Сочинение про тутанхамона на английском

Обновлено: 01.06.2024

В английский тутанхамон означает: Tutankhamon, Tutankhamun (мы нашли 2 переводов). Есть не менее 211 примеров предложений с тутанхамон . Среди прочего: Тутанхамон был моим другом, но такова наша судьба. ↔ Tutankhamun was my friend, but this is our fate. .


переводы Тутанхамон


en Egyptian Pharaoh


Тутанхамон был моим другом, но такова наша судьба.

Tutankhamun was my friend, but this is our fate.


Недавняя реконструкция погребального короба, основанная на фотографиях, чертежах, рассказах очевидцев, описаниях и двух сохранившихся панелей, выставленных в Каире, свидетельствует о схожести со вторым и третьим коробом Тутанхамона по внешнему виду и размеру.

A recent reconstruction of the shrine, based on photographic evidence, drawings, eyewitness descriptions, and two surviving planks on display in Cairo, indicate that it resembled Tutankhamun's second and third shrines in general appearance and size.

Ankhesenamun and Tutankhamun were waiting for us in a reception chamber, seated upon two thrones of state.

Наконец, 26 ноября 1922 года, упорство археолога Говарда Картера и лорда Карнарвона увенчалось успехом: в захоронениях египетских фараонов в знаменитой Долине царей они обнаружили гробницу Тутанхамона.

Finally, on November 26, 1922, at the burial place of Egyptian pharaohs in the famous Valley of the Kings, archaeologist Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon located the prize —the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamen.

Одна из мумий (KV21A) предположительно мать недоношенных младенцев из гробницы Тутанхамона, следовательно, она может являться женой Тутанхамона, дочерью Эхнатона и Нефертити — Анхесенамон.

Я заметил, как Анхесенамон незаметно дотронулась до руки мужа, и Тутанхамон неожиданно поднялся на ноги.

I saw Ankhesenamun discreetly touch her husband’s hand, and Tutankhamun unexpectedly rose to his feet.

Finally the King and Queen stood up: Tutankhamun, the Living Image of Amun, and next to him Ankhesenamun.

Tutankhamun, Lord of the Two Lands, was laid out upon his couch, his thin hands folded across his thin chest.

Таким образом, при Тутанхамоне были дезавуированы религиозные преобразования, осуществленные родом царя царей, северная столица Египетской империи вернулась на территорию Африки, в Фивы, и фактически прекратилась оккупация южного Поволжья и первого Рима-Мемфиса, продолжавшаяся около 130 лет.

Besides restoration works in many sanctuaries, under order Tutankhamen furnish procession colonnades of Amenhotep III in Luxor a temple has been completed, small temple Horon in Giza is constructed; in Nubian - huge temple complex Amenhotep III in Soleba is completed, are erected temple Amon in Kava and a sanctuary of the most idolized Tutankhamen in Fares.

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Came to the throne at the age of about 10 years. After it was ruled by the elderly courtier Ay and General Horemheb.The child was named Tutankhaton, after the name of the God Aten culting by his father Akhenaten. But after his father's death and the abolition of this cult, took the name Tutankhamun.

From the text of the large stele erected in his name at Karnak, it is known that the first three years after accession to the throne, Tutankhamun continued to move along with the court in Akhetaton. Not later than the 4th year of his reign, Tutankhaton changed his name and became henceforth known as Tutankhamen, and Queen Anhesenpaaton (right. Angas-pas-Yati,

From the text of the large stele erected in his name at Karnak, it is known that the first three years after accession to the throne, Tutankhamun continued to move along with the court in Akhetaton. Not later than the 4th year of his reign, Tutankhaton changed his name and became henceforth known as Tutankhamen, and Queen Anhesenpaaton (right. Angas-pas-Yati, "she Lives for Aten"), respectively, changed her name to Ankhesenamun (right. Angas-n-Aman, "she Lives for Amun"). Thus, during the reign of Tutankhamun, a policy of restoration of the cults of the old gods. One of the secondary names of Pharaoh proclaimed it a "Satisfying the gods"

When Tutankhamun was carried out enhanced recovery abandoned during the reign of Akhenaten sanctuaries of the gods, not only in Egypt, but in the score — for example, temples in cave (Gammatone) and Farace. But later Horemheb destroyed the cartouches of Tutankhamun, replacing them with your own, and captured the monuments of his reign.

When Tutankhamun was carried out enhanced recovery abandoned during the reign of Akhenaten sanctuaries of the gods, not only in Egypt, but in the score — for example, temples in cave (Gammatone) and Farace. But later Horemheb destroyed the cartouches of Tutankhamun, replacing them with your own, and captured the monuments of his reign.

After 9-year rule before the age of 20 years, Tutankhamen, apparently struck by an unidentified illness, has died. There is an assumption that Tutankhamen was murdered. There is also a version that he fell from the chariot and died from complications after injuries.

After 9-year rule before the age of 20 years, Tutankhamen, apparently struck by an unidentified illness, has died. There is an assumption that Tutankhamen was murdered. There is also a version that he fell from the chariot and died from complications after injuries.

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