Critical analysis of world sports план урока 9 класс

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Практическая цель урока: Развитие умения составлять монологическое высказывание, отбирая и комбинируя отдельные факты в соответствии с заданным коммуникативным намерением.

Воспитательная цель урока: привитие здорового образа жизни, желания заниматься спортом, воспитание ответственного отношения к своему здоровью.

Развивающая цель урока : развитие стремления учащихся расширить свои знания о спорте и здоровом образе жизни.

1. Организационный этап . Good morning, my dear friends! I am very glad to see you! Today we are going to talk about popular sports and games, about a healthy way of life. We shall do many different exercises and at the end of the lesson you must speak about popular British sports and games.

2. Повторение лексики по теме “Sport and a healthy way of life ”.

1)Фонетическая зарядка : Please, attention! Repeat the words after me:

to go in for sports, to be fond of, competition, widespread, team, coach, training, to throw, result, score, champion, goalkeeper, match.

2)Please, translate some words into Russian ( см . выше )

Please, translate some words into English: сильный и здоровый (strong and healthy), быть в форме ( to keep in feet), принимать участие в спортивных соревнованиях (to take part in sport competitions), выполнять физические упражнения (take physical exercises), регулярно (regular), кушать здоровую пищу (to eat healthy food), рано вставать (to get up early).

3)Translate the following sentences into English:

Лодочный спорт - это популярный спорт в Британии (Boating-is a popular sport in Britain)

Он занимается греблей (He goes in for rowing)

Команда – это группа людей , действующих вместе в игре (A team is a group of people acting together in a game)

Две команды соревновались за первое место ( Two teams competed for the first prize)

Он соревновался с 10 другими (He was in competitions with 10 others)

Её отец - тренер по плаванию (His father is a swimming coach)

Игра закончилась вничью (The game ended in a draw)

3.Этап тренировки .

1. Let’s talk about sport. Answer my questions, please:

Do you go in for sports?

What sports are you fond of?

Do you like to play games or to watch games on TV or at the stadium?

Have you taken part in sports competitions?

Have you won or lost the competitions?

What is your favourite sport?

Do sports help people to keep fit?

When were the last Olympic Games? (in 2006)

2. We know football is the most popular sport in the world.

Do you like football?

Do you agree that football is one of the most popular types of sport all over the word?

Have you ever played football?

Have ever watched football?

What do we call members of the football team?

Do you know any Russian football clubs?

Name as many Russian football players as you know.

3. Do you know anything about football? Do you know the rules of football? Let’s check it! Answer it’s true or it’s false:

There are ten players in a football team. (no)

No player can touch the ball with his hands. (yes)

The most important thing in football is to score a goal.(yes)

Football was invented ( был изобретен ) in America.(no)

Russia's most famous football goalkeeper is Lev Yashin. (yes)

Italy has never been the world champion in football.

There is a game called ( под названием ) rugby football.(yes)

There is a game called American football.(yes)

4.. There are many sports, games and exercises in the word. Do you know any? Here is a list of sports ( видов спорта ), games ( игр -) and exercises. Arrange them in columns. Work in pairs.

rowing, soccer, rugby, volley-ball, badminton, tennis, aerobics, swimming, light athletics, boxing, basketball, body-building, windsurfing, shaping, hockey, figure skating, skiing, skating, armwrestling, cricket, sailing, baseball, taekwondo.

Sports Games Exercises

5.Say what sports you already go in for and what you would like to go in for.

Model: I go in for skiing, but I would like to go in for rowing ( образец ответа на листе )

4. Этап речевой практики.

1.We go on working on the topic “Sport and a healthy way of life”.

Я был лысый, худой, сутулый и в очках. Женщины замечали меня только в одном случае, когда надо было передать пять копеек за поезд в переполненном автобусе. Однажды я походил мимо волейбольной площадки, где шла оживленная игра. Встречались две женские команды, и я пошел медленнее. Но вдруг мяч полетел в мою сторону, удар - и я оказался на земле. Я приходил в себя медленно. Сначала я почувствовал на лбу чью-то прохладную руку, потом увидел внимательные добрые глаза. Я не сразу понял, что меня поддерживает девушка, которая только что выше всех прыгала на пло­щадке и наносила самые сильные удары. Она отвела меня домой, напоила чаем, успокоила. После этого мы стали встречаться. Времени для встреч у нее не хватало, но я не сдавал­ся. Каждое утро ровно час она бегала в город­ском парке. Я тоже стал туда ходить. Сначала мне удавалось пробежать рядом с ней десять метров. За это время я успевал с ней обсудить только сводку погоды. Почти то же происходило в бассейне. Вечером на волейбольной площадке я подносил мячи, и наши руки иногда соприкасались. Тогда я понимал, что надо решиться, и очень завидовал тем, кто по воскресеньям вместе с ней прыгал с парашютом. Ведь до земли лететь так далеко, и можно обо всем поговорить.

На днях я увидел ее на теннисном корте. Мячи ей подавал какой-то лысый, сутулый тип в оч­ах. Узнать, где он живет и работает, было не трудно. Завтра я встречусь с ним и как следует им займусь. Он будет у меня бегать как лось, плавать как дельфин, он установит мировой рекорд по поднятию тяжестей. А я тем временем буду активно нарушать режим, курить и сутулиться… И тогда посмотрим, кто из нас победит.

Now, please, work in groups and say: “What is a healthy way of life? How to keep fit?”. (отвечают по одному из группы)

2. We go on working on the topic “Sport and a healthy way of life”. Do you want to watch TV? Watch the conversation between three boys: Walter, Heather and a student. Then answer the question: Why did Jack lose his voice ?( на листе написаны слова : to lose-lost-lost, voice, shout, to be off)

3. Tell me please, which sports are typical in Russia? Which sports are widespread in Britain? Do you know any about popular British sports and games? Speak, please.

4. There are traditional and nontraditional sports: extreme sports. Did you hear about them? Such sports as mountain-bike-racing, snowboarding, skateboarding, skiboarding, base jumping ( параплан ), bungee jum ( тарзанка ), skydiving ( свободное падение с высоты 3657 м над землей до высоты 762 м , где они открывают свои парашюты )

Read Mike ’ s story (читают).

My name is Mike and I'm a skydiver. I've recently done my first jump since the accident ( несчастный случай ) that nearly killed me just over a year ago.

The disaster ( несчастье ) struck on my 1,040th jump. Another skydiver collided ( столкнулся ) with my parachute at 80 feet. I fell and hit the ground face down at about 30 mph ( миль в час ). I broke both legs, my right foot, left elbow ( локоть ), my nose and my jaw ( челюсть ). I lost 10 pints of blood and 19 teeth. I was lucky to survive ( остаться в живых ).

Lying in hospital, the thought that my sky­diving days were over tormented ( мучили ) me. People who have never experienced ( испытывали ) skydiving will find it hard to understand that my only motivation to get better was so that I could skydive again. All I can say is that for me, skydiving is life and life is skydiving.

What do you think made Mike skydive again?

Is it good/bad to participate in extreme sports?

Do you agree that all of them are sports?

What attracts ( привлекает ) people to extreme sports?

Have you ever tried any unusual sports?

What qualities or strengths do people need participate in extreme sports? What is your opinion on takng risks?

6. Заключительный этап урока.

Our lesson is over. Today we have talked a lot about sports and a healthy way of life. I hope that you share ( разделять мысль ) my thoughts: a beautiful person must combine physical beaty with good traits of charakter ( черты характера ). “ A sound mind is a sound body.” An ideal person according to the Greeks was a person who was strong both physically and mentally ( умственно ). Thank you for your work. Be healthy and keep fit and don’t remember about 9 ways to grow old and to stay young: ​​​​​​​

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Sport and games

The aim of the lesson :educational : to enlarge pupils knowledge on the theme.

Developing : to develop pupils skills and habits in speech.

Procedure of the lesson:

Organization moment :

Good morning my dear friends. I ' m glad to see you. Sit down please.

-Who is on duty today?

-What is the weather like today?

-What season is it now?

-What is the weather like in spring?

2. Phonetic drill

-Now, look at the screen. And repeat after me.

Sport is fun for girls and boys

It’s much better than the toys.

You can sledge and ski and skate

And throw snowballs with Kate.

You can swim and play football,

Hockey, tennis, basketball.

You can jump and you can run,

You can have a lot of fun.

You must put the words in instead of pictures




Look at the pictures and match the words

At first listen to the words and sounds and repeat after me

Presentation of the new theme. The theme of our lesson is Sport and games. We will speak about different kinds of sports and games, the role of sport in our life and about famous sportsmen in Kazakhstan.

Answer the questions.

-What do you think about sports?

-Do sports help people to keep good health?

-Do you know any kinds of sports? Name them.

Winter sports Summer sports Water sports

Outdoor sports Indoor sports Individual sports

Are you tired? Let’s have a rest, stand up please


Open your books, look at the pictures. What Kazakh national games do you know? Name them.


Group work

Look at the screen and find the words about sports and games

Conclusion of the lesson. Today we have discussed about sports and games.

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Настоящий материал опубликован пользователем Сабырбаева Шынаргул Бакытовна. Инфоурок является информационным посредником и предоставляет пользователям возможность размещать на сайте методические материалы. Всю ответственность за опубликованные материалы, содержащиеся в них сведения, а также за соблюдение авторских прав несут пользователи, загрузившие материал на сайт

Если Вы считаете, что материал нарушает авторские права либо по каким-то другим причинам должен быть удален с сайта, Вы можете оставить жалобу на материал.

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Подарочные сертификаты

Ответственность за разрешение любых спорных моментов, касающихся самих материалов и их содержания, берут на себя пользователи, разместившие материал на сайте. Однако администрация сайта готова оказать всяческую поддержку в решении любых вопросов, связанных с работой и содержанием сайта. Если Вы заметили, что на данном сайте незаконно используются материалы, сообщите об этом администрации сайта через форму обратной связи.

Все материалы, размещенные на сайте, созданы авторами сайта либо размещены пользователями сайта и представлены на сайте исключительно для ознакомления. Авторские права на материалы принадлежат их законным авторам. Частичное или полное копирование материалов сайта без письменного разрешения администрации сайта запрещено! Мнение администрации может не совпадать с точкой зрения авторов.

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Данный урок предназначен для систематизации и активизации ранее изученных лексических единиц. Работа должна проводиться в малых группах.

План – конспект урока английского языка

Тип урока: Урок повторения, систематизации и обобщения знаний.

Цель: развитие коммуникативной компетенции

Развивающие: развивать логическое мышление, память, умение логически излагать содержание услышанного, способности к слуховой дифференциации.

Воспитательные: воспитание внимания к с собеседнику, воспитывать чувство патриотизма и гордости за свою страну, в частности свой край, обучение соблюдения правил культуры поведения

1. Организационный момент

Приветствие. Знакомство с темой урока

Good morning, children! Glad to see you! Let’s begin our lesson. The theme of our lesson is “The Role of Mass Media in the modern world”. Today we will speak about media. Why do people read newspaper? What kind of information can we find in it? Is it really interesting for you to know how to make a newspaper? Is it difficult to be a newsman? All these questions need the answers and you should answer them at the end of our lesson.

2. Основная часть урока

Do you agree with these statements?

Newspapers are world's mirrors.

Journalism is literature in a hurry.

A newspaper should be the maximum of information, and the minimum of comment.

Согласны ли вы с этими утверждениями?

Sorry to correct you, but…

It’s not quite as I see it. I think…

I agree completely.

That’s just what I was thinking.

That’s just how I see it.

Hmm, possible, but…

I guess your idea could be right, but…

Газеты – это зеркала мира.

В газете должен быть максимум информации и минимум комментариев.

Работа в группах

As you might have guessed, I suggest you to feel yourself reporters or editors and create your own newspaper. Let’s work in groups. Take the circle under your seats and complete the groups.

Как вы уже догадались предлагаю вам почувствовать себя репортерами и редакторами и создать свою собственную газету. Возьмите круги под вашими стульями и поделитесь на группы.

Под каждым стулом у учащихся круги синего и зеленого цвета, согласно цветам, двух команд.

Be ready to listen to three interviews and search the right information among all the data. After Listening, you will have 15 minutes to discuss and complete your newspaper. You must create the paragraph about only one star of our interview. Our members of the interview will check up and comment on your work. They will be our judges.

Будьте готовы прослушать три интервью и отобрать только нужную информацию из представленной. После прослушивания у вас будет 15 минут на обсуждения и создание газет. Наши участники интервью проверят и оценят вашу работу. Они будут нашими судьями.

Look at the blackboard where you can see the examples of design of newspapers.

Посмотрите на доску, вы увидите примеры оформления газет.

Let’s listen to the interviews. Давайте прослушаем интервью

After listening you should start you work immediately.

После прослушивания вам следует сразу же начать работу.

Контроль выполненной работы.

Now the time is over. The judges are ready to listen to you. Show us you newspaper and comment it.

Итак, время вышло. Судьи готовы слушать вас. Покажите нам ваши газеты и прокомментируйте их.

Судьи оценивают работу групп буквенной шкале, принятой в Британской школе A, B, C.

У каждого судьи есть карта оценивания.

Работа группы (все ли в группе работали) – The participation all members of the group in the work

Достоверность и полнота предоставленной информации - The veracity of a report

Оформление газеты – Design of the newspaper.

Критерии оценивания лежат на столе у судей, а также на столах у команд.

3. Заключительный этап урока

Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия.

At the beginning of our lesson I asked you four questions: Why do people read newspaper? What kind of information can we find in it? Is it really interesting for you to know how to make a newspaper? Is it difficult to be a newsman? (вопросы написаны на доске) Who can answer them now?

В начале урока я задала вам 4 вопроса. Кто может ответить на них сейчас?

Tell me please, what did you like most of all at our lesson? What was difficult for you?

Скажите, что вам больше всего понравилось на уроке? Что было трудным?

Open your daybooks. Write your homework: write about your favourite medium about 15- 20 sentences

Откройте ваши дневники. Запишите домашнее задание. Напишите о вашем любимом средстве массовой информации. (Кластер на экране) рассказ должен состоять из 15-20 предложений.

Урок разработан для учащихся 9 класса УМК Биболетовой М. З. По степени новизны материала - комбинирование нового с ранее изученным. Урок .совершенствования речевых навыков. . Материал урока может быть использован для подготовки учащихся к ГИА, раздел :устная речь.

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Предварительный просмотр:

Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

Гимназия № 19 имени Н. З. Поповичевой г. Липецк

Конспект урока по английскому языку

преподаватель английского языка

Жаглина Татьяна Владимировна

Цель урока: Совершенствование речевых навыков

Деятелъностная: Тренировать в аудировании, чтении и устной речи.

Содержательная: расширение знаний об экстремальных видах спорта.

  • тренировка произносительных навыков;
  • развитие речевых умений.
  • воспитание положительного отношения к изучению иностранного языка;
  • воспитание интереса к учению и формирование познавательной активности;
  • формирование потребности в практическом использовании языка в различных сферах деятельности.
  • расширение объема знаний по теме;
  • умение рассказать об экстремальных видах спорта.
  • проявление интереса к изучению английского языка;
  • формирование уважения учащегося к культуре изучаемого языка.
  • осуществлять подбор аргументов для решения учебных задач.
  • уметь оценивать результаты своей деятельности, анализировать собственную работу, планировать свое действие в соответствии с поставленной задачей. (Регулятивные УУД);
  • уметь определять цель учебной деятельности, формулировать собственное мнение и позицию. Уметь с достаточной полнотой выражать свои мысли (Коммуникативные УУД);
  • уметь систематизировать материал, сравнивать и рассуждать. (Познавательные УУД).
  • умение осуществлять деятельность с учётом конкретных учебных задач.
  • умение выполнять действие в соответствии с заданием;
  • умение выполнять самооценку.

Оборудование: Компьютер, экран, презентация, раздаточный материал.

I. Организационный момент.

T: Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you. Today we’ll speak about sports and hobbies. Write down the topic of the lesson. (2 слайд)

II. Фонетическая зарядка. (3 слайд)

T: Look at the list of sports/hobbies and their equipment , read and translate them, then underline the odd words out.

III. Речевая зарядка и проверка домашнего задания.

T: T alk about the reasons why people get involved in extreme sports. (3 – 4 высказывания)

IV. Актуализация навыков устной речи. (4 слайд)

1) T: Now read the list of skills/qualities and say which are needed for the above sports and hobbies.

Skills/Qualities needed: fit, patient, imaginative, courageous, good sense of balance, cooperative, strong, determined, good training, adventurous

e.g. You need to be fit and strong and you must also have a good sense of balance to go wind-surfing.

You need to be patient to do knitting.

You need to be fit, courageous and adventurous to go rafting.

You need to be patient to go fishing. You need to be patient to collect stamps. You need to be adventurous, courageous and have good training to go scuba-diving. You need to be strong, fit and courageous to go rock-climbing.

You need to be patient to do painting.

You need to be courageous and have good training to go sky-diving.

You need to be fit and cooperative to play football.

2) T: Read the following information and decide what hobby/sport would be best/worst for each person, giving reasons as in the example. Then say which hobby/sport you would like to do and why. (5 слайд)

1 Jim likes adventure a lot and is in excellent physical condition. He works well with others but he is impatient.

( I think that the best hobby for Jim would be rafting because you have to be fit and cooperative. I think that fishing would be the worst hobby for him because he isn't patient.

2 Antony is a very active person and quite fit, but he can't afford to buy expensive equipment.

3 Peter is a very energetic person who enjoys taking risks. He loves anything to do with the sea.

4 David is very adventurous. He loves being close to nature, especially in the mountains.

2. I think that the best sport for Antony would be football because you have to be fit and don't need expensive equipment. I don't think scuba-diving would be the best hobby for him because it's expensive.

3 I think the best hobby for Peter would be scuba-diving because you have to be energetic and courageous to do that and Peter loves the sea too. I don't think painting would be the best hobby for him as it requires lots of patience.

4. I think the best hobby for David would be rock-climbing because you have to be courageous to go rock-climbing and he loves being close to nature. I don't think stamp-collecting would be the best hobby for him because he wouldn't be close to nature and it's not an adventurous hobby

V. Активизация навыков аудирования и устной речи.

T: Read the table, then listen to the tape and fill in the missing information. Finally, looking at the table, talk about each sport. (6 слайд)

Radio Host: This is Mandy! And a very good morning to all you listeners out there. Today, on our weekly sports programme, we have Barbara Clooney, a windsurfing instructor, and John Clarens, who at the tender age of sixteen is the reigning skateboard champion. We also have with us Larry Cooper who runs his own parachuting school and folks, no introduction is needed for Samuel Bull, basketball star and teen idol. Right Barbara, first things first. What kind of equipment is needed for windsurfing?

Windsurfer: Well, a board obviously. A wet suit would also be a good idea for anyone planning to windsurf in cold water.

Radio Host: And what does this sport offer?

Windsurfer: Naturally, it's a great way to keep fit and I also find it particularly relaxing On the other hand, however, windsurfing is an expensive sport lessons and equipment cost a lot.

Radio Host: Mmm. So what talents or skills does one need?

Windsurfer: Oh, the beginner has to be very courageous and determined. There are some dangerous currents out there! Since the beginner also has to learn to stand on his board, a sense of balance is definitely needed.

Radio Host: I see. John, now tell us a bit about skateboarding.

Skateboarder: Skateboarding is for the young at heart. All you need is a skateboard, some knee pads and a helmet for protection.

Radio Host: Why skateboard. John?

Skateboarder: It's fun! And don't forget, it's cheap too! The only problem is that you can hurt yourself, but if.

Radio Host: So I would imagine. And like windsurfing. I suppose you would need a good sense of balance

Skateboarder: Yes, and you do have to be fit, especially if you intend on doing jumps and spins.

Radio Host: I see. Thank you, John. Now, Larry, what in heaven's name attracted you to parachuting? What do we need apart from a parachute? Would you call it a safe sport?

Parachutist: Actually, all you do need is a parachute and you can be guaranteed the most thrilling experience of your life. However, now for the cons Parachuting is in fact a risky sport. I don't have to tell you why! And because of the lessons, it is also a very expensive sport. What you need is to be courageous. And to reduce the possibility of accidents, good training is absolutely essential. Moreover, anyone who might be interested in taking up sport, should definitely be fit.

Radio Host: Now to something a little less adventurous but no less exciting Basketball! Over to you, Samuel.

Basketballer: Hey, basketball's for everyone. Rich, poor, young, old. Get yourself a ball, some trainers, a pair of shorts and you're set.

Radio Host: What do you like about basketball?

Basketballer: It's interesting. There's no chance of getting bored while you're playing or watching the game. It's cheap too! Just get a ball and a bunch of people who can play. The only problem is that it is tiring as you have to keep running up and down the court.

Radio Host: What skills do you need?

Basketballer: Oh, since you're part of a team, you need to be cooperative and, like for most sports, fit. If you want to play the game well, good training is also advised.

Radio Host: Oops. Sorry folks, run out of time. But not before we give our guests a very warm thank you.

T: Let’s check your answers. (6 слайд, по щелчку)

VI. Активизация грамматических навыков.

1) T: Look at the sentences, identify the to-infinitive, the infinitive without to and the -ing form and say how they are used. (7 слайд)

1 You should wear a life-jacket when you're sailing.

2 He doesn't mind waiting for hours for fish to bite.

3 I would like to play football.

2) T: Say whether the following go with the to-infinitive, the infinitive without to or the -ing form?

must, may, can, will, learn, teach, agree, hope, like, mind, can't stand, enjoy, hate, expect, it's worth, keep (= continue), would like, look forward to, it's no use, prefer, want, would prefer, avoid, suggest, imagine, would rather, make, let

to - infinitive: learn, leach, agree, hope, expect, would like, want, would prefer

infinitive without to: must, may, can, will, would rather, let, make

-ing form: like. mind, can’t stand, enjoy, hate, it’s worth, keep, look forward to. It’s no use. prefer, avoid, suggest, imagine)

3) T: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: (to) infinitive or -ing form. (9 слайд)

I have always enjoyed 1)_________ (take part) in team sports, so when my P.E. teacher asked me if I wanted 2) _________(learn) how 3)________ (play) rugby, I decided 4)________ (try) it. It sounded ideal for me as I don't mind 5) ______(be) outside in cold weather, and I like 6) _____ (exercise). I expected 7)_________(find) it easy, but it wasn't. I kept 8) ______(practise), though, and now I'm quite good. My coach thinks I may 9)

_______(become) a professional rugby player one day.

T: Let’s check your answers. (9 слайд по щелчку)

(Key: 1) taking part; 2) to learn; 3) to play; 4) to try; 5) being; 6) exercising; 7) to find;

8) practising; 9) become )

4) T: Cross out the unnecessary words where necessary. (10 слайд)

1 If you fancy to trying a sport which doesn't

2 involve using too much energy or money,

3 you should to visit the Brymouth Billiards club.

4 The price per hour is £1.50 and we will to help

5 you improve your game. So, if you

6 enjoy to playing billiards, snooker or pool in a

7 relaxed setting, we suggest to trying our club.

T: Let’s check your answers. (10 слайд по щелчку)

(Key: 1) to; 2) - ; 3) to; 4) to; 5) - ; 6) to; 7) to )

5) T: Fill in the correct form of the infinitive or-ing form. (11 слайд)

1 I like _______ (play) tennis.

2 I'd like _____ (play) tennis with you.

3 You must _____ (practise) more if you want to win the race.

4 If a job is worth ______ (do), it's worth______ (do) it well.

5 You have to ________ be) courageous if you want______ (try) rock climbing.

6 Tom agreed_____ (meet) us at the pool.

7 I look forward to__________ (see) you soon.

8 She doesn't mind__________ (get up) early.

9 I'd prefer_________ (play) darts rather than play cards.

10 She made me________ (tidy) my room.

T: Let’s check your answers. (11 слайд по щелчку)

(Key: 1) playing; 2) to play; 3) practise; 4) doing, doing; 5) be, to try; 6) to meet; 7) seeing;

8) getting up; 9) to play; 10) tidy )

6) T: Read the text and fill in the correct word derived from the words in brackets. Then cover the text and compare and contrast the two sports. (12 слайд)

Golf is a very 1) _______(relax) and 2) _______ (enjoy) sport because you can spend time in natural surroundings, but it is also one that requires great skill. Learning how to play golf takes a long time, so you need a lot of 3)__________ (patient). It's also a rather 4)________(expense) sport because the equipment costs a lot of money, and prices at golf courses can be very high. On the other hand, roller-blading is an 5)_________ (excite) sport and is easy to learn. It's fast and fun and keeps you fit because you have to use all your muscles. It's also cheap because you only need a helmet and a pair of roller-blades. However, roller- blading can be a 6) _______(danger) sport as you might lose your balance and hurt yourself.

T: Let’s check your answers. (12 слайд по щелчку)

(Key: 1) relaxing; 2) enjoyable; 3) patience; 4) expensive; 5) exciting; 6) dangerous )

VI. Домашняя работа. (13 слайд)

T: Using the information from the table write two paragraphs comparing and contrasting a) windsurfing and parachuting, and b) skateboarding and basketball. Say which you would like to do most and why. Find pictures to use with your project.

Useful words: and, also, too, but, however, on the other hand

a. Windsurfing and parachuting are exciting sports and you must be brave and fit to do them. They are also expensive sports because they require special equipment. Windsurfing is done in the sea so you need a wet suit and a board. However, parachuting is done in the sky and therefore you need a parachute. You need to be a good swimmer to windsurf because it can be dangerous. On the other hand, parachuting can be dangerous too because you jump out of a plane and fall through the air. I would like to go parachuting some day because I think it would be thrilling to fall through the air and look down at the view.

VII. Итоги. Оценки.

T: What have we done today? (We’ve listened read, answered the questions, spoken about sports and hobbies, and revised the grammar rules. )

T: What have we learnt? (How to compare different sports).

T: Continue the sentences: (14 слайд)

1.На уроке я работал…
2.Своей работой на уроке я…
3.Урок для меня показался…
4.За урок я…
5.Мое настроение…
6.Материал урока мне был…
7.Домашнее задание мне кажется…

Использованные материалы: (15 слайд)

I. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley. Enterprise 3.Coursebook. - Newbury: Express Publishing, 1997.

II. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley. Enterprise 3.Teacher’s book. - Newbury: Express Publishing, 1997.

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