Известные люди беларуси сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

There are many famous people among Belarusians. They are writers and poets, scientists and sportsmen, politicians and cosmonauts.
First of all, I’d like to mention Francysk Scaryna. He was a humanist, a scholar, a translator and the first book printer in Eastern Europe. He translated the Bible into the old Belarusian language and made it accessible to common people.
Then come Belarusian scientists, such as Pavel Sukhoi, Zhores Alferov, Boris Kit and others. Gomel technical university bears the name of Pavel Sukhoi. He was an aerospace engineer, designer of more than 50 original aircraft solutions. Boris Kit developed space fuel. Zhores Alferov was the winner of 2000 Nobel Prize in Physics.
I can’t but mention Mark Chagall, a brilliant representative of the 20th century avant-garde with his unique style.
These prominent figures make me feel proud of my country. They proved that Belarus is a talented nation.

2. Do you know anyone who is a Nobel Prize winner?
Yes, I do. Svetlana Alexievich is the first Belarusian author to win the Nobel Prize in Literature.

3. What questions will you ask that person?
How long did it take you to write “War’s Unwomanly Face”?
Why did you choose the genre of documentary literature?
What advice would you give a beginning writer?
How did your life change after getting the Nobel Prize?

4. Your British friend wants to learn more about the culture of Belarus. What advice will you give him/her?
The best way to learn about the culture of my country is to visit it. While in Belarus I would recommend him to visit the village of Dudutki and take part in Kupalle. Thus he will see Belarusian past and traditions.

5. Woody Allan said: “The only thing standing between me and greatness is ME” What do you think about it?
I think it means that to achieve great aims people should forget about themselves and care for the whole mankind.

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Famous People of Belarus — Иностранный язык

There are many famous people in our republic.

Among them you can find the names of politicians and

public figures, intellectuals and scientists, heroes

of war and labour, sportsmen and artists.

First of all I'd like to mention the name of

our outstanding national writers Yanka Kupala

and Yakub Kolas. They created a new Belarusian

Literature and a Belarusian literatury language.

Both are considered to be the classics of Belorusian

literature. These names are followed by a number of

other well-known writers and poets, such as

K.Krapiva, Chorny, Brovka, Shamyakin, Tank, Bykov,

Korotkevich, Gilevich, Loyka, Adamovich known both

in our country and abroad. Their works are translated

into many European languages.

Many Minsk streets are named after the

The cultural life of Belarus has always been

very interesting and varied. Among the leading

composers of the present centure were Tikotsky,

Aladov, Bogatyrov, Smolsky. Other

well-known composers of the older generation include

Pukst, Lukas, Luchenok, Alovnikov, etc.

Many prominent names in the history of Belarus

of the 20th century are connected with the two main

events, the Second World War and space exploration.

The Belarusians fought heroically defending their

Motherland. But we are especially proud of the

heroes of the last war: K.Zaslonov, E.Osipova,

N.Gastello, V.Talalikhin, the defenders of Brest

Fortess and many others. In the family of cosmonauts

there are also two Belarussians, A.Kovalyonok and

At the present day time, the time of revolution

of values, it's difficult to find heroes especially

among politicians. Time will put everything in its

place and give everybody his due. But one thing is

obvious: great times are created by great men. Their

names are sure to become history whatever it may be.

There are many famous people in our republic. Among them you can find the names of politicians and public figures, intellectuals and scientists, heroes of war and labour, sportsmen and artists. First of all I'd lik

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Belarus is a talented nation. It has given birth to many outstanding people in different spheres of life. When discussing outstanding people we can't but mention the names of such thinkers as Efrosinya Polotskaya and Kirill Turovsky. Efrosinya Polotskaya, a princess, a nun and later Mother Superior of the Convent was one of the first women enlighteners of the 12 th century. She translated spiritual and religious books from Greek and Latin into the Belarussian language and copied them by hand. The age of Renaissance enriched our culture with new names of great Belorussian statesmen, writers and printers: for example, Lev Sapega, Mikola Gusovsky and many others. The name of the first printer Fr. Scarina and his followers Symon Budny and Vasily Tyapinsky are well-known throughout the world. Fr. Scarina was a prominent scholar and humanist whose intellectual interests embraced theology, literature, law, medicine and printing. The most significant of these achievements was the translation and publication of the Bible in Belarusian. He even founded the first printing workshop in Vilnya. His activities gave a powerful impulse to the development of all the Slavonic states, he greatly contributed to our Belarusian language, culture and art, showed the variety of human nature.

It goes without saying that Belarusian literature has made a great contribution to world literature. The prominent names of Y Kupala, Y. Kolas are world famous. It's also a pleasure to mention such Belarusian composers as Churkin, Luchenok, Aladov. Our vocal groups "Pesnyary", "Verasy", "Syabry" and dance group "Khoroshky" have been a great success in Europe. Through the creative process musicians, artists, actors, scientists try to express their personal philosophy. Our professional theatres embody the bright image and events of Belarusian history in drama, music and ballet.

Many natives of Belarus, because of numerous political and economic difficulties that haunted Belarus were to seek better life abroad. For example, world famous M. Chagal, born in 1887 in Belarus had to immigrate to France in 1922. Artist and Graphic, he created a new trend in painting with a number of fantastic, irrational works, often on folklore or divine themes. We also know well and admire the other Belarusian artist, K. Malevich with his "Black Square".

Many prominent names in the history of our country are connected with two main events, the Second World War and space exploration. All Belarusians fought heroically defending their Motherland, but we are especially proud of K. Zaslonov, N. Gastello, the defenders of Brest fortress and many ©thers. Among cosmonauts you can also find our natives: A. Kovalyonok and P. Klimuk.

No doubt, the prestige of the country depends greatly on sport achievements of its athletes. Belarus has always been known as a sporty nation.

Many Belarusian sportsmen have brought glory to their native land winning in the greatest sport events including the Olympic Games and the world championships and tournaments. I can't help admiring Y. Nesterenko, 0. Ryzhenkov, A. Medved, O. Korbut, V. Scherbo, E. Karston, Ya. Korolchik, A. Rybakov.

The ambassador of good will. M. Mirny is my favourite tennis player. He is really good at tennis and ranks among the best tennis players of the world. I think his example should inspire many young Belarusians to play tennis. He is the first Belarusian player who managed to defeat the strongest foreign sportsmen.

At the present day time, the time of revaluation of values, it's hard to find heroes. Time will put everything in its place and give everybody his due. But one thing is obvious: great times are created by great men. And our government does its best to create the conditions for the comprehensive development of people, their abilities. And after all it depends on the residents of Belarus to enlarge the wealth of their state.

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