today? Fine. Now I see you are ready to start working.

Today we are summing up our knowledge and skills on the topic “The world of Travelling”.

Teacher: Let’s read the quotation by St.Augustine:

“ The world is a great book, of which they who never stir from home read only a page”.

Comment on the lines. Do you agree with these words?

Teacher: By the way, do you like travelling?

Teacher: OK. Let’s take the word “travelling” and create 5 associations to this word. Write them down. Work in groups, please.

Ready? Now, read your associations, please.

Group 1: … Group 2: … …

Teacher: I see you have different associations to this word, because you have different experience of travelling.

But why do people travel? Look at this scheme and try to complete it.


Two reasons are given to you.

Teacher: You know most people enjoy travelling. Some people travel for pleasure, and some on business, some travel light and some take a lot of luggage on their travels. They choose various means of transportation. As for me I prefer travelling by car, because I don’t like to depend on tickets. And what are your favourite means of transportation ?

Teacher: Now I want you to read a short funny story about a tourist from the North who came to the South for holidays. The story is unfinished. Read it and try to make up the ending of the story. Work in groups. ( читают текст ) Text


Ready to finish up the story ? OK. Give your variants.

Group 1: … Group 2: … …

Teacher: Do you want to know the real ending of this story? OK ( зачитывает )

“ What makes you sure there aren’t any alligators?”…

(…” They’ve got too much sense,” answered the guide. “They are afraid of sharks.”)

Whose ending was the most exact?

Questions for the text.

What dangerous things can a tourist come across?

What must a tourist remember about starting for the South? What preparations are necessary to be made before a journey (clothes, food, etc.)?

What must a tourist do to avoid danger?

Teacher: And now imagine that you are going to travel abroad to some country in the North or in the South. ( слайд 6). Choose the things which are necessary for your trip. Let’s read the list of things ( читают слова )


You may add some words if you need. Prove your ideas. Take the cards with

the place of your destination. (раздать карточки с названиями стран)

Place Egypt Place India

Season winter, 2 weeks Season spring, 10 days

You should take …because… You should take … because …

Place Norway Place Great Britain

Season winter, 1 we е k Season summer,4 weeks

(Christmas holiday included)

You should take …because… You should take … because …

Teacher: Time is over. Read the name of the country you are going to travel and the list of things that you need for your travel.

Group 1: … Group 2: … …

Teacher: When people travel they face different situations. Sometimes they may be unpredictable. Take the cards and act out the following situations (2 минуты на подготовку )

Act out the following situation.

Your train is due out in 10 minutes and you are still queuing up at the booking office. Explain your situation to the people who want to buy tickets for later trains and then to the clerk what ticket you want.

Use words and phrases:

Single, return, to change, a through train, Visa Cards.

Act out the following situation.

You are travelling alone. Check in at the hotel and ask a hotel receptionist about conveniences in this hotel.

Use words and phrases:

A vacant room, a single room, a double room, 210 pounds for 3 nights, the service is included, to use hotel facilities free, a room with a view, a room overlooking the lake, pay, sign the register, key.

Act out the following situation.

You are at the airport. You are flying to Rome. Your suitcase is very heavy. Besides, you can’t find your boarding gate. What will you do?

Use words and phrases:

Suitcase, heavy, to carry, boarding gate, the flight to Rome, customs.

Act out the following situation.

Your friend is afraid of travelling by air. Persuade him to change his opinion. Tell him about advantages of travelling by plane.

Use words and phrases:

To miss the train, to take the plane, comfortable, convenient, none of the dust and dirt of a railway or car journey, none of the trouble of changing from train to steamer and then to another train.

Who is ready ? You are welcome.

Group 1: … Group 2: …

Group 3: … Group 4: …

Teacher: Everybody dreams of travelling to faraway countries. During the week you have been working in groups and individually at the projects on the topic “The World of Travelling”. Some of you have prepared the projects about the journey of your dream. We can see the results of your work here on the blackboard. So what country would you like to travel to? And why?

Teacher: And some pupils have prepared computer presentations about their journeys. Marina, what is your presentation about? Sasha, what about you? Alex, where have you been?

I think we’ll start with Marina’s presentation “My Voyage to Scandinavia”

( Далее идет просмотр презентаций учащихся “The Students’ Exchange Programme , “Holidays in Spain”.)

Рефлексия .

Teacher: So, students, to sum it up let’s read the quotation by Moore. Do you agree with these words ? Prove your opinion.


Pupil 1: … Pupil 2: … Pupil 3: …

Now I want you to answer the question: “What is travelling for you?” Take sheets of paper and write down your phrase.

If you are ready hang your sheets of paper on the blackboard.

Подведение итогов . Домашнее задание .

Teacher: At home I want you to answer the questions to the Quiz “Are you a Thrill-Seeker?”


Choose the alternative that best describes your likes or dislikes, or the way you feel.

a) I sometimes like to go things that are a little frightening.

b) Sensible people avoid dangerous activities.

c) I love being terrified !

a) I enter cold water gradually, giving myself time to get used to it.

b) It’s fun to dive of jump right into the ocean or a cold pool.

c) I won’t go in the water unless it’s very warm.

a)When I go on holiday, I want a decent room and a bed at least.

b) I like going camping and doing without the conveniences of everyday life.

c) I expect a bit of luxury on holiday.

a) I think it would be really exciting to do a parachute jump.

b) Jumping out of a plane, with or without a parachute, is crazy.

c) I’d consider doing a parachute jump if I had proper training.

a) People who ride motorbikes must have some kind of unconscious desire to hurt themselves.

b) Riding a motorbike at high speed is one of the most exciting things you can do.

c) Motorbikes are just another means of transport.

Add up your total and see if the person described below sounds like you:

1-3 Very low on thrill-seeking. You like your comfort above all else. You’ll do everything possible to avoid dangerous or unpredictable situations. Why not try taking a risk now and then? You might surprise yourself!

4-7 You seem to have found a very good balance between healthy excitement and unnecessary risk. You give yourself challenges which make you an interesting person to know.

Now our program is over. I liked your work at the lesson. I’ll give all of you excellent marks. You’ve worked hard. Thank you for your work. The lesson is over.

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Данный урок занимает важное место в системе других уроков по теме "Путешествия", так как он носит обобщающий характер. По типу - это урок закрепления языкового материала по указанной теме. (презентация)




good mood. car, on foot. far away. car, by plane.

If you want to be in a good mood.

You don’t go by car, go on foot.

If you want to go far away.

You don’t go by car, you go by plane.















1.It was a long flite from Moscow to the USA.

2.A jurney is usually longer than a trip.

3.The London undergrond is one of the biggest in the world.

4.You can see for miles when you go up in a baloon.

5.Many roads have a special lane for ciclists.


Many years ago people travelled… How did people travel on far-off days?

on horseback

Nowadays people travel… How do people travel now?





  • What are the reasons for travelling?

Before travelling people want to get as much information as possible.

Where can you get all the necessary information about travelling?

People can get all the information about tra-

velling from newspapers and magazines, on

radio and TV, from tourist guides and travel

leaflets, in the net.

Before travelling people should decide what things to take.

  • What things do you need when you are going to travel abroad?

While travelling people need a passport, a visa, a ticket, a health insurance, money.



1.Every tourist ……….. have a medical insurance.

2.If you go on a package holiday, you ……… check a hotel accommodation reservation.

3.You …………….. read the leaflet.

4.If you have any problems, you ……… ask for information from your travel agent.

should/ought to

ought to

5.You ……….. swimming, because the sea is very cold today.

6.You ………. forget your passport.

8.You ……….. ask foreigners personal questions, because it is not polite.


1.Are there any mountains in Britain?

2.What weather is Britain famous for?

a)snow b)rain c)sunshine

3.The UK consists of

a)England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland

b)England, Scotland, Wales, Eire

c)England and Scotland

a)takes important political decisions

b)has no involvement in politics

c)is the head of state

5.Most British homes

a)contain big families

b)contain two or three people

c)contain one person

6.What is the largest airport in the UK?

a)Heathrow b)Gatwick c)Stansted

7.The official languages in Britain are

a)English b)English and Welsh c)English, Welsh and Gaelic


Why do you travel?

I travel because I want …

to meet

new people.

What is your favourite way of travelling?

I like to travel …


Why do you like it?

fast and

comfortable. We

can fly to any

part of the world .


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ВИДЫ РЕЧЕВОЙ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ: монологическая подготовленная речь, монологическая неподготовленная речь, диалогическая подготовленная речь, аудирование, чтение с извлечением информации.

ГРАММАТИЧЕСКИЙ МАТЕРИАЛ: прошедшее простое время, настоящее совершенное время, придаточные предложения с if. ОСНАЩЁННОСТЬ УРОКА: названия стран на отдельных листах формат А4, раздаточный материал (стихотворения с пропущенными словами, конверты с текстами), магнитофон для прослушивания задания по аудированию, листы бумаги формат А3 и фломастеры для организации работы в команде.

I.Организационный этап (Beginning). Model: T-Cl, T-Ps Приветствие. Учитель приветствует учащихся и кратко сообщает им, чем они будут заниматься на уроке. Присутствующие на уроке учащиеся-гости города Омск, которые приехали из разных стран. (France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Canada – 5 учащихся). У каждого есть своя визитная карточка. Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls! Class: Good morning, teacher! Teacher: How are you? P1, P2, P3: I’m fine.

Teacher: Sit down, please. Today we have an unusual lesson. What are we going to do? You are right. We are going to travel abroad. We are going to travel from Omsk to different countries. To know what places we are going to we should do a lot of things: listen, read, write, ask and answer, work in groups, discuss, analyze, compare and, of course, enjoy ourselves. If you are ready, let’s get down to work at once. Today we have a guest. She is a reporter.. Her name is Kristina. Introduce yourself to her.( eg. Hi!. My name is Carmen. I’m from Spain. I’m Spanish. My language is Spanish. I live in Madrid). (Приложение 1)

II. Этап подготовки к активному и сознательному усвоению нового материала урока и повторению ранее изученного материала. (Motivation). Model: T-Cl, P1, P2, P3. (5 minutes). Выполняются упражнения для постановки перед учащимися учебной проблемы, а также для подготовки к восприятию материала урока. На доске - напечатанные на листах А4 названия четырёх стран, прикрепленные обратной стороной.

1) Фонетическая разминка (focus on phonetics). Раздаются карточки со стихотворениями. (Приложение2) Teacher: Here you have а short poem. Read and complete the sentences with the names of the countries. First, let’s read the new words under the poem.

Don’t cry bitterly and go to_______________________

Don’t miss your chance and go to__________________

Take your pen and go to _________________________

Buy some cheese and go to _______________________

Use these words: France [ fra:ns], Japan [dзə'pæn], Italy[ 'ıtəlı], Greece[gri:s].

New words: bitterly['bıtəlı]- горько; miss the chance [t a:ns]-упускать шанс

Answers: 1) Italy, 2) France, 3) Japan, 4) Greece

Teacher: Let’s read altogether, and then read it one by one. Thank you. Well done, children.

2) Аудирование (Receptive Skills).

Teacher: What country are we going first? Listen to the story and try to guess what this country is. (Приложение3)

Class: Spain.

Teacher: That’s right!! (На доске появляется название первой страны.) Who lives in this country?

P1: The Spanish.

Teacher: What is the capital of this country?

Teacher: What language do the Spanish speak?

P3: They speak Spanish.

Teacher: Have you ever been to Spain?

P4: Yes, I have.

Teacher: What did you see?

P4: We went to several excursions. We saw the beautiful sights of Malaga and Marbella.

Teacher: Did you like this country?

P1,2,3: It was great!

III. Этап закрепления и активизации знаний (Practice). Model: T-CL, P1, P2, P3-P4. Выполняются задания на закрепление и активизацию в речи ранее изученного материала. Проверяется выполнение домашнего задания.

Развитие речевых навыков. Teacher: Do you like travelling? Why do people travel? Give your reasons. Now look at the scheme. Follow the example: If you travel, you’ll explore the world. (Активизация грамматического материала в речевой деятельности.)

to understand people better to discover new places to explore the world

to see the sights to know traditions

to make friends WHY? to visit new places

to learn a foreign language to meet people

to know the history to broaden outlook

2) Совершенствование речевых навыков ( монологическая и диалогическая форма).

Teacher: We all like travelling. Let’s start our tour. First we are going to the airport. What can you tell me about it? Устная монологическая речь. That’s good!

Teacher: At the airport the reporter is meeting some tourists who were travelling around the world. He wants to know what countries they have visited and he asks a lot of questions. Пока учащиеся возвращаются на свои рабочие места, репортёр задаёт вопросы. Совершенствование навыка диалогической речи. (Приложение 4). Good for you!

Teacher: What means of transport do we usually use?

Class: We usually travel by train, by plane, on foot and on board the ship.

Teacher: After a long journey tourists are usually very tired. Let’s have a short rest. Imagine that we are air, land and water.

IV. Подведение итогов урока (Evaluation). Model: T-Cl, P1,P2, P3, P4.

Заключительная часть урока посвящена подведению итогов. С помощью создания кластера происходит систематизация знаний, полученных на данном уроке. Teacher: Let’s round up. Our time is coming to an end. We have to sum up today’s work. For this purpose we’ll draw a cluster. We have been talking and reading on the topic “Travelling”. What aspects of this large topic have we touched upon? Help me, please.

Nationality and language Places to visit

You and the country

V. Этап информирования учащихся о домашнем задании (Giving home task). Model: T-Cl. Инструктаж по выполнению домашнего задания (содержание и способы выполнения). Teacher: Now open your diaries and write down your home task. Your home task is to write a letter or email to your friend about your last trip. Do you have any questions? I was greatly impressed with your answers today. Your marks are…….Thank you. Be polite and tell good bye to everyone in this classroom. See you next time. Bye.


Use the following structures to introduce yourself:

1)My name is …. . 2) I’m from…. . 3) I’m …. . 4) My language is …. . 5) I live in… ..

Read and complete the sentences with the names of the countries.

Don’t cry bitterly and go to_______________________

Don’t miss your chance and go to__________________

Take your pen and go to _________________________

Buy some cheese and go to _______________________

Use these words: France [ fra:ns], Japan [dзə'pæn], Italy[ 'ıtəlı], Greece[gri:s].

New words: bitterly['bıtəlı]- горько; miss the chance [t a:ns]-упускать шанс

Listen to the text and answer the question: What country did David visit during the holiday?

Last summer David and his family visited a beautiful country which is not far from France. They flew by plane to the city of Malaga. It was much hotter there than in England. They took a taxi to the hotel. They stayed in a three-star hotel ”Medusa” at the seaside of Costa del Sol. In their hotel there were two bars, a swimming pool and a sports centre. George, David’s father, took his family on several excursions. They saw the wonderful sights of Madrid. On the fourth day of their holidays, they went to Granada. David met a Spanish boy and practiced speaking Spanish with him. Two weeks passed quickly. David and his family returned to England.

Примерный диалог: At the Airport

Reporter: Good morning. Excuse me. I’m a reporter. My name is John Smith. Could you answer some questions, please?

Tourist 1: Yes, of course. Tourist 2: OK. Reporter: Where have you been? Tourist 1: I have been to Egypt and I have seen Pyramids and Sphinx there.

Tourist 2: I have been to Australia. I have seen a kangaroo, but I haven’t seen a koala.

Reporter: What did you do there? Tourist 1: When I went to Egypt, I windsurfed on the Red Sea. Tourist 2: I photographed a lot. Reporter: Was it windy (cold, hot, sunny, wet) in Egypt? (Australia?) Tourist1: It was hot and sunny. Tourist 2: It was hot.

What I already know

What I have known

What I want to know

Read the dialogue and guess the name of the country Linda is interested in.

Diana: Hi, Linda! I haven’t seen you for ages! How have you been?

Linda: Just fine, thank you, and you? It’s been a long time since I saw you.

Diana: Right, it has. I saw you last in the library. You were preparing for the talk on your favourite subject- English, of course.

Linda: True. But why are you laughing? I think English is the most popular language nowadays. People speak English all over the world. In Russia and France, in Germany and Italy, in Spain and Egypt people learn English as a foreign language.

Diana: I know they do. By the way, they say, that English has become an international language in the 21 st century.

Linda: Oh, yes, it certainly has. People will understand you practically everywhere if you speak English. In most of the countries people speak English and their native language of course.

Diana: And in what countries do people use English as their native language?

Diana: I hope your journey will be interesting. You’ll tell me about this country then.

This country is _________________

Read this email from Larry’s parents and guess the name of the country where her Mum and Dad are having a good time.

Hope you are having a good time in Australia! We are in Rome now and having a great holiday! Rome is wonderful. In 1861 Rome was declared the capital of this country. The population of Rome is 2,5 million people. It’s one of the largest cities in European Union. Rome is the seat of the Roman Catholic Church. It’s near the sea. Tomorrow we are going to visit the Coliseum, on Tuesday we are going to travel to Venice. There are lots of canals there. In summer lots of tourists come to Venice. They go walking and riding in rowing boats. These boats are called gondolas. We can’t wait! If it is hot today Dad and I will swim in the pool. We are going to a nice restaurant close to the hotel. In the evening we are going to have a walk around the city and Dad is going to take some photos. There’s so much to see and do here! Anyway, that’s all for now, Take care and be good … we miss you!

Love, Mum and Dad

declare [ dık'leə] провозглашать

canal [ ĸə'næl] канал

This country is___________________

BUS STOP 3 Read the text and guess the name of the country.

This country is the perfect place for those who like travelling because there are a lot of interesting and fascinating places to visit. It’s the largest country in the world. If you look at the country from the plane, you will see cities, towns, villages, forests and plains, rivers, lakes and seas. If you like sunbathing and swimming, you will go to the Black Sea. If you want to climb a mountain, you will go to the Caucasus mountains. They are like a fairy- tale. There is so much to see. In spring there is much snow and lots of wild flowers. In the east of the country there is the largest lake. It’s as large as the sea. This lake is deep and cold. The water in this lake is blue and clear. It is the world’s biggest fresh water reservoir. Have you guessed the name of this lake? People like fishing and having a rest there. If you go west , you will have a tour around the Golden Ring. The Golden Ring is a group of ancient towns and cities. You’ll be excited by the beauty of the ancient towns and villages. People live very close to nature there. They are very kind and hospitable. If you go north, you won’t see any trees. It is very cold for most of the year. Reindeer live there. People of the North of this country are first rate fishermеn and hunters, they are skillful at different handicrafts. Their motto is: live and work doing no harm to Nature. Nature and Earth are like a Mother giving life.

The capital city of this country was founded in 1147.There are a lot of places of interest there. If you want to know more about this city, you may take some of the many interesting excursions.

reservoir [ 'rezəvwa: ] хранилище reindeer [ 'reındıə] северный олень ancient[ 'ein ənt] древний

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