Correction work and unit revision план урока 5 класс

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

Write a least one question about a famous person. Then work with your friends and ask and answer your questions.

Where was Rosa Rymbaeva born?

Which famous book did you read?

  • Are you ready?
  • Whois ready?
  1. Warmer
  1. Answer the questions

What do you think when you hear the word job?

Past Simple: questions was/were and did

Who was John Logie Baird?

Who were the Beatles?

What did Baird invent?

Where did the first World Cup take place?

  1. Did you meet the stars?What can you say about the photos?
  2. Read the intrerview with Clare Burgess. What does she want to be?

She wants to be a film director.

  1. Read the interview again and put the questions in the right place.
  1. C
  2. D
  3. F
  4. B
  5. A
  6. E

Ex.3 Complete the questions

Giving marks to pupils

Your marks: excellent (5) good (4) satisfactory (3)

Our lesson is over. Good bye pupils. Have a rest.

Предварительный просмотр:

Открытый урок по английскому языку в 5-м классе по теме:

"He is from Kazakhstan "

Тип урока: Обобщающий

Цель урока: Систематизировать знания учащихся по теме “Он из Казахстана ”; выработка ЗУНов в области устной и письменной речи по теме.

– формирование лексических умений и навыков в устной речи (умение рассказывать о своей семье, используя глагол have/ has (got) ;

– формирование грамматических навыков на материале грамматической структуры I have (got) a …

– отработка произносительных навыков, умение считать и говорить оцветах .

– продолжать развивать умение общаться на иностранном языке;

– строить высказывания по образцу и самостоятельно.

– прививать любовь и интерес к иностранному языку;

– воспитывать умение работать в парах, группах, самостоятельно.

  • Карточки со звуками.
  • Тематические картинки.
  • ТСО.

1. Организационный момент:

Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you! How are you?

в) Фонетическая зарядка:

a) Tommy, Tommy is my name b) Ann, Ann is my name

I like to sing I like to skate

c) Look at the blackboard and read the letters! Какая буква нас встречает первой? Это А! А кто прихорашивается перед приходом гостей? N- это Эн, конечно. Кто следит за порядком? О – офицер. They are saying to you “Welcome!”

Постановка целей, задач урока

Ребята, сегодня у нас с вами необычный урок. Мы отправимся в путь, и будем делать остановки на станциях, где будем встречаться со словами по разным темам и побываем на станции грамматики.

-Let’s go! Good voyage! Слайд № 1-2

- Первая станция, на которой мы остановимся « Station Phonetics” звуковая станция (слайд № 3)

Today at the lesson we are revising all we know about the family, colours and numbers. That is the words and phrases, questions and answers, conversations and reports about them. We’ll also read and listen to the texts about the family, guess the crossword and others. Let’s start!

4. Слайды № 11, 12 (перевести слова)

Cat’s here, cat’s there

Cats and kittens everywhere

Hundreds of cats

Thousands of cats

And trillions of cats!

900 + 100 = 1 000

c) Фонетическая разминка (слайд № 15)

Ears and eyes, and mouth and nose

2. Грамматика (слайд № 16) Это задание ученики выполняют самостоятельно в тетрадях с последующей проверкой

I am from Kazakhstan. I am from Antonovka.

б) Прочитай и расскажи. (слайды № 17-26)

He works at the airport.

Where is he from?

He lives in Astana.

Where is he from?

6. Station “ The poem ” слайд № 27

Chocolate cakes and chocolate biscuits! Soup.

7. Station “ Home work” слайд № 28 Ех.8, р. 52 Оценивание

8. Итог урока. Рефлексия - Слайд № 29

2014-2015 уч . год

Подготовила и провела :

Учитель английского языка Агжанбаева Б.К.

Предварительный просмотр:

Theme : Speaking about Kazakhstan.

To enrich the pupils’ knowledge giving them more information about Kazakhstan.

To develop the pupils’ speech speaking on the text, and revising the grammar “Passive Voice”, helping them freely express their opinions and thoughts.

To bring up pupils to be patriots of their motherland, to love their country and to make great efforts in the development of the country.

Map of the country, pictures, Bloom’s graphic cards, and an electronic textbook, An Interactive board.

The Procedure of the lesson

T: Good morning, pupils!

P: Good morning, teacher!

T: How do you feel yourselves?

T: You see that we have very unusual lesson today

Now look at the board.

You see different figures choose the figure you like.

-You are leader, you are always active.

-You like to work, study especially English

- You have good mood you are happy that today we have unusual lesson

-You are very creative person. You are full of idea, fantasy, and energy.

-You are a friendly person. You have a lot of friends.

T: I want to begin our lesson with the English proverb

There is no place like home.

How do you understand this proverb?

How do you translate it into your native language?

P-s: Қазақша: “Өзге елде сұлтан болғанша, өз еліңде ұлтан бол”

Орысша: В гостях хорошо,а дома - лучше

T: Yes right you are, there is no place like home.

Now look at the figure. You see very unusual figure. It is the plan of our lesson:

Head - theme of the lesson.

Body- written exercise

Hands -text and questions to the text.

Legs - Computer and Bloom’s exercises.

Checking up the homework .

T: What was your homework?

P: To learn the new words by heart.

T: Now let’s check up your homework

I give you cards. Here is written 1 word. You should give its translation, your own sentence and draw its picture.

(Pupils are reading and showing their cards)

T: Look at the map. What country is it?

T: Yes right you are! Today we are speaking about Kazakhstan.

1 Now listen to the text

(Teacher is reading the text.)

2 Bloom’s exercise: Fishbone Card

(Pupils are reading and answering the questions and tell what is the main idea of the text)

3 Written exercises to the text ( cards )

1. The republic of Kazakhstan …in the central Asia.

2. Its population is ….

3. Kazakh is … of the country.

4. Kazakhstan … China, Russia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kirgizia.

T: Now guys look at the first sentence. Which rule is used in this sentence?

P : Passive voice.

T: Great! You know it. Who knows the rule of the Passive voice?

(Pupil is telling the rule of Passive voice)

4 Now let’s work with Interactive board and do the exercises. Open the Grammar practice. Put the verbs into the Passive voice.

Dear my guys! For revision of the theme let's do the grammar test (8 questions)

(self-assessment by Bloom’s card)

T: I give you the Bloom's cards for marking yourselves.

Give your own mark: “Excellent”,” good”,” satisfactory”,” bad”.

Setting the home task :

To write composition: "My motherland.”

Let's return to our proverb. What proverbs about Motherland do you know?

Pupils are telling the proverbs about Motherland.

The end of the lesson:

The lesson is over. Goodbye!

Предварительный просмотр:

9 сыныптарының күнтізбелік жоспары

1- 2 тоқсандар (16 сағат)

Мен және денсаулық

Talking about you

Ex 7 (b), 9 at p 14 st. 1

Parts of the body

Connect, activity, almost, button, adore…

Ex 6, 7 at p 15 st. 2

Junk, constantly snack, pale

Ex 6, 7 at p 18 st. 3

Денсаулығына көніл болесің бе?

Violence, quiz-shows, waste, hire, permission…

Сені не қызықтырады?

What do you do for fun?

Violence, quiz-shows, waste, hire, permission…

Ex 1, 10 at page 24 st. 4

Bindle, sidewalk, vacation, resort, reword, valuable, afterward…

Ex 5, 6 at p 27 st. 5

Download, superbly, amazing, desired,

Ән мені бақытты қылады.

Music keeps me happy!

Furious, propose, argue, hopscotch, rope, suggestion…

Revision of unit 1

Ex 8, 10 at p 37 st. 1

Queen, limited, allow, delay…

Ex 15, 16 at p 40

Сreate, permanent, donated, traces…

Ex 6, 8 at page 43 st. 2

Luxurious, orient, reliable, forward, speed, occupied…

Ex 7, 8 at page 47 st. 3

Female, attendant, tighter, engine, trouble…

Ex 10 (c), 12 at p 49

Forward, cancel, board, airsick, purse, screamed…

Ex 6 (a), 8 at page 54 st. 4

Arrange, reservations, bush land…

Ex 8,9 at p 57 st. 5

Предварительный просмотр:

The theme: My flat

The aim of the lesson:

Educational: to teach pupils to describe their own flats and rooms, to enrich their vocabulary.

Development: to develop pupil` s memory, speaking and thinking abilities.

Bringing up: to bring up the feeling of love towards the family and to take care of their house.

The type of the lesson: revision

Aids of the lesson: pictures of the room and the furniture, interactive board.

Grammar material: There is/there isn` t, there are/there aren` t.

Procedure of the lesson:

b) Duty` s report

Teacher: Сегодня, ребята у нас урок повторения. А повторять мы с вами будем тему “My flat”. Целью нашего урока является, повторить названия мебелей и предметов домашнего обихода. То естьб все что связано с нашей квартирой. В начале урока мы с вами устно поработаем то есть у нас будет речевая разминка. Дальше мы выполним задания для тренировки нашего мышления. Далее мы с вами повторим обороты “There is/isn`t, there are/there aren` t” и будем составлять предложения и описывать комнаты используя эти обороты. После этого мы будем отгадывать загадки связанные с нашей квартирой.Ну, и конечно мы с вами еще поиграем. А в конце урока нас ждет интересный кроссворд.

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Цель образовательная: Повторение и закрепление пройденных лексических и грамматических тем.

Цель развивающая: развитие разговорной речи учащихся.

Цель воспитательная: воспитание умения группового взаимодействия;

воспитание интереса и любви к животным.

Тип урока: комбинированный

Метод урока: словесный, наглядный.

Ср обучения: картинки, карточки.

1. Организационный момент.

Т.: Good morning, children!

S.: Good morning, teacher!

Т : I am glad to see you!

S: We are glad to see you, too!

Т.: Thank you, sit down!

2. Актуализация темы.

The subject of today’s lesson is “Revision”. So We are going to speak about Animals, colours and numbers , revise the words and grammar.

3. Фонетическая зарядка. Phonetic drills. Аудирование

Let’s have a phonetic drill. Look at the blackboard and repeat after me together.

T: Today we go to the Zoo, see many animals and now I want you to learn the poem.

а) учащиеся слушают магнитную запись стихотворения At the Zoo.

I saw, I saw, I saw
A lion at the Zoo
I saw, I saw, I saw
A baby elephant too

I saw, I saw, I saw
A big grey kangaroo
I saw, I saw, I saw
I saw them at the Zoo

Учитель предлагает ученикам повторять каждую строчку стихотворения отдельно, отрабатывая правильное произношение и интонацию стихотворения.

4 Повторение.

1 контроль д/з

What was your home task ?

You must tell the dialogue.

Работа в паре

2 I am fine, thank you. and you?

1 I am fine, thank you. What is your name?

2 My name is …. What is your name?

1 My name is….: Where are you from?

2 I'm from Russia. And you?

1 I'm from Kazakhstan. I'm eleven. And you?

2 I'm seven, too. Have you got toys?

1 I have many toys. I have dog, cat, monkey, elephant.

2 What colour is your elephant?

1The elephant is grey.

2 What colour is your dog?

1The dog is white.

Thank you sit down.

2 Now lets repeat the animals. Ill read you a poem in Russian when you hear the name of animal you can translate it in English.Сейчас давайте повторим животных, Я прочитаю вам стихотворение, а вы должны всех животных, которых я назову, произнести по- английски.

Животное an animal. Мишка косолапый ходит еле-еле. Мишка, медвежонок по-английски … bear.

Стреляли в волка: пиф и пуф! Волк по-английски … wolf

Рыжий-рыжий чудо флокс! Рыжая лисичка … fox.

Дед траву граблями грабит. Хочет есть наш кролик … rabbit.

Прыгнула из грядки, прямо на порог Зелёная красавица, по-английски …frog.

Так забавны и ловки Обезьянки … monkey.

Легко запоминаю: Корова значит … cow.

Свинья есть хочет каждый миг, Свинью мы называем … pig.

Целый день всё кряк да кряк, Как назвали утку? … duck.

Кот мой съел вчера омлет, Он воришка, этот … cat.

Где увидеть, отгадай-ка, В городе тигрёнка, tiger,

Дал банан я обезьянке. Рада обезьянка, monkey,

Жаль, чем угостить не знал Крокодила. crocodile.

Предложил ему конфету – Он обиделся за это.

Подходить не велено Мне к слонёнку, elephant.

a) Now lets go to the Zoo.

T: What animal do you see?

T: What colour is the bear?

1 The bear is white, brown

T What colour is the monkey?

1The monkey is broun.

b) Lets read about the monkey.

This is a monkey. The monkey is grey. It is little , nice and funny. The monkey is from Africa. The monkey eat banana. It can run, jump and play very well.

a)T: What is it?

It is a crocodile.

What colour is the crocodile?

The crocodile is green, grey.

What can the crocodile do?

The crocodile can swim.

What does the crocodile like to eat?

The crocodile likes to eat meat.

b)Lets read about the crocodiles.

The crocodiles are big. They are green and nice, but not funny. They can run but not jump. They can swim very well. They don't play. The crocodiles haven't got friends. They eat big and little animals and birds.

a)What colour is the lion?

The lion is yellow and brown.

6 I tell you the sad story about animals.

Many animals and birds on the Earth are disappearing Indian tigers and African elephants are among them. People have hunted and killed many tigers and elephants in Africa. Some people have often hunted tigers for fun and for their beautiful skin. The result is very sad. There are few tigers on the Earth now.

7 Физминутка.

8 Работа с карточками (раздаточный материал)

1 ученикам предлагается разделить названия животных на карточках на домашних и диких:

an elephant, a snake, a pig, a tiger, a lion, a monkey, a crocodile, a chicken, a cat, a sheep, a mouse.

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

Зарегистрироваться 15–17 марта 2022 г.

Revision lesson (Unit 2 Steps 1-5) 5 с lass

The theme of the lesson: Revision lesson (Unit 2 Steps 1-5)

The aims of the lesson:

to revise all the new words and grammatical materials

to enlarge pupils Knowledge speaking, writing, reading and logical thinking skills

to develop the respect of relationship between pupils

The type of the lesson: Competition (between two teams)

Connection of the subject: Kazakh, Music, Astronomy.

The visual aids of the lesson: Birthday's map, placard with parts of the spaces, pictures, charts, puzzles and computer.

The procedure of the lesson

I. organization moment.

- Good afternoon, children! Take your seats, please. I'm glad to see you too. How are you?

Classroom expressions

Who is on duty today?

What date is it today?

What day of the week is it today?

Who is absent today?

Are you ready for the lesson?

II. Main part

- And these two spaceship are yours team. The team that will pass all the parts perfectly well, will be called “Spaceman”. Is it clear? If it is clear, let's begin.

- Let me invite our teams.

The 1 st part of our competition is Introduction of teams. Teams introduce themselves.

The 2 nd part is “Mercury”. Read and draw.

It's nine o'clock It's ten past seven It's half past nine It's ten to twelve


____________ ______________ _____________ _____________

The 3 rd part is “Venus”.

Excuse me, what time is it? Write the numbers in the circles.

It's three o'clock

It's ten to four

It's a quarter past three

It's twenty to six

It's ten past three

It's twenty-five past three

It's a quarter to four

It's half past three

The 4 th part is “Mars”.

Find the colours (there are 10). The words can go in four directions ( )

The 5 th part is “Jupiter”.

Look at the chart and write sentences using can and can't.

Play the guitar

Play the dombyra

for. eg: 1. Colin can play the guitar but he can't play the dombyra

С olin can speak English but he can't speak Kazakh

Colin can ride a bike but he can't ride a horse

The 6 th part is “Saturn”.

Put the letters in the correct order and draw some of the objects.

The 7 th part is “Uranus”.

Circles Yes or No. Find the answer in the picture.


Is the mother in the bedroom? Yes No

Is the father in the living room? Yes No

Is the window next to the door? Yes No

Is the sister behind the chair? Yes No

Is the door to the right of the window? Yes No

Is the grandmother in front of the table?

The 8 th part is “Neptune”.

Now, children look at the “Birthday map” remember your friend's birthdays, be ready to answer some questions and fulfill the map.

T: When is Muhit's birthday?

P: It is in December

T: Whose birthday is in December?

T: Now children, let's speak about birthday?

How many birthdays are there in January? ( March )

P: There are three birthdays January.

P: There are two birthdays March.

P: There is the only one birthday in August.

P: There aren't any birthday in May and June.

The 9 th part is “Pluto”. The competition for captains:

a) Questions to the 1 st team.

1. What colour is your hair?

A. They're black B. They're blond C. It's brown

2. What colour are your jeans?

A. They're blue B. They're short C. It's black

3. What season is it now? ______________________________

4. What month is it now? ______________________________

5. When is your birthday? ______________________________

b) Questions to the 2 nd team.

1. Can you play tennis?

A. Yes, I do B. Yes, I am C. Yes, I can

2. Where is my bag?

A. It's on the chair B. It's in the chair C. Yes, I can

3. What day is it today? ______________________________

4. What date is it today? ______________________________

5. Can you play chess? ______________________________

III. Rewarding.

Now, I'll reward the winner team. I'll give you a diploma.

IV. Marks for the lesson.

V. The end of the lesson.

You were very active and clever at the lesson. I'm very pleased.

The lesson is over. Good-bye! See you soon.

Краткое описание документа:

Revision lesson (Unit 2 Steps 1-5) 5 с lass

The theme of the lesson: Revision lesson (Unit 2 Steps 1-5)

The aims of the lesson:

1. to revise all the new words and grammatical materials

2. to enlarge pupils Knowledge speaking, writing, reading and logical thinking skills

3. to develop the respect of relationship between pupils

The type of the lesson: Competition (between two teams)

Connection of the subject: Kazakh, Music, Astronomy.

The visual aids of the lesson: Birthday's map, placard with parts of the spaces, pictures, charts, puzzles and computer.

The procedure of the lesson

I. organization moment.

- Good afternoon, children! Take your seats, please. I'm glad to see you too. How are you?

- Who is on duty today?

- What date is it today?

- What day of the week is it today?

- Who is absent today?

- Are you ready for the lesson?

- And these two spaceship are yours team. The team that will pass all the parts perfectly well, will be called “Spaceman”. Is it clear? If it is clear, let's begin.

- Let me invite our teams.

The 1st part of our competition is Introduction of teams. Teams introduce themselves.

The 2nd part is “Mercury”. Read and draw.

It's nine o'clock It's ten past seven It's half past nine It's ten to twelve

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Учителя о ЕГЭ: секреты успешной подготовки

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Новые курсы: преподавание блогинга и архитектуры, подготовка аспирантов и другие

Время чтения: 16 минут

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Все материалы, размещенные на сайте, созданы авторами сайта либо размещены пользователями сайта и представлены на сайте исключительно для ознакомления. Авторские права на материалы принадлежат их законным авторам. Частичное или полное копирование материалов сайта без письменного разрешения администрации сайта запрещено! Мнение администрации может не совпадать с точкой зрения авторов.

воспитательная/bringing-up: to support an interest to the English lesson; to bring-us sense of love to pupils` family.

1. Greeting

Good morning, boys and girls! Welcome! I am glad to see you! Sit down, please. Здравствуйте, ребята. Улыбнитесь друг другу. Начинаем наш урок с хорошим настроением. Let’s start!

2. Phonetic drill

3. Warm-up

Let`s listen and sing a song about numerals. (video). Nice!

4. Revision

Let`s play a game. На время вы станете англичанами, которые еще не знакомы друг с другом. ваша задача, не показывать соседу свою карточку и говорить только на английском и задавая вопросы what is your name, how old are you. Познакомиться и записать возраст в клеточку рядом с именем.

Ученики возвращаются на свои места. Учитель спрашивает, указывая на доску, "How old is (Tom)?" Ученики отвечают "He is (six)", и учитель записывает возраст на доске рядом с именами.

Конспект урока по английскому языку по теме: Revision. Progress test

6. Fixing of knowledge

Let`s continue! Продолжаем.

Чему учат в семье? В школе? (вежливости)

Вспомните, какие слова мы говорим при встрече, прощании, если просим или благодарим. (frontal work).

7. Summary

- What have you learned today? Что вы сегодня узнали? Что повторяли? Какие трудности возникли? Справились ли вы с ними? Что было интересным?

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