Сочинение про сеул на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

1984, but the basic design has been used since the country?s founding is 1948.

The Buddhist yin-yang symbol represents the unity of opposites, and the white

background represents purity. The black markings symbolize three cycles, with

opposites in each cycle opposing one another(reading clockwise from the upper

left): summer, autumn, winter, spring, south, west, north, east, sky, moon,

earth, and sun. South Korea is mainly a rugged, mountainous terrain. The

principal range is the T?aebaek-sanmaek, which extends in a north-south

direction parallel to the eastern coast. The country?s highest peak, located

on the island of Cheju, is Halla-san. Plains constitute less than one-fifth the

total area and are mostly in the west along the coast the coastal plains in the

east and south are very narrow. South Korea has a highly indented coastline

characterized by high tidal ranges, the country?s tow longest rivers, the

Naktong and Han, rise in the T?aebaek-sanmaek, one flowing south to the Korea

Strait and the other northwest to the Yellow sea. Other major rivers include the

Kom, Yengsan, and Tongjin. South Korea has a continental climate, with cold, dry

winters and hot, rainy summers. In Seoul the average January temperature range

is 16 to 30 degrees F, and the average July temperature range is 70 to 84

degrees F. Winter temperatures are higher along the southern coast and

considerably lower in the mountainous interior. The average precipitation in

Seoul is 49in and in Pusan 54in. Rainfall is mostly in the summer months (June

to September). The southern coast is subject to late summer typhoons that bring

strong winds and heavy rains. Mixed deciduous and coniferous forests cover about

three-quarters of the land, but have been lessened of use as fuel. Predominate

species include pine, maple, elm, poplar, fir and aspen. Bamboo, laurel, and

evergreen oak are found in the southern coastal areas. Large mammals, such as

tigers, leopards, bears, and lynx, used to be common throughout the Korean

Peninsula, but these animals have virtually disappeared form South Korea due to

deforestation and poaching. The population of South Korea (1997 estimate) is

45,948,811. The country?s population density of 1199 people per sq. mi. is one

of the highest in the world. The majority of the population lives in the

southern and western coastal areas. South Korea like North Korea is one of the

most ethnically homogeneous countries in the world. Aside from a resident

foreign population of about 55,000 , mostly Chinese, the country has no racial

or linguistic minorities. Because of the mixed racial character of the

present-day Korean population, it is believed that the ancestors of the Koreans

included immigrants from the northern part of the Asian mainland. The national

language, Korean, is believed by some scholars to be a member of the Altaic

language family. It is similar to Japanese in grammar, but it contains many

borrowed Chinese words. Korean is written in a phonetic script known as

Han?gol from the colonial period and most educated Koreans can read English,

which is taught in all secondary schools. In 1995 nearly one-half of the people

in South Korea did not claim a religion. Buddhism claimed more adherents than

any other religion in South Korea. Confucianism, which is more a moral

philosophy than a religion, is a more prominent element in Korean life than its

somewhat small number of adherents would recommend. Christian missionaries were

first permitted in Korea in 1882 and by 1995 the Christian population

skyrocketed to 11.8 million, three quarters of them were Protestants. Other

important influences include Ch?endogyo, a religion founded in the mid-19th

century that fuses elements of Confucianism and Daoism. Primary education is

free for all children between the ages of 6 and 15. Secondary education consists

of three years of middle school and three years of high school. In the 1995-1996

school year nearly 3.9 million students were enrolled in kindergarten and

elementary schools and 4.7 million in middle and high schools, including nearly

1 million in vocational high schools. Private schools play an important role,

especially above the primary level. The country has 297 places of higher

learning, with a total annual enrollment of 2.2 million students. The principal

universities are Korea University, Seoul National University, Ewha Women?s

University, and Yonsei University all of which are in Seoul. An estimated 98

percent of the adult population of South Korea is literate- 99.3 percent of the

men and 96.7 percent of the women. The country?s strong and distinct cultural

heritage is respected by the Korean people, and efforts are made by the

government to encourage and preserve the traditional arts. Several museums are

located in Seoul, including the National Museum, with its extensive collection

of Korean cultural and folklore relics; branches of the national museums are

located in eight other major cities. Martial Arts is a strong part of Koreas

culture and the main martial art is Tae-Kwon-Do this mean foot fist way.

Tae-Kwon-Do originated many years ago in ancient Korea which was divided into

three kingdoms, the smallest of which was Silla. Silla, which was established in

57 BC, was constantly being invaded by the larger more powerful neighbor to the

north and west over a period of 1000 years. Around 540 AD King Chin-Hung called

together the youth and patriots to form a military organization known as the

Hawarang-Do. The Hawarang-Do was responsible for transforming and intensifying

Silla?s common method of foot fighting and added hand techniques which

included a blend of hard and soft as well as linear and circular techniques

calling this fighting art Tae-Kyon. The Hawarang-Do was a very unusual

organization, for not only did the study the art of fighting, but also the arts

of music and poetry as well, seeking always to unify body and spirit. Around 580

AD, under King Chin-Hung?s rule, a code of conduct was established bye the

Hawarand-Do that became the core of Silla?s national morality and strength.

This code is composed of allegiance to the nation, respect for ones? parents,

loyalty to friends, courage in battle and wisdom in the use of the fighting art

of Tae-Kyon. Around 668 AD, under the leadership of General Kim Yoo-Sin, the

Hawarang-Do succeeded in its goal to unify Korea and the fighting art of Tae-Kyon

flourished over 700 years. In 1392, the Yi dynasty was established and the art

of valor fell into public disfavor and would not have survived had the knowledge

not been passed from father to son and instructor to student. In 1910, the

Japanese began there occupation of Korea and the fighting art of Tae-Kyon was

suppressed even further with the knowledge being maintained only by the secret

study and practice of dedicated instructors. After the liberation from the

Japanese occupation if Korea in 1945, the art of Tae-Kyon was revived. In 1946,

the Korean masters met to unify and discuss the foreign influences on the once

purely Korean art of Tae-Kyon. After years of debate Japanese and Chinese hand

techniques were introduced to the art of Tae-Kyon when there found practical and

useful for self-defense. During the Korean Conflict in 1950 to 1953, the art of

Tae-Kyon, both with its ancient and modern fighting techniques, were thoroughly

tested under combat conditions. In 1951, the Korean masters of all martial arts

understandings met and decided to call their nations unified art Tang-So-Do, and

in 1955 changing it to Kong-Soo-Do; both of these groups failing to maintain

full support. In 1959 the Korean masters met again and decided to call their

nation unified art Tae-Soo-Do, and in 1964 the Korean masters agreed upon the

final name for their new form of Korean martial art, Tae-Kwon-Do, the fighting

Здравствуйте , помогите мне пожалуйста , срочно нужно сочинение на тему : "Место которое я хочу посетить - город Сеул".

Буду очень признательна за помощь ))).

Seoul is the capital of Korea.

This is a major political, economic and cultural center of the country.

It's one of the leading financial centers in East Asia.

There are many sightseeings that are very popular for tourists.

For example, a Complex of Gyeongbokgung Palace, which was built in 1394, when Khanyan was proclaimed as a new capital of the country.

Changdeokgung, built in 1405, is located to the East of the main Palace.

The tomb of king Sanjana is one of the religious buildings in Seoul – the burial of king Songone of the XV century.

There are more than 110 museums in the city.

The main contemporary art Museum opened in Gwacheon in Seoul is valid only the branch close to gyeongbok Palace.

I dream to visit this city and I think that one day I'll see it with my own eyes.

Помогите пожалуйста?

Очень нужна помощь.

Очень буду благодарен.





Помогите пожалуйста?

Нужно написать что то типа сочинения, На тему идеальный дом.

(Если переводить с помощью переводчика, то будет много ошибок) С переводом.

Буду очень благодарна.

Переведите пожалуйста текстя вам очень буду признательна?

Переведите пожалуйста текст

я вам очень буду признательна.

Нужно написать сочинение на английском языке "Испания - страна которую я хочу посетить" ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА?

Нужно написать сочинение на английском языке "Испания - страна которую я хочу посетить" ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА.


Помогите пожалуйста СРОЧНО НАПИСАТЬ СОЧИНЕНИЕ ПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУ НА ТЕМУ "мой любимый подарок"(любой подарок, который придумаете, размер примерно страница или чуть меньше) Я БУДУ ВАМ ОЧЕНЬ БЛАГОДАРЕН!

Помогите вставить артикль, пожалуйста, буду очень признательна))))?

Помогите вставить артикль, пожалуйста, буду очень признательна)))).

Сочинение на тему : Как я посетила музей?

Сочинение на тему : Как я посетила музей.

Прошу помогите очень нужно буду признательна?

Прошу помогите очень нужно буду признательна.

Срочно нужна помощь , пожалуйста чем быстрее тем лучше ?

Срочно нужна помощь , пожалуйста чем быстрее тем лучше .

Буду очень благодарен.


Мне очень нужно!

Буду очень признательна.

На этой странице сайта вы найдете ответы на вопрос Здравствуйте , помогите мне пожалуйста , срочно нужно сочинение на тему : "Место которое я хочу посетить - город Сеул"?, относящийся к категории Английский язык. Сложность вопроса соответствует базовым знаниям учеников 10 - 11 классов. Для получения дополнительной информации найдите другие вопросы, относящимися к данной тематике, с помощью поисковой системы. Или сформулируйте новый вопрос: нажмите кнопку вверху страницы, и задайте нужный запрос с помощью ключевых слов, отвечающих вашим критериям. Общайтесь с посетителями страницы, обсуждайте тему. Возможно, их ответы помогут найти нужную информацию.

Тут нужно поговорить с родителями, как ты провёл летние каникулы. Какие виды деятельности ты делал из 2го упражнения? Найди кого - нибудь, кто провёл наиболее захватывающие каникулы.

1. November, 19th, 1711. (11 / 19 / 1711) 2. Yuri Gagarin. Alexey Leonov. 3. Mikhail Lomonosov 4. January, 15th, 1731. (01 / 15 / 1731) Сорян, но дальше искать я устала).

The person that I admire the most is the singer Olga Seryabkina. She was born on 12th April 1985, in Moscow, Russia. Olga is famous for her works as a singer and for writing songs for famous people, including herself. Olga swent to a music school ..

1. Auntie (Тетя) 2. Grandfather (Дедушка) 3. Great - grandmother (Прабабушка) 4. Granddaughter (Внучка) 5. Cousin (Двоюродный брат) 6. Cousin (Двоюродная сестра) 7. Nephew (Племянник) 8. Niece (Племянница).

Can't remember was walking didn't see anything are you the most polite.

1) went 2) was going 3) was you doing, i was playing 4) came, were standing 5) were playing 6) was preparing, cut 7) went 8) did you go, i went 9) were you doing, i were translating 10) rang, was sleeping 11) was watching, was falling 12) came, , i w..

(Начиная с первого пробела) Am, have, are, is, has got, is, is, has got, do.

They picked mushrooms. They also went swimming. 2. Las weekend Max and Ron`s family went to the lake. The boys played badminton. Their mum picked flowers. Their dad went fishing. Then they had a picnic.

LIKE не всегда означает "любить, нравиться. "У него есть и другое значение "похож". Поэтому в вопросе What's the weather like today? Интересуются не тем, какая погода вам нравится. Вас спросили : "Какая сегодня погода? На что она похожа? ".

Сеул является десятым по величине городом в мире. Он удивительным образом объединил прошлое и будущее. О богатой истории этого города свидетельствуют древние дворцы, храмы и арки, рядом с блестящими небоскребами и оживленным движением современной жизни. Сеул является столицей Южной Кореи и ее политическим, экономическим и культурным центром. Население составляет 11 миллионов человек.


Развитие урбанизации и рост числа автомобилей привел к сильному загрязнению воздуха и к образованию постоянного смога над городом в 80-х и 90-х годах прошлого века. Такая же ситуация была и в Токио, однако, Сеул имеет специальную программу по борьбе с загрязнением воздуха, которая привела к значительным успехам.




Сегодня, Сеул очень чистый город, что частично заложено в древних нормах и правилах поведения (например, запрет на потребление пищи в общественных местах за пределами мест общественного питания). Тот, кто загрязняет улицы будет оштрафован властями одним из самых больших штрафов в мире 70000 вон (около 100 $). Сеул Сити Холл имеет широкие полномочия на использование финансовых ресурсов города, который способствует состояния окружающей среды. До недавнего времени реки были ужасно загрязнены бытовыми и промышленными отходами. Сегодня реки отвечают всем стандартам чистоты воды, а ключевые элементы столицы — зеленые зоны.




География города

Сеул находится в центральной области горы Намсан и реки Ханг, которая делит город на северную (историческую) часть и современный юг. Важной вехой является остров Йоидо, где расположен административный центр столицы. Гора Намсан (265 м над уровнем моря) гранитная, от нее идут три туннеля, соединяющих север и юг города. В прошлом река Хван служила оборонительной линией города. С середины ХХ века бурное развитие мегаполиса привел к расширению его территории на юге.



Королевский Сеул

Туристы любят посещать центральные и северные районы города. Раньше там были любимые места придворных королевского двора — сегодня этот район имеет наиболее красивые достопримечательности Сеула.




Несомненно, что наиболее ценные исторические памятники Сеула — это дворцы династии Чосон, которые были призваны консолидировать силы правящей династии, сегодня они продолжают излучать красоту и великолепие. Все они построены недалеко от Старого города, территория которого граничит с южной, восточной и северной частью городских ворот, которые являются частью оборонительных стен, построенных в четырнадцатом веке. Сегодня все четыре сохранившиеся в городе Сеул дворцы династии Чосон были превращены в музеи и открыты для посетителей.





Достоин внимания и Олимпийский стадион, вместимостью 100000 зрителей, что является предметом гордости корейцев в связи с признанием их международного статуса и права на организацию Олимпийских игр в 1988 году. Именно эта Олимпиада была чрезвычайно важным событием, с которым Корея построила свой имидж демократической страны.



Сеул — город прошлого и будущего

Сеул является десятым по величине городом в мире. Он удивительным образом объединил прошлое и будущее. О богатой истории этого города свидетельствуют древние дворцы, храмы и арки, рядом с блестящими небоскребами и оживленным движением современной жизни. Сеул является столицей Южной Кореи и ее политическим, экономическим и культурным центром. Население составляет 11 миллионов человек. Развитие урбанизации и рост числа автомобилей привел к сильному загрязнению воздуха и к образованию постоянного смога над городом в 80-х и 90-х годах прошлого века. Такая же ситуация была и в Токио, однако, Сеул имеет специальную программу по борьбе с загрязнением воздуха, которая привела к значительным успехам. Сегодня,…

South Korea

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Republic of Korea, or as we are accustomed to say, South Korea is a country in t

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Republic of Korea, or as we are accustomed to say, South Korea is a country in the East Asia. Occupies the southern portion of the Korean Peninsula. Total area is about 98 thousand square kilometers. Poetic name of South Korea - Land of Morning Calm. The name Korea is derived from the ancient kingdom of Goryeo, which existed in the Korean Peninsula in the 10-14 centuries.

Modern South Korea is a highly developed country, one of the so-called

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Modern South Korea is a highly developed country, one of the so-called "Asian tigers." South Korea is full of charm, weaving the old and new. Korea is both very old and very young country. Exotic and the old in it naturally combined with the latest achievements of world civilization. This is a country of ancient and unique culture, romantic sea and mountain scenery, hot springs, golden beaches, quaint islands and cliffs, waterfalls and caves, lush vegetation, unusual cuisine. At the same time it is a country of beautiful hotels, good roads, railways, high-quality modern service. Korea is a shopper's paradise, as it has an extensive network of stores and markets, where you can buy reasonably priced sturdy and quality products. Recently, the Japanese here is frequent for shopping. Every year in Korea are major international exhibitions, attracting businessmen from all over the world: a high quality level equipped modern exhibition centers provide everything necessary for their implementation.

PopulationSouth Korea occupy more than 50 million people. Most of whom are Korea

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PopulationSouth Korea occupy more than 50 million people. Most of whom are Koreans, other than that a substantial weight in the country are of Japanese, Chinese, Filipinos, Americans United States. South Korea is densely populated and high levels of urbanization, urban population of more than 80% of the population. As the population of South Korea is characterized by a high degree of concentration in the capital. In the metropolitan area lived for almost 45% of the population of South Korea

HolidaysNew year on the solar calendar (January 1)

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HolidaysNew year on the solar calendar (January 1)

New year on the solar calendar (January 1)Salt (or New Year) - so the first day

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New year on the solar calendar (January 1)Salt (or New Year) - so the first day of the first month, one of the most important holidays of the year. Koreans celebrate New Year twice. January 1 and 2 - the official date of the celebration of the New Year. New year on the lunar calendar is the approximate date - the end of January or beginning of February. It is usually celebrated with family and loved ones. Koreans also send thank-you cards to friends and comrades with wishes for the coming year

Chuseok is such a dish - rice patty NCSA (송편). NCSA - is a patty made from ric

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Chuseok is such a dish - rice patty NCSA (송편). NCSA - is a patty made from rice flour with a variety of healthful fillers , such as: sesame seeds , a variety of beans , nuts , cinnamon, jujube , honey . Patties are cooked on a pair necessarily on a bed of pine needles.The rolled dough resembles a full moon pie filling - Crescent . Legend has it that during the three kingdoms , the king of the kingdom of Baekje found on tortoise shell inscription : " Baekje - it's a full moon , and Scilla - Crescent " that somehow predicted the fall of Baekje and the greatness of Scilla . Shilla Baekje defeated in the war since the Korean crescent - the symbol of victory and a bright future

Koreans think marriage is the most important stage in a person

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Koreans think marriage is the most important stage in a person's life , and most negatively to divorce as a disgrace not only to each other but also to the parents - although , despite this, the number of divorces in recent years is growing rapidly.The wedding today is somewhat different from what it was before. First there is the usual Western-style ceremony in a church or city hall , the bride in a white wedding dress and the groom in a tuxedo , followed by a traditional ceremony in a different room where the bride and groom , dressed in Korean traditional costumes and following tradition, make bows parents

National dishes Kimchi - Korean dishes, an island flavored pickled (fermented) v

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National dishes Kimchi - Korean dishes, an island flavored pickled (fermented) vegetables in the first place Peking cabbage.

Samgepsal (삼겹살; samɡjʌpsal) - a popular dish of Korean cuisine. Are pieces of

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