What is a pantomime краткое содержание

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

  • Личностные: Уметь выбирать оптимальные формы во взаимоотношениях с одноклассниками.
  • Коммуникативные: Уметь слушать и воспринимать собеседника. Планирование учебного сотрудничества с учителем и сверстниками — определение цели, функций участников, способов взаимодействия. Учиться ассоциативно мыслить.
  • Познавательные: Уметь осознанно строить речевое высказывание по образцу, формулировать ответы на вопросы учителя и одноклассников, задавать вопросы.
  • Регулятивные: Самостоятельно формулировать цель учебной деятельности. Уметь планировать свою деятельность в соответствии с целевой установкой, толерантно относиться к различным мнениям учащихся
  • Моделировать ситуации поведения в классе. Осуществлять самоконтроль и анализировать допущенные ошибки

1.Организационный момент. Warming up. “How are you today? What topic are we studying these days?” Do you like theatre? Do you often go to the theatre? Whom do you usually go to the theatre with?” When did you go to the theatre last? What did you see?”

Listen to the text and say what kind of art it is about. Be ready to choose the right items to complete the sentences. (ex.1 p.92 звучит текст.)

Guess what the theme of our lesson is. What is this text about? Well, can tell me what we are going to speak about today?

3. Эмоциональный настрой

Have you ever seen a Pantomime? Who has seen it? Did you see it at the theatre or on TV? Did you like it?

I see, some of you haven’t seen it and can’t speak about it. What should we do to be able to speak about it? ( to find some information about a pantomime. ) What should we do during the lesson to achieve this aim?

  1. to work with the text
  2. to work with information
  3. to do some exercises

What is a pantomime? ( It is acting without speech ).

Let’s play a little. I’ll give you my definition of a pantomime. Listen, remember and repeat from the beginning.

Pantomime is a technique. Pantomime is a dramatic technique. Pantomime is a dramatic technique of communicating. Pantomime is a dramatic technique of communicating through gesture. Pantomime is a dramatic technique of communicating through gesture without speech.

Is it important to study Pantomime? Why? ( построение логических цепей рассуждений )

These words may help:

develop a very powerful tool, the human body;

the language of the heart;

help to understand different gestures;

make us think and analyze;

teach us to understand different emotions and feelings;

help to understand people better;

help to speak effectively;

can improve our social skills;

helpful when you speak different languages.

Comment on these statements: ( прокомментируйте утверждения)

I agree …. I disagree ….

  1. The language of action is universal. b) Actions speak louder than words.

So everybody agrees that the language of action is universal. Now look at me and try to guess what my gestures mean.

Work in pairs. Get ready to show each other different gestures. Let us guess what they mean.

Face is the index of mind. Our eyes, eyebrows, lips express our feelings. Our gestures and postures, our walking style and hand movements are also very important. Look at the pictures of children and try to guess what their emotional states are…

Слова даны на доске (happy, excited, confused, worried, shocked. )

According to the social anthropologist, Edward T. Hall, in a normal conversation between two people, less than 35% of the social meaning is transmitted by words and at least 65% is conveyed through the body.

But is it enough to be able to speak about this kind of art? What else do we need to speak about it? (We need some information) What information do we need?(about its history, characters)

Чтение с общим охватом содержания + поисковое чтение

Your home assignment was to read the text about the history of a pantomime. Let’s complete the sentences after it. (ex.4 p.88)

Socializing. (Stand up. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.)

Can you say that a pantomime tells a story? Are the stories new or well known? Can you name them? When and where did a pantomime appear? What were the traditional characters in Italian or French pantomimes of the 16 th century? What does the mime mean? When did pantomimes first appear in Britain? When do they usually show pantomimes in Britain nowadays?

Let’s translate some sentences.

Пантомима это актерская техника общения посредством жестов без использования речи. Истории обычно хорошо известны. Это Золушка, Алладин и его лампа, Кот в сапогах, Спящая красавица, Снежная королева и другие.

Пантомима полна музыки и танцев. В пантомиме часто клоуны и животные. Хорошая пантомима очень смешная, но в ней часто есть и урок. Дети узнают что такое хорошо, что такое плохо и о настоящей любви.

В 16 веке группы актеров путешествовали по Италии и Франции. Герои были всегда одни и те же: Арлекин, Коломбина и Панталоне.

Первая пантомима в Англии появилась в 1721. Сейчас это пьеса для детей и показывают ее на Рождество.

Помогите срочно!! Только без переводчика!! Спасибо)) What is a Pantomime? A pantomime tells a story, an old story, often a children's story like " Cinderella", "Dick Whittington and His Cat", or " Alladdin and His Lamp". A pantomime is full of music and dance, but it is not an opera or a ballet. There are often clowns and animals in the pantomime, but it is not a circus. A pantomime is. a pantomime. A good pantomime is very funny, but there is often a lesson in it too. Good people have to fight had people, and always win in the end. So children learn about Right and Wrong and True Love. And they have a good time in the theatre. They can laugh, shot and sing. It's all part of a real pantomime. Pantomime appeared in the ancient world of Greece and Rome. The ancient Romans ate and drank a lot and danced in the streets during a big winter festival. Women wore men's clothes and men wore women's clothes. In a modern pantomime they do the same too. The word pantomime comes form Greece and Rome too. Pantomime was the Latin name for a special king of actor. Such actors never spoke but used their bodies, faces and hands to tell a story. This has always been a part of pantomime. In the 16th century groups of actors used to travel round Italy and France. They told stories through words and mime. The characters were always the same - Harlequin, a poor but clever young man, Columbine, a pretty girl, and Pantaloon, her father. He is a nasty old man and has a servant Clown. Harlequin loves Columbine and wants to marry her. Pantaloon says "No", but the young people run away together. Pantaloon and Clown try to catch them, but Clown is really helping Harlequin. Together they play a lot of tricks, on the stupid old man and he never catches the young livers. Harlequin has a magic stick, so he can quickly change people and things. Tricks and quick changes are an important part of modern pantomime.

Пантомима рассказывает историю, часто детскую, Синдерела, Дик Виллингтон и его кот . Лампа Аладина . П. полна музыки и танцев, но это не опера и не балет. В ней часто участвуют клоуны и животные, но это не цирк. О, пантомима, пантомима. Часто забавная, но в то же время дает урок.Добрые люди борются со злыми и часто в конце побеждают.Дети узнают, что ПРАВИЛЬНО а что НЕПРАВИЛЬНО и что такое НАСТОЯЩАЯ ЛЮБОВЬ. В театре они отлично проводят время, могут смеяться и петь.Это все - часть настоящей пантомимы. Пантомима появилась в древн. Греции и Риме.Древние римляне много ели и пили танцевали на улицах во время Большого Зимнего фестиваля. Женщины одевали мужскую одежду, а мужчины- женскую.В современной п. делают то же самое. Слово пантомима пришло из Греции и Рима. Это было латинское имя одного особенного королевского актера. Эти актеры никогда не говорили, но использовали тела, лица, руки, чтобы рассказать историю.Это было частью пантомимы. В 16 В ГРУППЫ АКТЕРОВ ПУТЕШЕСТВОВАЛИ ПО Италии и Франции. Они рассказывали истории с помощью слов и мимики. Это были одни и те же персонажи- Арлекин, бедный, но умный молодой человек, хорошенькая девушка Колумбина и Панталоне, ее отец.У этого скверного старика был слуга Клоун.Арлекин любил Колумбину и хотел на ней жениться, но П. сказал-нет. Молодые люди сбежали вместе. Панталоне и Клоун пытались поймать их, но на самом деле Клоун помогал Арлекину. Вместе они проделывали немало фокусов с глупым стариком, и никогда не поймать ему молодых. У Арлекина была волшебная палочка и он мог перевоплощать и людей, и предметы. Фокусы и превращения - важная часть современной пантомимы.

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Пантоми́ма (от др.-греч. παντόμῑμος (pantomimos)) — вид сценического искусства,в котором основным средством создания художественного образа является пластика человеческого тела, без использования слов.

Read the text and choose the right items to complete the sentences after it.
What Is a Pantomime?
A pantomime [ˈpæntəmaɪm] tells a story, an old story, often a children’s story like “Cinderella”, “Dick Whittington and His Cat”, or “Aladdin and His Lamp”. A pantomime is full of music and dance, but it is not an opera or a ballet. There are often clowns and animals in a pantomime, but it is not a circus. A pantomime is. a pantomime. A good pantomime is very funny, but there is often a lesson in it too. Good people have to fight bad people, and always win in the end. So children learn about Right and Wrong and True Love. And they have a good time in the theatre. They can laugh, shout and sing. It’s all part of a real pantomime.
Pantomime appeared in the ancient world of Greece and Rome. The ancient Romans ate and drank a lot and danced in the streets during a big winter festival. Women wore men’s clothes and men wore women’s clothes. In a modern pantomime they do the same too.
The word pantomime comes from Greece and Rome too. Pantomime was the Latin name for a special kind of actor. Such actors never spoke but used their bodies, faces and hands to tell a story. This has always been a part of pantomime.
In the 16 th century groups of actors used to travel round Italy and France. They told stories through words and mime. The characters were always the same − Harlequin [ˈhɑ:lɪkwɪn], a poor but clever young man, Columbine [ˈkɒləmbaɪn], a pretty girl, and Pantaloon [ˌpæntəˈlu:n], her father. He is a nasty old man and has a servant Clown. Harlequin loves Columbine and wants to marry her. Pantaloon says “No,” but the young people run away together. Pantaloon and Clown try to catch them, but Clown is really helping Harlequin. Together they play a lot of tricks on the stupid old man and he never catches the young lovers. Harlequin has a magic stick, so he can quickly change people and things. Tricks and quick changes are an important part of modern pantomime.
The first English pantomime appeared in England in 1721 . Nowadays people know it as a kind of British play for children and perform it at Christmas. Schoolchildren often stage pantomimes themselves at schools. A modern pantomime is full of the ideas of the past. The stories are different but the characters are the same. People know the stories and wait for their favourite characters to appear. They are Principal Boy, a hero (a young woman always performs this part), the Dame [deɪm], ugly and old (a man always is in this part) who is very funny, and a comic animal such as the pantomime horse, that can talk and dance.
1 ) In the UK a pantomime is . .
a) a musical performance in the circus
b) an opera or ballet performance
c) a play for children that they usually watch at Christmas
2 ) A pantomime can teach children . .
a) to love animals
b) to understand what is good and fair
c) to behave themselves
3 ) During the pantomime the audience has to . .
a) be quiet
b) take part in the performance
c) fight bad people
4 ) A pantomime first appeared in . .
a) ancient countries
b) the Middle Ages
c) in the 16 th century
5 ) There were . characters in a pantomime in the 16 th century.
a) two
b) three
c) four
6 ) The first pantomime appeared in England . .
a) in the 18 th century
b) in the 16 th century
c) in the 17 th century


1 − c, 2 − b, 3 − b, 4 − a, 5 − c, 6 − a.
1 ) In the UK a pantomime is a play for children that they usually watch at Christmas .
2 ) A pantomime can teach children to understand what is good and fair .
3 ) During the pantomime the audience has to take part in the performance .
4 ) A pantomime first appeared in ancient countries .
5 ) There were four characters in a pantomime in the 16 th century.
6 ) The first pantomime appeared in England in the 18 th century .

Перевод ответа
1 ) В Великобритании пантомима − это пьеса для детей, которую обычно смотрят на Рождество.
2 ) Пантомима может научить детей пониманию того, что хорошо и справедливо.
3 ) Во время пантомимы зрители должны принимать участие в представлении.
4 ) Пантомима впервые появилась в древних странах.
5 ) В пантомиме 16 века было четыре персонажа.
6 ) Первая пантомима появилась в Англии в 18 веке.

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