Daily life and shopping план урока

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Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

TASK 1. Now look at the card and put the necessary pronoun: some or any .

  1. There is ____________ butter in the trolley.
  2. There aren’t _____________ apples in the fridge.
  3. Is there ________________.juice in the pack?
  4. There are _______________ pineapples in my bag.
  5. Are there ________________ doughnuts on the table?
  6. There isn’t _________________ ham on the plate.

TASK 2. READING SECTION. Read the text and fill the right word in the text.

Shops and Shopping

A. department stores

D. the greengrocer’s

When we want to buy something, we must go to the shop where it 1_________. In the shop window we see what is sold in the shop.

Sugar, tea, coffee, salt, pepper, ham, bacon, and so on are sold at the grocer’s. Bread is sold at the baker’s, meat at the butcher’s. We go to 2.___________ for vegetables and fruit. We buy boots and shoes at the shoe shop. We buy books at the bookseller’s and jewelry and watches at the jeweler’s.

The salesman or salesgirl stands behind the counter. We ask the salesman: “How much is this?” or “What is the price of that?” He tells us the price. He gives us the bill. At the cash desk we give the money and the bill to the cashier, who gives us a check and our change. The salesman wraps up the goods and gives them to us. We put them in our bag.

Some shops have many departments. We can buy nearly everything we need there. They are called 3. ____________. In some shops there are no salesmen, but only cashiers. The customers choose the goods they want and pay at the cash desk. These are called self-service shops. If someone tries to take things from a shop without paying they are almost certain to be caught. Most shops have store detectives who have the job catching shoplifters. 4. _____________ is considered a serious crime by the police.

TASK 1. Look through the test and choose the right variant.

1. Fish and chips are. food.

A) Russian B) English C) Italian D) Chinese

2. P eople don't eat. when they are on a diet.

a) fruit b) vegetables c) fish d) biscuits and sweets

3. You can buy a. of sugar.

a) litre b) kilo c) bar d) bottle

4 . Englishmen use. in the shops.

a) pounds and pence b) roubles and kopecks c) dollars and cents d) dinars

5. Sausage is a. product.

a) fish b) meat c) sweet d) dairy

6 . We can buy bread at the. .

a) baker's b) grocer's c) fishmonger’s d) greengrocer's

7. If you want to make an omelet you need. .

a) eggs, salt, milk b) ham, sugar, eggs c) chips, sugar, flour

8. You can buy a mobile phone at……………………..

a) the chemist’s b) the electronic equipment centre c) the body shop

a) a banana b) an apricot c) a cucumber d) a pineapple

TASK 2. READING SECTION. Read the text and match the right items.

1. Shop bargains.

2. Shopping – evil or entertainment?

3. The NET shopping.

A. What is shopping? It is rather a tricky question, in my opinion, as for different people shopping means different things: it may be a household duty, a favourite leisure activity or something else. For most men it is an ordeal, they can hardly bear more than twenty minutes in any shop and prefer doing any kind of hard work to accompanying their wives or girlfriends in a boutique or a supermarket. For women shopping is a kind of entertainment, they can spend hours choosing a T-shirt or a pair of shoes.

B. Modern technology affects people`s lifestyles and daily routine. Now we can do our shopping not only in stores or markets but also on the Internet. No doubt shopping online is more convenient and less time consuming but on the other hand buying clothes without trying them on or perfume without smelling it may not seem a good idea.

C. While Internet purchases seem to be the most advanced kind of shopping flea markets attract more and more people. Lots of people go there in search of bargains. Back yard or garage sales are also a good way to buy a useful thing (household goods, toys, books, CDs) at a low price; unfortunately they are not so popular in our country as, for example, in the USA.

TASK 1. Look through the test and choose the right variant.

C. The Body Shop.

D. The Corner Shop.

E. Mark & Spencer.

It is a small shop on or near a street corner. They usually sell food.

It i s a department store. It has 230 departments. It has a library, a bank. It is a very expensive shop.

It is the biggest of the supermarket chains. It suggests good food, wine, do it yourself goods.

It is a chain store. It is a number of department stores which sell men’s and women’s clothing, home furniture, plants and food. The company has over 700 stores over the world.

It sells perfumes, soap, shampoo, skin-care products for men and women.

TASK 2. READING SECTION. Read the text and write all adverbs in three degrees of comparative in the table.

Shopping is an important part of every man's life. Now when people can't make everything they need, they buy everything they need for work and leisure. There are many types of shops one can go to. The most important division is between small shops and large department stores and supermarkets.

Shopping can tell us a lot about any country and its culture. In the Near East, bargaining is a part of tradition and a kind of art. In Russia we more often pay in cash while in Western Europe cards are more common and shoppers even get a discount if they hay in cash.

Shopping for food is less exciting but may be more essential. One can choose between small groceries and big food shops, chain stores and supermarkets. In contrast to small shops they are more spacious and well laid out, with the goods arranged tidily and attractively on long lines of shelves and in refrigerator units. A bewildering multitude of signs, posters and advertising displays draw the attention of customers to this or that product or "special offer". Because of their big size big stores are able to offer a much wider selection of good than their small competitors and at a lower price.

So they are large, efficient, well organized and modern but at the same time somewhat soulless and impersonal. Nevertheless very few people feel nostalgic about the time when there were neither supermarkets nor food on the shelves of local shops.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Try to guess what is it? • Usually two or more people take part in this process. • We do it in a special place. • We do it very often. • Usually women like to do it, men don’t like. • We can’t do it without money.

Today we are going to. repeat the words on topic “Shopping”; speak about shops and shopping listen to for people talking about shopping in the Net; watch a video; discuss about advantages and disadvantages of shopping in the Net.

T-shirt, jeans, dress, trousers etc. coffee shop Tablets, mixture, antibiotics etc. travel agent Presents for friends and relatives. book shop Different sorts of coffee. toy shop Tourist voucher, visa etc. Chemist Books, postcards etc. kiosk Cars, balls, dolls, teddy bears etc. Clothes shop Newspaper, magazines etc. gift shop

Group 1. Group 2. Group 3. 1. some 1. a 1. d 2. any 2. c, d 2. a 3. any 3. b 3. b 4. some 4. a 4. e 5. any 5. b 5. c 6. any 6. a 7. a 8. b 9. c Task 1.

Group 1. Group 2. Group 3. 1. c 1. a 1. everything 2. d 2. b 2. more often 3. a 3. c 3. much 4. b 4. more common 5. nevertheless 6. well Task 2.

Advantages Disadvantages On the Net, things are … Someone can find out … You can look at websites to … On a website you …

Thank you for your work and attention.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

конспект урока английского языка 6 класс
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Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Lesson plan

LESSON: 8.1B: Daily Life and Shopping (Content with language)

School: NIS Pavlodar

Date: Sep, 22 2014

Teacher name: Issabekova B.M.

Time: 40 min

Number present:

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

8.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a growing range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.S5 interact with peers to negotiate, agree and organise priorities and plans for completing classroom tasks

8.L1 understand with little or no support the main points in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics

8.W3 write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

8.R2 understand specific information and detail in texts on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

understand most specific information and detail from a short video presentation that contributes to a problem-solving situation

give an opinion at sentence level by contributing solution to a problem or situation

understand with little or no support the main points in a reading passage about general and curricular topics

Most learners will be able to:

understand more complex supported questions on a growing range of general and curricular topics

keep interaction going in longer exchanges on a range of general and curricular topics

respect differing points of view

understand specific information and detail in texts on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

Some learners will be able to:

use talk as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of perspectives on the world

communicate meaning clearly at sentence and discourse level during pair, group and whole class exchanges

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about daily routine of life.Task for speaking and writing skills in it.Work in pairs sn individualy.

Қала: Шымкент Мектеп: Ұлықбек атындағы №3 жалпы орта білім беретін мектеп Пәні: Ағылшын тілі Мұғалімі: Лесбекова Балжан Лесбекқызы Сыныбы: 8в Байқау тақырыбы: Үздік сабақ презентациясы

Қала: Шымкент

Мектеп: Ұлықбек атындағы №3 жалпы орта білім беретін мектеп

Пәні: Ағылшын тілі

Мұғалімі: Лесбекова Балжан Лесбекқызы


Байқау тақырыбы: Үздік сабақ презентациясы

Theme: Daily life and shopping Lesson objectives: All learners will be able to: Listen and read for a gist, read for specific information Most learners will be able to : Listen and read for a gist, study daily routines & free-time activities Some learners will be able to: Listen and read for a gist, study and speak about daily routines & freetime activities

Theme: Daily life and shopping

  • Lesson objectives:
  • All learners will be able to: Listen and read for a gist, read for specific information Most learners will be able to : Listen and read for a gist, study daily routines & free-time activities Some learners will be able to: Listen and read for a gist, study and speak about daily routines & freetime activities

Work in groups

First group: Morning

Second group: Afternoon

Third group: Evening

 Daily life routine To classify activities as daily routines or free-time activities In the morning In the afternoon Poster -1 In the evening Poster-2 Poster-3

Daily life routine To classify activities as daily routines or free-time activities

In the morning

In the afternoon

In the evening

 Formative assessment (during the lesson) After each task with Excellent! Well done! Good job! Be active! Try again! Figures Comments smiles

Formative assessment (during the lesson) After each task with Excellent! Well done! Good job! Be active! Try again!

What would you like to eat for breakfast? …… for dinner? …… for supper?

What would you like to eat for breakfast?

…… for dinner?

…… for supper?

 Game: ‘’Interviewer’’ Rule: Interviewer gives questions for members of each group. Members give answers .(orally) What do you eat for …. Breakfast? Dinner? 1 st -group 2 nd -group Supper? 3 rd -group

Game: ‘’Interviewer’’

Rule: Interviewer gives questions for members of each group. Members give answers .(orally)

What do you eat for ….

1 st -group

2 nd -group

3 rd -group

Conclusion part of the lesson: (with speaking, writing skills) ‘’’ Five line poem’’ or ’’Cinquain’’ 1 noun 2 verbs 3 adjectives 1 sentence with 4 words 1 synonym

Conclusion part of the lesson: (with speaking, writing skills)

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Would you ever wear shorts and a T-shirt to a wedding? Would you think about wearing a bikini to work? Of course you wouldn’t, unless you are a little crazy. If you don’t want to look strange, it is important to wear the right clothes for the right occasion. There are basically four different kinds of clothes that you can wear: formal, professional, casual, and stylish


Discipline: English Grade : 8

Teacher: Shaimanova S.T.

Theme: Unit2: Daily Life and Shopping

Daily Life and Shopping

Learning objective Understand with little or no support most of the detail of an argument in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics

Assessment criteria Recognise detailed information in a short conversation with some or no support

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Completes the sentences. Choose the correct answer.

It can be more than one answer for the question. 1) Diego says he buys ______.

A) more than he should B) just what he needs C) things on sale 2) He tries to _____ traveling.

A) save his money for B) shop only when C) do lots of 3) She says her boyfriend ______.

A) bought her lots of stuff B) was good at shopping C) knew what he wanted 4) What else does she say about him?

A) They were a bad combination.

B) He used his credit card too much.

C) They were in Austria together. 5) They talk about buying ______ .

A) computer goods B) clothes C) furniture Transcript Silvia: So Diego, you've asked me about shopping, but what about you?

Diego: I think that now I have to pay for everything myself I'm a much more conservative shopper so I only buy strictly what I need.

Silvia: And that's all.

Diego: I think so, yes.

Silvia: But do you have anything that you can't resist not buying?

Diego: Well, I try to save most of my money because I like to travel. Instead of going shopping, I try to save as much as I can, and then when I'm traveling, I can do whatever I want and worry less about money, so that's where . I mean if I have to say like what is the thing I shop the most, I would say it's trips. Like I spend most of my disposable income in travels.

Silvia: That's weird because you know I had a boyfriend. He loved to shop. He would shop more than I, I think.

Silvia: Really good at shopping. We would go to a store, and I really take my time and he will just point, like just this, this, this, this. Try it on. And they will fit it and they were nice. Ok. Let's go. He was an experienced at shopping. What do you think about that?

Diego: Well, I think it's a very bad combination because if you're a big shopper and he's a big shopper, you're a bigger shopper together.

Silvia: I know. Actually, everyone used to bother us. We were studying in Austria for two months and every time we went out just to the store to get, I don't know, milk or whatever, we will end up

29coming back with bags of stuff. We would just go out for walking around, and every time we ended up with some bag from shopping.

Diego: Yeah, and you know, shopping is like a really bad cycle because once you buy something you have to buy another thing, and then another thing, and another thing. Like if you buy a new computer, you need a new mouse, and then you need a new webcam, and the big speakers and so on I think with girls it's the same thing.

Silvia: But with clothes.

Diego: Yes, but with clothes.

Silvia: We need the bag and the shoes and the belt.

Diego: And one thing gives you another excuse to buy another thing.

Silvia: Yeah, that happens to me often actually.

Diego: OK, so maybe you should stop using your credit cards.

Silvia: Yeah, maybe.

Descriptor A learner  demonstrates understanding of details of an argument;  chooses the right information;  completes the task correctly.

30Unit Daily Life and Shopping Learning objective Recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer on a growing range of unfamiliar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts Assessment criteria  Interpret the information to identify the author’s attitude and opinion

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension Task 1. Read the text.

You Are What You Wear

Would you ever wear shorts and a T-shirt to a wedding? Would you think about wearing a bikini to work? Of course you wouldn’t, unless you are a little crazy. If you don’t want to look strange, it is important to wear the right clothes for the right occasion. There are basically four different kinds of clothes that you can wear: formal, professional, casual, and stylish.

When it comes to wearing formal clothes, for example, to a wedding or to a performance like the opera or ballet, women should wear a nice dress and some jewelry. For men, it should be a dark suit with a tie. If the occasion is a funeral, people usually wear black. For a very formal occasion women should wear an evening gown and men a tuxedo. A very formal event would be something like a charity ball or a fancy party for a high government official.

A professional outfit for a woman might be a skirt and a nice blouse. For a man, it would be either a suit and tie or pants with a jacket and tie. Professional clothes shouldn’t be very colorful or have any details that could make you look like you are not being serious. You should wear clothes like these to work, to meetings and interviews, or to business lunches and dinners.

Casual clothes are more fun to wear. For casual occasions both men and women can wear jeans, sweaters, or anything they feel comfortable in. Casual clothes might also express something about your personality or your interests. For example, they might have on them the logo of your favorite sports team or the name of a city that you have traveled to. These clothes can be worn in any places where it is all right to just be comfortable. In addition, some businesses now have something called ‘casual Friday’ or ‘dress down Friday’: one day each week on which employees can wear causal clothes to work.

Stylish clothes are clothes that are fashionable and that make you look great. Styles change every year, so it can be hard for both men and women to know what to wear to look stylish. The best idea is to take a look at some fashion magazines or to see what celebrities are wearing on TV. Or, be brave and create your own style! The best places to wear stylish clothes include restaurants, nightclubs, and parties.

It isn’t easy to dress well. For some people, it can even be stressful. Why can it be so stressful? Well, rightly or wrongly, many people believe the saying that you are what you wear.

Task 2. Summarize the text by completing the mind map.

A learner Task 1 Task 2

reads the text; completes the mind map with the information from the text

Урок английского языка на тему Daily Life and Shopping Role play

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До 500 000 руб. ежемесячно и 10 документов.

Daily Life and Shopping Role play understand the main points in texts on a limited range of unfamiliar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts deduce meaning from context in short texts and some extended texts on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics8.4.1.1 understand the main points in texts on a limited range of unfamiliar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts deduce meaning from context in short texts and some extended texts on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

English_Grade_8_Unit 2_Daily_Life_and_Shopping_Revision_ Lesson Plan_version 2 (1).docx

Unit 2. Shopping Role play Daily Life and School: Date: Grade: 8 The theme Learning objective(s) that this lesson is contributing to Lesson objectives Teacher name: Number present: absent: REVISION LESSON understand the main points in texts on a limited range of unfamiliar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts deduce meaning from context in short texts and some extended texts on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics All students will be able to read the text for getting the main idea Most students will be able to read the text for getting specific idea Some students will be able to deduce meaning from context in the text. Assessment criteria  Read the text for finding main idea in it  Figure out the meaning and details of the reading texts Value links curricular Cross links ICT skills Previous learning Respect for self and others. Cooperation. Academic honesty. These values can be fostered through pair, group work, when students do reading and speaking practice. Social sciences Interactive board Daily life and shopping lessons Plan Planned timings Beginning 8 min. Middle 7 min. 10 Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities) Resources 1. Warm up: the cool thing Students are divided into groups of 3­4. They discuss in their groups the following questions: 1. What is your cool thing? 2. Where did you buy it? 3. Why did you choose it? 4. What do your friends think? 2. Teacher introduces the lesson objectives. Vocabulary revision (I,P) Students are provided with Handout 1. Students work individually, then check each other in pairs. Keys: 1c; 2f; 3j; 4h; 5a; 6b; 7i; 8e; 9d; 10g Differentiation: fast finishers make up their own sentences with these words. Pre­reading ( G/W) Teacher gives students time to discuss in groups these questions. Then teacher checks as a class. PPT slides 1­2 PPT slide 3 Handout 1 “Prepare 5” _ Cambridge University Press, Niki Joseph, Anette Capel p.4 Ex.1 1 15 min End 10 min Do you like shopping for new clothes? Do you often buy new clothes? Do you think that the clothes we wear reflect what is inside us? Did you wear a school uniform? Do you think wearing uniforms is a good idea? Do you think there's a difference between" fashion " and "style" ? Teacher monitors and gives positive feedback for interesting suggestions. Teacher asks a spokesperson from each group to give a reason, and write key words on the board. Differentiation: Teacher monitors and supports struggling students by providing appropriate grammar structures and vocabulary units. Teacher gives feedback to each students. Reading Students are provided with Handout 2. Students individually read the text and do the tasks. Assessment: formative assessment Handout 3. Teacher introduces students with assessment criteria before starting reading activity. Students are able to check themselves conduct peer assessment using criteria. PLENARY Come back to lessons objectives to understand what students have done during the lesson. Feedback: Students reflect the lesson by answering the questions: A human sequencing game is played! Teacher gives students a statement relating to the topic and asks students to line up in order of how strongly they agree/ disagree with the statement. Homework: revise vocabulary PPT slide4 Handout 2 Reading Handout 3 PPTslide5 PPT Slides 6­7­ 8 Additional information Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? • Pair, Group Work: Students collaborate in pairs whose membership changes as needed. • Differentiation by individual support, taking into account individual abilities of learners • Differentiation enrichment and support by Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning? Health and safety check • Monitor learners to check speaking activities. • Record what they considered they had learned from the lesson. Could they express what they had learned about content and language? Could they express which skills they had developed? • • observation/monitoring and checking reading task. On­going assessment Formative assessment is held through from •Points Safety rules were used at this lesson. •Breaks physical activities used. and 2 Reflection the lesson Were objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all learners achieve the LO? If not, why? Did differentiation work well? Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why? planned my Summary evaluation What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)? What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)? What have I learned from this lesson about the class or achievements/difficulties of individuals that will inform my next lesson? 3

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