Some people think that computer games are better than life сочинение

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Клековкина Е., Манн
М., Тейлор-Ноулз С.

Comment on the following statement:

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
— make an introduction (state the problem)
— express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
— express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
— explain why you don't agree with the opposing opinion
— make a conclusion restating your position



Some people think that instead of playing computer games teenagers should spend their free time on physical activities, whereas others do not agree. They believe that computer games are not bad at all.

I think that there is nothing wrong with playing computer games. First of all , some of them are educational and interactive . Pupils can learn a lot of new information just playing computer games. Secondly , modern games are a lot of fun as well as relaxing and I would say even therapeutic . Nowadays , school boys and girls have plenty of homework and they need some quality time to relax.

At the same time there are people who believe that teenagers should spend more time doing physical activities. They think that playing computer games is nothing but a waste of time and it is far more important for them to develop physically .

Actually , I cannot agree with the opinion mentioned above for a few reasons. I consider playing computer games is not a bad thing in itself. People just need to learn to not over do it. If a person is disciplined, they can do both: play computer games with no harm to their health and do physical activities. It does not have to be all one and not the other.

In conclusion , I would like to say that computer games have become a part of modern people's lives. A lot of educational programs have been integrated in those games and playing them has become more than just entertainment. Nevertheless , teens should make sure those games do not become their lives. Yet , I still support the idea of playing computer games since I see more pros in it than cons.

Some people say that computer games are one of the best ways of spending free time, whereas others do not agree with them. They believe that it is better to do sports.

Personally , I think that physical activities are better and more useful. First of all , sport exercises help people be in good shape . Those who always do sport activities at school are usually slim and fit. Second , regular sport activity develops good skills like attentiveness and builds up one's character. When students start playing sport games at school their marks improve. There is also have a saying , “A good spirit dwells in a healthy body”.

At the same time there are people who prefer computer games. They are sure that those games train memory and reflexes. They are also relaxing and therapeutic as well as educational .

As the matter of fact these people have a point. Some games might be useful. However , playing computer games can damage your eyes, while sport exercises cannot do any harm, if you do them properly with a coach or trainer.

In conclusion , I would like to say that there are a lot of ways to spend your free time. Physical exercises strengthen one's health and discipline their lives. Thus, I strongly believe that physical activities are more beneficial for young generation.


In conclusion , I would like to say that there are opposing views on this issue. At first sight it might seem that physical activity is not very important but in actual fact physical exercises strengthen one’s health and discipline their lives. Thus , I strongly believe t hat physical activities are more beneficial for young generation than playing computer games.

Computer games are very popular nowadays.
Computers became an integral part of life, and computer games are the best way to spend free time.
I agree that some computer games are useful. Some games develop memory, logic and thinking. But the most part of computer games has a harmful effect on health.
First of all, people spoil their eyes. People only sit in front of the computer. The most terrible thing is that many games cause psychological and mental diseases.
A lot of games have aggressive moments and this makes teenagers cruel. People spend too much time on computer games and their relationship spoil.
Yes, for someone computer is better than life but for me computer is not so important because our life is very interesting. We live once and every day in the world there is something interesting to happen.
I will choose friends, trainings, communication. Therefore I disagree with this statement, that computer games are better than life.

Some people think that computer games are better than life.

What is your opinion?

Do you agree with this statement?

Some people fond of games and they think, that games better than life.

In my point of you, life is more interesting.

To prove my opinion, i would like to give you some reasons.

Firstly, in real life you can find friend, who can help you in difficult situation

Secondly, nature in real life so beatiful, you cansmell the flowers and trees

However, some games are really interesting, some games are even cognitive.

In concludion I'd like to say, that computer games sofunny, but real life, with best friens, parents, isbetter.

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Помогите пожалуйста написать сочинение тема : young people communicate better with their grandparents than their parents?

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Who do you thing is more important?

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Use the following plen : - make an introduction (state the problem) - express your personal opinion and give reasons for it

- Give arguments for the other of view and explain why you disagree with it - Draw a conclusion.

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There is no double that this issue is quite debatable and people differ in their attitudes towards it. Some people tend to think that playing computer games is the best way for young people to spend their free time. Others, on the contrary, have an opposite opinion.

In my opinion, playing computer games is not the best way of spending time for teens and there are some reasons for it. Firstly, people who spend much time sitting in front of the computer often have eye problems, which is really unhealthy.

Secondly, most of computer games just waste teenagers' time since they do not educate them whereas books and popular-science movies do.

However, there are people who think differently. These people consider that playing games is the greatest way of spending leisure time for teenagers. The main reason for their propensity is that chatting online during playing games helps teenagers to make new friends.

I cannot agree with these people. From my point of view, making friends on the internet is not the same as making friends in real life, that is why it would be better if teenagers spent more time offline.

To sum up, I believe that this issue is quite controversial and I am able to take into account other people’s points of view. Despite that, I do think that playing computer games is not the best way for teenagers to spend their leisure time.

Говорят, что лучший способ подросткам провести свободное время - это играть в компьютерные игры.

Вне всякого сомнения, это довольно спорный вопрос, и у людей есть разные мнения относительно него. Некоторые склонны считать, что компьютерные игры - это лучший способ для подростков провести свободное время. Другие, наоборот, придерживаются противоположной точки зрения.

На мой взгляд, играть в компьютер – это не лучший способ потратить время тинэйджерам, и вот несколько причин для этого. Во-первых, люди, проводящие много времени за компьютером часто имеют проблемы со зрением. Во-вторых, большая часть компьютерных игр просто тратит время подростков, поскольку ничему их не обучает, в то время как книги и научно-популярные фильмы это делают.

Однако есть люди, которые думаю по-другому. Они считают, что играть в компьютерные игры – это лучший способ провести свободное время. Они склоняются к этому главным образом потому, что общение онлайн во время игры помогает подросткам заводить новых друзей.

Я не могу с ними согласиться. С моей точки зрения, заводить друзей онлайн – это не то же самое, что заводить друзей в реальной жизни, поэтому было бы лучше, если бы подростки проводили больше времени вне интернета.

Подводя итог, я думаю, что этот вопрос довольно спорный, и я могу принимать во внимание точки зрения других людей. Несмотря на это, я действительно думаю, что компьютерные игры не являются лучшим способом для подростков потратить свободное время.

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