Learning some map reading skills that is my village план урока 6 класс

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Lesson plan

Unit of a long term: Our countryside

School: Stepanov secondary school

Teacher name: Есетова К азангуль Тюлюгановна .


Number present:

Lesson title

Life in the village

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme)

S7use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

6.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to :

describe their village and make up short3-4 sentences using subject-specific vocabulary : a forest, a lake, a steppe, а river, a fresh air, calm, many oxygen, all neighbors, a beautiful landscape ,a beautiful nature

Most learners will be able to:

compose sentences using topical vocabulary and create short narration of 5 sentences using subject-specific vocabulary with some support;

Some learners will be able to :

Create short narration of 7 sentences using subject-specific vocabulary : a forest, a lake, a steppe, а river, a fresh air, calm, many oxygen, all neighbors, a beautiful landscape ,a beautiful nature, mushrooms, berries

discuss and express their views and ideas in a group according the topic

Assessment criteria

The learners c а n:

make up sentences about their village using subject-specific vocabula г y: a forest, a lake, a steppe, а river, a fresh air, calm, many oxygen, all neighbors, a beautiful landscape ,a beautiful nature, mushrooms, berries

Values links

love for their homeland, respect for the nature of their land

Cross-curricular links

Geography, self-knowledge subject

Previous learning

Names of trees, birds, flowers

Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

Next, the theme and objectives of the lesson are determined.

2. The learners look at the blackboard and name the theme of the lesson and goals of the lesson are determined.

3. Division of learners into 2 groups

by cut cards with words: city, village.

Cards with words: city, village.

Each group receives a card with a text about the village

Using two-part diary

Assessment criteria :

Express feelings and opinions on topic with some support

Descriptor A learner

• finds correct information

Self -assessment sheet

I can write about advantages and disadvantages

Dynamic pause

Compose the sentences about village and

create short narration

POPS technology

П - ПОЗИЦИЯ ….. I think ….I imagine …I believe…. I concider

О - ОБОСНОВАНИЕ …. because….as

П - ПРИМЕР … I can prove it by the example

С - СЛЕДСТВИЕ … So.. On this basis I conclude that

Differentiation for outcomes

describe their village and make up short3-4 sentences using subject-specific vocabulary

compose sentences using topical vocabulary and create short narration of 5 sentences using subject-specific vocabulary with some support;

Create short narration of 7 sentences using subject-specific vocabulary without support , discuss and express their views and ideas in a group according the topic

describe the village and make up short

Makes up 3-4 correct and meaningful sentences about village

Makes short narration of 5 sentences about the village

Uses topical vocabulary

makes short narration of 7 sentences about the job

prepares the speech

disadvantages of village

Students attach their stickers to the appropriate column of this table .

Lesson’s objectives

(all is clear)

(can’t understand anything)

(want to know more)

Didactic material Appendix 1

My name is Sofia. I am 12 years old. I live in the Stepanov village. This is my homeland. I was born and grew up here. We have a very beautiful nature in the village. There is a beautiful lake and a wonderful forest near his village We like walking in the forest or swimming in the lake. . In the forest there are a lot of different flowers and mushrooms.

A village is a quiet, peaceful place. In our village live people of different nationalities but а ll people here are kind, friendly. They always help each other.

Everyone who lives in the village has their own farm. Some people have geese, hens, pigs , cows, goats and sheep.

Everyone has their own vegetable garden where they grow vegetables, fruit and berries.

It is calm, silent and peaceful in the countryside.

There’s more oxygen in the air because there are a lot of trees around.

You can see wonderful flowers everywhere. There aren't many cars or busses, the streets are clean.

We know all the neighbours and at the end of the day, people get together at the main square and chat.

We go to bed early, as there isn't much to do in the evening.

There isn't any disco, theater or cinema. We also don't have a museum or a youth club..

You can sleep very well because there is no noise. You can hear the birds singing or the rain pouring. The air is pure and cool and you can see millions of stars.

It is a bit difficult in winter. We drown the stove, bring water and clean the yard from snow. We have a lot of work in winter and in summer. Despite this I like living in the village .

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Unit of a long term plan: Holiday and travel

School: 99 school gymnasium

Date: 31.05.2019

Teacher name: G. Lessova


Number present:

Lesson title:

Learning about map reading

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme)

7.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

7.UE Use prepositions before nouns and adjectives in common prepositional phrases on a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

· All learners will be able to use prepositions before nouns and adjectives with some support

  • Most learners will be able to tell the location of cities correctly

· Some learners will be able to apply prepositions before nouns and adjectives in common prepositional phrases with other information

Assessment criteria

· Identify the sides of the world

· Apply preposition before nouns and adjectives

· Answer to questions correctly

Values links

Values of the national idea “MangilikYel”-The independence of Kazakhstan and Nur-Sultan

Cross-curricular links

Geography, Russian, History

Previous learning

Discussion unusual and interesting journey across Kazakhstan and around the world

Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

T: Good morning, good morning!

S: Good morning to you!

T: Good morning my class!

S: We are glad to see you!

T: How are you? What’s the weather like today?


T: This is a “Nesting doll”. I’ll divide you into two groups. Come and choose your color paper.

I’ll give you a piece of papers, you should connect these pieces and make up two words.

The first group is NORTH-SOUTH

The second group is EAST-WEST

Look at the picture and answer the questions.

Ø What are we going to speak about?

Presentation of the new theme

“Poster”. Instruction: Pupils organize how to make up a map.

After finishing they protect their work by explaining

Ø Collects the unified map using parts of paper

Ø Writes their cities situated in his side

Ø Protects a poster


Less able learners collect the map attentively

More able learners give more information about the cities

AFL :by group assessment.

T: You will work in a pair. Look at the map and ask questions to each other.You’ll swap worksheets and give oral respond about speech of each other

Helpful words: on the north, south, east, west, left, right, between, near, next to, below, in.

1. What city is located between Pavlodar and Kostanai?

2. What city is located on the north of Aktau?

3. What country is located on the south of Kazakhstan?

4. What country is located on the east of Kazakhstan?

5. What city is located on the south of Ural?

6. What country is located on the west of Kazakhstan?

1. Where is Shymkent?

2. Where is Semei?

3. Where is Karaganda?

4. Where is Kyzylorda?

5. Where is Almaty?

6. Where is Atyrau?

Descriptor: a learner

Ø Asks and answers questions

Ø Chooses the right information

Ø Evaluates peers’ work and gives feedback


Less able learners answer the questions

More able learners support less able learners

AFL: Peer-assessment. Pairs give their feedback to another group.

Nesting doll, color papers

Slide on the white board

Descriptor: a learner

-completes the sentences


Less able learners complete the sentences correctly

Most able learners tell their own variants.

AFL : Self-assessment. They’ll check their answers looking to the right answer on the white board

Closing Reflection

“The tree of wishes”

Instruction: pupils will stick their pictures on the tree

Apple: I have understood

Flower: I have some questions

Leaf: The theme is not clear to me

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety check

Activity3.Less able learners collect the map attentively

More able learners give more information about the cities

Activity4. Less able learners answer the questions.

More able learners support less able learners.

Activity5. Less able learners complete the sentences correctly

Most able learners tell their own variants.

Use water based markers

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

Did all the learners achieve the lesson objectives/ learning objectives? If not, why?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?

What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?

What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

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Урок английского языка(Pre-Intermediate/Intermediate level) LEARN TO READ MAPSУч

№ слайда 1

Урок английского языка(Pre-Intermediate/Intermediate level) LEARN TO READ MAPSУчитель СОШ №1266: Смольянинова Раиса Николаевна

Map readers and makers know the power of the map to convey information more effe

№ слайда 2

Map readers and makers know the power of the map to convey information more effectively than thousands of words.

Exploring the language of MAPS “The earth in the palm of your hand” the aviator

№ слайда 3

Exploring the language of MAPS “The earth in the palm of your hand” the aviator Beryl Markham

Treasure Island “As I pored upon my map of Treasure Island, the future character

№ слайда 4

Treasure Island “As I pored upon my map of Treasure Island, the future characters of the book began to appear there… the next thing I knew, I had some paper before me and was writing out a list of chapters”. Robert Louis Stevenson

M A P S Maps show what things look like from above. They are very useful because

№ слайда 5

M A P S Maps show what things look like from above. They are very useful because they give information and show where places are. There are many types of maps. Maps can show distribution of any information over a geographical location. When you see a map, think:Here is information that is related to this specific location.

TYPES OF MAPS ФИЗИКО-ГЕОГРАФИЧЕСКИЕ/geographical Климатические/climaticГеологиче

№ слайда 6

TYPES OF MAPS ФИЗИКО-ГЕОГРАФИЧЕСКИЕ/geographical Климатические/climaticГеологические/geologicalКарта рельефа/terrain Ботанические/botanicЗоографические/animal Океанологические/oceanic

TYPES OF MAPS СОЦИАЛЬНО-ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ/social -economicalНаселения/population Эко

№ слайда 7

TYPES OF MAPS СОЦИАЛЬНО-ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ/social -economicalНаселения/population Экономическая/economicalКарта производства/products map- Политические/political- Политико-административные/political-administrative- Исторические/historical

Economical map

№ слайда 8


№ слайда 9


№ слайда 10

Products MAP

№ слайда 11

Political-administrative map

№ слайда 12

Historical map

№ слайда 13

ЛЕГЕНДА/LEGEND Legend: The reference area on a map that lists and explains the c

№ слайда 14

ЛЕГЕНДА/LEGEND Legend: The reference area on a map that lists and explains the colours, symbols, line patterns, shadings, and annotation used on the map. The legend often includes the scale, origin, orientation, and other map information. The legend of a map is also called the key of the map that explains the symbols used on the map.

STEPS TO READING A MAP: Identify the LocationFind the Key (the Legend)Check the

№ слайда 15

STEPS TO READING A MAP: Identify the LocationFind the Key (the Legend)Check the Symbols of the LegendCheck the scales if necessaryUse the map to answer the questions

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Научиться составлять рассказ о своей стране с указанием сторон света.


Развивать монологическую речь;


Воспитать патриотическое отношение к своей стране.

Описывать свою страну с использованием ранее изученной лексики;

Совершенствовать навыки говорения.

Тип урока: проверка и коррекция знаний и умений.

Приемы работы: парные, индивидуальные, самостоятельная работа с текстом.

Оборудование урока: УМК "Spotlight" 6 под редакцией Ю.Е. Ваулиной, Дж. Дули; карточки с флагами разных стран; аудио к тексту учебника.

Новые слова:.

Продолжительность урока: 45 минут.

Организационный момент (3 мин)

Teacher: Hello, dear pupils.

Ps: Hello, teacher.

Teacher: I'm glad to see you. How are you doing today?

Ps: I'm good, thank you. And you?

Teacher: I'm very well. Thank you. Sit down, please.

Teacher: Tell me, please, what day is it today?

Teacher: Yes, you're right. And what date is it today?

Teacher: And do you remember what month is it now?

Teacher: Very good. How clever you are!

Фонетическая зарядка. Введение в тему (7 мин)

Teacher: Look at the board. What can you see?

Ps: Flags of different countries.

Teacher: Right you re. Do you know these countries? Let's read the poem and repeat some countries of the world.

(Ученики читают хором за учителем стих про страны мира)

Teacher: There are many countries in the world. Many of them are English speaking countries but do you know what our country in English is?

Ps: Our country is .

Teacher: Right you are. So, how do you think what the topic of our lesson is?

Ps: The topic of the lesson is my country.

Teacher: How clever you are! Today we are going to revise English speaking countries and to talk about our own country.

3. Изучение нового материала (23 мин)

Teacher: Open your books on p. 10 ex. 1a. Look at the picture. You can see two columns - countries and nationalities. Let's read the first column and revise English speaking countries.

(Ученики хором произносят за учителем страны: Brazil, Britain, Germany, Japan, Poland, Russia, Spain)

Teacher: Now, let's read the second column and match each country to its nationality.

(Ученики по очереди читают название национальности и соединяют её с нужной страной)

Teacher: Very well. Let's listen to the tape recorder and check.

(Ученики слушают аудио и проверяют, правильно ли они соединили страну с национальностью)

Teacher: So, pupils, what nationality are you?

Ps: I'm Russian / I'm Ukrainian.

Teacher: Thank you for your answers. Pupils, look at the ex. 2a. Do you know that compass can help you to find the right way where to go? Look at the picture. Letter N means ''north'' (север), letter E means ''east'' (восток), letter S means ''south'' (юг) and letter W means ''west'' (запад).

Teacher: Look at the ex. 2b. In this exercise you can see a map of Chile. Chile is situated in South America. Look at the map and complete the dialogues about where is each city/town situated. Ask and answer.

(Ученики составляют диалоги)

P1: Where exactly is Calama?

P2: It's in the east of Chile. Where exactly is La Serena?

P1: It's in the west of Chile.


Tick-tock, tick-tock. (наклоняют головы влево, вправо)

This is Big Ben. (показывают руками вперед)

Big Ben is a clock. (показывают руками сверху вниз)

Day and night (закрывают, открывают глаза)

With all its might (руками рисуют круг)

Big Ben, the clock, (руками делают крышу над головой)

Says: ''Tick-tock''. (наклоняют головы влево, вправо)

Teacher: Look at the ex.3. Read the title. How do you think what we are going to read about?

Ps: We're going to read about Chile.

Teacher: Right you are. Let's listen and check.

(Ученики слушают аудио и следят по тексту)

Teacher: Let's answer the questions after the text.

(Ученики отвечают на вопросы после прослушивания текста)

Teacher: Now, let's read the text one by one and translate each sentence.

(Ученики по одному читают текст и переводят каждое предложение)

Teacher: So, pupils would you like to travel to Chile?

Ps: Yes, I would / No, I wouldn't.

4. Обобщение, систематизация и применение знаний (5 мин)

Teacher: Now, pupils, close your books. Imagine you're Maria and say three things you remember about Chile.

(Ученики закрывают учебник и по очереди озвучивают 3 факта, которые они запомнили про страну Чили)

5. Рефлексия, оценка знаний (5 мин)

Teacher: So, pupils, what is the topic of our today's lesson?

Ps: The topic of the lesson is.

Teacher: It was very interesting to work with you, pupils. You're so active and clever! What is your the most favourite exercise of the lesson?

Teacher: I'm very glad you like the lesson. Now, smile those pupils who think their work was great, stand up those who think their work could be better and put your hands up those who think they were not very active today.

Ps: (ученики оценивают свою работу на уроке)

6. Итоги урока. Домашнее задание (2 мин)

Teacher: Thank you for your active work, pupils. Your marks for today are.

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