Сочинение про коломну на английском

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Мое любимое место – коломенский Парк - Это один из лучших парков в городе. Коломенский парк – это одно из лучших мест отдыха и проведения свободного времени. В любое время года там хорошо и весело. Зимой – ледяные горки и простые радости зимы, летом – катание на корабликах и пикники.
В Коломенском парке расположен большой сад с яблонями, очень красиво и зрелищно особенно во время цветения, в этом парке очень хорошая атмосфера, я бываю там часто и с каждым разом удивляюсь все больше и больше, тому что там есть…

My favourite place – the Kolomna Park is one of the best parks in a city. The Kolomna park is one of the best vacation spots and free time carrying out. At any time year there it is good and cheerful. In the winter – ice slopes and simple pleasures of winter, in the summer – driving by ships and picnics.
In the Kolomna park the big garden with apple-trees is located, it is very beautiful and зрелищно especially during flowering, in this park very good atmosphere, I happen there often and each time I am surprised more and more, to that that there is …


My loved place коломенский Park - one of the best park in city. Kolomenskiy park this one of the best places of the rest and undertaking of free time. Anytime year there well and merrily. In winter icy hutches and simple joys of the winter, summer riding on nautilus and picnics.
Big garden is located In Kolomenskom park with aple tree, much beautifully and entertainment during blossom particularly, in this park very good atmosphere, I бываю there often and with each at once wonder more and more, that that there there is

Kolomenskoye (Kolomensky Park) is my favourite place. It's one of the best parks in the city. Kolomensky Park is one of the best places for recreation and leisure time. It's nice and merry there at any time of the year. There are ice slopes and ordinary winter joys in winter, and there is (ship) boating and picnics in summer.
There is a large garden with apple trees in Kolomensky park. It's very beautiful and picturesque (spectacular) there, especially at the flowering time. There is a very nice atmosphere in this park. I often go there, and with every passing day I'm suprised more and more by the things that are there.

KOLOMNA is an ancient city of Moscow Oblast, Russia, situated at the confluence of the Moskva and Oka Rivers, 114 kilometers southeast of Moscow. Population: 144,589 Due to sensitive military production of missile components, Kolomna was a closed city until 1994. It is still not listed as a city of the Golden Ring, despite its kremlin and the large number of well-preserved churches and monasteries. The Kolomna Speed Skating Center is an indoor ice speed skating oval used for Russian and international championships. It hosted the 2008 European Speed Skating Championships and the 2016 World Single Distance Speed Skating Championships. The Kolomna Speed Skating Center is considered as one of the most modern ice speed skating ovals in the world.


Новые вопросы в Английский язык

"theatre is a verb, before it is a noun, an act it is a place"пожалуйста, напишите значение это цитаты на русском. мне НЕ нужен перевод цитаты, мне ну … жно значение. на всякий напишу перевод: "театр - глагол, перед ним существительное, действие перед местом"пожалуйста, помогите мне♡♡♡​

2 Match each question with an answer. 1 Who is Tariq Sims? 2 Do any teachers work on the website? 3 Where are the reviews of school plays and concerts … ? 4 Does Angela want the pupils to write things for the site? 5 Which part of the Home page rhymes? 6 What does Mr Jennings answer? a In the Interesting articles and reviews section. b Yes, she does. c He's one of the reporters. d Questions about his life. e No, they don't. f The welcome poem.СРОЧНОООООООООО ПОМОГОТИТЕ ​

LANGUAGE FOCUS Past perfect. Reported Past perfect Report Choose the correct words to complete 3 G in ti the sentences. V N u S 1 When I had got / got … to school, I realised I had forgotten my homework. 1 Our plane had / has just taken off when we got to the airport. 2 At the age of ten, he had already learns/ learned to play the piano. 3. My dad got / had got in his car but he had left the car keys in the house. She hadn't / hasn't studied English before she started school. 5 I already know / knew Almaty well because ! had visited the city many times. 6 Before my trip in 2017, I had / have only travelled by ship two times. 7 I understood / understand the film because I had read the book. 8 Before last week, my brother had never went/been swimming. ​

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KOLOMNA is an ancient city of Moscow Oblast, Russia, situated at the confluence of the Moskva and Oka Rivers, 114 kilometers southeast of Moscow. Population: 144,589 Due to sensitive military production of missile components, Kolomna was a closed city until 1994. It is still not listed as a city of the Golden Ring, despite its kremlin and the large number of well-preserved churches and monasteries. The Kolomna Speed Skating Center is an indoor ice speed skating oval used for Russian and international championships. It hosted the 2008 European Speed Skating Championships and the 2016 World Single Distance Speed Skating Championships. The Kolomna Speed Skating Center is considered as one of the most modern ice speed skating ovals in the world.

-Давай пойдём на концерт во вторник?
-Какой концерт?
-Это концерт классической музыки.Дирижор Евгений Светланов.Он очень знаменитый и известный.Он главный дирижер государственного симфонического оркестра российской федерации.Также он известен как композитор и пианист.Музыка также очень знаменита.Это увертюра к опере "Руслан и Людмила" Глинки.Эта опера одна из лучших.глинка был одним из начинателей российской национальной симфонической музыки.Тебе стоит послушать эту музыку.Далее будет симфония №1 прокофьева.Также он написал балет "Ромео и Джульетта" и мюзикл "Петя и волк".И в конце будет Рапсодия на тему Паганини и оркестра Сергея Рахманинова.Он выдающийся русский композитор и пианист.Его музыка светла и романтическая.Так что ты думаешь по поводу похода на концерт.
-Спасибо за приглашение.Я присоединюсь к тебе,потому что мне стоит больше узнать о российской музыке.

1 mum gave us money to go to the cinema
2- use the key to open the door
3- jane found a part time job to earn some pocket money
4- i went shopping to buy a new coat

She knew that Mark enjoyed learning about space but a _big_ telescope was a present than they had planned.

1. If we can resolve environmental problems, we will rescue the earth. 2. People will be more healthy if air pollution is stopped. 3. If the different countries test the nuclear weapon, it will call radioactive pollution. 4. If factories merge waste in the rivers, water in them will be poisoned. 5. We will survive, if we will protect the nature all together.

Paul isn’t a very honest person. That is why when he speaks nobody . (believe) him. 2. He . (have) sports car. 3. Bill, you

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Передайте следующее специальные вопросы в косвенной речи 1) He said to her "Where ,do you usually spend your summer holidays?"2)

Task 2. Put in the article “the” where it is necessary. 1. Los Angeles is in ………USA. 2. I often dream of fishing in the rivers o

СРОЧНО . 1 I can't stand ________________ in queues. ( to wait ) 2 I wouldn't like ________________ in his shoes. ( to be )

Коломенское - мое любимое место в Москве. Если вы интересуетесь историей, можно узнать много нового, особенно об эпохе Петра I. Я очень люблю фольклорные праздники, с яркими костюмами, народными песнями и танцами, традиционными национальными блюдами. Мне нравятся великолепные виды на парк и Москву-реку. Свежий воздух, тишина и покой исторических мест делают посетителей по-настоящему счастливыми. Коломенское - одно из самых популярных мест отдыха москвичей и туристов со всей страны и из-за рубежа.

Kolomenskoye is my favourite place in Moscow. If you are interested in history you can learn a lot of things there, especially about the period of Peter 1. I like folklore festivals with their bright costumes, folk songs and dances and traditional Russian dishes very much. I enjoy the beautiful views of the park and the Moskva-river. Fresh air, peace and quiet of the historical places make the visitors really happy. Kolomenskoye is one of the most popular places to visit for Muscovites and tourists from all over Russia and foreign countries.

Сайт решак.ру отлично работает на мобильных телефонах, им можно успешно пользоваться во время урока. Телефон хорошо прячется за учебником или рукавом. Или можно сказать, что забыли учебник дома, а на телефоне у вас электронный.

особенно об эпохе Петра I. Я очень люблю фольклорные праздники, с яркими костюмами, народными песнями и танцами, традиционными национальными блюдами. Мне нравятся великолепные виды на парк и Москву-реку. Свежий воздух, тишина и покой исторических мест делают посетителей по-настоящему счастливыми. Коломенское - одно из самых популярных мест отдыхa москвичей и туристов со всей страны и из-за рубежа.

Ответ или решение 1

Kolomenskoye is my favourite place in Moscow. If you are interested in history you can learn a lot of things there, especially about the period of Peter I. I like folklore festivals with their bright costumes, folk songs and dances and traditional Russian dishes very much. I enjoy the beautiful views of the park and the Moskva-river. Fresh air, peace and quiet of the historical places make the visitors really happy. Kolomenskoye is one of the most popular places to visit for Muscovites and tourists from all over Russia and foreign countries.

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