Сочинение про дербент на английском языке с переводом

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

I was born in a small town but I love it with all my heart. I liked to walk around, discover new places, hang out with my friends in the center and so on. Today I know everything here. I have to say that in childhood I didn’t really like it. I wanted to move to another town. I wanted to live in a big city where I can meet new people every day. I really thought that my town was boring. But today I see how beautiful and interesting my city is.

My native town is Odintsovo. This town had been founded in 1470. It is located 4 kilometers away from Moscow, in west part of Moscow region.

During the Second World War our town suffered a lot. Many firms were opened here after 1960. People here are very hospitable and friendly. As I said it’s not very big and everyone knows each other. And I really like it.

Few of my friends went away to study. They say they miss Odintsovo a lot. And they are always happy to come back here. That’s why I am sure I will miss this town.

The best place in my town is the center. It is beautiful and always full of people. Teenagers often come here in the evenings. And when there is some celebration in our town, it’s always here in the center. There are some shops here, bars and cafe, offices and bank.

Our town is not so popular and famous like Moscow or Saint Petersburg, but there are also beautiful streets and buildings.

For me my home town is the best. I was born here and grew up. I have many friends and relatives in this town. My best memories, holidays and celebrations were here. I understood how much I love it only when I have become elder. And in future I am sure wherever I go I will always come back in Odintsovo at least once in a year. Because a piece of my heart will stay here forever.

Мой родной город

Я родился в маленьком городке, но люблю его всем сердцем. Мне нравится тут гулять, открывать новые места, зависать с друзьями на центре и так далее. Сегодня я знаю здесь абсолютно все. Должен сказать, что в детстве я не очень любил свой город. Мне хотелось переехать куда-нибудь ещё. Я хотел жить в большом городе, где смогу встречать новых людей каждый день. Мне действительно казалось, что мой город очень скучный. Но сегодня я вижу, в каком красивом и интересном городке я живу.

Мой родной город - Одинцово. Он был основан в 1470 году. Расположен он всего в 4 километрах от Москвы, в западной части Московского района. Во время Второй Мировой войны город сильно пострадал. Зато после 1960 года он начал расти и развиваться, стали появляться фирмы и заводы. Люди тут очень гостеприимные и дружелюбные. Как я уже сказал, город не очень большой и все тут практически знают друг друга. И мне это очень нравится.

Несколько моих друзей уехали в другие города учиться. Они говорят, что очень скучают по Одинцово. И они всегда рады, когда приезжают сюда на каникулы. И я тоже уверен, что буду скучать по родному городу.

Лучшее место здесь - это центр города. Тут красиво и всегда полно людей. Подростки часто приходят сюда по вечерам. А когда приближается какое-либо празднование, то обычно это случается в центре города. Здесь есть несколько магазинов, бары и кафе, офисы и банк.

Наш город не такой известный и популярный, как Москва или Санкт-Петербург. Но тут есть тоже красивые улицы и здания. Для меня мой родной город - самый лучший. Я тут родился и вырос. Здесь живет много моих друзей и родственников. Мои лучшие воспоминания, праздники и всевозможные торжества прошли тут. Я понял, как сильно люблю свой город, только когда стал старше. И в будущем я уверен, куда бы я не уехал, сюда буду возвращаться хотя бы раз в год. Потому что частичка моего сердца навсегда останется здесь.

My native country Dagestan – is a country of mountains,which has been famous for the unity of all peoples. My country is extraordinarily beautiful and has magnificent landscape: the sea … mountains … But the attention of millions of people are attracted to the pearl of the Caucasus – a city on the Caspian Sea – our Derbent. History of Derbent is very interesting . Derbent – city of a thousand legends. Indeed, we – derbenttsams, have something that we can be proud of. We need to know the history of our native city. On top of Derbent hill stands a magnificent wonder of the world – Fortress “Naryn-Kala”, which lead to 211 steps. From here you can see a wonderful view of the city. Historical monuments – are like silent witnesses of multiple invasions, the nomads, various conquerors of the city.We can talk forever about ancient Derbent, but modern Derbent is worthy of attention. It has saved many of the traditions and customs of ancestors, which encourages young people to respect their elders, honor their parents, love their land, show kindness and hospitality, traditions also teach us how to be fair and honest .
I love my city and I want to make it more beautiful, cleaner, greener. It all depends on us, on the people living in it. So, lets love, protect and glorify our native, so ancient and forever young Derbent!

My native country Dagestan – is a country of mountains,which has been famous for the unity of all peoples. My country is extraordinarily beautiful and has magnificent landscape: the sea … mountains … But the attention of millions of people are attracted to the pearl of the Caucasus – a city on the Caspian Sea – our Derbent. History of Derbent is very interesting . Derbent – city of a thousand legends. Indeed, we – derbenttsams, have something that we can be proud of. We need to know the history of our native city. On top of Derbent hill stands a magnificent wonder of the world – Fortress “Naryn-Kala”, which lead to 211 steps. From here you can see a wonderful view of the city. Historical monuments – are like silent witnesses of multiple invasions, the nomads, various conquerors of the city.We can talk forever about ancient Derbent, but modern Derbent is worthy of attention. It has saved many of the traditions and customs of ancestors, which encourages young people to respect their elders, honor their parents, love their land, show kindness and hospitality, traditions also teach us how to be fair and honest .
I love my city and I want to make it more beautiful, cleaner, greener. It all depends on us, on the people living in it. So, let’s love, protect and glorify our native, so ancient and forever young Derbent!

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  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

 The most ancient town Derbent

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 The most ancient town Derbent

The most ancient town Derbent

Самый древний город России – это Дербент. Он располагается на территории совр.

Самый древний город России – это Дербент. Он располагается на территории современного Дагестана. The town, about which I am going to speak, is situated between the Caspian sea and the most beautiful landscapes of the Caucasus mountains. It is the most ancient and the most southern town of our country. It is Derbent.

The ancient name of this town is the Caspian Gates. Derbent has experienced.

The ancient name of this town is the Caspian Gates. Derbent has experienced a very turbulent life.

Once upon a time Derbent was one of the main parts of the well-known ancient.

Once upon a time Derbent was one of the main parts of the well-known ancient Silk road. That’s why many people wanted to own the town. There were many bloody battles and fights for it.

Derbent was repeatedly destroyed, was subjected to assault at, was fallen int.

Derbent was repeatedly destroyed, was subjected to assault at, was fallen into decay. But it had long periods of prosperity as well.

 The oldest town of Russia is now filled with a huge number of museums.

The oldest town of Russia is now filled with a huge number of museums.

It is considered that more than half of the city is Museum-reserve, where a l.

It is considered that more than half of the city is Museum-reserve, where a lot of stone buildings are situated.

Many buildings date back to the sixth century BC.

Many buildings date back to the sixth century BC.

The complex of these buildings includes the fortress called the Naryn-Kala. I.

The complex of these buildings includes the fortress called the Naryn-Kala. It served as a defensive checkpoint for many centuries.

The mosque-Juma deserves special attention. It was built in the eighth centur.

The mosque-Juma deserves special attention. It was built in the eighth century BC. Juma is the oldest mosque in Russia.

The magnificent architecture of the "old" town is replaced by modern buildin.

The magnificent architecture of the "old" town is replaced by modern buildings! People that have their own soul and their faces reflect their inner being - the hospitality, kindness and diligence live and create in this city .

Now the town is trying to keep up with modern trends and travel routes.

Now the town is trying to keep up with modern trends and travel routes.

In October 2015 an unforgettable trip to Derbent was organized.

In October 2015 an unforgettable trip to Derbent was organized.

 We visited the fortress Naryn-Kala with my class.

We visited the fortress Naryn-Kala with my class.

We enjoyed our trip very much.

We enjoyed our trip very much.

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Сочинение Мой город на английском языке

Учимся писать сочинение Мой город на английском – общие принципы выполнения работы

Для начала поговорим о том, что нам нужно сделать для написания сочинения. В это вопросе есть две составляющих:

  • Моральная подготовка – психологический настрой, отсутствие волнения, собранность и целеустремленность.
  • Практическая подготовка – достаточное знание английской грамматики, лексики, речевых конструкций и нюансов произношения.

Для взрослых новичков уровня A1-A2 сочинение с переводом My Native Town уже считается более серьезной письменной работой. В пределах объема на 100-150 слов необходимо представиться читателю, описать на английском языке свой родной город и завершить текст красивой обобщающей смысл всего вышесказанного фразой. При этом по знаниям требуется владение временами Present и Past Simple, понимание to be и неправильных глаголов, а также наличие достаточного словарного запаса.

Возможно также будут полезны другие сочинения:

Итак, представляем вашему вниманию рассказ о своем городе на английском языке с переводом.

My town

I live in Vologda. This is my home town. It is on the Vologda river. My town is not very big city, but it is very beautiful. I like to walk along the streets of my town with my parents or friends. Vologda is an ancient city. There are a lot of museums, beautiful churches and nice buildings. My town is also full of wonderful parks and green zones. I love Vologda very much and I invite you to come and see my home town.

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Я живу в Вологде. Это мой родной город. Он расположен на берегах реки Вологда. Мой город не очень большой, но очень красивый. Я люблю прогуливаться по городским улочкам с родителями или друзьями. Вологда – старинный город. Здесь есть множество музеев, красивых церквей и прекрасных зданий. Мой город также полон чудесными парками и зелеными зонами. Я очень сильно люблю Вологду и приглашаю вас приехать и полюбоваться моим родным городом.

My home town

My name is Pavel. I was born in a small town Vyazma. It is located on the Vyazma river, about halfway between Smolensk and Mozhaisk.

Nowadays Vyazma is a famous industrial city of Russia. The town’s main industries are engineering, leather working, graphite products, and flax textiles. Also there are many museums, parks, ancient churches and monuments in the Vyazma. In addition, my city is the native land of many famous people, such as the pilot Yury Yanov, starry actor Anatoly Papanov, and others. I’m proud to be living in this city.

Меня зовут Павел. Я родился в небольшом городке Вязьма. Он расположен на реке Вязьма, практически на одинаковом расстоянии между Смоленском и Можайском.

В настоящее время Вязьма – знаменитый промышленный город России. Главными промышленными отраслями города считаются машиностроение, кожевенное производство, изготовление изделий из графита и пошив текстильных тканей. Также в Вязьме есть множество музеев, парков, старинных церквей и памятников. В добавок, мой город является малой родиной многих знаменитых людей: например, летчика Юрия Янова, популярного киноактера Анатолия Папанова и многих других. Я горжусь тем, что живу в этом городе.

My native city

Hello! My name is Olga and I am 17 years old. I want to tell you about my native city.

I live in Pskov city, which lies in the north-west of Russia. It is one of the oldest Russian cities, because it was founded in 903. Pskov is located on the Velikaya river. It has a significant historic importance: the river provided Pskov with access to the sea, via Lake Peipus and the Narva River. By the 14th century, the city became the capital of the sovereign Pskov Republic and was a trading post of the Hanseatic League. Later Pskov came under the control of Moscow and Russian Empire. So it is a very old place, with rich and fascinating history.

The population of Pskov is slightly more than 210 000 people. My native city is not big, but it is very comfortable. The climate is mild in my city, although closeness the Baltic Sea and Gulf of Finland influences greatly the weather conditions. Winter is long and mild, summer is warm, but not long. Fall and summer we have more precipitation than winter and spring.

Many attractions of my city are included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site. So, Pskov is a world-known as the city of ancient churches and buildings. Of course, a lot of beautiful new houses and shops are built there every year, but most central streets have preserved their historical look. Ancient churches are the most remarkable part of the architectural heritage of Pskov. My home town has a lot of unique churches of the 12th-16th centuries. The most popular places of interest in Pskov are the Krom (Kremlin), Trinity Cathedral, Mirozhsky Monastery, Snetogorsky monastery, St. Basil’s on the Hill and the Pskov Monastery.

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It is also impossible not to say about Izborsk, a seat of Rurik’s brother in the 9th century and one of the most formidable fortresses of medieval Russia. Mikhailovskoe, the family nest of the famous Russian poet Alexander Pushkin, is among the other attractions of Pskov. I am very proud that the national poet of Russia wrote some of the best known lines in the Russian language in my city.

Of course, there are many museums, theaters, cinemas, cafes and parks in the Pskov. I’ve already said, that my town is very interesting and comfortable. And in my opinion, it’s one of the most beautiful parts of Russia. I like Pskov and it will always be the best place on the planet for me.

Здравствуйте! Меня зовут Ольга, мне 17 лет. Я хочу с вами поделиться рассказом о моем родном городе.

Я живу в городе Псков, что находится на северо-западе России. Это один из старейших русских городов, поскольку город был основан в 903 году. Псков расположен на реке Великая. Она имеет важное историческое значение: эта река обеспечила Пскову выход к морю через Чудское озеро и реку Нарва. К 14 веку город стал столицей суверенной Псковской Республики и был важным торговым пунктом Ганзейского союза. Позднее Псков перешел под контроль Московского Царства и Российской империи. Так что это старинное место, с богатой и впечатляющей историей.

Население Пскова немногим превышает планку в 210 000 людей. Мой родной город не большой, но очень уютный. Климат в моем городе мягкий, хотя близость к Балтийскому морю и Финскому заливу значительно сказывается на погодных условиях. Зима долгая и несуровая, а лето теплое, но не длинное. Осенью и летом осадков у нас выпадает больше, чем зимой и весной.

Многие достопримечательности моего города внесены в список Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО. Так, Псков известен на весь мир, как город старинных церквей и зданий. Конечно, каждый год здесь строятся многие красивые новые дома и магазины, но большинство центральных улиц сохраняют свой исторический облик. Старинные церкви – наиболее значимая часть архитектурного наследия Пскова. Мой родной город обладает множеством уникальных церквей, возведенных в 12-16 столетиях. Наиболее популярными достопримечательностями Пскова являются Кром (Кремль), Троицкий собор, Мирожский монастырь, Снетогорский монастырь, Храм Василия Блаженного и Псковский монастырь.

Также невозможно не упомянуть о Изборске, резиденции брата Рюрика в 9 веке и одной из самых неприступных крепостей средневековой Руси. Михайловское, семейное гнездо знаменитого русского поэта Александра Пушкина, также стоит выделить среди достопримечательностей Пскова. Я очень горжусь тем, что самый народный поэт России написал несколько известных строк на русском языке в моем городе.

Конечно, в Пскове есть множество музеев, театров, кинотеатров, кафе и парков. Я уже говорила, что мой город интересный и уютный. И, по моему мнению, он является одним из самых красивых регионов России. Мне нравится Псков, и он всегда для меня будет лучшим местом на всей планете.

Republic of Dagestan, a part of the Russian Federation, located in the North Caucasus and the border is part of the South of Russia. It is bordered by land and the Caspian Sea to the five states - Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Iran. Neighbors within the Russian Federation Stavropol Territory, Kalmykia and Chechnya.

Dagestan washed by the Caspian Sea. The southern boundary runs along the watershed ridge of the Greater Caucasus. Size and population - the largest republic in the North Caucasus.

Green represents life, the abundance of land. Goluboy Dagestan - the color of the sea, symbolizes the beauty and grandeur of the Dagestani people. Red stands for democracy, educational power of the human mind in the process of creation of life, the courage and bravery of the country's population Mountains (Dagestan).

Coat of arms of Dagestan reflects the political, historical and cultural unity more than 30 related ethnic groups, formed a relatively small area in the North Caucasus.

Презентация-проект по английскому языку Мой любимый Дагестан

The Republic of Dagestan is one of the most attractive, colorful and distinctive regions of Russia. From time immemorial, Dagestan attracted countless travelers. The main value of Dagestan - its people, their Caucasian kindness and hospitality. Unrepeatable and unique culture and art of the peoples of the country. Every nation has retained its long-standing tradition here, folklore, crafts and language.

Derbent is the oldest center of Dagestan, the crucible of his spiritual and material culture. Hence the spread art, arts and crafts, writing, values of Islam. The combination of unique monuments of history, architecture, archeology, the magnificence of the natural landscape and pleasant climate give Derbent and its environs value a major center of Russian and international tourism.

Located in Dakhadayevsky District of Dagestan, at an altitude of more than a thousand meters above sea level, this settlement does not know himself ravnyh.Po legend, the castle was founded in the VII century, the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad Quraish, who erected it at the top of rugged mountains, standing at the confluence of five rivers.

Only a narrow mountain trail connects Cala Koreish with the outside world. Thanks to this arrangement, the first residents to fully control the trade in the region and spread their faith freely.

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 Number Kristina Goncharova Russian National Contest with international participation


Kristina Goncharova

Russian National Contest with international participation

"Native Land, forever beloved"

Republic of Dagestan, a part of the Russian Federation, located in the North Caucasus and the border is part of the South of Russia. It is bordered by land and the Caspian Sea to the five states - Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Iran. Neighbors within the Russian Federation Stavropol Territory, Kalmykia and Chechnya. Dagestan washed by the Caspian Sea. The southern boundary runs along the watershed ridge of the Greater Caucasus. Size and population - the largest republic in the North Caucasus.

Republic of Dagestan, a part of the Russian Federation, located in the North Caucasus and the border is part of the South of Russia. It is bordered by land and the Caspian Sea to the five states - Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Iran. Neighbors within the Russian Federation Stavropol Territory, Kalmykia and Chechnya. Dagestan washed by the Caspian Sea. The southern boundary runs along the watershed ridge of the Greater Caucasus. Size and population - the largest republic in the North Caucasus.

Green represents life, the abundance of land .Goluboy Dagestan - the color of the sea, symbolizes the beauty and grandeur of the Dagestani people. Red stands for democracy, educational power of the human mind in the process of creation of life, the courage and bravery of the country

Green represents life, the abundance of land .Goluboy Dagestan - the color of the sea, symbolizes the beauty and grandeur of the Dagestani people. Red stands for democracy, educational power of the human mind in the process of creation of life, the courage and bravery of the country's population Mountains (Dagestan).

Coat of arms of Dagestan reflects the political, historical and cultural unity more than 30 related ethnic groups, formed a relatively small area in the North Caucasus.

The Republic of Dagestan is one of the most attractive, colorful and distinctive regions of Russia. From time immemorial, Dagestan attracted countless travelers. The main value of Dagestan - its people, their Caucasian kindness and hospitality. Unrepeatable and unique culture and art of the peoples of the country. Every nation has retained its long-standing tradition here, folklore, crafts and language.

The Republic of Dagestan is one of the most attractive, colorful and distinctive regions of Russia. From time immemorial, Dagestan attracted countless travelers. The main value of Dagestan - its people, their Caucasian kindness and hospitality. Unrepeatable and unique culture and art of the peoples of the country. Every nation has retained its long-standing tradition here, folklore, crafts and language.

Derbent is the oldest center of Dagestan, the crucible of his spiritual and material culture. Hence the spread art, arts and crafts, writing, values of Islam. The combination of unique monuments of history, architecture, archeology, the magnificence of the natural landscape and pleasant climate give Derbent and its environs value a major center of Russian and international tourism.

Derbent is the oldest center of Dagestan, the crucible of his spiritual and material culture. Hence the spread art, arts and crafts, writing, values of Islam. The combination of unique monuments of history, architecture, archeology, the magnificence of the natural landscape and pleasant climate give Derbent and its environs value a major center of Russian and international tourism.

Located in Dakhadayevsky District of Dagestan, at an altitude of more than a thousand meters above sea level, this settlement does not know himself ravnyh.Po legend, the castle was founded in the VII century, the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad Quraish, who erected it at the top of rugged mountains, standing at the confluence of five rivers. Only a narrow mountain trail connects Cala Koreish with the outside world. Thanks to this arrangement, the first residents to fully control the trade in the region and spread their faith freely.

Located in Dakhadayevsky District of Dagestan, at an altitude of more than a thousand meters above sea level, this settlement does not know himself ravnyh.Po legend, the castle was founded in the VII century, the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad Quraish, who erected it at the top of rugged mountains, standing at the confluence of five rivers. Only a narrow mountain trail connects Cala Koreish with the outside world. Thanks to this arrangement, the first residents to fully control the trade in the region and spread their faith freely.

Tourist routes to historical settlements, cultural heritage of world-class, are of great value and cause great interest among tourists. In Dagestan, more than six thousand monuments of history, the most significant of these is the architectural complex of Naryn-Kala citadel (VI century), the oldest part and Fortress Buildings of Derbent on the List of World Cultural and Natural Heritage.

Tourist routes to historical settlements, cultural heritage of world-class, are of great value and cause great interest among tourists. In Dagestan, more than six thousand monuments of history, the most significant of these is the architectural complex of Naryn-Kala citadel (VI century), the oldest part and Fortress Buildings of Derbent on the List of World Cultural and Natural Heritage.

Specialists there is no consensus about the origin of the dune. But one thing they agree - this part of the desert at least a few hundred thousand years. Sand Mountain Sarykum - a unique monument of nature with extreme climatic zone. The temperature of the sand comes here sometimes up to 90 degrees. At least 7 species of animals living on the dunes is listed in the Red Book. Alone plants in the reserve more than a thousand.

Specialists there is no consensus about the origin of the dune. But one thing they agree - this part of the desert at least a few hundred thousand years. Sand Mountain Sarykum - a unique monument of nature with extreme climatic zone. The temperature of the sand comes here sometimes up to 90 degrees. At least 7 species of animals living on the dunes is listed in the Red Book. Alone plants in the reserve more than a thousand.

Tobot waterfall, located on Khunzakh plateau is one of the unique natural monuments mountain Dagestan. Water sheer drops to the bottom of a deep canyon single stream, and only at the bottom of a little stream waterfall sprayed to form a water cloud.

Tobot waterfall, located on Khunzakh plateau is one of the unique natural monuments mountain Dagestan. Water sheer drops to the bottom of a deep canyon single stream, and only at the bottom of a little stream waterfall sprayed to form a water cloud.

Adda-Shuhgelmeer - the third highest peak of Dagestan, with a height of 4151 m. And covered with glaciers. It seems that pulls the top of the mountain to his six crests, so an aerial view of the entire array resembles a star.

Adda-Shuhgelmeer - the third highest peak of Dagestan, with a height of 4151 m. And covered with glaciers. It seems that pulls the top of the mountain to his six crests, so an aerial view of the entire array resembles a star.

From the ancient traditions of mountaineers, perhaps, the most striking first visited Dagestan human custom of hospitality. For long been the established customs of every mountaineer consider it an honor worthy to receive a guest at any time of the day or night. In Dagestan existed a custom: when sat lunch or dinner, the food was divided equally between separated family members and an extra portion in case you suddenly come late guest. Guest anything should not need - this is an unwritten custom Highlanders. Given that the traveler could get wet on the road or simply, in many mountain homes kept coats available to guests.

From the ancient traditions of mountaineers, perhaps, the most striking first visited Dagestan human custom of hospitality. For long been the established customs of every mountaineer consider it an honor worthy to receive a guest at any time of the

day or night. In Dagestan existed a custom: when sat lunch or dinner, the food was divided equally between separated family members and an extra portion in case you suddenly come late guest. Guest anything should not need - this is an unwritten custom Highlanders. Given that the traveler could get wet on the road or simply, in many mountain homes kept coats available to guests.



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