Сочинение на английском про пожар

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

Мини сочинение: Пожар Пожар Пламя шипит и время от времени золотыми фонтанами вылетает из здания, а бездонная мгла пугливо сторонится, и светлый круг пожа­ра увеличивается. Огонь, поднявшись вверх, рассыпается искрами, ко­торые, точно золотые пчёлы, жужжат, кружатся и, умирая, чёрным дождём падают на землю. А пламя продолжает бушевать в здании. Вот побелела, рухнула под собственным бременем и утонула между стен крыша. Огонь вздохнул и свободнее поднялся ввысь. Отблески пожара золотым знаменем реяли в небе. Бодро и весело засияло весеннее утро. Заря бросила на чёрную равнину бледно-розовые узоры, а в сиреневом небе купались жаворонки, и, как серебряные струны, звенели их голо­са. Тёплый рассвет, напоённый ароматной влагой, беззаботно разры­вал тёмные покровы ночи и обнажал место катастрофы.

1. There is a boy on bicycle.

2. I have a TVset.

3. Do you know Browns. They live next to us.

4. Peter is the tallest in his class.

5. Greece is in the south.

6. My son studies at Moscow University.

7. In spring sky is blue and sun is shining.

8. What did you have for dinner?

9. Moscow is a capital of Russia.

10. Are you going to the theatre tonight?

1 Какая самая популярная еда в твоей семье?
2 Какая твоя любимая еда и за что ты её любишь
3 (непонятно)
4 Какой твой любимый напиток
Не чётко видно всё что смогла написала

1.was he quite happy?
He wasn't quite happy.
2.Did they play football?
They didn't play football.
3.Had they supper in the evening?
They hadn't supper in.
4.Was it time to.
It wasn't time to.
5. Did Mr. Taylor sit down to rest?
Mr.Taloyr didn't sif down to rest.

One day, when the three friends and their dog were very hungry, George said, “I’ll make an Irish Stew for dinner. I'll use some vegetables, the cold beef and some other tilings left over from our breakfast.” It seemed to them a wonderful idea. Geoige made a fire, took a pot and poured some riverwater into it. Then he put a dozen of potatoes, a cabbage and about half a peck of peas in the pot. Harris added all the left-overs to the stew; then he found half a tin of salmon and a couple of eggs, and put them into/in, too. There were some other ingredients that they put in the pot. And at last the dog appeared with a dead water rat in his mouth which was his contribution to the dinner. The three friends had a discussion whether or not to put the rat into the stew. Harris said that it would be all right mixed with the other things, but George said, “I’ve never heard of water rats in Irish Stew. So, to be on the safe side, let’s not try experiments.” “If you never try a new thing, how can you tell what it’s like!
Think of the man who first tried German sausage!” That Irish Stew was really wonderful. There was something fresh about the meal, it had a new flavour, with a taste like nothing else on earth.

Choose the correct form.1. You mustn’t/needn’t place a heavy emphasis on broadening membership and constructing a wide electoral


Make questions for Misha's answers.1_____? - It's famous for the first nuclear power station in the world.2______? - It's a youn

Переведите, пожалуйста, в косвенную речь: 1. He said, "They are living tomorrow" 2. The student said, "I can not answer this que

1 What day is it today?2 What day is it tomorro3 On which days have you got yourEnglish lessons? Wednesday and4 On which days ha

There was an unstoppable noise in Helen’s ears. It followed her everywhere. It wasn’t painful, but Helen was already tired of it. She knew when and why it appeared.

В ушах Елены беспрестанно гудело. Этот звук преследовал ее повсюду. Он не причинял боли, но Елена уже устала от него. Она знала, когда и почему он возник.

While she was having lunch after her classes yesterday, the fire alarm went off. However, it didn’t make her worry. Instead, she left the canteen and moved towards the alarm in the corridor.

В то время как она обедала после своих занятий, раздался звук пожарной сирены. Однако он не заставил ее волноваться. Вместо этого, она покинула столовую и двинулась в сторону сирены в коридоре.

It sounded so loudly that Helen thought she would never be able to hear again. She made sure it was not broken and hastened to leave the school.

Она так громко звенела, что Елена подумала, что никогда больше не сможет слышать. Она убедилась в том, что сигнализация не была сломана и поспешила покинуть школу.

Helen thought she was alone in the building. However, she noticed a small group of pupils in a class. Children paid no attention to the alarm. Helen told them to leave the school because there must have been a fire in the building.

Елена думала, что была одна в здании. Однако заметила группу учеников в одном из классов. Дети не обращали никакого внимания на сирену. Елена сказала им, что они должны покинуть школу, поскольку в здании, должно быть, начался пожар.

As soon as they went out, the police and the firemen arrived. There was a fire in one of the classes. It was a chemistry class. Something exploded in the laboratory and caused the fire. Nobody was harmed, but Helena still heard the noise of the alarm.

Как только они вышли, приехала полиция и пожарные. В одном из классов начался пожар. Это был класс химии. Что-то взорвалось в лаборатории и вызвало пожар. Никто не пострадал, но Елена все еще слышала звук сирены.

Разрушительные природные пожары продолжают бушевать в Австралии – в штатах Новый Южный Уэльс и Виктория.

Сгорело уже около двух тысяч строений, 17 человек считаются пропавшими без вести. В ряде районов объявлено чрезвычайное положение. Людей эвакуируют, волонтёры пытаются спасать животных.

Here are pictures from the past few days.

Bushfires are burning in Victoria and New South Wales.

Smoke rises from a fire burning in Victoria.

Smoke and flames rise from burning trees.

Bushfires make the sky turn red in Mallacoota, Victoria.

Fires rage in Victoria .

Firefighters battle against bushfires.

A firefighter sprays foam.

A firefighter hoses down tree in an effort to save houses near the town of Nowra in New South Wales.

The photo shows a helicopter fighting a bushfire.

Deadly bushfires have destroyed 1,200 homes across New South Wales and Victoria.

This week the fires have destroyed at least 381 homes in New South Wales and 43 in Victoria, with at least 17 people missing.

The remains of burnt out buildings.

A swimming pool next to the remains of a house destroyed by bushfires near Batemans Bay.

An aerial view of damaged property.

Damaged property in Mallacoota in East Gippsland.

The leader of NSW has declared a week-long state of emergency, starting this Friday.
The declared state of emergency will allow local authorities to carry out forced evacuations, road closures and anything else the state needs to do to keep its residents and property safe.

Fire officials have told holidaymakers to urgently leave the NSW coast before Saturday.

People from the town of Cann River are being evacuated.

A family are camping after having been evacuated.

A volunteer holds a severely burnt possum rescued from fires near Australia's Blue Mountains.

A volunteer holds a kangaroo rescued in the Blue Mountains area.

A horse tries to move away from nearby bushfires at a residential property near the town of Nowra.

High temperatures and strong winds are forecast for the weekend.

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Forest Fires

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

Forest Fires

Forests have many enemies, but the greatest one is fire.

Forests have many enemies, but the greatest one is fire.

Fires are very harmful to the forest.

Fires are very harmful to the forest.

The greater is the proportion of pine and fir in the forest, the greater is t.

The greater is the proportion of pine and fir in the forest, the greater is the possibility of inflammation.

The so-called crown fires can spread over large territories, burning out valu.

The so-called crown fires can spread over large territories, burning out valuable forest stands.

Sometimes fires burn over the surface of the ground but do not reach the tree.

Sometimes fires burn over the surface of the ground but do not reach the treetops.

These are surface fires.

These are surface fires.

Surface fires burn the young trees and the leaves on the forest floor.

Surface fires burn the young trees and the leaves on the forest floor.

Surface fires kill the animals.

Surface fires kill the animals.

Surface fires destroy the fertility of the soil.

Surface fires destroy the fertility of the soil.

Many causes of forest fires remain unknown, but careless use of fire is the c.

Many causes of forest fires remain unknown, but careless use of fire is the cause number one.

Certain preventive measures have been worked out against fires.

Certain preventive measures have been worked out against fires.

It is usual practice to build a network of firebreaks and fire-belts in the f.

It is usual practice to build a network of firebreaks and fire-belts in the forest.

They may hold a fire out and give no possibility for its further movement.

They may hold a fire out and give no possibility for its further movement.

Aviation takes an active part in fighting forest fires.

Aviation takes an active part in fighting forest fires.

Airplanes bring firemen-parachutists and spray fire retarding chemicals over.

Airplanes bring firemen-parachutists and spray fire retarding chemicals over the forest.

Anti- fire societies are formed.

Anti- fire societies are formed.

Fire damage

Согласно официальной сводке Федерального агентства лесного хозяйства, площадь.

Согласно официальной сводке Федерального агентства лесного хозяйства, площадь, пройденная лесными пожарами с начала 2010 года по 6 августа, составила 866 743 га. Fire damage

Fire damage

Protect our forest from fires!

Protect our forest from fires!

Берегите лес!

WARNING: 1. If you found a small fire in the woods you have to take actio.

WARNING: 1. If you found a small fire in the woods you have to take action to eliminate it, and you do not have failed to stop the fire, you should inform the administration about the fire near the village or local forestry. 2. It is known that fire prevention is better than to risk their lives to extinguish.

 Remember: 1.Do not drop to the ground burning matches or cigarette! 2.Do no.

Remember: 1.Do not drop to the ground burning matches or cigarette! 2.Do not kindle fires in fire period! 3. Do not burn trash in the woods!

Thank you.

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