Strong reasons make strong actions сочинение

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“Strong reasons make strong actions” W. Shakespeare

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“Strong reasons make strong actions” W. Shakespeare

“Strong reasons make strong actions” W. Shakespeare

Paper VS Plastic Paper bags vs. plastic bags: which is really better? October.

Paper VS Plastic Paper bags vs. plastic bags: which is really better? October 26, 2015

We are going to: read about the environment discuss the most important proble.

We are going to: read about the environment discuss the most important problems of the topic learn some new words make the conclusion what bag is really better for our planet

We always ask a question when it comes time to decide what to take with you.

What type of bag do you usually carry your shopping in? I usually carry my sh.

What type of bag do you usually carry your shopping in? I usually carry my shopping in: a plastic bag a paper bag a fabric bag in my hands

New words: Harm- вредить Manufacturing – производство, выработка Landfill sit.

New words: Harm- вредить Manufacturing – производство, выработка Landfill site - свалка мусора Throw away - выбрасывать Decompose - разлагаться Mistake for – принимать за Renewable resources – возобновляемые ресурсы Recycling - переработка

renewable – another name for alternative energy resource – oil, gas, wood and.

renewable – another name for alternative energy resource – oil, gas, wood and so on recycling – to repeat using decompose – to be broken down physically and chemically by bacterial action wood chips – small pieces of wood paper pulp – soft mass bleach – to make or become white or colorless chemicals – substances used in chemistry harm – hurt , injury , damage pollution – dirtying manufacturing – to process or make a product from a raw material landfill site (landfills) – waste material buried under layers of earth

 What I already know: What I want to know: What I learned: .

What I already know: What I want to know: What I learned: What I learned:

What I already know: I know that shopping bags are made of paper and plastic.

What I already know: I know that shopping bags are made of paper and plastic. Paper bags can be recycled more easily than plastic.

What I want to know: I want to know which type of bag is friendlier to the en.

What I want to know: I want to know which type of bag is friendlier to the environment.

Read the task of ex. 3, please

Read the task of ex. 3, please

harm confuse with manufacturing damage landfill site making throw away.

harm confuse with manufacturing damage landfill site making throw away not heavy decompose only a little mistake for get rid of them minimal break up light a large deep hole where we bury rubbish

harm confuse with manufacturing damage landfill site making throw away.

harm confuse with manufacturing damage landfill site making throw away not heavy decompose only a little mistake for get rid of them minimal break up light a large deep hole where we bury rubbish

On the one hand it’s a simple choice, but lets think about these two differe.

On the one hand it’s a simple choice, but lets think about these two different things. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at what they differ.

Paper bags Paper comes from trees. It takes about three tons of wood to get o.

Paper bags Paper comes from trees. It takes about three tons of wood to get one ton of paper pulp.

Disadvantages The paper is afraid of water. Using lamination helps a little.

Disadvantages The paper is afraid of water. Using lamination helps a little. The high cost of raw materials and ways to improve it. If you take it to a recycling center it means more energy and chemicals are used

Plastic bags Plastic comes from oil. Everyone of us uses plastic bags in our.

Plastic bags Plastic comes from oil. Everyone of us uses plastic bags in our everyday life.

Advantages Plastic bags are cheap to produce. The possibility of long-term us.

Advantages Plastic bags are cheap to produce. The possibility of long-term use. Plastic bag, which served as a time, can be used for a long time. Disadvantages Plastic bags take thousands of years to decompose.

Who is the winner then? Neither of them is the winner! Both plastic and paper.

Who is the winner then? Neither of them is the winner! Both plastic and paper bags are harmful for our environment. What is the way out?

Reusable Bio bag Its preferable to use fabric bags or the so-called Bio bags.

Reusable Bio bag Its preferable to use fabric bags or the so-called Bio bags.

What I learned: I learned that the best way to carry my shopping is a reusabl.

What I learned: I learned that the best way to carry my shopping is a reusable bag because: - it takes minimal energy to make - it is light - it lasts for years.

 WhatI already know: I know that shopping bags are made of paper and plast.

WhatI already know: I know that shopping bags are made of paper and plastic. Paper bags can be recycled more easily than plastic. WhatI want to know: I want to know which type of bag is friendlier to the environment. WhatI learned: I learned that the best way to carry my shopping is a reusable bag because: - it takes minimal energy to make - it is light - it lasts for years. WhatI learned: I can learn more through the Internet.

What type of bag are you going to use now? a plastic bag a paper bag a fabric.

What type of bag are you going to use now? a plastic bag a paper bag a fabric bag a reusable Bio bag

“Strong reasons make strong actions” W. Shakespeare If each of us understands.

“Strong reasons make strong actions” W. Shakespeare If each of us understands how important it is not only to think, but act ecologically friendly, we`ll manage to save our planet for future generations.

Hw Ex.7 p.39 (Sb) us understands how important it is not only to think

Hw Ex.7 p.39 (Sb) us understands how important it is not only to think

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