Сочинение на тему employment

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Work plays a major part in most people’s lives. People of all sorts work in business, and the terms businessman and businesswoman reflect this, referring to a wide range of individuals, from the rich and famous to small company owners, from people in large organization to those who work for themselves.

Many people choose to be self-employed (to have their own business) or to work freelance for several employers.

As the labour market become more flexible, many employers respond by increasing the number of fixed-term contracts and part-time workers.

In large organizations, administration of people is done by the personnel department, although this expression is new sometimes rejected. Companies talk instead about their human resources department or (HR).

The Human Resources department is responsible for planning, recruitment of the new people, staff training and development, staff appraisal, welfare, pensions administration and industrial relations. It works to ensure that the right people are available to meet the company’s needs.

Recruitment is the process of employing new people. This process will vary from one organization to another.

When a company needs to recruit or employ new staff, it may advertise the vacancy in newspapers, or may contact an employment agency, a privet company that matches jobseekers with job. Companies looking for senior staff may approach people working for another company, a practice known as headhunting. Headhunters are specialist consultants who search for high-level executives and try to persuade them to leave their current job in order to go to work in another company. Executives may be persuaded to move company by the promise of a golden hello: a large sum of money or some other financial enticement offered by the company they move to.

If you are a jobseeker (a person who is looking for a job) and you are interested in a particular post, you may decide to apply for the job. The first step is to get an applicant form and job description from the company. The next step is to complete the form and return it with your curriculum vitae (CV BrE) or resume (AmE). The company’s Human Resources department will select the most suitable applicant and invite them to attend an interview.

естественный уровень безработицы (уровень безработицы, который соответствует полной занятости в экономике, когда безработными являются только те люди, чья профессия в принципе не позволяет найти работу в данный момент (структурная безработица), а также те, кто находится в состоянии перехода с одного места работы на другое (фрикционная безработица))

depressed [ dI'prest ]

1) угнетенный, подавленный, ослабленный; 2) сниженный

stagnant [ 'stxgnqnt ]

1) застойный; 2) вялый, бездеятельный

full employment

полная занятость (занятость всех трудовых и капитальных ресурсов, которые могут быть задействованы в функционировании экономической системы; в современной теории предполагается, что состоянию полной занятости соответствует естественный уровень безработицы)

to range [ tu reIndZ ]

классифицировать, распределять по классам/категориям, варьировать, колебаться в пределах

proper [ 'prOpq ]

1) присущий, свойственный, собственный; 2) правильный, должный, надлежащий

to highlight [ tu 'haIlaIt ]

выдвигать на первый план

libertarian [ "lIbq'tFqrIqn ]

1) сторонник доктрины о свободе воли; 2) сторонник свободы мысли и деятельности; борец за свободу

in part [ In pRt ]

частью, частично, отчасти, немного

to misguide [ tu 'mIs'gaId ]

1) неправильно направлять; 2) вводить в заблуждение

monetary policy

денежно-кредитная [денежная, монетарная] политика (проводится монетарными властями и связана с управлением динамикой денежной массы и процентными ставками)

inevitable [ In'evItqbl ]

to exceed [ tu Ik'sJd ]

pool [ pHl ]

1) объединение; 2) общий фонд; 3) пул (соглашение картельного типа между конкурентами)

likewise [ 'laIkwaIz ]

1) подобно, подобным образом; 2) также

welfare [ 'welfFq ]

1) благосостояние, благополучие, достаток; 2) работа по улучшению быта, благотворительность

to turn down

отклонять, отвергать (напр. предложение)

savings [ 'seIvINz ]


хозяйка дома, мать семейства

to disregard [ tu 'dIsrI'gRd ]

1) не обращать внимание; 2) не принимать во внимание, игнорировать, пренебрегать

Since individuals typically earn their incomes from working for companies whose requirements are constantly changing, it is quite possible that at any given time not all members of a country's potential work force will be able to find an employer that needs their labor. This would be less problematic in an economy in which such individuals had unlimited access to resources such as land in order to provide for themselves, but when the ownership of the bulk of its productive capacity resides in relatively few hands, most individuals will be dependent on employment for their economic well-being. It is typical for true capitalist economies to have rates of unemployment that fluctuate between 3% and 15%. Some economists have used the term " natural rate of unemployment " to describe this phenomenon.

Depressed or stagnant economies have been known to reach unemployment rates as high as 30%, while events such as military mobilization (a good example is that of World War II) have resulted in just 1-2% unemployment, a level that is often termed " full employment ". Typical unemployment rates in Western economies range between 5% and 10%. Some economists consider that a certain level of unemployment is necessary for the proper functioning of capitalist economies. Equally, some politicians have claimed that the "natural rate of unemployment" highlights the inefficiency of a capitalist economy, since not all its resources – in this case human labor – are being allocated efficiently.

Some libertarian economists argue that higher unemployment rates are in part the result of minimum wage laws, as well as in part the result of misguided monetary policy , and are not inevitable in a capitalist economy. They also claim that if the value of the productive capacity of a given employee is worth less to the employer than the minimum wage, that person will become unemployed, and therefore unemployment will exist whenever the legal minimum wage exceeds the true economic value of the least productive members of the labor pool . Likewise , if the amount of money a person can obtain on welfare approaches or equals what they could make by working, that person's incentive to work will be reduced.

Some unemployment is voluntary, such as when a potential job is turned down because the unemployed person is seeking a better job, is voluntarily living on savings , or has a non-wage-earning role, such as in the case of a traditional homemaker . Some measures of employment disregard these categories of unemployment, counting only people who are actively seeking work and have been unable to find any.

The digital revolution in which we live has forever altered the means in which we seek employment.

As job seeker, we have gained much more control over our search, a great deal more flexibility in presenting all sides of ourselves and much broader overview of the jobs available. As an employer, we are able to access a global talent pool, see beyond the covering letters and even target potential applicants who are suitable for positions.

Today applicants are competing with people from all over the world. Thanks to the Internet, location is no longer a factor when hiring, which means that applicants need to seize all the opportunities that our digital world has to offer in order to stand out.

I’ve put together a list of some significant things that applicant can do to boost chances of finding a job in the digital world.

Firstly, don’t think of your curriculum vitae as “one size fits all”, because it doesn’t work. You should customize it exactly for the job that you seek.

Secondly, engage with companies you are interested in. Of course, you should be following them on social media.

Thirdly, CV doesn’t just have to be a CV anymore. Today there are so many opportunities to creativity present yourself and you accomplishments.

I mean, as a single page really going to sum up the whole of applicant? It may be a video, an online photo album or even an interactive web site. Don’t be afraid of being creative, personality is worth a fortune in the modern world.

Applicants should remember, today companies are getting more applicants than ever before. The digital world has opened the talent pool for employers everywhere, enabling us to seek talent in new places. And while that increases, applicants have a world of possibilities in terms of engaging with potential employers, learning about them and creativity presenting themselves.

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After getting a job, you may have some unexpected troubles with boss, too: e.g. if you dye your hair or wear something not appropriate. The best solution of such situation is to ask a trade union for advice, which can always help you in your fight with an employer. Of course, if you affect company discipline not coming in time or working badly, your dismissal would not be unfair.

To conclude, I can say that it is sometimes hard not only to get a job, but also to work in the staff, and if you do not want to be laid off, you should follow company rules, it is a must.

Получение работы

Если вы собираетесь идти на собеседование завтра, хорошо поспите перед ним и не забудьте свое резюме дома — это основное правило. Кроме того, есть некоторые рекомендации, которые могут вам помочь. Например, прочитайте годовой отчет или газету компании, чтобы показать ваше понимание корпоративной стратегии на интервью. Более того, вы должны выбрать соответствующее платье для интервью. Такие советы должны помочь вам произвести хорошее впечатление, хотя некоторые компании не хотят нанимать человека, который повторяет все советы. Чтобы проиллюстрировать это, я могу процитировать Артемия Лебедева, самого известного русского веб-дизайнера: «Если вы пришлете стандартное глупое резюме, написанное по правилам американской бюрократии, мы удалим его сразу после получения. Если ваше резюме составляется в соответствии со всеми правила, мы вас не выберем, так как подумаем, что вашей профессией является приобретение работы «.

После того, как вас взяли на работу, у вас могут возникнуть некоторые неожиданные проблемы с боссом: например, если вы покрасите волосы или носите что-то неподходящее. Лучшее решение в такой ситуации это обратиться к профсоюзу за советом, который всегда может помочь вам в вашей борьбе с работодателем. Конечно, если вы нарушили дисциплину компании, не приходите вовремя или работаете плохо, ваше увольнение не есть несправедливым.

В заключение могу сказать, что иногда бывает трудно не только получить работу, но и работать в штате, и если вы не хотите быть уволены, вы должны следовать правилам компании, они являются обязательными.

Английский язык с репетиторами онлайн

Теперь Вы можете обучаться английскому языку самостоятельно, пользуясь бесплатными ресурсами нашего образовательного сайта, а также выбрать себе подходящего репетитора у нашего партнера и заниматься в школе TutorOnline:

Если у вас возникли сложности с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой - мы готовы помочь.

I’ve read the article from the World business newspaper FINANCIAL TIMES. This article about: “How to select the best candidates—and avoid the worst?” I think all companies have this problem.
Investing thousands of pounds in the recruitment and training of each new graduate recruit may be just the beginning. Choosing the wrong candidate may leave an organization paying for years to come.
Few companies will have escaped all of the following failures: people who panic at the 1st sign of stress, people who seem incapable of learning, unstable people.
The 1st point to bear in mind at the recruitment stage is that people don’t change. Intelligence levels decline modestly, but change little over their working life. The same is true of abilities, such as learning languages and handling numbers.
Most people like to think that personality can change, particularly the more negative features. But date affected over 50 years gives a clear message: still stable after all these years. Personal crises can affect the way we cope with things: we might take up or drop drink, drugs. Skills can be improved, and new ones introduced, but at rather different rates. People can be groomed for a job. Of course, people can be sent on training courses, diplomas, but better to select for what you actually see rather than attempt to change it.
I think that people can change during their life. They grow up and change their world view and ideology. They get a lot of information during their life, they reed books, meet new people, go around different society. In these circumstances people can’t stay the same during their whole life.

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