Сочинение по фильму призрак оперы на английском

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

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The Phantom of the opera

I I saw the musical "The phantom of the Opera" in Moscow less than a month ago. I enjoyed it, although, there were a few moments when I was scared. The musical left a lot of unanswered questions and I got interested and decided to read this novel by Gaston Leroux.

The original language of the novel is French. I don't know French, that's why I decided to read it in Russian. It took me less than 2 days to finish the novel. I almost forgot how it feels to read in my native language and how melodious it sounds in my head.

Although, I knew how the book would end I felt high tension till the last page of the novel. I felt the atmosphere of darkness, horror and great suffering. The greatest suffering in the whole world. This is the gothic novel and my first experience of reading such kind of literature.

I heard the famous melody inside my head while reading and just couldn't get it out.

"In sleep he sang to me,

In dreams he came.

That voice which calls to me

And speaks my name. "

Although, the author described great love that Erik suffered from, I didn't feel it at all, it only frightened me terribly, although, at first I was charmed by romantic visits of Angel of Music but some time later he went too far. I think that such wonderful feeling as love can never exonerate those terrible things that Erik did in order to make Christine Daae fall in love with him. One minute he was cruel with her and the other minute he fell to her legs and began crying asking her to forgive him. I really felt sorry for the poor phantom of the Opera because nobody deserves such a gruesome destiny only because of the appearance, but what was even more dreadful was the fact that Erik allowed the world to bury his humanity and become a monster that scared everyone. Somebody can say that it was the only way he could save his life but I can't believe that anybody could be happy if the reason his sweetheart agreed to be with him was common fear.

Speaking about Raoul, I didn't like that he cried every time Christine refused to be with him. And he did it just in front of her. But maybe this was typical of men of that time and such kind of literature in order to describe sufferings better.

Gloomy descriptions played a huge role in the novel, I felt that I was lost in a thick fog, especially when Christine went through the mirror and fell asleep a little bit later in the phantom's habitation.

Christine Daae was just what I imagined a young opera singer would be. She was talented, eager to study singing, unobtrusive and emotional. She had the ability to emphasize and feel sorry for people who were in trouble. Christine was graceful and very strong at the same time. I can say that she was brave, courageous and had a good will-power.

The torture chamber was the apogee of my fear, the feelings of Raoul and Persian made me feel like I was the prisoner, the hostage of the Angel of Music. The way Gaston Leroux plays on readers' nerves is just impressive. It seemed to me that nothing more horrible could be imagined by the phantom than it already had been and one page later I found out that there were powder kegs which could destroy one quarter of the city!

Paris is a magical city for me and now I want to see great Opera Garnier with new eyes.

The end of the novel shocked me because I thought that nothing but Erik's death could change the destiny of the main characters. But he changed his mind when he saw that Christine was eager to sacrifice her life for the sake of her true love and Erik's feelings which were buried long ago suddenly awoke. The kind genius understood that pure love is that kind of love when you wish happiness to your beloved. He saw the sacrifice Christina made and decided to do exactly the same thing for her, although, he knew that he would die without her very soon.

All in all, I believe that it is the great work of art, although, it seemed too dark for me sometimes and it was mind-blowing for me because I'm really emotional and take everything too close to my heart. Maybe gothic novels are just not my paradigms and I'm more into something less cruel and morose but, to be honest, I enjoyed it and there wasn't a page where I lost interest or felt that the narration was dull.

Almost two days have passed since I finished the book but I still keep thinking about main characters and Erik's destiny.

known to everyone as the mysterious Opera Ghost. His character in this book is very complex.

Although the Opera Ghost is very ugly physically and mentally, through his actions, we can find

During the masked ball we are given, what the reader believes at the time, a very good

physical description of the Opera Ghost. At the masked ball the Opera Ghost does a perfect job

imitating death. ?The Grim Reaper himself must have posed for it,? the on looking crowd would

comment. But the hideous thing that he wears upon his head is, in fact, only a mask. What he

hides underneath the mask is more wretched than anything imaginable to men. The Opera Ghost

was, ?Made up entirely of death,?(138). He was so disgustingly ugly that, ?his mother would

never let him kiss her, she would throw his mask at him and run away,?(263). Poor Erik?s life

knows nothing but ugliness.

We see more of the Opera Ghost?s ugliness when we read of the Persians description of

the Opera Ghost?s love of torture. Before the Opera, Erik designs torture chambers for a little

sultana in Persia. His design was just a small room with six walls, with each wall being a mirror.

There is also a tree with a Punjab Lasso. The Opera Ghost?s idea of torture was not so much

physical pain, but a torture in which a victim would go mad, and in their madness, they would kill

themselves. On the outside of each one of these chambers there is a place the Opera watches his

victims while they were going mad. Erik truly was ugly, not only physically, but mentally.

We are given our first example of Erik?s beauty when Raoul is spying on Christine in her

dressing room. He starts to hear a beautiful sound that seems to coming all around him. He sees

no one in the room, but the music starts to get louder and more definite. ?A voice that unites all

extremes at once,?(103), Raoul tells, without knowing of the ugliness of the character from which

it comes. Raoul continues to praise the voice as, ?heroically sweet…, so delicate in strength, so

strong in delicacy, and so irresistibly triumphant,(103). This clearly shows that, without knowing

the physical ugliness of the Opera Ghost, a body could enjoy his beautiful voice.

Another example of Erik?s beauty comes through his love of Christine. At the end of the

novel the Opera Ghost is talking to the Persian. The Persians asks Erik why he decided to spare

the live of himself, as well as the life of his enemy, Viscount Raoul de Chagny. ?I(Opera Ghost),

felt her tears dropping on my forehead…, I took off my mask and she didn?t die…, I then heard her

say, ?poor, unhappy Erik? and from then on I was only a poor dog,?(263). ?I (Erik), told her that

she could marry her young man…, it was like cutting my own heart into little pieces,?(264).

Действие мюзикла происходит в 1881 году. Оперная дива Карлотта, распеваясь во время репетиции, чуть не становится жертвой несчастного случая: рядом с ней обрушивается задняя декорация. Свидетели происшествия уверены: это не случайность. Не иначе как обитающий в подземельях Парижской Оперы Призрак вновь решил попроказничать… Карлотта, возмущенная тем, что никто не может обеспечить безопасность артистов, отказывается продолжать репетиции. Уговоры владельцев Оперы Фирмена и Андре на нее не действуют.

Разочарованные хозяева, доселе ничего не слышавшие о Призраке, узнают о нем от оперного балетмейстера Мадам Жири. Женщина рассказывает, что фантом давно ведет себя в Опере по-хозяйски: требует жалованья и "бронирует" на время представлений ложу № 5. Дочь мадам Жири Мег предлагает Фирмену и Андре достойную, по ее мнению, замену Карлотте: некую шведскую хористку Кристину Даэ. Директорам Оперы этот вариант не нравится, но делать нечего - Кристина получает партию. И, ко всеобщему удивлению, исполняет ее прекрасно.

Когда дебют остается позади, Кристина разговаривает с Мег и раскрывает ей свою тайну: у нее есть мистический покровитель, некий Ангел Музыки. Якобы еще ее отец перед смертью хотел прислать этого Ангела к ней и, получается, выполнил обещанное. Тем временем у Оперы появляется новый меценат - Рауль Виконт де Шаньи, который хорошо знаком с Кристиной: они были дружны еще детьми. Разговаривая с Раулем в гримерке, она рассказывает ему об Ангеле и о том, что это он научил ее петь. Но де Шаньи считает историю выдумкой и просто приглашает Кристину на ужин.

Когда он уходит, певица получает хороший выговор от Призрака, который слышал каждое слово и проникся ревностью. Кристине, наконец, становится любопытно, как выглядит ее мистический покровитель, и она просит его явиться. Фантом, облаченный в маску, обнаруживается в зеркале, протягивает Кристине руку и проводит ее через этот "портал". Рауль, не отошедший дальше двери и все это время слышавший за ней два голоса - мужской и женский, - входит в комнату и видит, что она пуста.

Увлекая Кристину всё глубже и глубже в недра земли под Оперой, Призрак показывает ей свои владения. Сразу за подземным озером находится логово фантома - мрачное место с множеством свечей, заставленное встроенными органными трубами. Призрак признается Кристине в любви и говорит, что помогает ей, чтобы она исполняла его музыку. Он говорит, что ее сегодняшняя жизнь безынтересна и призывает забыть ее ради новой жизни - вместе с ним. А затем показывает куклу, один в один похожую на девушку, только облаченную в подвенечное платье. Кристина падает без чувств. Фантом относит ее в кровать, а сам садится за орган, чтобы сочинить новое произведение.

Кристину будят звуки музыкальной шкатулки. Она незаметно подкрадывается к занятому работой Призраку, срывает с него маску, и ей открывается его истинное уродство. Фантом негодует от того, что разоблачен, но делать нечего - нужно объясняться. Он признается Кристине, что мечтает о нормальном лице и понимает: только в этом случае она сможет его полюбить. Затем Призрак возвращает Кристину в гримерку.

А в Опере тем временем начинается очередной сеанс "страшилок". Еще один местный любитель побасенок, Жозеф Буке, стращает балерин рассказами о жутком призраке и о том, как ловко тот пользуется своей Пенджабской удавкой. От таких историй приходит в ужас даже Мадам Жири и просит Буке не сгущать краски.

Не только смотрела, но и читала. Видела несколько экранизаций. Сюжет экранизаций от романа отличается очень сильно.

Напишите 5 - 7 предложений о сюжете фильма "Призрак Оперы".

На английском, разумеется.

The mysterious voice calls out to a young singer from the dark depths of the Parish grand opera.

Only one person in the carcass knows that not videm patron and mentor Christina , terrifying the artists.

Ghost in the mask will do anything to become a diva scene, but he has a masterful opponent - wealthy Vicomte Raout de Changny.

Becoming a prisoner ot love triangle, Christen must make a choice.

But the passion that turned the head fierce jealousy crazy love alread pronounced his beioved merciful sentence.

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Помогите, нужно написать эссе по английскому, на тему : хорошо ли ребёнку иметь питомца в юном возрасте?

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Любимый фильм Малефисента.

О герое, о фильме.

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