Education in great britain план урока

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

ТЕМА : " Education in Great Britain."

ЦЕЛЬ И ЗАДАЧИ : Образовательная: сформировать лексико-грамматические навыки устной речи по теме “Образование в Великобритании.”;

Развивающая: развивать внимание, языковую догадку, логическое мышление рефлексивный компонент учебной деятельности школьников;

Воспитательная: формировать познавательный интерес, расширить знания о системе образования в Англии;

Формировать умения и навыки работы с научной литературой и Интернет-ресурами, формулировать и решать проблемы.
Развивать творческие и коммуникативные способности обучающихся.

ОЖИДАЕМЫЕ РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: продолжают формировать навыки работы в коллаборативной среде,

анализировать, делать выводы,

умеют работать с дополнительным материалом,

применяют полученные знания на практике


МЕТОДЫ И ПРИЕМЫ: Частично-поисковый, словесно-иллюстративный.

ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ: видеопроектор, ноутбук , презентация к уроку, раздаточный материал для оперативного контроля;

Тип урока: урок изучения нового материала

I. Организационный этап.

Задача 1. Создать комфортную обстановку и подготовить учащихся к включению в работу по определению темы и цели урока.

Фонетическая зарядка:

Задача 2. Подготовить органы речи к говорению на иностранном языке и совершенствовать произношение звуков [ θ и ð ]

Задача 3. Постановка целей и задач урока. Мотивация учащих на достижение поставленных целей.

Teacher: Good morning, my dear children! I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please!

Teacher: Read new proverbs, please . (Презентация.) (Слайд 1)

To know everything is to know nothing.

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

As for me all I know is that I know nothing. (Socrates)

Knowledge is like money: the more he gets, the more he craves.

All wish to possess knowledge, but few, comparatively speaking, are willing to pay the price.

You can take the horse to the water but you cannot make him drink.

Teacher: What’s the English for… ( Слайд 2)

Teacher: С an you guess the theme & the aim of the lesson?

Students: Good morning! We are glad to see you too.

Век живи, век учись.

Знать все – значит не знать ничего.

Трудно в учении, легко в бою.

Что касается меня, то я знаю только то, что я ничего не знаю.

Знания подобны деньгам: чем больше Вы их имеете, тем еще больше Вам хочется их иметь.

Многие хотят обладать знаниями, но сравнительно немногие готовы заплатить за них требуемую цену.

Можно привести лошадь к воде, но заставить ее пить нельзя.

Учащиеся формулируют тему и цель урока.

II. Изучение новой темы урока.

Задача 1. Формировать употребление учащимися новых лексических единиц.

Задача 2. Подготовить учащихся к пониманию текста упражнения 1 страница 94-95 и беседе по его содержанию. Учащиеся знакомятся с вопросами, на которые им предстоит ответить после прослушивания текста со зрительной опорой.

III. Первичное закрепление знаний по теме урока.

IV. Применение знаний о преобразовании в пассивный залог в новых условиях (модальный глагол).

Задача 1. Познакомить учащихся с правилом образования пассивного залога с модальными глаголами.

V. Этап пробного применения знаний. Осуществление контроля за полученными умениями и знаниями, коррекция.

VI. Этап подведения

итогов урока.

1. Информация о домашнем задании, инструктаж по его выполнению. (Слайд 9)

Teacher: repeat after your classmate Lana & try to give Russian equivalents.

To attend, 93per cent, education, independent, boarding schools, Eton, Harrow, Winchester, a kindergarten, nursery, optional, compulsory, comprehensive, to mean, most, primary, to divide, to decide, during, clay, timetable, curriculum, to provide, to offer, there, then, than, entrance examinations, to pass the 11+ exams, a subject, primary schools, whole, which, a stage, secondary, modeling;

Teacher: Render the questions, you’ ll have to answer after listening, into Russian, please. ( Слайд 4)

Teacher: Answer the questions, please & check if you are right. . ( Слайд 5)

1.Why is it difficult to understand the educational system in GB?

2. What schools provide free education?

3. What schools do 93% of children attend in England?

4. When do parents have to pay for their children’s education?

5.What are the most famous public schools in England?

Teacher: What have you learnt about the system of education in England? Complete the summary using the information from the text. Exercise1.2) page 95 ( работа в парах c последующей взаимопроверкой по ключу )

The key: ( Слайд 6)

Teacher: Can you find the examples of the passive Voice in the text? Match them with the rule and translate them, please. (Exercise.1.4) page 95) . ( Слайд 7)

Teacher : Let’s practice changing active Voice into Passive, open, please, your Activity books at page 73 exercise 2 ( Слайд 8) ( Первые три предложения выполняются фронтально , оставшиеся на отметку . Первые два, правильно выполнившие задание, ученика получают отметку “отлично” в журнал.)

Teacher: It’s time to check exercise 2 page 73 Activity Book & correct mistakes, if you have any.

1. School must be attended by all children between the age of 5 and 16.

2. Different problems are discussed in the lessons.

3. A new school was built by the government .

4. Exams must be taken at the end of each stage of education.

5. The results of the tests will be known in a few days.

6. The work had been finished before the exams started.

7. In the next ten years, education will be had through the Internet.

8. Has the news been told about by anyone ?

9. At the meeting two important decisions have been taken .

10. The home task must be done in time by all pupils .

1. Хорошее чтение и перевод текста упражнения 1 страница 94 (выписать и выучить все незнакомые слова)– Максим, Руслан.

2. Хорошее чтение и перевод текста упражнения 1 страница 94 (выписать и выучить все незнакомые слова), подготовить вопросы к тексту (5-8)письменно Настя, Олег, Руслан.

3. Написать сочинение и рассказать о системе образования в Англии – Лана, Дария, Карлыгаш.

3. Рефлексия деятельности учащихся на уроке. ( Слайд 10)

I’ve learned+ (plus) , half+, – (minus)

3. Teacher: The lesson is over, students. Thank you for your work. I am pleased with your hard work today. Good bye!

Знакомство с лексикой, которая встретится в тексте упражнения 1страница 94, пользуясь word box на странице учебного пособия 95. Подготовка к пониманию содержания текста о типах школ в Англии. ( Слайд 3)

1. Why is it difficult to understand the educational system in GB?

2. What schools provide free education?

3. What schools do 93% of children attend in England?

4. When do parents have to pay for their children’s education?

5. What are the most famous public schools in England?

The answer : Because it is different in different parts of the UK.

The answer : State ones provide free education

The answer : About 93% of children attend state schools in England.

The answer : Parents have to pay for their children’s education if they want to send them to a private or a public school.

The answer : Eton, Harrow & Winchester are the most famous public schools in England.

have to pay for their education

must attend schools between 6/6,5 – 16/17(in Russia) 5–16 (in the UK)

for small children/ optional

primary schools & comprehensive schools

have to pass the 11+ exams

Primary schools may be divided into two parts during the 1 st two years reading, writing & arithmetic are taught for about 20 minutes a day.

Much time is spent in modelling from clay or drawing

The whole period of compulsory education is divided into four stages.

Учащиеся работают в рабочих тетрадях и по учебнику.

All children must attend school between the age of 5 and 16.

They discuss different problems in the lessons.

The government built a new school.

Pupils must take national exams at the end of each stage of education.

They will know the results of the tests in a few days.

They had finished the work before the exams started.

In the next ten years, more people will have education through the Internet.

Has anyone told Ann about the news?

At the meeting they have taken two important decisions.

All pupils must do the home task in time.

Учащиеся проверяют выполненную работу по ключу на доске. ( Взаимопроверка работ учащихся .)

I have done my best. I have been well – mannered, attentive & active. Now I can change Active into Passive with the modal verbs.

I haven’t done my best. I haven’t been well – mannered, attentive, active. I have to work hard next lesson. I have only got some ideas about system of education in England

Student 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, …

Good-bye! Thank you for the lesson!

В ходе анализа урока учитель получает возможность взглянуть на свой урок как бы со стороны, осознать его как явление в целом , целенаправленно осмыслить совокупность собственных теоретических знаний, способов, приемов работы в их практическом преломлении во взаимодействии с классом и конкретными учениками. Это-рефлексия, позволяющая оценить свои сильные и слабые стороны, определить нереализуемые резервы, уточнить отдельные моменты индивидуального стиля деятельности.

Урок проводился в 9 классе по теме ''Образование в Великобритании''. Цель урока которую я преследовала в течении урока это- Образовательная: сформировать лексико-грамматические навыки устной речи по теме “Образование в Великобритании.”;

Развивающая: развивать внимание, языковую догадку, логическое мышление рефлексивный компонент учебной деятельности школьников;

Воспитательная: формировать познавательный интерес, расширить знания о системе образования в Англии;

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Plan of the lesson:
1. Org.moment
Good morning dear friends. Today we have a lesson in the form of the “Group work”. What is the theme of our lesson? Answer this question after watching video.
Pupils watch the video about schools in Great Britain, name the theme of the lesson and answer some questions:
1. When do children go to primary school?
2. When do children go to secondary school?
3. Do children go to school on Saturday?
4. When does school start?
5. Who studies at school?
6. What do they wear at school?

We speak about the education system in Great Britain. You do some activities, read the text, fill the blanks, make up texts and projects. Let’s divide in 3 groups.

Give me your ideas about the word school.

Make up the sentences using the words from this cluster.

II. Brainstorming
Teacher: Stand in a circle with one pupil in the center. (pupils go around and listen to the music, when it stops, they answer questions):
1. Is your school large or small?
2. How many floors does your school have?
3. What subjects do you study?
4. Do you wear a uniform?
5. What is your favourite subject?
6. Do you like your school?
7. How many lessons do you have?

III. Work over the text:
1. New words:
primary school
secondary school
nursery school
to attend
2. Pupils match parts of the text in groups.
Children in Britain start school when they are five. They stay at school until they are 16 or older. Children attend nursery school from the age of about 3, but these schools are not compulsory. Compulsory education begins at the age of 5, when children go to primary school. Primary education lasts for six years. Then pupils go to secondary school.
They study subjects: English, mathematics, science, geography, history, art, music, physical education and a foreign language. Most secondary schools teach Spanish, German, Italian and Russian. Pupils take exams at the age of 7, 11 and 14. After 5 years of secondary education they take the GCSE examination. Secondary education ends at 16. Some pupils stay at school and other pupils go to colleges. Higher education begins at 18 and lasts 3 or 4 years.
Some parents send their children to private schools. State education is free.
Teacher: Make up 5 questions for each group and ask them.

IV. Work over the project:
Describe and draw your school using these words:
It is located, a wide school yard, primary school, floor, many interesting books, during the break, widespread language, native language, at the lessons.
Present your projects

Final of the lesson:
1. Home task: cinquain
2 adjectives
3 verbs
4 words (your attitude)

2. Reflation: Now write in this sheet of papers your attention to this lesson and assess each other.
What did you like and what didn’t you like at the lesson today, what was easy/difficult.

T.: Hello, my dear! I’m glad to see you. How are you? You must be tired after all you lessons, but I hope our lesson will be interesting. We are going to speak about Education in Great Britain and Russia.

2. Активизация речевых навыков, фонетическая зарядка

Education is very important in our life. An educated person knows a lot about many things. He always tries to deepen and improve his knowledge. For educated people it is easier to stand up all difficulties and they have a purpose in their life.

But there is another point of view. Look at the screen. There is a comic poem about studying. Let’s read it one by one.

Students read.

Do you agree with the author? Why do you personally go to school? Is it important to study?

Students answer.

No, I don’t agree. It’s important to study. I go to school because:

It’s interesting

I like to chat with my classmates and teachers

Want to get a good job

Want to enter the University

Want to know about different spheres of life

School makes me polite, helps to understand other people

So, we come to a conclusion that it’s important and interesting to study. And now it’s high time to check your homework. I asked to make a poster “My perfect school” and learn by heart words from Word list, 3 module. Now we will find out how you succeed in it. The poster is great, I liked it very much! And let’s work with vocabulary.

You can see on the screen different school subjects. When the picture changes or becomes bigger you name the subject. Do you understand?

Students answer.

Add some other subjects to this list. And tell me which subjects do you like and which, in your opinion, are the most useful?

Students answer.

Now, let’s activate your vocabulary connected with education in general.

There are some words on the screen. I will give a definition or show you this and you will me the word. Ok?

Attend – the synonym to be present at classes or visit classes.

Cheat – act dishonestly during the exam or test

Fail – to be unsuccessful during the exam (not to pass)

Extra-curricular – activities or subjects which are not a part of the usual school course

Compulsory – if children must go to school to get secondary education, it means that secondary education is… .

Vocational – a course or school, that prepare you for a job

Comprehensive – a kind of school for students of all abilities

Break – a period of time between lessons used for rest or snack

Headmaster – a teacher who is in charge of school, the main teacher you may say

Education – the process of getting knowledge

Co-educational –a type of school for both boys and girls

3.Повторение и закрепление грамматических конструкций

Now let’s revise both vocabulary and grammar material. On previous lessons we studied with you future tenses and some other ways of expressing future. Look at the screen. The task is to fill in the gaps using the verbs in correct form. Be attentive with clauses of time and condition!

Students do the task.

Now we will speak about education in Great Britain. We discussed with you stages of education, types of schools and other problems. Now let’s revise. You can see a table. Will you tell me what is the first stage? The next? Year 12 and 13 is …?

Now let’s answer some questions.

At what age do British children start and leave school?

In Great Britain, education is compulsory between the ages of 5 and 16, but many children attend a nursery school before they are five.

What stages is British education divided into?

At the age of five, children start primary school. Then, at the age of eleven, they begin their secondary education. When children are 16 they can continue their education in the Sixth form. Having passed A-level at the age of 18 they get an opportunity to enter the University.

What types of schools are there in Britain?

Most schools are comprehensive, but before the 1960s there had been grammar, technical and secondary modern school. Grammar schools provide a mainly academic education, while technical schools provide both general academic education and emphasize on technical subjects. Grammar schools are usually single-sex, and comprehensive schools are mixed.

Are all schools free?

Most children go to state schools, which are maintained by the government and free of charge, and only about 6% attend fee-paying private or independent schools. Around 550 most expensive schools in Britain are commonly known as public schools. Most of them are boarding, single-sex, where the education is of a high quality and the discipline is very strict.

How many terms are there in a school year?

A school year is divided into three terms, three month each, named after seasons: autumn, winter and spring. The autumn term starts on the first Tuesday in September. In July school break up for eight weeks.

What are the marks children get at school?

Each school day is divided into periods of 40-50 minutes, time for various lessons with 10-20 minutes' breaks between them. Pupils get marks: A, B, C, D and E. The best mark is A. The worst mark is E.

What exams do students have when they are 16? And 18?

The main exams are GCSEs (The General Certificate of Secondary education), which are taken by students of all levels of ability in any of a range of subjects. At 18 some students take A-level (the General Certificate of Education Advanced level (GCE A-level) examinations, usually in two or three subjects. It is necessary to have A-level in order to go to a university or Polytechnic. University students graduate after completing their first degree, usually in three years.

What do many young people do after leaving school? What does “gap” year mean?

A gap year (also known as year abroad, year out, year off) is a year during which students take time off and do something other than schooling, such as travel or work. The gap year is most commonly taken after secondary school and before starting university. The practice of taking a gap year developed in the UK in the 1960s.

Now look at the system of education in Russia. I will show a picture and you should match it to a certain stage of education.

And here you can see some statements. You should decide if they are True or False.

1. The right to be educated in Russia is guaranteed by the Constitution. (True)

2.Education in Russia is compulsory between the ages of 9 and 16. (False)

Education in Russia is compulsory between the ages of 7 and 17. But sometimes children go to school when they are 6.

3.After leaving the 9th form, students must continue their education at secondary school. (False)

After the 9th form pupils have to sit for examinations. Also they have a choice between entering the 10 th form of a general secondary school and enrolling in a specialized secondary or vocational school.

4. Tuition in most of schools is free of charge, but there are some private schools which are fee-paying. (True)

5. Having received the secondary education certificate, pupils get the opportunity to enter any higher educational institution. (True)

6. Russian students study 7 years at University. (False)

Russian students study 5 years at University, if they want to become a specialist. If they are getting a Bachelor degree they study 4 years and then 2 years more to become a Master.

1) Canford school – film, presentation

2) Lyceum 26 – film, presentation

Dear guests, welcome to our school!

Lyceum 26 is a comprehensive co-educational state school in Podolsk, Moscow region. It was founded in 1989. Our school is one of the largest one in the city where approximately 1,600 students study. A great attention here is paid to teaching technical subjects, such as Physics, Maths and IT.

Having entered the building, you appear in a spacious hall where a cloakroom is situated. On the ground floor there are classrooms, a canteen, a gym and doctor’s consulting room.

Оn the first floor there are classrooms, teacher’s room, 2 gyms, a swimming pool, assembly hall and 3 museums. There is an excellent library in the lyceum. It combines a modern computer lab, where you can work with the Internet and a great collection of Russian and foreign literature. The main prides of the lyceum are museums. They are Museum of Fashion, Museum of Russian culture and Museum of Battle Glory. You can see here a great exhibition of the most wonderful dresses, trench art items, old Russian clothes and furniture.

Most of the time students spend in classrooms equipped with all necessary facilities and conveniences. Students have to wear a uniform.

As for education, lyceum gives a great opportunity to prepare for state exams properly, to develop student’s creativity and self-discipline. Almost 99 % of school-leavers enter the best Universities of Moscow.

There are a lot of extra-curricular activities in the lyceum. They are Theatre of Fashion, dancing and sporting circles, and a great amount of academic options.

Everything here gives an opportunity to achieve goals in our lives and to become successful in any profession.

Thank you for your attention and we are always glad to see you at our school!

8.Тренировка монологической речи, высказывания по проблемной тематике

9.Выполнение задания на аудирование

Your are going to hear four people talking about wearing school uniforms. Match each statement 1-5 to one of speakers A-D. There is one question that you can match to 2 speakers.

1. I never had to wear a uniform. _D__

2. I can see some advantages of school uniforms. _C__ _ A__

3. I used to wear a uniform without protest. _C__

4. Wearing uniforms has a psychological effect. _D__

5. I don’t believe uniforms make students look equal. __B__

10.Объяснение домашнего задания

So, Im really confused. I can’t see the point of staying at school. I don’t seem to be making much progress. I find it difficult to feel motivated. Also, this month we have to choose what subjects we will study at advanced level. You can choose three, but I have no idea what to choose, or whether to stay at school at all…

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активизация лексических единиц темы в речи;

создание условий для совершенствования монологической речи, для формирования критического мышления у учащихся;

выработка умений самостоятельно применять знания в комплексе, в новых условиях;


1) повторение, обобщение и систематизация знаний учащихся по данной теме;

2) развитие речевых умений;

3) совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков;

4) совершенствование навыков аудирования, чтения, монологической речи;

5) развитие умения получать информацию с помощью вопросов;

6) расширить активный словарь учащихся;

7) выявление особенностей школьного образования в англо-говорящих странах;

8) формирование лексических навыков говорения;

9) развивать умение читать с полным пониманием прочитанного текста;

развитие у учащихся осознанного владения приёмами и способами умственного труда, умения применять знания на практике.


1) развитие способности к осмысленности восприятия и развитие способности к сравнению и сопоставлению фактов;

2) развитие коммуникативных умений;

3) развитие умения вести беседу по заданной теме;

4) развитие логического мышления;

5) развитие интереса у учащихся к общению на английском языке;

развитие мышления, памяти, внимания учащихся в процессе выполнения заданий;

развитие навыков иноязычной речи, умения обобщать и систематизировать;

развитие способности к анализу, синтезу, классификации и систематизации, к догадке, способности осуществлять продуктивные и репродуктивные речевые действия;

развитие творческих способностей.


1)формирование интереса к системам образования в англоязычных странах, интереса к иностранному языку, к странам изучаемого языка;

2) воспитание культуры общения на английском языке;

3) совершенствование умения работы в группе;

воспитание уважения и внимания к окружающим, их мнению;

воспитание культуры слушателя;

воспитание толерантного отношения к мнению других людей.

Организационный момент. Организация начала урока (психологический настрой учащихся);

Определение темы урока и его задач;

Проверка домашнего задания: устная речь с опорой на текст страноведческого характера;

Развитие навыков монологической речи на основе прочитанного текста:

составление опорного конспекта-плана по ключевым словам текста;

построение монологического высказывания по ключевым словам плана и с опорой на лексико-синтаксическую схему.

Заключительный этап урока:

оценка деятельности учащихся, подведение итогов;

объяснение домашнего задания.

I.Организационный момент.

Организация начала урока (психологический настрой учащихся). Определение темы урока и его задач.

Т. Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you. How are you today? I hope we'll work successfully. I'd like to start our lesson with these pictures.

Демонстрируется 1 слайд презентации – фотографии британских школьников, здания частных колледжей. (Слайд 1)

T.What are these pictures associated with? What do you think? What things are depicted on this slide? What can you see?

Режим: P123: I can see …

T: What are we going to talk about. What do you think P123

T: You’re right we'll speak about English schools, about the system of school education in Great Britain. And today we'll talk about a lot of things connected with British state and private schools.We’ll make a topic about one of the famous British school.

Демонстрируется слайд 2с названием темы урока. (Слайд 2)

II. Фонетическая зарядка.

T: Look at the blackboard, (slide) please. You can see scrambled words on the topic “School education in Great Britain”. Put the letters in the following words in the correct order and read (translate) the words.

Демонстрируется слайд (слова написаны на доске). Уч-ся выходят и записывают слова на доске, читают и переводят их.

III. Речевая подготовка.

Словарные ассоциации с британскими школами. Составление словосочетаний.

T: I can see you know a lot of words that are connected with school. Let's make up word combinations using the words on our topic. You have got cards with words. You should match the words to make up word combinations connected with school education.

Демонстрируется слайд 4 со словами

T: P12 your task is to make words combinations with word EDUCATION;

T: P34 your task is to make words combinations with word SCHOOL (types of school in Great Britain);

T: P56 your task is to make words combinations with word SCHOOL (classification of school education);

The words on the slide: Optional, education, compulsory, secondary, primary, free, paid, higher, school, state, public, private, boarding, nursery, infant, junior, primary, secondary, comprehensive.

(education - compulsory, secondary, primary, free, paid, higher, state, private; types of school - state, public, private, boarding; kind of schools - nursery, infant, junior, primary, secondary, comprehensive)


T: You will come up and read the word from the card. As far as you can see you know a lot of wordscombinations connected with school.

IV. Обучение устной речи c опорой на текст страноведческого характера.

Активизация навыков говорения с опорой на факты текста. Развитие навыков использования информации, фактов текста в собственной речи. Выявление правильного понимания информации текста, умение выделить факты и аргументы.

(Дети читали текст дома с полным пониманием. В качестве лексической опоры используется лексико-синтаксическая схема из вводных фраз, представляющих собой начало предложений.)

T:State schools and private schools exist everywhere. You know the differences between state and private schools. You have read and translated the text about private college Eaton in Great Britain. It was your homework. Speak about this text and inform us about some interesting facts from the text. Use the wordcombinations.

Oпора в виде печатных листов на доске.

The text is devoted to….

It tells us about….

The text also gives us some information (facts) about….

We get to know that….

It is interesting to know that…

(Учащиеся используют информацию текста в собственной речи и с опорой на текст говорят (говорение с опорой на текст). Называют факты о колледже, вставляя их в вводные фразы).

V. Совершенствование навыков монологической речи на основе прочитанного текста.

T: I see you have read the text at home and have learned a lot of facts about one of the most famous schools in Britain.

Этап подготовки к пересказу текста. Актуализация навыков построения монологического высказывания на основе тематического текста: составление опорного конспекта-плана по ключевым словам текста.

T: You will read the text about one of the most famous schools in Britain again and make a diagram (plan) from the keywords. You should divide into two groups. The first group will work with the first part of the text. Your group will get the second part of the text. On these sheets of paper you should write down the keywords from the text.

Уч-ся делают опорный конспект в виде диаграммы. Находят и выписывают ключевые, важные для составления тематического рассказа слова и словосочетания.

Опорный конспект представляет собой подробный план из ключевых слов и словосочетаний. Ключевые слова выбирают из каждого абзаца. Ключевые слова – ассоциации, раскрывают детально тему текста, отражают фактическую информацию текста, используются в дальнейшем в связном рассказе во фразовых клише. Ключевые слова делятся на две группы: одни представляют собой обобщающие понятия, другие слова раскрывают подробно особенности явлений, фактов. Детальное, изучающее чтение текста. Работа в группах. Класс делится на две группы. Каждая группа получает свою половину текста. 2 группы читают разные части текста.

Оборудование этапа: учащиеся делятся на команды, получают каждая свою половину текста. Ручки, листы бумаги А4 для выписки словосочетаний, составления опорного конспекта. Демонстрируется слайд презентации с изображением колледжа.

(1 группа: private, independent, boarding

Was founded

Ancient, privileged

Former pupils

Outstanding persons

2 группа: aristocracy

Royal family

Expencive collage

Strict school

Excellent educations

Совершенствование навыков пересказа текста с применением опоры ЛСС.

Применение знаний и умений в измененных условиях. Построение монологического высказывания по ключевым словам плана и с опорой на лексико-синтаксическую схему.

На этом этапе учащиеся рассказывают о колледже Итон в Великобритании с опорой на свой конспект и ЛСС. Группа защищает свою работу.

Режим работы группы: P1234

T:Are you ready? Your time is over. You have got a card that will help you to form your statements. Use your plans of keywords to make your topics with help of these expressions.

Схема ЛСС на слайде 8

The ….college is……

…is famous for….

…is one of the…

…is/are proud of…

…were educated in…

…is richof…

VI. Подведение итогов урока.

Домашнее задание.

T: Thank you very much for your interesting and creative work. It was a pleasure to work with you.Your hometask for the next lesson will be from your Workbooks.

Итоги урока с оценкой проделанной учащимися работы.

T:Today we have done a lot and we've talked about private schools in Great Britain. Thank you for the lesson. You are very talented and creative. I hope you've enjoyed the lesson. The lesson is over. Your marks are….You may have a break. Good bye.

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