Сочинение на тему колледж будущего на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

I wonder what the school of the future will be like. I think it will change a lot for the better. I think that our system of education will be changed a lot. Students will be able to choose subjects which they will study. It will be very good because some of them have decided on future profession and they do not be need in studying some subjects. For example, if girl want to be a sportsman, she don’t need to study physics and chemistry. History teacher does not need to study higher mathematics. Of course, student will not delete the subjects full. I think, they will be able to reduce the value of hours of any lessons in their timetable.

Interior of Gymnasia will be changed too. I hope that administration of school will give us special classroom where student will be able to relax after hard lessons and communicate with friends.

There will be sofa, refrigerator for cold drinks.

Also I hope that students will not have to wear school uniform. Girls and boys will be able to wear whatever they want. Students will express themselves with clothes

Мне интересно, какой станет школа в будущем. Я думаю, многое поменяется к лучшему. Я считаю, что наша система образования также сильно изменится. ученики смогут выбирать предметы для изучения. это будет очень прекрасно, потому что некоторые из них уже определились с будущей профессией и они не нуждаются в изучении некоторых предметов. например, если девушка хочет в будущем стать спортсменкой, то она не нуждается в изучении физики и химии. Будущему учителю истории не необходимо изучать высшую математику. Конечно, ученики не смогут полностью убрать предметы из расписания. Я думаю, они будут способны уменьшить количество часов некоторых предметов в расписании.

Интерьер гимназии также изменится. Я надеюсь, администрация школы выделит специальные кабинеты, в которых ученики смогут отдохнуть и расслабиться после трудных уроков и пообщаться с друзьями. Там будет диван, холодильник для холодных напитков

Еще я надеюсь, что ученикам не будет необходимо носить школьную униформу. Девочки и мальчики смогут носить, что они хотят. Ученики будут самовыражаться посредством одежды

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My College

Мой колледж

After my graduation from the secondary school, my parents decided that it would be better for me to go to college. They thought that education there would be better and I will have better career prospects. My core subjects at college are mathematics and English. The thing I like most of all about my education here is that there is no need in studying numerous useless subjects as I used to do at school. in my college there is no chemistry, biology and some other school subjects which I do not really need. that`s why I have more time to concentrate on my core subjects and enlarge my knowledge.

После окончания средней школы мои родители решили, что будет лучше для меня пойти в колледж. Они думали, что образование там будет лучше, и мои карьерные перспективы будут лучше. Мои основные предметы в колледже — математика и английский. Больше всего в моем образовании мне нравится то, что нет необходимости изучать множество бесполезных дисциплин, как я делала в школе. В моем колледже нет химии, биологии и других школьных предметов, которые мне не особо нужны. поэтому у меня есть больше времени, чтобы сосредоточиться на моих основных предметах и расширить свои знания.

Teachers are understanding and kind in my college. When I do not understand something they are always ready to explain it to me one more time individually. Moreover, I appreciate it that all teachers have a unique approach to everyone. I think that is one of the reasons for good results of the students. After my college most part of graduates are able to enter the leading universities of the country.

Преподаватели в моем колледже добрые и относятся ко всему с пониманием. Когда я не понимаю что-то, они всегда готовы объяснить мне еще раз индивидуально. Кроме того, я ценю, что все преподаватели имеют уникальный подход к каждому. Я думаю, что это одна из причин хороших результатов студентов. После моего колледжа большая часть выпускников имеют возможность поступить в ведущие вузы страны.

The only think I do not really like in my college life is the lack of social life. In my school, I used to have various events. Our class was really friendly. Of course, I have some friends in college, but the atmosphere here is absolutely different. Very often I miss my classmates and school life full of different adventures.

Единственное, что мне не нравится в моей студенческой жизни — это отсутствие социальной жизни. В моей школе были различные мероприятия. Наш класс был очень дружным. Конечно, у меня есть несколько друзей в колледже, но атмосфера здесь совершенно иная. Очень часто я скучаю по моим одноклассникам и школьной жизни полной различных приключений.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам


  • Поможем развить концентрацию и внимание с раннего возраста
  • Повысим гибкость и раскованность в общении

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Student's life is one of the bright periods of our life. After school all we start that the childhood has already precisely ended. In my opinion it’s great to be a student. Many colleges and universities offer great opportunities for studying and for social life. First of all, students learn what they need for their future profession. It’s even better if the student really enjoys the direction he or she chose. Secondly, being a student doesn’t mean to work and study all the time. During this period we make look fat dreams, expectations and the first serious steps. It’s very important for school leavers to choose future profession properly according to their skills, interests and aspiration.

The precise answer to the question “where the real seadog, the conqueror of t.

The precise answer to the question “where the real seadog, the conqueror of the seas and the oceans, the ship captain is taught?” lies in Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping and in Maritime College. It is one of the oldest transport State Universities of Russia with its history that goes back to 1809 maintaining its prestige among Russian and foreign naval technical universities for already two centuries.

There are more than 1000 cadets and students are taught in our Maritime Colle.

There are more than 1000 cadets and students are taught in our Maritime College in navigation, ship mechanical, building and logistic faculties. I believe that all they like our college and enjoy students’ social life. They meet lots of new people from different cities, townships of our homeland. There are many interesting lections and training sessions. Moreover, third- and forth-year cadets have a practice in the sea or in different building companies. Some guys who like sport join the local sports teams, for example football or basketball team. More than 700 cadets and students live in dormitory. They spend the free time enjoying getting together and chaеting, watching films, playing PC games and, of course, learning lectures and making homework. As you know, Maritime College is not an ordinary educational institution. That’s why every cadet should stay at watch in every floor of the dormitory, called “the crew” at least once a month.

As they say, in every plus there is a minus. In spite of all merits, our coll.

As they say, in every plus there is a minus. In spite of all merits, our college have number of disadvantages. But now we won’t focus on this fact. I want to discourse about our college in the nearest future. My dream college is first of all a college where life begins with the teacher who is full of passion and liveliness. The teacher not only grabs the students’ attention but keeps them on the edge of their seats wanting to know more. His or her enthusiasm ignites that spark of excitement that opens receiving minds to wider fields of knowledge. Such a teacher asks more questions from the students, explores with the students and is a friend to them.

Also, I suppose, that in the future there will be more opportunities for grad.

Also, I suppose, that in the future there will be more opportunities for graduates, and besides the college will help new specialists to find a job in various Russian and international companies

Likewise, I should say that our college will be complete with amazing facili.

Likewise, I should say that our college will be complete with amazing facilities like educational labs for all faculties to make educational process more interesting and visible. After classes all students and cadets will have a free access to the swimming pool which is located in the territory of the college.

I hope that students will no longer have problems with the searching for prac.

I hope that students will no longer have problems with the searching for practice. Every person should gain certain skills to become a really good specialist.

In my dream all classrooms in our college are quipped with smart boards. Smar.

In my dream all classrooms in our college are quipped with smart boards. Smart board is a new technology, which is especially useful for studying.

Furthermore in college’s lobbies there are food automates so that everyone ca.

Furthermore in college’s lobbies there are food automates so that everyone can refresh himself on the break. There are no more problems with the printing of the coursework and abstracts because every cadet can print documents free. Of course there is cash dispenser in the first floor, so that you do not have to search for the nearest ATM to get your money. What is more, every student or cadet who studies well get a good scholarship, at least 6000 rubles. And at last my main hope is that all undergraduates have a possibility to leave the college any time they want.

Education can bring a change in someone’s future. The struggle to keep fulfil.

Education can bring a change in someone’s future. The struggle to keep fulfilling that observation must be made by us. Students need to be inspired, amazed and be aware of endless opportunities. While college is the best thing that ever happened to mankind, there is still yet more to do.


I would like to tell you about my college. This is the College of Information Technology and Economics. First, I would like to note that our educational institution is not new, and has its own traditions. Our college was built more than seventy years ago, and among its graduates there are outstanding people who are well known in our scientific field. You can see their photos in the lobby, on the board of honor.

The classrooms at our college are bright, spacious and comfortable. They are all equipped with everything you need in our time: computers, video and interactive whiteboards. There are laboratories for the study of physics, chemistry and biology. Our college has six computer classes, where students use the Internet, create their first computer programs and projects in various subjects. There is also an excellent library that contains a variety of encyclopedias and dictionaries, books by classic and modern writers. Behind the library there is a large assembly hall for concerts and theatrical performances. There are several circles that students can attend after classes: a theater studio, a literary club, a dance studio.

Everyday life in my college — повседневная жизнь в моем колледже

My college has everything you need to get a good education. Our students are hardworking, they always take part in various educational programs, quizzes and competitions, and therefore achieve good results. Experienced teachers help create a friendly learning environment. They prepare students for admission to the best universities in our country.

To summarize, I must say that studying at my college is both hard work and real pleasure.

Я хотел бы вам рассказать моем колледже. Это Колледж информационных технологий и экономики. Вначале я хотел бы отметить, что наше учебное заведение не новое, и имеет свои традиции. Наш колледж построен более семидесяти лет назад, и среди его выпускников есть выдающиеся люди, хорошо известные в нашей научной области. Их фотографии можно увидеть в вестибюле, на доске почёта.

Классы в моем колледже светлые, просторные и удобные. Они оборудованы всем необходимым в наше время: компьютерами, видео и интерактивными досками. Есть лаборатории для изучения физики, химии и биологии. В нашем колледже есть 6 компьютерных классов, где ученики пользуются Интернетом, создают свои первые компьютерные программы и проекты по разным предметам. Есть также отличная библиотека, в которой содержатся разнообразные энциклопедии и словари, книги классических и современных писателей. За библиотекой расположен большой актовый зал для проведения концертов и театральных спектаклей. Имеется несколько внеклассных занятий и кружков, которые студенты могут посещать после уроков: театральная студия, литературный клуб, студия танцев.

В моем колледже есть всё необходимое для получения хорошего образования. Наши студенты трудолюбивы, они всегда принимают участие в разных образовательных программах, викторинах и конкурсах, и поэтому достигают хороших результатов. Опытные преподаватели помогают создать дружественную атмосферу для учёбы. Они готовят студентов к поступлению в лучшие университеты нашей страны.

Подводя итог, должен сказать, что учеба в моем колледже — это и тяжелый труд, и настоящее удовольствие.

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