How the camel got his hump краткое содержание

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

NOW this is the next tale (а вот следующая сказка), and it tells how the Camel got his big hump (и она рассказывает /о том/, как у Верблюда появился его большой горб).

In the beginning of years (в начале лет), when the world was so new and all (когда весь мир был таким новеньким; and all — и все такое, и прочее), and the Animals were just beginning to work for Man (а Животные только начинали работать на Человека), there was a Camel (жил-был Верблюд), and he lived in the middle of a Howling Desert (и он жил посреди Унылой Пустыни) because he did not want to work (потому что он не хотел работать); and besides, he was a Howler himself (а кроме того он был и сам Унылый Нытик; howler — плакальщик, плакальщица; to howl — выть; плакать, рыдать, реветь /например, о ребенке/). So he ate sticks and thorns and tamarisks and milkweed and prickles (и он ел побеги и колючки, и тамариск и молочай, и шипы), most ‘scruciating idle (премучительно праздный); and when anybody spoke to him (и когда кто-нибудь заговаривал с ним) he said ‘Humph (он говорил Грп; humph — гм, хм)!’ Just ‘Humph!’ and no more (только Грп! и ничего больше).

camel ['kxmql], desert ['dezqt], excruciating [Iks'krHSIeItIN]

NOW this is the next tale, and it tells how the Camel got his big hump.

In the beginning of years, when the world was so new and all, and the Animals were just beginning to work for Man, there was a Camel, and he lived in the middle of a Howling Desert because he did not want to work; and besides, he was a Howler himself. So he ate sticks and thorns and tamarisks and milkweed and prickles, most ‘scruciating idle; and when anybody spoke to him he said ‘Humph!’ Just ‘Humph!’ and no more.

Presently the Horse came to him on Monday morning (некоторое время спустя в понедельник утром к нему пришел Конь; to come — приходить, приезжать), with a saddle on his back and a bit in his mouth (с седлом на спине и удилами во /его/ рту), and said, ‘Camel, O Camel (и сказал: Верблюд, О Верблюд), come out and trot like the rest of us (выходи и побегай, как остальные мы; to trot — идти рысью /о лошади/).’

‘Humph!’ said the Camel (Грп! — сказал Верблюд); and the Horse went away and told the Man (а Конь ушел и рассказал Человеку; to tell — рассказать; to go away — уходить).

Presently the Dog came to him (некоторое время спустя к нему пришел Пес), with a stick in his mouth (с палкой в /его/ пасти), and said, ‘Camel, O Camel (и сказал: Верблюд, О Верблюд), come and fetch and carry like the rest of us (иди и /принеси/ /и/ поноси, как мы остальные; to fetch — принести, сходить за; to carry — носить).’

‘Humph!’ said the Camel (Грп! — сказал Верблюд); and the Dog went away and told the Man (а Пес ушел и рассказал Человеку).

presently ['prezntlI], mouth [mauT], carry ['kxrI]

Presently the Horse came to him on Monday morning, with a saddle on his back and a bit in his mouth, and said, ‘Camel, O Camel, come out and trot like the rest of us.’

‘Humph!’ said the Camel; and the Horse went away and told the Man.

Presently the Dog came to him, with a stick in his mouth, and said, ‘Camel, O Camel, come and fetch and carry like the rest of us.’

‘Humph!’ said the Camel; and the Dog went away and told the Man.

Presently the Ox came to him (некоторое время спустя к нему пришел Бык), with the yoke on his neck and said (с ярмом на /его/ шее и сказал), ‘Camel, O Camel, come and plough like the rest of us (Верблюд, О Верблюд, иди и попаши, как все остальные мы).’

‘Humph!’ said the Camel (Грп! — сказал Верблюд); and the Ox went away and told the Man (а Бык ушел и рассказал Человеку).

At the end of the day (в конце дня) the Man called the Horse and the Dog and the Ox together (Человек созвал Коня, и Пса, и Быка; to call together — созывать), and said, ‘Three, O Three (и сказал: Трое, О Трое), I’m very sorry for you (мне очень жаль вас) (with the world so new-and-all (со всем миром таким новеньким)); but that Humph-thing in the Desert can’t work (но это Грпающее существо в Пустыне не может работать), or he would have been here by now (иначе он был бы уже сейчас здесь),’ so I am going to leave him alone (поэтому я оставлю его в покое; to leave alone — оставить в покое, не трогать), and you must work double-time to make up for it (а вам придется работать в два раза больше /времени/, чтобы возместить это; to make up for — возместить, компенсировать).’

plough [plau], together [tq'geDq], double [dAbl]

Presently the Ox came to him, with the yoke on his neck and said, ‘Camel, O Camel, come and plough like the rest of us.’

‘Humph!’ said the Camel; and the Ox went away and told the Man.

At the end of the day the Man called the Horse and the Dog and the Ox together, and said, ‘Three, O Three, I’m very sorry for you (with the world so new-and-all); but that Humph-thing in the Desert can’t work, or he would have been here by now,’ so I am going to leave him alone, and you must work double-time to make up for it.’

Presently there came along the Djinn in charge of All Deserts (некоторое время спустя появился Джинн, ответственный за Все Пустыни 2 ), rolling in a cloud of dust (катясь в облаке пыли) (Djinns always travel that way because it is Magic (Джинны всегда путешествуют так, потому что это Волшебство)), and he stopped to palaver and pow-wow with the Three (и он остановился поучаствовать в говорильне и в совете с Тремя).

palaver [pq'lRvq], pow-wow ['pauwau], laugh [lRf]

That made the Three very angry (with the world so new-and-all), and they held a palaver, and an indaba, and a punchayet, and a pow-wow on the edge of the Desert; and the Camel came chewing milkweed most ‘scruciating idle, and laughed at them. Then he said ‘Humph!’ and went away again.

Presently there came along the Djinn in charge of All Deserts, rolling in a cloud of dust (Djinns always travel that way because it is Magic), and he stopped to palaver and pow-wow with the Three.

‘Djinn of All Deserts (Джинн Всех Пустынь),’ said the Horse (сказал Конь), ‘is it right for any one to be idle, with the world so new-and-all (годится ли кому бы то ни было быть праздным, когда весь мир такой новенький)?’

‘Certainly not,’ said the Djinn (конечно, нет, — сказал Джинн).

‘Well,’ said the Horse (ну, — сказал Конь), ‘there’s a thing in the middle of your Howling Desert (посреди твоей Унылой Пустыни есть существо) (and he’s a Howler himself (а оно и само Нытик)) with a long neck and long legs (с длинной шеей и длинными ногами), and he hasn’t done a stroke of work since Monday morning (и оно не ударило копытом о копыто с утра в понедельник; not to do a stroke of work — не ударить палец о палец). He won’t trot (оно не хочет бегать).’

right [raIt], idle [aIdl], certainly ['sWtqnlI]

‘Djinn of All Deserts,’ said the Horse, ‘is it right for any one to be idle, with the world so new-and-all?’

‘Certainly not,’ said the Djinn.

‘Well,’ said the Horse, ‘there’s a thing in the middle of your Howling Desert (and he’s a Howler himself) with a long neck and long legs, and he hasn’t done a stroke of work since Monday morning. He won’t trot.’

‘Whew!’ said the Djinn (фью! — сказал Джинн), whistling (со свистом), ‘that’s my Camel (это /же/ мой Верблюд), for all the gold in Arabia (клянусь всем золотом Аравии 1 )! What does he say about it (что он говорит по этому поводу)?’

‘He says “Humph (он говорит Грп)!” said the Dog (сказал Пес); ‘and he won’t fetch and carry (и он не хочет приносить и (у)носить).’

‘Does he say anything else (говорит он еще что-нибудь)?’

‘Only “Humph!” (только Грп); and he won’t plough (и он не хочет пахать),’ said the Ox (сказал Бык).

whistle [wIsl], gold [gquld], Arabia [q'reIbjq]

‘Whew!’ said the Djinn, whistling, ‘that’s my Camel, for all the gold in Arabia! What does he say about it?’

‘He says “Humph!” said the Dog; ‘and he won’t fetch and carry.’

‘Does he say anything else?’

‘Only “Humph!”; and he won’t plough,’ said the Ox.

‘Very good,’ said the Djinn (очень хорошо, — сказал Джинн). ‘I’ll humph him if you will kindly wait a minute (я его гропну, если вы будете любезны подождать минутку).’

The Djinn rolled himself up in his dust-cloak (Джинн завернулся в свой пыльный плащ; to roll up — завертывать, свертывать), and took a bearing across the desert (и взял направление через пустыню; to take a bearing — засекать направление, определять пеленг), and found the Camel most ‘scruciatingly idle (и нашел Верблюда премучительно праздного; to find — найти), looking at his own reflection in a pool of water (глядящего на свое отражение в луже воды).

‘My long and bubbling friend (мой длинный и пускающий пузыри друг; to bubble — кипеть; пузыриться; подниматься пузырьками),’ said the Djinn (сказал Джинн), ‘what’s this I hear of your doing no work (что это = как так, я слышу о тебе, что ты не работаешь), with the world so new-and-all (со всем миром = когда весь мир такой новенький)?’

‘Humph!’ said the Camel (Грп! — сказал Верблюд).

humph [mm, hAmf], kindly ['kaIndlI], hear [hIq]

‘Very good,’ said the Djinn. ‘I’ll humph him if you will kindly wait a minute.’

The Djinn rolled himself up in his dust-cloak, and took a bearing across the desert, and found the Camel most ‘scruciatingly idle, looking at his own reflection in a pool of water.

‘My long and bubbling friend,’ said the Djinn, ‘what’s this I hear of your doing no work, with the world so new-and-all?’

‘Humph!’ said the Camel.

‘You’ve given the Three extra work ever since Monday morning (ты всегда давал Трем дополнительную работу с утра в понедельник), all on account of your ‘scruciating idleness (исключительно из-за твоей мучительной праздности; on account of — из-за, вследствие, на основании),’ said the Djinn (сказал Джинн); and he went on thinking Magics (и он продолжал обдумывать Волшебство), with his chin in his hand (подперев подбородок рукой).

‘Humph!’ said the Camel (Грп! — сказал Верблюд).

great [greIt], magic ['mxGIk], account [q'kaunt]

The Djinn sat down, with his chin in his hand, and began to think a Great Magic, while the Camel looked at his own reflection in the pool of water.

‘You’ve given the Three extra work ever since Monday morning, all on account of your ‘scruciating idleness,’ said the Djinn; and he went on thinking Magics, with his chin in his hand.

‘Humph!’ said the Camel.

And the Camel said ‘Humph!’ again (а Верблюд снова сказал Грп); but no sooner had he said it (но не успел он это сказать) than he saw his back (как /он/ увидел, что его спина), that he was so proud of (которой он так гордился), puffing up and puffing up into a great big lolloping humph (стала раздуваться и раздуваться, превращаясь в огромный большой торчащий Грп; to puff up — распухать, вздуваться; to lollop — раскачиваться из стороны в сторону, вылезать, торчать).

‘Do you see that (/ты/ видишь это)?’ said the Djinn (спросил Джинн). ‘That’s your very own humph (это твой тот самый собственный Грп; very — тот самый, подлинный) that you’ve brought upon your very own self by not working (который ты накликал себе сам по собственной милости из-за того, что не работал). To-day is Thursday (сегодня четверг), and you’ve done no work since Monday (а ты не работал с понедельника), when the work began (когда началась работа). Now you are going to work (теперь ты будешь работать).’

often [Ofn], proud [praud], own [qun]

‘I shouldn’t say that again if I were you,’ said the Djinn; ‘you might say it once too often. Bubbles, I want you to work.’

And the Camel said ‘Humph!’ again; but no sooner had he said it than he saw his back, that he was so proud of, puffing up and puffing up into a great big lolloping humph.

‘Do you see that?’ said the Djinn. ‘That’s your very own humph that you’ve brought upon your very own self by not working. To-day is Thursday, and you’ve done no work since Monday, when the work began. Now you are going to work.’

‘How can I (как же я смогу),’ said the Camel (спросил Верблюд), ‘with this humph on my back (с этим Грпом на моей спине)?’

‘That’s made a-purpose (это сделано нарочно),’ said the Djinn (сказал Джинн), ‘all because you missed those three days (только из-за того что ты прогулял те три дня). You will be able to work now for three days without eating (теперь ты сможешь работать три дня без еды), because you can live on your humph (потому что ты можешь жить своим Грпом); and don’t you ever say I never did anything for you (и никогда не говори, что я ничего не сделал для тебя). Come out of the Desert (выходи из Пустыни) and go to the Three (и иди к Трем), and behave (и веди себя прилично). Humph yourself (Грюпай на себя)!’

purpose ['pWpqs], because [bI'kOz], live [lIv]

‘How can I,’ said the Camel, ‘with this humph on my back?’

‘That’s made a-purpose,’ said the Djinn, ‘all because you missed those three days. You will be able to work now for three days without eating, because you can live on your humph; and don’t you ever say I never did anything for you. Come out of the Desert and go to the Three, and behave. Humph yourself!’

always ['Llwqz], wear [wFq], caught [kLt]

And the Camel humphed himself, humph and all, and went away to join the Three. And from that day to this the Camel always wears a humph (we call it ‘hump’ now, not to hurt his feelings); but he has never yet caught up with the three days that he missed at the beginning of the world, and he has never yet learned how to behave.

THE Camel’s hump is an ugly lump (Верблюжий горб — уродливая глыба) Which well you may see at the Zoo (которую вы можете без труда увидеть в зоопарке); But uglier yet is the hump we get (но еще уродливее горб, который мы получаем = который появляется у нас) From having too little to do (от имения слишком мало дел = от безделья).

Веретенникова Татьяна Валерьевна

Перевод учащимися 7 класса стихотворения Киплинга "Верблюжий горб" с английского языка на русский язык. Иллюстрации учащихся.

перевод стихотворения Р. Киплинга "Верблюжий горб" 12.54 КБ
иллюстрации к стихитворению 774.72 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

(перевод Марии Голенко)

THE Camel's hump is an ugly lump
Which well you may see at the Zoo;
But uglier yet is the hump we get
From having too little to do.

Kiddies and grown-ups too-oo-oo,
If we haven't enough to do-oo-oo,
We get the hump-
Cameelious hump-
The hump that is black and blue!

We climb out of bed with a frouzly head,
And a snarly-yarly voice.
We shiver and scowl and we grunt and we growl
At our bath and our boots and our toys;

And there ought to be a corner for me
(And I know' there is one for you)
When we get the hump-
Cameelious hump-
The hump that is black and blue!

The cure for this ill is not to sit still,
Or frowst with a book by the fire;
But to take a large hoe and a shovel also,
And dig till you gently perspire;

And then you will find that the sun and the wind,
And the Djinn of the Garden too,
Have lifted the hump-
The horrible hump-
The hum that is black and blue!

I get it as well as you-oo-oo-
If I haven't enough to do-oo-oo!
We all get hump-
Cameelious hump-
Kiddies and grown-ups too!

Вы видели Верблюда в зоопарке,
Который носит безобразный горб?
И заиметь такой же может всякий,
Из лодырей , лентяев, лежебок!

И взрослые, и дети твердо знают -
Без дела нет печальнее судьбы,
У нас горбы с годами вырастают,
И синие, и черные горбы!

С трудом мы поднимаемся с подушек,
Ворчим, а мысли в голове молчат,
И вместе с нами "хрюкают" игрушки,
Ботинки в ванной комнате "рычат".

Что Лень - болезнь, знать каждый должен с детства!
С мотыгой до седьмого пота труд;
Работа - от болезни этой средство,
А книги у камина подождут!

И вдруг тогда весь мир нам станет в радость,
И солнечного ветра благодать,
А старый Джинн не будет нас из сада
Горбами разноцветными пугать.

Об этом завтра мы расскажем людям,
И все у нас получится, поверь!
Я знаю, что у нас горбов не будет,
Ну, а Верблюд - не самый страшный зверь!

Once upon a time, when the world was so new and the animals just began to work for the Man, there was a Camel and he lived in the middle of the dessert because he did not want to work. So he ate sticks and thorns and nothing more. He was very lazy and when somebody spoke to him he just said "Humph", and nothing more.

First the Horse came to him on Monday morning and said, "Camel, come out and carry the Man on your back like the rest of us."

"Humph," said the Camel and the Horse went away and told the man.

Then the dog came to him but was not a success either. Then the Ox had в talk with the Camel but in vain. At the end of the day the Man called the animals together and said, "I'm sorry for you but you must work double-time to do the Camel's work as I'm going to leave him alone."

That made the Three very angry and they held a meeting. Soon there came along the Jin in Charge of All Deserts. He stopped to talk with the Horse, the Dog and the Ox.

"Is it right for anyone to be idle when the world is so new and there is so much work to do?" asked the Horse. "Of course not," said the Jin.

"Well, there's an animal with a long neck and long legs and he hasn't done any work since Monday morning."

"Oh, what does he say about it?" asked the Jin. "He says only "Humph".

"Very good. I will punish him if you wait a minute". The Jin flew across the desert and found the Camel looking at his own reflection in a pool of water.

КАК ВЕРБЛЮД ПОЛУЧИЛ СВОЙ ГОРБ Давным-давно, когда мир был так нов и животные только начали работать на человека, там был верблюд, и он жил в середине десерт, потому что он не хочет работать. Так он съел палки и шипы и ничего более. Он был очень ленив и, когда кто-то говорит ему, он просто сказал "Хм", и ничего более. Первая лошадь пришла к нему в понедельник утром и сказал: "верблюд, выйти и нести человека на спине, как и остальные из нас." - Угу, - сказал верблюд и лошадь ушла и рассказала мужчине. Потом собака пришла к нему, но не был успешным. Затем быка имели в беседе с верблюда, но тщетно. В конце концов мужчина позвонил животных вместе и сказал: "мне жаль вас, но вы должны работать в два раза время, чтобы сделать работу верблюда, как я собираюсь оставить его в покое." Что сделали три очень злые и у них состоялась встреча. Вскоре оттуда появился Джин за всех Пустынь. Он перестал разговаривать с лошадью, собакой и быком. "Это верно для тех, кто сидеть сложа руки, когда мир такой новый и так много работы, чтобы сделать?" - спросил конь. "Конечно, нет", - сказал Цзинь. "Ну, какое-то животное с длинной шеей и длинными ногами, а он не сделал никакой работы, так как в понедельник утром." "О, что он говорит об этом?" - спросил Джин. "Он говорит только "Угу". "Очень хорошо. Я накажу его, если подождать минуту". Цзинь летал через пустыню и нашли верблюда, глядя на собственное отражение в луже воды.


1. letters, alphabet


There is the last day before weekends and what will I do on it? I will go to the theatre on a ballet "Romeo and Julliet' at the Fridat 7.00 pm. On the next day morning I will have a breakfast and then I will play computer games. At the 12.00 a.m I will do a homework. Then I will buy a present for mum's birthday. At the last day of weekends, Sunday, my family and I will celebrate mum's birthday with her friends. I think it will not be a bad boring weekends.

By P. Belkina (Dmitrieva), G. Fadeeva, S. Nenasheva, L. Nikitina.

Based on the tale “How the Camel Got His Hump” by Rudyard Kipling.

Примечание: пьеса рассчитана на учеников 7 класса общеобразовательной средней школы (3-ий год обучения английскому языку). Её можно поставить в рамках недели иностранных языков или в рамках внеурочной работы с учащимися.

- pictures/ photos/ posters with desert landscapes and animals

- cards with unfamiliar words

- cards with the script

1. There are some words unfamiliar for the students. You can either write them on the board or hand out cards with them.

Idle – ленивый, праздный, бездельничающий

“ Humph !” – Пфф! (воскл.)

like the rest of us – как и все мы

to fetch and carry – выполнять поручения ( букв.- доставать и приносить)

to plough - пахать

double time – вдвое больше

to live on (his own hump) – жить засчёт (своего горба)

sticks and thorns – ветки и колючки

It serves you right! – Так тебе и надо!

Read the words, try to explain them in English and make your own sentences with them.

2. Ask the students the following questions. Show them pictures /photos/ posters to help them answer the questions.

1) What kind of place is a desert?

2) What can you see in a desert?

3) What deserts do you know? ( Sahara, Gobi, etc.)

4) What animals live in a desert?

5) What do they eat? ( Elicit “sticks and thorns” from the Vocabulary Card.)

3. Optional: A game. One student describes an animal and the others try to guess it. If no one chooses a camel, the teacher can do it for the students to guess.

1. Ask the students the following questions:

1) What kind of story is it? ( A tale)

2) Did you enjoy it?

3) Why did you like/ dislike it?

4) What character did you like the best? Why?

5) What is the idea of the story?

Ask your students to imagine they are some animals (not mentioned in the tale, e.g. a cow, a cat, a goat, a hen) trying to make the Camel work. What would they say to the Camel?

Ask the students to act out any scene from the story.

1) Give the students the cards with the script.

2) Ask the students to write the parts of the animals they have chosen (a cow, a cat, etc.)

3) The students act out their scenes.

4) Discuss whose performance was the best.






The beginning of years, a desert.

NARRATOR: In the beginning of years, when the world was so new and the Animals just began to work for the Man, there was a Camel, and he lived in the middle of a Desert because he didn’t want to work . (The Camel appears on the stage and walks camel-like “eating” sticks and thorns.) So he ate sticks and thorns, and thorn and sticks and nothing more. And he drank … err… oh, Coke of course as there’s no water in the desert! (The Camel “drinks” Coke from a can.) He was very lazy and idle, and when someone spoke to him, he said “Humph!” Just “Humph!” and nothing more.

Soon the Horse came to him and said…

HORSE: Camel, O Camel, come out and carry the Man on your back like the rest of us.

NARRATOR: Then the Dog came to him and said…

DOG: Camel, O Camel, come and fetch and carry like the rest of us.

CAMEL: Humph!

NARRATOR: Then the Ox came to him and said…

OX: Camel, O Camel, come and plough like the rest of us.

NARRATOR: At the end of the day the Man called the Animals together and said…

MAN: Dear friends, I’m very sorry for you but the Camel in the Desert doesn’t want to work. So you must work double time to do his job, too. (Goes away.)

ANIMALS: (Yell in anger.) Not fair! Why should we?! We don’t want to!

CAMEL: (Passes by laughing at the Animals mockingly.) Humph!


The same place. The Animals and Djinn.

DJINN: (Appears in a cloud of dust.) Hi, friends! How are you?

HORSE: We’ve got a problem, Djinn of All Deserts!

DJINN: Why, what’s the matter?

OX: Djinn of All Deserts, is it right to be idle when there’s so much to do?

DJINN: Of course not!

DOG: Well, there’s an animal in the middle of your Desert, with a long neck and long legs, and he hasn’t done any work! He doesn’t want to work!

DJINN: (Surprised.) Whew! That’s my Camel. What does he say about it?

HORSE: (Annoyed.) He says “Humph!” and nothing more. He doesn’t want to carry the Man on his back!

DJINN: Does he say anything else?

DOG: (Annoyed.) He says “Humph!” and he doesn’t want to fetch and carry!

DJINN: (Getting more and more interested.) Just “Humph”?

OX: Just “Humph!” and he doesn’t want to plough!

DJINN: (Angrily.) Very good! I will show him a “humph” if you wait a minute! (Flies away.)


In the Desert. Djinn and the Camel. The Camel is admiring his reflection in the water of a basin.

DJINN: My dear friend, why don’t you work when there’s so much work to do?

CAMEL: (Indifferently.) Humph!

DJINN: (Sits down and thinks a Great Magic.) You made the Animals work double time. I’m going to punish you!

CAMEL: Humph! (Still admiring himself.)

DJINN: (Irritated.) Don’t say that silly word again!

DJINN: You must work!

CAMEL: Humph! (A hump is growing on his back.) What is it? My back! It hurts!

DJINN: Do you see that? That’s your own “humph”. You’ve got it because you didn’t work. Now with this hump on your back you can work for three days without food because you can live on your own hump. Come out of the Desert, join the other Animals and work hard.

ANIMALS: (In the background.) Yes. That’s it. It serves you right.

NARRATOR: And from that day to this the Camel has always had a hump and he has learned to work hard.

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