План урока sports and games

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Оборудование: магнитофон, аудиозапись, раздаточный материал, проектор, учебное пособие, картинки по лексике.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент

Задача: мобилизовать учащихся на активную деятельность на уроке.

Good morning boys and girls! I'm glad to see you! (Good morning teacher! We are glad to see too!). Happy? (We are happy!)
Today we are going to speak about sport and games. We shall recite the poems about sport. We shall read the text and translate it and we shall solve the puzzle.

2. Фонетическая зарядка

Задача: тренировать учащихся в произнесении английских звуков.

You take your little toes
And go tap, tap, tap;
You take your little toes
And go tap, tap, tap;
You take your little toes
And go tap, tap, tap;
Tap, tap, tap your toes.

You take your little eyes
And go blink, blink, blink;
You take your little eyes
And go blink, blink, blink;
You take your little eyes
And go blink, blink, blink;
Blink, blink, blink your eyes.

You take your little lips
And go kiss, kiss, kiss;
You take your little lips
And go kiss, kiss, kiss;
You take your little lips
And go kiss, kiss, kiss;
Kiss your dear Mum and Dad.

Now recite the poems!

What are these?
These are skaters.
What are those?
Those are players.

3. Речевая зарядка

Задача: активизировать речевую деятельность.

Katya you are a teacher and you repeat after her!
Ask and answer questions about sport.
- What sports game do you like to play?
- I like to play … but I don't like to play…
- Irina what do you know abput Vova?
- Vova liks to play leapfrog, but he doesn't like to play tag!

4. Игровой момент

Задача: активизировать коммуникативную деятельность учащихся.

5. Развитие навыков диалогической речи

Listen to the dialogue and role play it!

Bob: Hi, Bill!
Bill: Hi.
Bob: Can you play hopscotch?
Bill: Yes, I can.
Bob: Do you want to play with us?
Bill: With great pleasure.

6. Физкультминутка

Задача: формирование здорового образа жизни.

Let's have a rest! Stand up!
Clap, clap, clap your hands
Clap your hands together
Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet together
Stamp your feet together
Dance, dance, dance a dence
Dance a dance together

7. Space Bridge (Аудирование)

Задача: развитие навыков аудирования.

8. Развитие навыков монологической речи

Say everything you can about sport! (Рассказы учащихся о спорте).

9. Тренировка навыков устной речи

Look at the pictures and say what these children can do! (описание учащимися картин о спорте).

10. Закрепление грамматического и лексического материала

Now put these words in the correct order!
Like, I, play, in the park, leapfrog, to.
Like, I, play, hide-and-seek, to, my, with friends.

11. Совершенствование навыков чтения и перевода

Read the text and put in the missing words!

I like to go in for sport. I like to play … very well, but I don't like to play …. I can … and … well.
I want to … with my friends. My mother likes to play …, but she doesn't like to play …. My father likes to play …, and we like to play … very well. My friends and I like to play … in summer and we can play it very well. We also like to play … in winter and we can do it well. I like to go to the … to play … My friends and I usually go to the … to play ….

12. Формирование навыка письменной речи

Solve the puzzle! Each word has got the word ball! (Реши кроссворд. Каждое слово содержит слово ball).

13. Домашнее задание

Задача: отработка навыков самостоятельной деятельности.

14. Подведение итогов урока

Задача: обобщить деятельность учащихся.

What did we do today?

Рефлексия: используется три фигуры: зеленый треугольник – нужна помощь; оранжевый квадрат – я знаю, понял; красная звездочка – я знаю и могу помочь.

Cycling, skating, skiing, rowing, volleyball, football, tennis, basketball.

There is no large stadiums. There is no proper equipment. There is no skating rinks. There is no cycle track. There is no tennis court. There is no slides. There is no modern pitches. Problems:

Have you ever had problems with your doing sports? F.e.: I once decided to ride a bike and did not find any cycle tracks.

Idioms. 1. To jump the gun 2. Skating on thin ice.3. Keep your eye on the ball

4. Sport to the cat is death to the mouse. 5. In sports and journeys men are known.

В презентации использован интернет-ресурс: яндекс . картинки.

Тема : Спорт и игры

Цель: формирование коммуникационных компетенций.

- обучающие: формирование лексических навыков говорения и применение их на практике;

- развивающие: развитие навыков аудирования, говорения и чтения; умения работать со словарем, способности в поисках нужной информации и её анализа, классификации, речевых действий, воображения;

- воспитательные: формировать познавательный интерес к здоровому образу жизни и занятиям спортом.

Тип урока : комбинированный.

Применяемая технология : ИКТ.

Beginning of the lesson . (приветствие учащихся, обозначение цели и задач урока).

Teacher: Good morning, students! Glad to see you at the lesson “Sports and Games”. There are different sports in our modern world. Doing sports makes people healthy, helps to stay in good shape and to keep fit. But today we are going to speak about problems with it.

Warming up. (Речевая зарядка). But first of all let’s revise the names of some popular sports that make us to overcome difficulties. Look at the pictures on the screen. (слайд 2) Please, identify each item and tell us if it is professional or for pleasure. (S1, S2…)

Speaking and using vocabulary. (Работа с лексикой). (слайд 3)

  1. T.: Match the problems with the objects. (S1, S2…)
  2. Think of any sports you have had problems with. What was the problem? How did you solve it? (work in pairs) (слайд 10)

Reading . (Чтение) (ex.10 p. 108) T.: The sentences are from a dialogue between two people.

  1. Where do you think the dialogue takes place? What is it about? (Ss’ answers)
  2. Read the dialogue and complete the gaps with the words.
  3. Now, listen and check.
  1. Explain the words in bold. (S1, S2…)
  1. Please, read the dialogue aloud.

Speaking . (Говорение) Everyday English. Reporting technical problems, responding. T.:

  • Focus on the language box on p.110 ex.15. Read and translate the expressions.
  • Use the following expressions. and act out exchanges, as in the example. (work in pairs)

Listening. (Аудирование). Ex. 12 p. 109 T.:

  • Review the prompts and find key words.
  • I will play the recording twice. You should make your selection the first time and review your answers during the second playback. (Individual Ss’ answers)

Working with the Word list. (Работа со словарем). Completing idioms.

T.: Review the idioms in ex. 6. Why are they used? (Ss’ answers)

Complete the idioms and check in the Word List.

Conclusion of the lesson.

- And what is the result of our lesson?

(Ss’ answers.) That’s great!

  • Your hometask is in your Workbook p. 109.
  • Thank you for your active work. Your marks are.

That’s all for today, the lesson is over. Good-bye!

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему "Sport games"

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Конспект урока "Sport in our life"

Тема урока: Sport in our life? Спорт в нашей жизни?Проблема урока: Почему спорт важен в нашей жизни?Класс: 10Учебник: “New Millennium English” 10Автор: Гроза О.Л., Дворецкая О.Б. и д.

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Верхоянское структурное подразделение

План-конспект открытого урока

по теме : Sport and games.

Сыромятникова В.С.

Преподаватель английского языка

п . Батагай

Тема : Sport and games.

Цель урока :

1. Формирование коммуникативных навыков и умений учащихся.

Задачи урока:

Образовательные задачи:

1. Совершенствование навыков монологической и диалогической речи;

2. Формирование навыка употребления активной лексики темы;

3. Практика использования модального глагола can и выражения Yes , I do | No , I don ’ t ) Yes , I can | No , I can ’ t )

Развивающие задачи:

1. Развитие интеллектуальных способностей – памяти, воображения, мышления.

2. Развитие языковых способностей.

3. Развитие языковой догадки путем интерференции родного языка.

Воспитательные задачи:

1. Обогащение новыми знаниями.

2. Формирование интереса к изучению английского языка.

3. Привитие интереса к спорту.

Тип урока: урок контроля и закрепления знаний и умений

Форма работы обучающихся: фронтальная, парная, индивидуальная

Используемые технологии: дифференцированное обучение, игровая технология, здоровьесберегающая технология .

Оборудование, техническое оснащение:

Компьютер, диапроектор, презентация по теме, опорные таблицы, карточки, дипломы для победителей по этапам.

1. Организационный момент.3 мин.

3. Повторение ЛЕ и модального глагола can .5 мин.

5. Работа в парах 4 мин

6. Физкультминутка 2 мин.

7. Работа в группах мин. 3 мин.

10. Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия. 3 мин.

Ход урока :

I. Организационный момент .

T: Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. How are you? We have an unusual lesson today. Many guests are visiting our lesson. Dear guests, we are glad to welcome to our English lesson. Today, we’ll practice our skills in speaking, reading and listening.

Беседа с классом о погоде, дежурстве в классе. Учитель задает вопросы, а дежурный отвечает на вопросы учителя (разговор о погоде, о том, кого нет на уроке и т.д.)

- Who is on duty today? – I am on duty today.

- What season is it today? – It is winter.

- What is the weather today? - The weather is good.

- What date is it today? - Today is the 16 -th of Fevruary

- What week is it today? - Today is Tuesday.

- Who is absent today? - Nina, Amina …are absent.

Постановка темы и цели урока.

- So, Let’s start our work.

T: Look at the pictures. What is the theme of our lesson? Yes, you are right. Thank you. Today we are going to speak about sports and games . The theme is "Sport and games". We shall do different exercises: we shall recite a poem, act the dialogues, repeat some grammar material, read the text and so on.

OK, Let’s start our lesson competition. I wish you luck .

-T: Let’s recite a poem. Please, who wants to start? (По очереди рассказывают стихотворение)

III. Повторение ЛЕ и модального глагола can

-T: We repeat the new words . Let’s play with a ball. Make a circle, please.

Повторение выражений : play football/soccer, (basketball, volleyball, tennis, baseball, hockey), skiing, skating, ride a bike,(motorbike, scooter, horse), do boxing, ice skating, jumping long/high, gymnastics, judo, boxing, cycling, swimming, fencing, golf, athletics, cricket, skiing, skating, wrestling, hiking, rugby, jogging, surfing, chess, checkers, archery, diving.

- T : Answer the questions . (Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы)

1. Can you play football?

2. Can you play basketball?

3. Can you play volleyball?

4. Do you like to play badminton?

5. Do you like to play badminton?

1.Проверка домашнего задания (диалогическая речь).

-T: Act the dialogue, please. Who wants to start

Учащиеся в парах разыгрывают диалог.

Примерный ответ учащихся:

P1 : Do you like sports?

P1 : What sports do you go in for?

P2 : I go in for hockey in winter and football in summer. And what about you?

P1 : I like skating in winter and volleyball and tennis in summer.

P2 : Can you play tennis well?

P1 :Yes, I can. And what sport game can you play well?

P2 : I think I can play hockey well. I want to be a sportsman.

V. Работа в парах. Закрепление грамматического материала.

-T: Let’s repeat our grammar material. Ask your partner. Work in pairs. And now sound the result .

- Расспросите соседа, в какие спортивные игры он умеет играть, а в какие нет

- Can you play tennis? (Yes, I can| No, I can’t)

Потом заполняют таблицу (пишут имя и знаки + и -) и озвучивают результат. (Приложение № 1).

VI. Физкультминутка

-T: I think that you are tired. Stand up, please! Now let’s have a rest. Ivan, come to the blackboard and start doing exercises, and your classmates will repeat them after you.

Hands down, shake hands,

Turn right, turn left,

One, two, three, hop,

One, two, three, stop,

Stand still! Sit down.

-T: Ok. Thank you. Let’s continue our work.

VII. Работа в группах. Составление предложений.

- T : Make the sentence .

Раздаются карточки со словами. Учащиеся должны правильно составить предложения. Затем учащиеся озвучивают предложения. (Приложение № 2).

- T : Read the text .

Чтение с полным пониманием текста. ( Приложение № 3)

-T: Answer some questions: What sport like Oleg? Who is Oleg? What is his favorite sport? Who is his favorite sportsman?

-T: Ok. Well done. Thank you for your work.

- T: Compose a story. Please, who wants to start? Учащиеся по очереди рассказывают о себе.

Образец для составления рассказа. (для слабых учащихся). (Приложение № 4.)

- My favourite sport is …

- My favorite sportsman is …

Х . Puzzle time ( резервный этап )

T: Now it’s the puzzle time.

Find the words and write them down

Учащиеся находят слова и записывают.

XI . Заключительный этап урока. Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия. (2 мин)

T: So, today I liked your job. Do you like our lesson? Was the lesson interesting or boring? Whose answers were the best? Who is winner of the competition? Accept my congratulations!

Your marks are. ( комментарий оценок )

Thank you for the lesson. Write down your home task: Read and translate the text 1. P. 166

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Young boys and girls participate in this game. The girl on the horse does her best to gallop from the young man but as soon as the boy tries to overtake her she lashes him with whip. If the boy fails to overtake her, she lashes him with whip again. If he is a success he earns a kiss.


The game kokpar was usually played during festivals. Participants in the game followed one of the horse riders with a goat`s carcass in his hand. A winner had to have a quick horse to catch the jigit (young man) with the goat`s carcass. He would try to snatch the carcass to finish first. He had to be a skillful and experiences horse – rider.



Most historians believe that tennis originated in the monastic cloisters in northern France in the 12th century, but the ball was then struck with the palm of the hand hence the name jeu de paume ("game of the palm"). It was not until the 16th century that rackets came into use, and the game began to be called "tennis." It was popular in England and France, although the game was only played indoors where the ball could be hit off the wall. Henry VIII of England was a big fan of this game, which historians now refer to as real tennis.

The Davis Cup, an annual competition between men's national teams, dates to 1900. The analogous competition for women's national teams, the Fed Cup, was founded as the Federation Cup in 1963 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the International Tennis Federation, also known as the ITF

In 1926, promoter C.C. Pyle created the first professional tennis tour with a group of American and French tennis players playing exhibition matches to paying

audiences. The most notable of these early professionals were the American Vinnie Richards and the Frenchwoman Suzanne Lenglen. Once a player turned pro he or she could not compete in the major (amateur) tournaments.

Open lesson 7 form

Subject: English

Date: 24.04.2015 ж.

Theme of the lesson: Sports and games

Type of the lesson: Review

Educational: to teach how to use a new words

To develop: to develop writing, reading and grammatical skills

To bringing up: to bringing up pupils respect national sports and games

Visual and technical aids: Books and cards with new words and tasks for pupils

I. Organization moment

а) Greeting

- Good afternoon, children! I`m very glad to see you.

- Who is on duty today?

- Who is absent today?

- What day is it today?

- What date is it today?

- O`K, what was your home task?

- Before check your home task I want to familiarize you with lesson structure. (I`ll show lesson structure from the blackboard) Here we write down your marks, which you will take on the lesson, and in the end of our lesson we will count your marks and will appreciate . Have you understood me?

(work with slide)

Exercise 2. (Kazakh and British sports and games)

II. Home tasks

III. The theme and aims of the lesson.

Every nation has a lot of kinds sports and games. Also, there are many Kazakh national games.

Kyz kuu

Young boys and girls participate in this game. The girl on the horse does her best to gallop from the young man but as soon as the boy tries to overtake her she lashes him with whip. If the boy fails to overtake her, she lashes him with whip again. If he is a success he earns a kiss.


The game kokpar was usually played during festivals. Participants in the game followed one of the horse riders with a goat`s carcass in his hand. A winner had to have a quick horse to catch the jigit (young man) with the goat`s carcass. He would try to snatch the carcass to finish first. He had to be a skillful and experiences horse – rider.


Sport in Britain


The history of rugby union follows from various football games played long before the 19th century, but it was not until the middle of that century that rules were formulated and codified. The code of football later known as rugby union can be traced to three events: the first set of written rules in 1845, the Blackheath Club's decision to leave the Football Association in 1863 and the formation of the Rugby Football Union in 1871. The code was originally known simply as "rugby football". It was not until a schism in 1895, over the payment of players, which resulted in the formation of the separate code of rugby league, that the name "rugby union" was used to differentiate the original rugby code. For most of its history, rugby was a strictly amateur football code, and the sport's administrators frequently imposed bans and restrictions on players who they viewed as professional. It was not until 1995 that rugby union was declared an "open" game, and thus professionalism was sanctioned by the code's governing body — the International Rugby Board.


The game of cricket has a known history spanning from the 16th century to the present day, with international matches played since 1844, although the official history of international Test cricket began in 1877. During this time, the game developed from its origins in England into a game which is now played professionally in most of the Commonwealth of Nations.


Most historians believe that tennis originated in the monastic cloisters in northern France in the 12th century, but the ball was then struck with the palm of the hand hence the name jeu de paume ("game of the palm"). It was not until the 16th century that rackets came into use, and the game began to be called "tennis." It was popular in England and France, although the game was only played indoors where the ball could be hit off the wall. Henry VIII of England was a big fan of this game, which historians now refer to as real tennis.

The Davis Cup, an annual competition between men's national teams, dates to 1900. The analogous competition for women's national teams, the Fed Cup, was founded as the Federation Cup in 1963 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the International Tennis Federation, also known as the ITF.

In 1926, promoter C.C. Pyle created the first professional tennis tour with a group of American and French tennis players playing exhibition matches to paying audiences. The most notable of these early professionals were the American Vinnie Richards and the Frenchwoman Suzanne Lenglen. Once a player turned pro he or she could not compete in the major (amateur) tournaments.


The history of basketball begins with its invention in 1891 in Springfield, Massachusetts by Canadian physical education instructor James Naismith as a less injury-prone sport than football. The game became established fairly quickly, becoming very popular as the 20th century progressed, first in America and then throughout the world. After basketball became established in American colleges, the professional game followed; the American National Basketball Association (NBA), established in 1949, grew to a multi-billion dollar enterprise by the end of the century, and basketball became an integral part of American culture.

In 1932 the FIBA (Federation International Basketball Association) was founded. In 1936 basketball became an Olympic sport, and non-American teams and players progressed to match and sometimes exceed American standards of play in the later 20th century and the 21st.


Volleyball is a team sport in which two teams of six players are separated by a net. Each team tries to score points by grounding a ball on the other team's court under organized rules. It has been a part of the official program of the Summer Olympic Games since 1964.

The complete rules are extensive. But simply, play proceeds as follows: a player on one of the teams begins a 'rally' by serving the ball (tossing or releasing it and then hitting it with a hand or arm), from behind the back boundary line of the court, over the net, and into the receiving team's court. The receiving team must not let the ball be grounded within their court. The team may touch the ball up to 3 times but individual players may not touch the ball twice consecutively. Typically, the first two touches are used to set up for an attack, an attempt to direct the ball back over the net in such a way that the serving team is unable to prevent it from being grounded in their court.

IV. New words

National [nәʃ(ә)nәl] – ұлттық

Team [ti:m] – топ (команда)

Competition [kʌmpitiʃn] – жарыс, сайыс

Sport [spɔt] – спорт

Games [geimz] – ойын

Federation [federeiʃn] – федерация

Olympic games [әlimpik geimz] – Олимпиада ойындары

Participate [pәtisipeit] – қатысу

Rules [ru:lz] – ереже

V. Exercises

Work with slide. Here I will show the pupils some pictures about sports and games. The first I will show them pictures then kinds of sports and games which corresponding to the pictures. And the last I`ll show all list of sports and games. This task will be orally.

In this exercise I will give pupils some sentences about sports and games, divide them into two groups. Then they will have to stick on the board, only those sentences which they need. The first group will be selected only Kazakh sports and games. And the second group will be selected only British sports and games.

Words: Kazakh fight, cricket, tennis, kyz kuu, kokpar, basketball, volleyball, baseball, rugby, audaryspak, altybakan, football, Alaman baiga, hockey, golf, badminton, boxing,

Exercise 3. (Ex: 10, p: 155, 156)

Exercise 4. (Ex: 12, p: 156)

In this task pupils should determine what`s of these sentences are true or false. This task will be done in the blackboard in written form.

1) A lot of people go skiing in Britain. – F

2) Rugby is a popular sport in Britain. – T

3) There are eleven players in each cricket team. – T

4) Squash is a slow sport. – F

5) Boys often play netball in Britain. – F

6) Schoolchildren in Britain have to play sport. – T

7) Baseball is a popular British sport. – F

In this task I`ll give some letters for each group, then they should make words from these letters.

Team – топ (команда)

Competition – жарыс, сайыс

VI. Home task

Ex: 14, P: 156 Complete the sentences.

VII. Conclusion

I think, our lesson was very interesting for you. Don`t forget about doing your home tasks. So, lesson is over! Good bye, children! Thank you!

Цель: развитие грамматических, лексических навыков, умений говорения в монологической речи и аудирования.

Образовательная – совершенствовать лексические навыки по теме “ Sports and Games ”;

Воспитательная - привитие учащимся желания изучать английский язык, воспитание уважительного отношения к языку и культуре другой страны; развитие умения работать сообща;

Развивающая – развитие общеучебных и специальных учебных умений: формирование умений диалогической речи, развитие умений аудирования, логического мышления и языковой культуры;

Практическая – закрепление лексики по теме, повторение грамматического материала (степени сравнения прилагательных) и употребление грамматических знаний в разговорной речи.

Good morning, students and our guests! How are you? Please look at the screen and guess the theme of our lesson. Did anybody do sport? Good! Today we will speak about sport and its role in our modern life.

Учитель приветствует студентов; проводит речевую зарядку(задаются вопросы, которые плавно подводят к теме урока) ; объявление темы урока

What kinds of sport do you know? What is your favourite sport? Do you do sport? Do you watch sport on TV?

Вопросы по теме спорт, стимулирующие устное монологическое высказывание; Отработка умений воспринимать речь на слух и реагировать на поставленный вопрос.

3. Проверка домашнего задания

At home you prepared dialogues about sport. Please tell us the dialogues. Who wants?

Thank you very much!

Тренировка диалогической речи.

студенты рассказывают диалоги, подготовленный дома.

4. Основная часть

And now I suggest you to play a game!

I divided you in two teams.

The first team’s name is ….

The second team’s name is ….

Taisia Zelimhanovna, can you help us? I need your help! Can you be our referee? Every correct answer is one point.

Task1 Look at the screen and find as many sport words as you can in this ball in two minutes.

Task 2 Let’s do Ex.16. on p.110 Please put the words from these exercise in the correct column.

учитель предлагает сыграть в Английские олимпийские игры, студенты делятся на 2 команды, придумывают название для своей команды; выбирается жюри.

Студенты выполняют задания, активизация лексических единиц, закрепление грамматического материала построение предложений.

Задание 2 - работа с учебником стр. 110 упр.16. (лексико-грамматическое упражнение)

5. Повторение ранее изученного материала

Before we do next task let’s remember the rule Degrees of comparison of adjectives. Давайте вспомним правила образования степеней сравнения прилагательных . Good!

Task 3 Now I give you 2 names of sport and an adjective and you should make up 5 sentences according to the Model from ex. 15 on p. 110

Task 4 Quiz. Look at the screen! Answer the questions or guess the rebuses!

Thank you for fairy game! Now we ask our referee to count your balls and to name the winner.

And we talk during this time. Let’s speak a little bit! What Sports are popular in Russia?

What winter and summer sports do you know?

What sport can you recommend?

What sport would you like to play?

Why does sport play a large role in people’s life?

Активизация грамматического материала (степени сравнения прилагательных)

Задание 3 - упражнение из учебника стр. 110 упр.15(составление предложений по образцу сравнение нескольких видов спорта);

Задание 4 – на экране презентация с вопросами викторины по теме спорт, студенты читают вопросы и отвечают;

Развитие диалогической речи.

Пока жюри подсчитывает баллы, учитель задает вопросы по теме спорт, студенты отвечают, высказывают свою точку зрения.

6. Заключительный этап

Taisia Zelimhanovna are you ready with the score?

Put down please your hometask.

Make a report about your favourite sport. Use Ex.11p.109

Thank you for your work!

The lesson is over! Good bye!

подведение итогов, выставление оценок, объяснение домашнего задания (учебник, стр.109 упр.11)

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