Dream journey план урока

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

Reflection. Marks.

Geography and travelling.

2) Содействовать формированию уважительного отношения к искусству.

3) Развивать навыки чтения , говорения .

Vacation, probably, to be fond of.

The procedure of the lesson:

T: Good morning, dear children! Sit down! Who is on duty today? What date is it today? Who is absent today?

How are you today? What’s the weather like today? Do you like vacations? Did you go somewhere? Where would you like to go?

Retelling of the text.

The theme of our lesson is "Dream vacation”. Today we are going to talk about vacations, different countries and places of interest.

Ex. 1 p. 61 Think of your dream vacation and read the dialogue.

Ex. 2 p. 61 Read the text.

Ex. 3 p. 62 True or false?

Ex. 4 p. 63 What is Kuralay going to see or to do in these cities? Make up sentences.

Example: In New York she is going to see the Statue of Liberty.

Ex. 7 p. 63 Read the questions and circle the correct answer.

Now let’s watch the presentation "Gerund”.

Read the grammar rules on page 64.

Ex. 8 p. 64 Read the text and translate the gerunds into Russian.

Ex. 9 p. 65 Complete the sentences with suitable gerund.

Example: I went shopping yesterday but I didn’t buy anything.

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

The aim of the lesson:
a) Practice pupils by doing different kinds of games and exercises of the lesson, enrich pupil’s vocabulary
b) Develop pupil’s skills and habits, making up different conversations
c) Bring up to interest in learning English and pupil’s feeling of international friendship.
Visual aids: interactive board, map, picture, card,
The type of the lesson: new lesson
Оқушылармен шаттық шеңберін құрап ынтымақтастық атмосферасын қалыптастырамыз.

Оқушыларды екі топқа бөлеміз.1-топ

Миға шабуыл әдісі бойынша үй тапсырмасын пысықтау

Exercise 8. Find a word or a phrase which is similar in meaning to:

1. Humorous or funny anecdote – a joke; 2. Abilities – skills;

3. Show off, speak proudly about something – to boast; 4. Present reasons and arguments – suggestions.

Exercise 9. Choose the best answer:

1. Boys gain leadership by c) giving orders; 2. Boys often argue about a) who wins or loses;

3. Girls like to play b) in pairs, in small groups.

Exercise 2. Read and translate the text “Kuralai’s dream vacation”.

When I go on my dream vacation I am going to fly all over the world. I will mainly see large cities. Maybe I will begin my trip in New York. There I hope to see the Statue of Liberty.

Then I’m going to fly to Paris. Probably I will see the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre and Notre Dame Cathedral. I’m also going to eat croissants.

Next I will fly to Rio-de-Janeiro and Cairo. In Rio I will definitely learn to dance samba. When I get to Cairo I will see the Nile River. Maybe I will see the Pyramids at Giza.

Then I am going to fly – to Melbourne, but probably I will stay only a few days in the city. I want to travel in the country and see the special animals like kangaroos and koala bears. Then I am going to fly to Tokyo. I hope to see the traditional city of Kyoto. Maybe I will try on a kimono there.

My last country will be Kazakhstan because this is where I live. I will be happy to be home again because “East or West Home is best!”

Exercise 3. True or False.

Kuralai is going to visit the most important cities of the world. – True.

In Cairo Kuralai is going to dance samba. – False.

She wants to stay in Melbourne for a long time. – False.

She dreams to see the animals that she doesn’t usually see in her country. – True.

Her last country will be Kazakhstan because she will be tired. – False.

Exercise 4. What is Kuralai going to see or to do in these cities?

a) New York – to see the Statue of Liberty; b) Paris – to see the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Notre Dame Cathedral and to eat croissants; c) Rio-de-Janeiro – to learn to dance samba; d) Cairo – to see the Nile River and the Pyramids at Giza. e) Kyoto – to try on a kimono.

Exercise 5. What is the meaning of the proverb “East or West home is best”?

a. There is nothing like home.

Exercise 6. Number these countries according to Kuralai’s plan.

The USA – 1 France – 2 Brasil – 3 Egypt – 4 Australia – 5 Japan – 6 Kazakhstan - 7

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План урока для 9-ого класса. В плане предоставлены цели и задачи уроки. А так же приветствие и задания с книги.

Lesson plan


Grade: 9 th

The theme of the lesson: Dream vacation

The educational aim of the lesson:

To teach children to talk about their dream vacation

To reach using the of gerund

The developing aim of the lesson:

To develop children’s reading, speaking, writing skills. To rise their out look.

The bringing up aim of the lesson:

Bring up children to love motherland and respect others.

The type of the lesson: Lesson journey

Procedure of the lesson:

Organization moment:

T: Good morning, boys and girls!

P: Good morning, dear teacher!

T: How are you, today? Are you ready for lesson?

T: Well, pupils, at first, let’s check the class atmosphere.

Who is on duty today?

Is anybody absent today?

What is the date today?

What is the day today?

What season is it now?

Do you like winter?

What month is it now?

What is the weather like today?

Warm-up: Let’s learn the poem “The School”. Listen and repeat after me

The school has doors that open wide

And friendly teachers wait inside

Hurry, hurry, let’s go in.

For soon the lessons will begin.

Books and pencils I will need,

When I start to write and read,

Lots to learn and lots to do

I like to go to school, don’t you?

Checking up the home task:

Well, pupils let’s begin our lesson. Open your textbooks and copybooks. What was your home task for today? Let’s check up your home task. Your home task was essay about your day at school and the poem “The school”.

Do you understand me? Well, let’s begin!

Nice of you! Thank you! Sit down please!

New words pf the lesson:

Dream – aрман, қиял

Unusual – әдеттен тыс, таңқаларлық [ ʌnˈjuːʒuəl ]

Vacation – демалыс [ vəˈkeɪʃn ]
Statue of Liberty - бостандық ескерткіш
Tower - мұнара
Special - арнаулы
Important - маңызды

Rest – демалыс [ rest ]

Exercise I. In the first exercise pupils will try to speak about their dream vacation, using simple structures as: In my dream I will visit… because… The aim of the exercise is to relate the theme of the step to the pupils’ own cultural experiences and to discuss what they already know about a topic that is of importance in the text to be studied.

Omar: I will visit Venice, it is in Italy. I will take my brother because I love her and know that her dream is to see this unusual city.

Asel: I think I will visit St.Peterburg. I wish to see its famous museum Hermitage. Who shall I take with me? I can take Marina. She is a good friend and we like spending our free time together.

Exercise II. Read.

Kuralai’s dream vacation

When I go on my dream vacation I am going to fly all over the world. I will mainly see large cities. Maybe I will begin my trip in New York. There I hope to see the Statue of Liberty.

Then I am going to fly to Paris. Probably I will see the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre and Notre Dame Cathedral. I am also going to eat croissants.

Next I will fly to Rio-de-Janeiro and Cairo. In Rio I will definitely learn to dance samba. When I get to Cairo I will see the Nile River. Maybe I will see the Pyramids at Giza.

Then I am going to fly – to Melbourne, but probably I will stay only a few days in the city. I want to travel in the country and see the special animals like kangaroos and Koala bears. Then I am going to fly to Tokio. I hope to see traditional city of Kyoto. Maybe I will try on a kimono there.

My last country will be Kazakhstan because this is where I live. I will be happy to be home again, because “East or West. Home is best!”

Exercise III. True or false.

Kuralai is going to visit the most important cities of the world. (True)

In Cairo Kuralai is going to dance samba. (False)

She wants to stay in Malbourne for a long time. (False)

She dreams to see the animals that she doesn’t usually see in her country. (True)

Her last country will be Kazakhstan because she will be tired. (False)

Exercise IV. What is Kuralai going to see or to do in these cities?

New York – Statue of Liberty.

Paris – The Eiffel Tower

Rio-de-Janeiro – learn to dance samba

Cairo – the Nile River, Pyramids at Giza

Kyoto – try on a Kimono

Make sentences.

Example: a. In New York she is going to see the Statue of Liberty.

b. In Paris she is going to see the Eiffel Tower

c. In Cairo she is going to see the Nile River

d. In Rio she is going to learn to dance samba

Grammar: Gerunds

Герундий - өздігінен баяндауыштың қызметін атқара алатын мағынасы мен қызметі жағынан зат есім мен етістікке ұқсас жақсыз етістіктің бір түрі. Оның етістік сияқты шағы, етіс категориясы бар. Сыртқы түрі жағынан Participle I ұқсас, негізгі етістікке –ing жалғауы жалғану арқылы жасалынады. Герундий үстеумен анықталады.

Сөйлемде бастауыш, есім сөзді баяндауыш, толықтауыш, анықтауыш, пысықтауыш қызметің атқарады.

Герундий 2 шақта беріледі: Indefinite Active voice (reading), Passive voice (being read) жәнеPerfect Active voice (having read), Passive Voice (having been read).

Герундий төмендегі етістіктермен қолданылады: to finish, to go on, to remember, to stop, to suggest, to mind, to give up, to be proud of, to object to, to get used to, to insist on, to think of, to succeed in, be fond of.

Tұйық етістік – инфинитив етістік пен зат есімнің қызметін атқаратын етістіктің жақсыз формасы. Әдетте инфинитив to демеулігімен қолданылады.

Tұйық етістік сөйлемде бастауыш, баяндауыш, толықтауыш, анықтауыш, пысықтауыштың қызметін атқарады.

Тұйық етістікке тән шақ және етіс категориясы бар.

Tұйық етістік 4 шақта беріледі: Indefinite Active voice (to ask), Passive voice (to be asked), Continuous Active voice (to be asking) және Perfect Active voice (to have asked), Passive Voice (to have been asked), Perfect Continuous Active voice (to have been asking).

Exercise IX. Compete the sentences with suitable gerund:

I went shopping yesterday but I don’t buy anything

When we were in Switzerland we went skiing every weekends

He bought a yacht and went sailing in the Mediterranean

We had a wonderful rest on the beach. We went swimming every day

He went running every morning. It is useful for health

Exercise XI. Now write more sentences. This time write about your own feelings and opinions.

I am very interested in _______ (skiing, collecting stamps, taking photos

I am thinking of ________(going to France, learning Italian, visiting you next week)

Thank you for __________(bringing me a book, inviting me to the party, borrowing me your bicycle)

I am looking forward ______(having summer holidays, meeting my friend)

I am keen on______(taking care of animals, reading books, watching video)

I hate __________(going to the dentist, being ill, waiting for a bus)

Teacher: Your home task is Ex 7 p 116. The lesson is over. Good bye!

Описание разработки

The goals of the Lesson:

SWBAT read short texts and speak about their dream vacation, expand/shrink a sentence.

To get Ss to speak and listen to one another, cooperate to achieve an objective, move around with a purpose, develop critical thinking skills.

To teach to be creative, tolerant, respect Ss’ Motherland.

Materials: Smart board, textbooks, lists with tasks, a thread, world maps, stripes of color paper, a poster with rules created by Ss, postcards/ pictures cut into pieces, “Magic Tree”.


Урок английского языка Dream vacation

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Содержимое разработки

Кисанова Зайракуль Сайдакметовна, учитель английского языка сш №3

Г. Атбасар, Акмолинская обл., Казахстан

The goals of the Lesson:

SWBAT read short texts and speak about their dream vacation, expand/shrink a sentence.

To get Ss to speak and listen to one another, cooperate to achieve an objective, move around with a purpose, develop critical thinking skills.

To teach to be creative, tolerant, respect Ss’ Motherland.

Materials: Smart board, textbooks, lists with tasks, a thread, world maps, stripes of color paper, a poster with rules created by Ss, postcards/ pictures cut into pieces, “Magic Tree”.

The parts of the lesson

Dividing the students into groups

Divide the students into groups

The students take one piece of the cut postcards (pictures) and join them going around the class to make a group.

Postcards/ pictures cut into pieces.

There are different ways of dividing Ss into groups.

Revising the rules of working in a group.

Ask Ss to remember and follow the rules

Revise the rules of working in a group.

A poster with rules created by Ss

Assuming a role within the group.

Ask each group to assume a role within the group.

Ss assume a role within the group. Possible roles: leader, secretary, presenter, monitor, enforcer, time- keeper.

Leader – maintains group unity by helping with decision making and by resolving possible disputes within the group. Secretary – records the group’s decisions and reasons. Presenter – presents the group findings to the whole class. Monitor – keeps the group speaking English. Enforcer – keeps the group on task.

If some groups have more than 5 people, more than one person in each group may have the same role. Ss can also create other roles.

Warming – up:

Creating the topic of the lesson.


Give each group lists with tasks

Ss work in groups trying to guess the words , circle the first letters and find the theme of the lesson

Lists with hidden words.

1.The capital of Tajikistan (Dushanbe)

2. The capital of Italy.(Rome)

3. The biggest animal (Elephant)

4.The capital of KZ (Astana)

5. The capital of Russia (Moscow)

1.Colour (Violet)

2. Red/ green sweet fruit (Apple)

3. You can drive it (Car)

4. Synonym to the word painter (Artist)

5. You can get to Astana by… (Train)

6. Frozen water (Ice)

7. Antonym to the word close (Open)

8. Autumn month (November)

Words can vary according to the theme of a lesson.

Reading and speaking

Ask Ss to read short texts about dreams and think about their dream vacation.

Ask Ss to write their ideas and then tell them to his/her partner.

Ask the partner to speak to the whole class about his/her partner’s dreams

a) Ss read short texts about dreams

b) Ss think about their dream vacation.

c) Ss write their ideas according to the models.

d) Ss share their ideas with each other in pairs.

e) Ss will speak about his/her partner’s dreams to the whole class.

The model: Some day Asel will visit ______(the city),which is in ______(country). He/she wants to see/visit______ (places to visit/ famous places). He/she will take ____(whom) with him/ her.

Reading the text.

Ask Ss to read and translate the text within the group.

Ss read and translate the text within the group.

The text “Dream vacation”

Another text can be given.

Post- reading activities.

Ask Ss to fill in the chart: the city/ what to see/do

Ss fill in the chart: the city/ what to see/do

A game “Magic thread”

Ask Ss to make Kuralai’s route using the thread.

Ss stand in a circle to make Kuralai’s route using the thread.(5 people). The rest watch the game.

Ss stand in a circle (in each group). The S who holds the thread says the first sentence about Kuralai’s dream vacation: “She will visit New York. She will see the statue of Liberty”. Then he gives/ throws the thread to someone else, etc. The last person winds the thread while saying Kuralai’s dream vacation from the end.

Post- reading activities.

Ask Ss to draw Kuralai’s route on the map

Ss draw Kuralai’s route on the map.

The World map for each group.

Recreating retelling.

(Ss’ homework)

Ask Ss to draw any S’s palm in the notebook ( on a paper)

S draws his/her palm. The group fills in the necessary information into the palm.

In the centre of the palm Ss write the main idea.

The point finger – what? Where?

The middle finger – one important event.

The ring finger – other important events.

The little finger – what is the end.

the sentence”

(shrinkage of a sentence)

T gives each group of Ss a short sentence. Each S in the group adds a word, phrase or short clause to make the sentence longer.

Each group of Ss is given a short sentence. Each S in the group adds a word, phrase or short clause to make the sentence longer.

Kuralai will go to New York.

(Next year my elder sister Kuralai will visit one of the famous and great cities in the world New York because she is going to study there.)

SS may expand or shorten the sentence. It depends on Ss’ skills. This strategy can be useful for retelling.

A game “Broken telephone”

T whispers a sentence to one S. He/she tells it to another. The last S writes it on a paper.

Ss listen and say the sentence to one another in turn standing in a row. The last S writes it on a paper.

The phrase is “There is no place like home”

Ss develop listening skills.

Ask Ss to give other proverbs and sayings about Motherland in English, Kazakh and Russian

Ss give other proverbs and sayings about Motherland in English, Kazakh and Russian.

Saying good-bye

Assessment of the Ss.

Ask Ss to express their emotions/ feelings about the lesson.

Ss express their emotions/ feelings about the lesson.

Green – Ss liked it. Red – Ss didn’t like. Yellow – so-so.

different stripes of paper (red/yellow/green)

Ss stick the stripes of paper on a big picture of a tree.


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Казелько Алиса.9 класс.Творческий проект учащейся после прохождения темы " Travelling'',который повествует о путешествии мечты.

The Journey of my dream Presented by Alice Kazelko Grade 10

The Journey of my dream

Presented by Alice Kazelko

The plan

Travelling is interesting

Travelling is one of the best activities a person can do. When you travel you get new experience, learn about the cultures of other countries and visit unique places around the whole world. Travelling is learning foreign languages, tasting local dishes and meeting new friends.

At The Terminal We had to arrive two hours before the departure time. At first, we passed special control at the entrance. Then we took our buggage to the check-in desk. The airport workers checked our tickets, weighed the buggage and labeled it. We didn’t take many clothes with us. After that, we went to the passport control. The officers checked our passports and put a stamp.

At The Terminal

We had to arrive two hours before the departure time. At first, we passed special control at the entrance. Then we took our buggage to the check-in desk. The airport workers checked our tickets, weighed the buggage and labeled it. We didn’t take many clothes with us. After that, we went to the passport control. The officers checked our passports and put a stamp.

At The Terminal Then, we went shopping at duty-free stores. We still had some free time to wander around. Half an hour later the airport worker announced our flight and we went closer to the gate. Our plane was far from the gate so a special airport bus drove us there. The plane was huge and comfortable and our flight went smooth. We arrived to Canada on time.

At The Terminal

Then, we went shopping at duty-free stores. We still had some free time to wander around. Half an hour later the airport worker announced our flight and we went closer to the gate. Our plane was far from the gate so a special airport bus drove us there. The plane was huge and comfortable and our flight went smooth. We arrived to Canada on time.

Some Facts About Canada Canada is one of the most developed countries. It is situated on the North American continent. In size Canada is the second in the world after Russia. The capital of Canada is Ottawa. Canada is very rich in forest, minerals and fur-bearing animals.

Some Facts About Canada

Canada is one of the most developed countries. It is situated on the North American continent. In size Canada is the second in the world after Russia. The capital of Canada is Ottawa. Canada is very rich in forest, minerals and fur-bearing animals.

Some Facts About Canada Official languages of Canada are English and a French. Nearly 60 percent of the population speak English and 27 percent speak French.

Some Facts About Canada

Official languages of Canada are English and a French. Nearly 60 percent of the population speak English and 27 percent speak French.

Places of Interest in Canada There are many beautiful places in Canada. But one of the most interesting places in is its capital - Ottawa. The main sights of the city are the Parliament, where even ordinary people are welcome, the Tower of Peace with 53 bells, Canadian Museum of Nature and numerous other sights.

Places of Interest in Canada

There are many beautiful places in Canada. But one of the most interesting places in is its capital - Ottawa. The main sights of the city are the Parliament, where even ordinary people are welcome, the Tower of Peace with 53 bells, Canadian Museum of Nature and numerous other sights.

Places of Interest in Canada Toronto is another tourist attraction. The main sights of the city is the entertainment complex at the Ontario square, Hyde Park and Queen Elizabeth’s Park, Islands Park on Lake Ontario, golden tower of the Royal Bank Plaza, Roy Thomson Concert Hall, a symbol of the city - 553-meter “CN Tower”, the famous shopping mall Eaton Center and many others.

Places of Interest in Canada

Toronto is another tourist attraction. The main sights of the city is the entertainment complex at the Ontario square, Hyde Park and Queen Elizabeth’s Park, Islands Park on Lake Ontario, golden tower of the Royal Bank Plaza, Roy Thomson Concert Hall, a symbol of the city - 553-meter “CN Tower”, the famous shopping mall Eaton Center and many others.

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