Сочинение на тему культурный шок на английском

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Вот несколько советов как туристам избежать культурного шока в других странах:
Учите язык.
Поддерживайте в себе желании научиться говорить на языке новой страны.
Боритесь со своими страхами.
Если вы чувствуете себя переполненным впечатлениями и выбитым из колеи, то выходите больше за пределы своего дома. Так более комфортной и безопасной будет казаться новая среда.
Установите распорядок.
Переезд в другую страну резко меняет вашу жизнь. Для ощущения стабильности очень важно знать, что и в каком порядке вы будете делать каждый день.
Сохраняйте позитив.
Постарайтесь увидеть полезное в вашем опыте проживания в другой стране и возможно что-то забавное. Известно, что чувство юмора помогает преодолеть трудности.
Втягивайтесь в местную жизнь
Вам нужно найти себе новые занятия — это принесет новых друзей, как среди местного населения, так и среди таких же иностранцев, как вы.
Не сравнивайте.
Перестаньте сравнивать с домом. Вы живете в новой стране и тут многое не так. Чем скорее вы примете этот факт, тем лучше.
Вокруг вас очень много людей, которые так же переехали в эту страну — спрашивайте их совета. Люди очень любят делиться опытом.

Here are some tips for avoiding culture shock in other countries:Learn the language.Keep in itself the desire to learn to speak the language of the new country.Fight with their fears.If you are feeling crowded impressions and embossed out of the rut, go out more outside their home. So much more comfortable and safer will seem new.Install routine.Moving to another country changes your life dramatically. To feel stability is very important to know what and in what order do you do every day.Keep positive.Try to see useful in your experience to stay in another country and maybe something amusing. It is known that a sense of humor helps to overcome difficulties.Make "going within" in local lifeYou need to find yourself a new classes — this will bring new friends, both among the local population and among the same aliens as you.Don't compare.Stop comparing with the House. You live in a new country and then not so much. The sooner you accept that fact, the better.Ask.A lot of people around you, who just moved to this country, ask their advice. People love to share the experience.

Here are some tips for tourists to avoid the cultural shock in other countries,
learn the language.
Keep a desire to learn to speak the language of the new country.
Fight your fears.
If you're feeling full of impressions and knocked out of the rut, the output is more outside his home. So a more comfortable and safe will seem new environment.
Set the schedule.
Moving to another country drastically changes your life. For a sense of stability is very important to know what and in what order you do every day.
Stay positive.
Try to see useful in your experience of living in another country and maybe something funny. We know that a sense of humor helps to overcome the difficulties.
Drawn into the local life
you need to find a new occupation - this will make new friends, both among the local population, and among foreigners the same as you.
Do not compare.
Stop comparing with the house. You live in a new country, and there is not so much. The sooner you accept this fact, the better.
You are surrounded by a lot of people who just moved to this country - ask their advice. People love to share their experiences.

here are a few tips on how to avoid cultural shock tourists in other countries:
teaching language.
maintain a willingness to learn how to speak the language of the new country.

fight with their fears.if you're feeling filled with experiences and unsettled, get more out of their home. so, more comfortable and safe to install a new environment.
moving to another country dramatically change your life. for a sense of stability, it is very important to know what and in what order do you do every day

remain positive.try to see the good in your experience of living in another country and perhaps something funny. aware that a sense of humor helps to overcome the difficulties in the local life

втягивайтесь.you need to find yourself a new class - this will bring new friends, both among the local population, and among these are foreigners like you.

на английском языке с переводом на русский язык

Culture Shock

Культурный шок

Modern tourism is a developed system that gives a wide range of opportunities to everyone who wants to travel. People can choose a vacation spot, a transport vehicle, length, and type of rest themselves. Therefore, in recent years tourism has become very popular: even a person without high income level may afford a short trip to the sea or a sightseeing tour abroad. Everyone expects positive emotions before a journey, but not everyone is psychologically ready to see another country, moreover, to live there for a week or a month.

Современный туризм – развитая система, которая даёт широкий выбор возможностей любому, кто хочет путешествовать. Люди самостоятельно могут выбрать место отпуска, транспорт, продолжительность и тип отдыха. Поэтому в последние годы туризм стал очень популярным: даже человек без высокого уровня дохода может позволить себе короткую поездку на море или экскурсионный тур за границей. Перед путешествием все ждут позитивных эмоций, но не все психологически готовы увидеть другую страну, а тем более, прожить там неделю или месяц.

Culture shock is a complex of feelings caused by the impressions of a culture unusual or exotic for a traveler. It depends on the degree of the difference between a native lifestyle and a foreign one: for example, Bulgarian culture probably would astonish a Russian tourist less than the culture of Nigeria. However, it is important to remember that culture shock is inevitable, especially during the first visit to a country. A traveler needs time to accept norms of another culture and adapt to local traditions – to a foreign language, clothes, food, etiquette rules, and other features of daily life.

Культурный шок – это комплекс чувств, вызванных впечатлениями от необычной или экзотической для путешественника культуры. Он зависит от степени разницы между собственным и иностранным образом жизни: например, болгарская культура наверняка ошеломила бы русского туриста меньше, чем культура Нигерии. Однако важно помнить, что культурный шок неизбежен, особенно в ходе первого визита в страну. Путешественнику нужно время, чтобы принять нормы другой культуры и адаптироваться к местным традициям – к иностранному языку, одежде, еде, правилам этикета и другим особенностям повседневной жизни.

Unfortunately, often this process is difficult because not all the aspects of an alien culture seem acceptable. Nevertheless, cultural diversity is a wonderful thing making our world bright and interesting. The awareness of it helps to overcome culture shock.

К сожалению, часто этот процесс сложен, потому что не все аспекты чужой культуры кажутся приемлемыми. Тем не менее, разнообразие культур – прекрасное явление, делающее наш мир ярким и интересным. Осознание этого помогает преодолеть культурный шок.

The term, culture shock, was introduced for the first time in 1958 to describe the anxiety produced when a person moves to a completely new environment.

This term expresses the feeling of not knowing what to do or how to do things in a new environment, and not knowing what is appropriate or inappropriate.

We can describe culture shock as the physical and emotional discomfort one suffers when coming to live in another country or a place different from the place of origin.

It is an anxiety that results from losing all our familiar signs and symbols of social intercourse. Often, the way that we lived before is not accepted as or considered as normal in the new place.

Everything is different, and for example, we don’t speak the language, don’t know when to shake hands and what to say when we meet people, when and how to give tips, when to accept and when to refuse invitations, when to take statements seriously and when not.

Like most ailments, culture shock has its symptoms and cure. The symptoms of cultural shock can appear at different times.

Sadness, loneliness, melancholy

Preoccupation with health: aches, pains, and allergies

Insomnia, desire to sleep too much or too little

Anger, irritability, unwillingness to interact with others

Lack of confidence

Longing for family

A desire to depend on long-term residents of one’s own nationality

Culture shock has several stages. The 1st stage is the incubation stage. During the first few weeks most individuals are fascinated by the new. This time is called the "honeymoon" stage, as everything encountered is new and exciting. This stage may last from a few days or weeks to six months, depending on the circumstances.

Afterwards, the 2nd stage presents itself. It is characterized by a hostile and aggressive attitude towards the host country. This happens due to the difficulties a person faces in daily life, such as communication or transportation problems.

In this stage one criticizes the host country, its ways and the people.

The 3rd stage is characterized by gaining some understanding of the new culture. A new feeling of pleasure may be experienced and sense of humor begins to exert itself.

Instead of criticizing, they now jokes about people around them and even crack jokes about their own difficulties. They are now on the way to recovery.

In the 4th stage, the adjustment is complete. The visitor now accepts the customs of the country as just another way of living. They realize that the new culture has good and bad things to offer.

The feeling of anxiety is lost.

Some ways to combat stress produced by culture shock:

- Learn the language of the host country

- Develop a hobby

- Don't forget the good things you already have!

Have you ever experienced culture shock? Describe your symptoms.

I experienced culture shock when I went to the USA in the 11th grade of school at the age of 16. I was taken straight from my family, school and town to a totally strange, different environment. I had to leave with an American family and study in an American high school, where not a single person spoke Russian.

First, I was surprised and fascinated by everything: I loved the food, the way my host parents spent their leisure time, I enjoyed the house I lived in, my school and classes were wonderful and interesting, I never remembered to call my parents or e-mail my friends.

However, in a few weeks I became really depressed. I hated the way those Americans pronounced words, I couldn’t stand the food, the fact that every time they were free from work my host parents did the same things drove me crazy; the way supermarkets looked and people behaved made me sick. I started to call my parents and my sister every day; having done my homework I e-mailed my friends every night. I was so much concentrated on the negative emotions that the things and people surrounding me gave me, that I stopped noticing the good things around me and enjoying my life.

What advice do you have for people who suffer from culture shock?

First, I would recommend the person finding a hobby. Doing some interesting thing could really distract one from the irritation, negative emotions and depressive feeling.

Second, in such a situation what would really help is thinking positively. One should at least try to notice the good things around them and to enjoy their life. Very often we are in the foreign country not for good and not even for a long time. Therefore, there’s too little time to be upset and frustrated, you have to cherish every moment and appreciate the opportunities that life gives you.

It is also very useful to try to get as much knowledge of the language as one could from the very beginning. When you are fluent in the language of the host country it’s a lot easier to get around by yourself, to communicate with people, to share your feelings and impressions with them and be understood.

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Culture is "an integrated system of learned behavior patterns ( образцы поведения ) of any given society. Culture refers to the total way of life of particular groups of people. It includes everything that a group of people thinks, says, does and makes - its systems of attitudes and feelings. Culture is learned and transmitted from generation to generation."

You may have heard these words - Culture Shock – possibly within a negative context. Conflict in our lives, however, does not have to be negative. It can be used as a source of motivation, introspection, and change.

Culture shock is defined as a psychological disorientation that most people experience living in a culture different from one’s own. Symptoms of culture shock include: homesickness ( тоска по дому , ностальгия ), boredom, excessive sleep, compulsive eating/drinking, irritability and etc. Everyone experiences culture shock in different ways, at different times and to different degrees. Sometimes our values and beliefs will conflict and sometimes they will converge ( сходиться , приближаться ) with the cultures we visit. The better you are able to adjust to the differences, the greater the ability you will have in empathizing and communicating with those with whom you come in contact. The result will be a better understanding of your own values and the values of the people you will encounter ( встречать ).

Culture is "an integrated system of learned behavior patterns ( образцы поведения ) of any given society. Culture refers to the total way of life of particular groups of people. It includes everything that a group of people thinks, says, does and makes - its systems of attitudes and feelings. Culture is learned and transmitted from generation to generation."

You may have heard these words - Culture Shock – possibly within a negative context. Conflict in our lives, however, does not have to be negative. It can be used as a source of motivation, introspection, and change.

Culture shock is defined as a psychological disorientation that most people experience living in a culture different from one’s own. Symptoms of culture shock include: homesickness ( тоска по дому , ностальгия ), boredom, excessive sleep, compulsive eating/drinking, irritability and etc. Everyone experiences culture shock in different ways, at different times and to different degrees. Sometimes our values and beliefs will conflict and sometimes they will converge ( сходиться , приближаться ) with the cultures we visit. The better you are able to adjust to the differences, the greater the ability you will have in empathizing and communicating with those with whom you come in contact. The result will be a better understanding of your own values and the values of the people you will encounter ( встречать ).

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1 Everyone experiences culture shock and it is impossible to do anything about it. Каждый испытывает культурный шок и с этим ничего нельзя поделать.
2 Although it’s impossible to avoid culture shock, you can prepare for it so as not to suffer too much. Хотя и невозможно избежать культурного шока, вы можете к нему подготовиться, чтобы не страдать так сильно.
3 If you prepare properly, you will never experience any culture shock. Если вы подготовиться должным образом, вы никогда не будете испытывать никакого культурного шока.

Living in a new culture can be exciting, personally rewarding, and intellectually stimulating. It can also be frustrating. It is one thing to visit a country, moving on when you have seen enough, and it is quite another to live there and function according to a different, and sometimes, mysterious set of norms. Participation in an exchange programme provides a rare opportunity for you to begin to know another society from within. But it involves certain responsibilities. The most important one is to adapt one’s behaviour to the customs and expectations of the host country. This is not to deny one’s own culture but to respect that of others. Another, even more subtle, responsibility you have is to remain open in order to become aware of similarities and differences, and to learn rather than to judge. Be aware that this could be the most rewarding experience in your education.
People usually experience many emotions while adapting to a foreign culture, ranging from excitement and interest in the new culture to depression and fear of the unknown.
The difficulties that you experience as you get used to a new society can be a result of what is called «culture shock”. Most experts agree that culture shock is inevitable in one form or another. But getting used to a foreign culture, and living through difficult times of change can be a satisfying experience, and certainly worth the occasional discomfort and extra effort.
One tends to get the impression that “culture shock” is some kind of disease that everyone catches and after a certain length of time, gets over it; but nothing could be further from the truth. There are people who go overseas and never recover from this condition despite the length of their stay. This is because “culture shock” is actually caused by the mismatch of cultural attitudes, not by some virus. And it’s easily seen that the traveller who doesn’t keep his or her mind open, and doesn’t make any effort to try to understand a foreign culture, is always going to be in a state of shock. Such people should stay at home, for if they hold onto their own attitudes, they will never change!
One of the causes of negative reactions to another culture is the tendency to judge something that is different as inferior. It is important to be open toward the culture into which you are going, to try to get rid of stereotypes, and to read as much as you can about the culture before your departure. If you educate yourself on the many aspects of the country in which you will be living, you will better understand and appreciate your new surroundings much sooner. But even with this preparation it is inevitable that you will experience some symptoms of culture shock. You may be unaware that the frustrations and emotions you are experiencing are related to culture shock; when you start thinking back, this becomes apparent. If you understand what’s actually happening to you and think about its possible causes, you can decrease the effects of culture shock.

Жизнь в новой культуре может быть интересной, личностно значимой и стимулирующей. Но она также может разочаровать. Одно дело посетить страну и уехать, когда ты достаточно увидел, и совсем другое дело жить там и функционировать в соответствии с другим, иногда таинственным набором норм. Участие в программе обмена предоставляет вам редкую возможность узнать другое общество изнутри. Но это предполагает определенные обязанности. Одной из наиболее важных является адаптация своего поведения к обычаям и ожиданиям принимающей страны. Это не является отрицанием вашей собственной культуры, просто уважение другой. Другая, еще менее заметная, ваша ответственность – оставаться открытым, чтобы осознать сходства и различия, и узнать, а не осудить. Имейте в виду, что это может быть самый полезный опыт в вашем образовании.

Одна из причин негативных реакций на другую культуру – это судить о чем-то, что отличается, как о низшем. Важно быть открытым к культуре, в которую вы собираетесь окунуться, чтобы попытаться избавиться от стереотипов, и прочитать как можно больше о культуре до вашего отъезда. Если вы узнаете о многих аспектах страны, в которой будете жить, вы станете понимать и ценить новое окружение намного раньше. Но даже с такой подготовкой, вы все равно будете испытывать некоторые симптомы культурного шока. Вы можете не осознавать, что разочарования и эмоции, которые вы испытываете, связаны с культурным шоком; когда вы начнете все переосмысливать, это станет очевидным. Если вы понимаете, что на самом деле происходит с вами, и думаете о возможных причинах, вы можете снизить воздействие культурного шока.

Ex. 99 Use the context to choose the correct meaning of the words in bold. Используйте содержание, чтобы выбрать правильный смысл слов, выделенных жирным шрифтом.

1 subtle – едва уловимый
a)not obvious and therefore difficult to notice – неочевидный и поэтому трудно заметить
b)delicate and complicated — деликатный и сложный

2 inevitable — неизбежный
a) impossible to avoid or prevent – невозможно избежать или предотвратить
b) difficult to understand – сложно понять

3 occasional — случайный
a)happening sometimes but not regularly – иногда случается, но не регулярно
b) intended for special occasions – предназначен для особых случаев

4 mismatch — несоответствие
a) a difference or disagreement between two facts or aspects of a situation — разница или несогласие между двумя фактами или аспектами ситуации
b) a game or sports event in which the two players or teams do not have the same ability — игра или спортивное мероприятие, в котором два игрока или команды не имеют одинаковую возможность

5 inferior – ниже по уровню, уступает чему-то
a) not as good as something else – не так хорош, как что-то еще
b) lower in status or rank than someone or something else – ниже статусом или рангом, чем кто-то или что-то еще.

6 apparent – очевидный, явный
a) Unclear — неясный
b) Easy to see or understand — легко увидеть или понять

Ex. 100 Two of the following statements are not true according to the text. Find them. Два из следующих утверждений не соответствуют содержанию текста. Найди их.

1 Living in a foreign country on your own differs a lot from visiting it as a tourist. Самостоятельная жизнь в чужой стране сильно отличается от посещения ее в качестве туриста.
2 To feel good in a different culture you need to forget about your own. Чтобы чувствовать себя хорошо в другой культуре, вы должны забыть о вашей собственной.
3 Overcoming difficulties connected with culture shock can be very rewarding. Преодоление трудностей, связанных с культурным шоком может быть очень полезным.
4 Some people believe that culture shock is a disease but this is not so. Некоторые люди считают, что культурный шок является болезнью, но это не так.
5 If you are not prepared to make some effort to understand a different culture, you’d better stay at home. Если вы не готовы приложить некоторые усилия, чтобы понять другую культуру, то вам лучше остаться дома.
6 People often think that if something is different, it is good. Люди часто думают, что если что-то отличается, это хорошо.
7 If you learn as much as you can about the culture you are going to live in, you will help yourself to overcome culture shock. Если вы узнаете как можно больше о культуре, в которой собираетесь жить, вы поможете себе преодолеть культурный шок.

Ex. 104 Read the following list of tips and tick those you have already included in your own list. Прочитайте следующий список советов и отметьте те, которые вы уже включили в свой список.

Here are some general tips for travelling and interacting with foreign cultures, which, if kept in mind, may help ease cultural adjustment: Вот некоторые общие советы для путешествий и взаимодействия с иностранными культурами, которые, если иметь их в виду, могут помочь облегчить культурную адаптацию:
— Do not expect to find things as you have them at home for you have left your home to find different things. (Не ожидайте, увидеть все как у себя дома, так как вы оставили свой дом, чтобы найти другие вещи)
— Do not take anything too seriously for an open mind is the beginning of a fine inter-national experience. (Не принимайте ничего слишком серьезно, так как открытый ум – это начало международного опыта)
— Do not let others get on your nerves for you have come a long way to learn as much as you can, to enjoy the experience, and to be a good ambassador for your country. (Не позволяйте другим действовать вам на нервы, так как вы проделали долгий путь, чтобы узнать как можно больше, насладиться полученным опытом и быть хорошим представителем своей страны)
— Do not worry, for one who worries has no pleasure. (Не волнуйтесь, для тех, кто боится не получить удовольствия)
— Remember where your passport is at all times, for a person without a passport is a person without a country. (Все время помните где находится ваш паспорт, так как человек без паспорта – это человек без страны)
— Do not judge the people of a country by the one person with whom you have had trouble, for this is unfair to the people as a whole. (Не судите людей страны по одному человеку, с которым у вас были проблемы, потому что это несправедливо по отношению к народу в целом)
— Always remember that you are a guest in every land and that one who treats a host with respect will be treated as an honoured guest. (Всегда помните, что вы гость в каждой стране, и что к тому, кто относится к хозяевам с уважением, всегда будут относиться, как к почетному гостю)
— Cultivate the habit of listening and observing, rather than merely seeing or hearing. (Развивайте привычку слушать и наблюдать, а не просто видеть и слышать)
— Be aware of the feelings of the local people to prevent what might be offensive behaviour. For example, photography must be particularly respectful. (Помните о чувствах местных жителей, чтобы предотвратить то, что может быть расценено как оскорбительное поведение. Например, фотография должна быть особенно почтительной)
— Spend time reflecting on your daily interactions in order to deepen your understanding of your experience abroad. (Проведите время, размышляя о ваших ежедневных взаимодействиях, в целях углубить ваше понимание опыта за рубежом)
— Learn the language of the host country. People appreciate those who speak their mother tongue. (Выучите язык страны пребывания. Люди ценят тех, кто говорит на их родном языке)

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