Сочинение про оксфорд на английском

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

The University of Oxford is the British university in Oxford, England.

It is the oldest English-speaking University in the world, located in the British Isles. The date of foundation is unknown, but there is evidence of teaching from1096.

Oxford is included in the oldest Universities of Great Britain and Ireland and in the elite Russel group of the best 24 universities in Britain. The education is fee-paying; the University of Oxford holds a leading position in prestige rating of the universities in the world. In the UniPage rating of 2016 it took the second place in the UK and the sixth in the world.

Applicants apply to the college in October-November before start of the study year. Special Commission considers grades (only A-level), letters of recommendation and holds interviews. In some cases an intending student can be asked to bring paperwork or hold writing tests.

It is not allowed to apply both to Oxford and Cambridge at the same year.

The University of Oxford contains of 38 colleges and 6 dormitories- private educational institutions, belonged to religious order. Exams, most of the lectures and lab practicals are organized centrally, while colleges hold private tuition and seminars.

Today in Oxford there are more than 20 thousand students, about quarter of them are foreigners. Their quantity is rapidly increasing in summer, when summer language schools are opened. The Chancellor of Oxford is Lord Chris Patten. Women in Oxford were accepted only in 1920s; however in 70s separate education was recalled.

The University faculties are almost 4 thousand people, where 70 of them are Fellows of the Royal Society, and 100 of them are Fellows of the British Academy.

Oxford uses the unique system of tutoring where every student has individual marking of specialist in chosen specialization.

The major specializations are in art, mathematics, physics, social sciences, medicine and environment.

Students have opportunities to spend their time doing leisure activities, they have more than 300 hobby clubs. Traditionally, in Oxford careful attention is paid to sport and useful and prestige kinds of recreation.

Bachelor degree course lasts 3 years on the average, in some specializations education lasts 5 years like studying the medicine.

This university town is very beautiful. The oldest university there is Oxford. The first of its colleges was founded in 1249. The university now has thirty-five colleges and about thirteen thousand students, many of them from other countries.

There were no women at Oxford until 1878. When the first women's college Lady Margaret Hall, opened. Now most colleges are open to men and women. It is not easy to get a place at Oxford University to study for a degree.

But outside the university there are many smaller private colleges which offer less difficult courses and where it is easy to enrol. Most students in these private school take business, secretarial or English language courses.

Oxford is, of course, famous for its first-class education as well as its beautiful buildings. Some of the most intelligent men and women in the country live and work here. Oxford gives them what they need: a quiet atmosphere, friendly colleagues and the four-hundred-year-old library, which has about five million books.

Oxford has same of the finest architecture in Britain. Some of their colleges, chapels and libraries are there, four and even five hundred years old, and are full off books and precious paintings. You can see there many lovely gardens, where the students can read and relax in the summer months.

Оксфорд - университетский город

Этот университетский город очень красивый. Самый старый университет здесь — Оксфордский. Первый из его колледжей был открыт в 1249 году. Сейчас в университете 35 колледжей и около 13 тысяч студентов, многие из которых иностранцы.

До 1878 года, когда был открыт первый женский колледж леди Маргарет Холл, в университете не было женщин. Сейчас большинство колледжей открыты как для мужчин, так и для женщин. В Оксфордском университете нелегко получить степень.

Но вне университета существует большое количество маленьких частных колледжей, которые предлагают менее сложные курсы и куда легче поступать. Большинство студентов в этих частных школах посещают курсы бизнеса, секретарей и английского языка.

Конечно, Оксфорд знаменит своими красивыми зданиями так же, как и первоклассным образованием. Самые умные люди страны живут и работают здесь. Оксфорд дает им все: спокойную обстановку, дружелюбных коллег и 400-летнюю библиотеку, в которой около пяти миллионов книг.

В Оксфорде расположены красивейшие здания Британии. Некоторым колледжам, часовням и библиотекам триста, четыреста и даже пятьсот лет, и они полны книг и бесценных полотен. Здесь много красивых садов, где студенты читают и отдыхают в летние месяцы.

1. What is the oldest university in Oxford?
2. When did it open?
3. What is Oxford famous for?
4. How many colleges are there in university?
5. Where do students relax and read?

to enrol — поступить
chapel — часовня
precious — бесценный
painting — полотно

This university town is very beautiful. The oldest university there is Oxford. The first of its colleges was founded in 1249. The university now has thirty-five colleges and about thirteen thousand students, many of them from other countries.

There were no women at Oxford until 1878. When the first women's college Lady Margaret Hall, opened. Now most colleges are open to men and women. It is not easy to get a place at Oxford University to study for a degree.

But outside the university there are many smaller private colleges which offer less difficult courses and where it is easy to enrol. Most students in these private school take business, secretarial or English language courses.

Oxford is, of course, famous for its first-class education as well as its beautiful buildings. Some of the most intelligent men and women in the country live and work here. Oxford gives them what they need: a quiet atmosphere, friendly colleagues and the four-hundred-year-old library, which has about five million books.

Oxford has same of the finest architecture in Britain. Some of their colleges, chapels and libraries are there, four and even five hundred years old, and are full off books and precious paintings. You can see there many lovely gardens, where the students can read and relax in the summer months.


Этот университетский город очень красивый. Самый старый университет здесь — Оксфордский. Первый из его колледжей был открыт в 1249 году. Сейчас в университете 35 колледжей и около 13 тысяч студентов, многие из которых иностранцы.

До 1878 года, когда был открыт первый женский колледж леди Маргарет Холл, в университете не было женщин. Сейчас большинство колледжей открыты как для мужчин, так и для женщин. В Оксфордском университете нелегко получить степень.

Но вне университета существует большое количество маленьких частных колледжей, которые предлагают менее сложные курсы и куда легче поступать. Большинство студентов в этих частных школах посещают курсы бизнеса, секретарей и английского языка.

Конечно, Оксфорд знаменит своими красивыми зданиями так же, как и первоклассным образованием. Самые умные люди страны живут и работают здесь. Оксфорд дает им все: спокойную обстановку, дружелюбных коллег и 400-летнюю библиотеку, в которой около пяти миллионов книг.

В Оксфорде расположены красивейшие здания Британии. Некоторым колледжам, часовням и библиотекам триста, четыреста и даже пятьсот лет, и они полны книг и бесценных полотен. Здесь много красивых садов, где студенты читают и отдыхают в летние месяцы.

Oxford and Cambridge (текст на английском языке)

Oxford and Cambridge are the most prestigious universities in the English-speaking world. You never say Cambridge and Oxford; Oxford always comes first. They are often called Oxbridge.

To get the Degree of Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) students have to study for three years. The students wear a special uniform daily, and full academic dress at the examinations. According to the long established tradition Latin is used at public degree ceremony.

Oxford and Cambridge universities consist of a number of colledges. Each college has its own name and its coats of arms. On the territory there is usually a chapel, a dining hall, a library, rooms for undergraduates, fellows and the master, and also rooms for teaching.

Oxford is one of the oldest universities in Europe. It is situated at a distance of 100 km from London. It is the second largest one in Britain after London University. It dates in chronicles from 911 AD. Most colleges are made of grey stone. They have stood there for many centuries. Oxfords is an aristocratic university. Now there are 27 colleges for men, 5 for women and another five which have both ones. All the students at Oxford talk in a very superior way known as the Oxford accent, which is a bit like the BBC acent.


Аллея внутри колледжа Св. Джона. Фото автора

Cambridge is situated at a distance of seventy miles from London. It is one of the most beautiful towns in England and looks more like a country town. The Cambridge University started during the 13th century (1284). It has more than twenty nine colleges. A colledge is a group of buildings which form a square with a lawn in the centre. The colleges line the bank of the river Cam. They have beautiful college gardens with green lawns and lines of tall trees.

The oldest college in Cambridge is Peterhouse, which was founded in 1284. The most famous is probably King’s college (founded in 1441) because of its magnificent chapel and English fifteen-century architecture.

Since the year of 1970 most colleges of Cambridge are mixed. A lot of famous people studied at Cambridge. They are Sir Isaac Newton, Oliver Cromwell, John Milton and Sir Charles Darwin. In Trinity College, which is a very famous, there is a statue of Sir Isaac Newton, the greatest scientist in the world.

sport life in Oxford and Cambridge compared

Sport is a part of students life at both universities. There is a great rivalry between the universities and they play all sorts of games between each other like cricket and rugger (rugby football). Also they compete at punting and rowing, which are the most popular sports. The Oxford team wear dark blue uniform and the Cambridge team wear light blue one.

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