Сочинение на английском научно технический прогресс

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Scientific and technical progress

The basis of scientific and technical progress of today is new informational technology which is very different from all the previous technologies. Thanks to up-to-date software and robots new informational technologies can make many processes much faster and transmit information more quickly. It is important today because the quantity of information grows rapidly.

New informational society has its peculiarities. Firstly, more and more employees work in the sphere of service and information. Secondly, more and more huge database s appear to collect and store the information. And finally, information and IT become goods and start playing important part in the country's economy.

These processes affect social structures and values.
It becomes important to learn to get new knowledge quickly and sometimes to change your qualification. IT can first lead to unemployment, but later create even more workplaces especially for highly qualified professionals. While the hardest work can be performed by robots and routine calculation s by computers, in the future people with the most creative mind and numerous fresh ideas will get better career chances.

There are other directions of technical and scientific progress of today.
One of them is the development of new ecologically clean source s of energy using sun, gravitation, winds or rain. New kind of transports and new agricultural methods that do not harm our nature are being developed today.

Breakthrough s in science have led to creation of artificial viruses for new medicines and products, body organs for transplantation and productive soils for growing vegetables and crops . Many new materials and technologies are being used in our everyday life.

All these innovations may have influence on our life, social relations and globally on our Earth.
The influence can be very different: from psychological and health problems of children who spend too much time online to an opportunity to prevent genetic diseases for future generations.
But the most difficult problems the humanity face s are global problems.

The first and foremost is ecological problem: pollution of air, water and soil, exhaustion of natural resources. Renewable natural resources such as oxygen, forests, flora and fauna do not have enough time to regenerate. This leads to different changes in climate and nature such as depletion of ozone layer and other things that has not been properly studied by scientists yet.

Other crucial problems include wars, epidemics, and demographic problems.
The only way to solve them is to work globally and in cooperation with other countries. And here the humanity should find a way to use new technologies for the common good . The solution of these problems cannot be postponed because otherwise people will have fewer chances to survive on this planet.

Answer the questions

1.Why is IT progress different from other progresses?

access - доступ
affect - влиять
breakthrough - открытие, достижение, научный прорыв
calculation - вычисление
common good - общее благо
crops - зерновые культуры
crucial - важнейший, ключевой
database -базаданных
development - развитие
to develop - развивать
to enforce - зд. приводить в силу (закон)
to face - сталкиваться
genetic - генетический
global - глобальный, всемирный
to harm - вредить, наносить вред
highly qualified - высококвалифицированный
humanity - человечество
to lead - вести к чему-то
otherwise - иначе, в противном случае
peculiarities - особенности
postpone - откладывать, переносить (во времени)
properly - как следует, должным образом
quantity - количество
rapidly - быстро
to regenerate - восстанавливаться, возрождаться
renewable natural resources - возобновляемые природные ресурсы
routine - обычный, стандартный
software - программное обеспечение
to solve a problem - решать проблему
solution - решение
source - источник
survive - выживать
transmit - передавать, переслать
unemployment - безработица
up-to-date - новейший, современный
values – ценности

The world changes incredibly fast today. People constantly invent something new and useful for their life. But some people are sure that technical progress may be harmful and dangerous for the environment.

I strongly believe that technical progress is important thing that makes life of people, animals and plants better. To begin with, people discover technologies that allow them to help the environmental. For instance, they can create better conditions in zoos and reservation parks for the animals on the brink of extinction. Furthermore, modern people always think about how their inventions can influence the ecology and how to make them harmless. There are, for example, cars that use solar energy, filters that make the water and the air clean and pure, etc.

However, some people think differently.

They are sure that technical progress does harm because to create new technologies you have to use the earth’s supplies and it results in shortage of minerals, water, fuel, etc.

There is something in what they say. Still, I am sure that this problem is easy to solve: people try to discover methods that help them to use supplies effectively.

In conclusion, I want to say that technical progress is important as it helps improve our life. But you must always remember about ecology and be thoughtful for our wonderful planet.

Мир сегодня меняется невероятно быстро. Люди постоянно изобретают что-то новое и полезное для своей жизни. Но некоторые люди уверены, что технический прогресс может быть вредным и опасным для окружающей среды.

Я твердо верю, что технический прогресс - это важная вещь, которая делает жизнь людей, животных и растений лучше. Для начала люди открывают для себя технологии, которые позволяют им помогать окружающей среде. Например, они могут создать лучшие условия в зоопарках и заповедниках для животных на грани исчезновения. Кроме того, современные люди всегда думают о том, как их изобретения могут повлиять на экологию и как обезопасить их. Есть, например, автомобили, использующие солнечную энергию, фильтры, которые делают воду и воздух чистыми и чистыми и т.д.

Однако некоторые люди думают иначе. Они уверены, что технический прогресс приносит вред, потому что для создания новых технологий вам нужно использовать ресурсы Земли, а это приводит к нехватке минералов, воды, топлива и т.д.

В том, что они говорят, что-то есть. Тем не менее, я уверена, что эту проблему легко решить: люди пытаются найти методы, которые помогают им эффективно использовать расходные материалы.

В заключение хочу сказать, что технический прогресс важен, поскольку он помогает улучшить нашу жизнь. Но вы всегда должны помнить об экологии и заботиться о нашей замечательной планете.

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Nowadays there are a lot of debates about technological progress. Some people think that it is good while others are strongly against. Which of these opposing opinions is more reasonable and convenience?

In my opinion, technological progress is a useful thing, because it gives many advantages to humanity. Firstly, the invention of the computer and the Internet has given us more opportunities. Now we can communicate with people without meeting face-to-face, send e-mails, learn different things without going to the library etc. Secondly, our medicine has become better. Many illnesses that were incurable several years ago do not constitute a danger now. Thirdly, we have a big progress in engineering.

Our engineers have made a lot of very useful things that make our life easier.

However, some people may object by saying that technological progress has given us many problems. For example, they can claim that sometimes modern technologies pollute the environment. It leads to different diseases of people and harms the ecology. Moreover, they believe that technologies make a lot of noise. Some people cannot sleep because of it and get depressed.

I do not agree with my opponents. Talking about pollution of the environment I would like to say that people should use the purification technologies. As for noise, it is not really a problem. Поступаете в 2019 году? Наша команда поможет с экономить Ваше время и нервы: подберем направления и вузы (по Вашим предпочтениям и рекомендациям экспертов);оформим заявления (Вам останется только подписать);подадим заявления в вузы России (онлайн, электронной почтой, курьером);мониторим конкурсные списки (автоматизируем отслеживание и анализ Ваших позиций);подскажем когда и куда подать оригинал (оценим шансы и определим оптимальный вариант).Доверьте рутину профессионалам – подробнее.

You can always move to a village or another silent place.

In conclusion, I would like to say that technological progress plays a big role in our life. It makes our life easier and motivates to create something new.

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The scientific and technical revolution has changed our life very much. The computers, the mobile phones and other digital devices have entered our everyday life. The atomic, space and energy age was followed Ьу the age of computers. The tasks which had seemed eternal before have been solved one Ьу one Ьу computers. During the last decade many fundamental changes occurred because of electronic devices. lt is even difficult to imagine the social and economic consequences of the microelectronic revolution. The large use of computers has influenced our life in such а way that it was difficult to imagine 15 or 20 years ago. On the one hand, computers have simplified our life greatly. If you typed а text on the typewriter and made а mistake you had to type the whole page again. Making several copies of the same document used to bе а difficult job too. But now it's quite different. Correcting rnistakes is easy. Computer also helps us to buy goods, find information, book tickets, make presentations and annual reports, and make difficult calculations. Time is saved for leisure. Leisure time is also influenced bу computer and other periphery devices. You no longer go to the music shops - many things are availaЬle on the internet. You needn't write letters to your relatives or friends - you can send an e-mail. And your photo albums are on computer too. Computer games are probably also а part of your free time. They became more and more realistic and complicated, and for many people it becomes impossiЬle to tear themselves away. This means that electronic devices, such as computer and ТV set are used mostly for entertainment and consume most of the time that could bе spent on work, going for а walk and sleeping. Man becoines а slave of the devices which were designed to make him stronger. Is there а way out? In fact, there is, but many people don't know it and are still slaves. The best decision is not to give these equipments place in your heart. They should do their work. And when you have а rest, prefer real communication to virtual one and living an active life to watching films about crime. Then electronics will bе not our lord or enemy but our friend!

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