Случай из жизни сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

I drove up to the office and broke a traffic rule — I crossed a double solid line on the road.
At that time, a police officer was standing on the street.
I thought he saw me go over the double lines.
But he kept standing.

I drove further slowly because I was near my office.
At that time, a car backed up.
The driver didn’t see my car, and smashed into it.

I’m standing, I’m hearing, and I can’t say anything.

Then he laughed and said: “Miss, please smile, you looked so upset that I had to tell you something to cheer you up” and let me go.

Это было 7 лет назад.
Я ехала на работу.

Я уже подъехала к офису, но нарушила правила дорожного движения — пересекла двойную сплошную линию.
А там как раз стоял сотрудник ГАИ.
Я думала, он видел как я пересекла сплошную.
Но он продолжал стоять.

Я поехала дальше, потому что была уже рядом с офисом.
В это время, какая-то машина сдавала назад, ее водитель не видел мою машину и врезается в меня.

Я стою слушаю и не могу ничего сказать.

Fortune and the man

One day a man was walking along the street. He carried an old bag in his hands. He was wondering why people who had so much money were never satisfied and always wanted more. “As to me,” he said, “if I had enough to eat, I should not ask for anything else.”

Just at this moment Fortune came down the street. She heard the man and stopped.

“Listen,” she said, “I want to help you. Hold your bag, and I shall pour diamonds into it. But every diamond which falls on the ground will become dust. Do you understand?”

“Oh, yes, I understand,” said the man. He quickly opened his bag and stream of diamonds was poured into it. The bag began to grow heavy. “Is that enough?” asked Fortune. “Not yet.” The man’s hand’s began to tremble.

“You are the richest man in the world now.” Said Fortune.

“Just a few more, and a few more,” said the man. Another diamond was added and the bag slipped. All the diamonds fell on the ground and became dust.

Fortune disappeared, leaving the man in the street.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Everyone has heard of Sherlock Holmes. Everyone has read stories about Sherlock Holmes at one time or another. Sherlock Holmes was a famous detective. Actually, he was the most famous detective of all times.

The author of the Sherlock Holmes stories was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Once Sir Arthur arrived in Paris. He took a cab and asked the cabman to take him to the Ritz, the hotel where he was going to spend the night.

The cabman brought him to the hotel. When he received the fare he said:
“Thank you very much, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.”
“How do you know who I am?” asked Sir Arthur. He was very much surprised.

“Well, sir, I read in the newspaper yesterday that you were coming to Paris from the South of France. I also noticed that your hair was cut by a barber in the South of France. Your clothes and especialy your hat told me that you were English. I put all the information together and quessed that you were Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.”

“That is wonderful,” said Sir Arthur.
“You could recognize me though you knew very few facts.”

“Besides,” added the cabman. Your name is on both of your travelling bags. That also helped.”

So, the cabman played a good joke on Conan Doyle.

Honesty is the best policy

A woodman was once working on the bank of a deep river. Suddenly his axe slipped from his hand and dropped into the water.
“Oh! I have lost my axe,” he cried. “What shall I do? Who can help me?”
Mercury heard the poor man’s cries and appeared before him.

‘What is the matter, poor woodman?” he asked. “What has happened? Why are you so sad and unhappy?”
Mercury listened to the man’s story and then said, “Perhaps I can help you.” He dived into the river and brought up a golden axe. “Is this yours?” he asked. “No, that is not mine,” was the answer.

Mercury dived a second time and this time brought up a silver axe. “Is this yours?” he asked. Again the answer was “No.” So Mercury dived a third time and brought up the very axe that the woodman had lost. “That’s my axe,” cried the man. “Yes, that is my axe. Now I can work again.”

Mercury was so pleased with the follow’s honesty that at once he made him a present of the other two axes and disappeared before the man could say, “Thank you”.

The woodman went home very pleased with his good luck. He told his friends all about it and one of them decided to try his luck. So he went to the same place, dropped his axe into the river, and cried out: “Oh! I have lost my axe. What shall I do? Who can help me?”

Mercury appeared as before, and when he learnt that man had lost his axe, he dived into the river. Again he brought up a golden axe. “Is this yours”? he asked.

“Yes, it is,” answered the woodman. “You are not telling me the truth,” said Mercury.

You will neither have this axe nor the one that you so foolishly dropped into the water.”

A present from the son

Long ago there lived an old woman in England. She had a son who was a sailor. He went to different countries and always brought presents for his old mother.

Once he went to China and brought some tea from that country.
At that time tea was very expensive and only rich people could buy and drink it. So the old woman was very happy to have such a nice present. But she didn’t know what to do with it as she had never bought tea before. She thought it was a vegetable. She told her friends about her son’s present and invited them to taste it with her. At last the day of the tea-party came. The woman called her guests to the dining-room and put a big dish of tea leaves on the table. The guests began to eat the leaves with salt just as they ate vegetables. Nobody liked it but didn’t tell the woman about it and continued to eat the leaves.

Some tome later the sailor came into the room. When he saw that all the guests were eating leaves, he smiled.

“What are you doing? Why are eating these leaves? Where is the tea?”
“Here it is, my son,” the old woman said.
“And where is the water in which you have boiled the leaves?” asked the man laughing.
“I threw it away, of course,” answered the woman.

Давным-давно в Англии жила одна пожилая женщина. У нее был сын, который был матросом. Он ездил в разные страны и всегда привозил подарки своей старой матери.

Однажды он отправился в Китай и привез из этой страны чай. В то время чай был очень дорогим, и только богатые люди могли купить и пить такой чай. Поэтому старушка была очень счастлива иметь такой приятный подарок. Но она не знала, что с делать с таким чаем, поскольку она никогда не покупала его раньше. Она подумала, что это овощ.

I’m four years old at home, and two and a half in buses and trains

A mother and her young son got into a bus and sat down. The bus conductor came up to them and asked them to pay the fare. The mother said, ‘I want one ticket to Oxford,’ and gave him a shilling.

The conductor was looking at the small boy for a few seconds and then said, ‘How old are you, young man?’
The mother began speaking, but the conductor stopped her, and the boy said, ‘I’m four years old at home, and two and a half in buses and trains.’

The mother took sixpence more out of her bag and gave it to the bus conductor.
He gave her one ticket and a half.

Женщина доставила из сумки еще шесть пенсов и отдала кондуктору. А тот дал ей один взрослый и один детский билет.

I prefer to play the part of a great man on the stage

Once David Garrick, a famous actor, was told by a Member of Parliament that as he was so popular he could easily become an MP too. “No thank you,” the actor replied. “I prefer to play the part of a great man on the stage than the part of a fool in Parliament.”

Can my dog have a seat in the bus?

One wet day a woman with a dog got on a bus. It was a very big dog and its feet were dirty.
The woman said, “Oh, conductor, if I pay for my dog, can he have a seat like the other passengers?”

The conductor looked at the dog and then said, “Certainly, madam, he can have a seat, but like the other passengers, he mustn’t put his feet on it.”

Why do men in this country wear black when they marry?

Mrs. Robinson was a teacher in a big school in an American city. She had boys and girls in her class, and she always enjoyed teaching them, because they were quick and because they thought about everything carefully.

One day she said to the children: “People in a lot of countries in Asia wear white clothes at funerals, but people in America and in Europe wear white clothes when they’re happy, what color does a woman in this country wear when she marries, Mary?”

Mary said, “White, Miss because she’s happy.”

“That’s good, Mary,” Mrs. Robinson said. “You’re quite right. She wears white because she’s happy.”
But then one of the boys in the class put his hand up.

“Yes, Dick,” Mrs. Robinson said. “Do you want to ask a question?”
“Yes, Miss,” Dick said. “Why do men in this country wear black when they marry?”

7 thoughts on “ Подборка коротких историй на английском с переводом ”

Great! I study English from Russia, I really like your stories. I study myself hard but interesting.


One evening a man called James was on the road from Oxford to London. There weren’t many cars on the road because it was late. Suddenly in the lights of his car he saw a woman by the road – she was quite young and very pretty. ‘It’s dangerous to walk along the road when it’s dark and late,’ he thought. He stopped, opened the window and asked the young woman, ‘Where are you going? It’s dangerous to stand here at night… perhaps I can take you to London with me.’ The young woman didn’t answer but she opened the door of the car and got in.

James asked her a lot of questions: ‘What’s your name? Where do you live? Why are you on the road at night? Is your family in London? Where are your friends? Have you got any money? Are you hungry?’ The young woman sat next to James but she said nothing. Not one word. She only looked at the road.

Three days later he opened the back door of his car and found a coat. ‘This isn’t my coat,’ he thought. Then he remembered the young woman. Perhaps it was her coat. He had to drive to London again that evening so he thought, ‘l’ll take her coat back. ..I remember the street and the house.’ He drove there, parked in front of the house and walked up to the door. An older woman answered.

‘Does a young woman live here?’ he asked’. l think this is her coat – she left it in my car three days ago.’

The woman looked at the coat and began to cry. ‘That was my daughter’s coat.. .’

‘Here, please give it back to her then,’ James said.

‘l can’t,’ the woman said. ‘She’s dead.’

‘Dead!’ said James.

‘Yes, she died five years ago.’

Five years ago?’ James asked quietly.

‘Yes, on the road between Oxford and London. .. in an accident,’ the woman said.

Однажды вечером мужчина по имени Джеймс направлялся из Оксфорда в Лондон. Машин на дороге оказалось немного, так как время было позднее. Вдруг в свете фар он увидел женщину, она была молоденькая и симпатичная.

Женщина не ответила, но открыла дверцу и села в машину.

Молодая леди сидела рядом с Джеймсом, но ничего не говорила. Ни единого слова. Она лишь всматривалась в дорогу. Вскоре он перестал задавать вопросы, и они поехали дальше в полной тишине.

Он подъехал к месту назначения, припарковал авто и направился к двери.

Ему отварила пожилая женщина. Он спросил:

— Здесь ли проживает молодая леди? Я думаю, что это ее плащ. 3 дня назад она оставила его в моем автомобиле

The day was sunny. I and my little brother were walking around the city. My brother and I went to almost all the sites in our area. I wanted to drink. I left my brother at the entrance to the store and went to buy water. A few minutes later I came back, but somewhere has got a brother. After a half hour of searching, I found it with my angry mother. This evening I will never forget, it was painful!

The day was Sunny. I was walking with a friend in the Park. He saw a big tree and asked me to climb. I was able to flattery to the middle, then under me broke a branch and I fell. I had twisted his ankle . The pain was severe

One day when I was still small. I was still five or four years old. I went back then to the kindergarten. The day was ordinary sunny, we went out with a group for a walk. I ran from one of my friends, we then swarmed into the hills. I ran from He, well, he did not run around me. I stitched him to the front a little with a pina and decided to gazvernutsya there was a birch and I twisted my eyebrow very much. I bleed a lot. I went with my mom to the ballerina, and I got a brow . That's how I got my first scar.
Однажды когда я был еще маленький. Мне было еще пять или четыре года. Я ходил тогда еще в садик .День был обычный солнечный, мы с группой вышли на прогулку. Я побежал от одного моего друга, мы тогда играли в ляпки. Я побежал от него, ну он не побежал зо мной. Я стял к нему передом немного прошел спиной и решил газвернутся там стояла береза и я сучком очень сильно рассек бровь. У меня много вытекло крови. Ну я с мамой поехал в больницу, и мне зашили бровь. Вот так получил я свой первый шрам.

Однажды произошел несчастный случай со мной и моими друзьями. Это был солнечный летний день, и мы с друзьями вышли, чтобы пойти на речку. У нас были тяжёлые сумки с нашей одеждой и едой для пикника. Как только мы отошли от дома, мы услашали, как плачет какой-то ребёнок. Это была маленькая девочка, она сидела под деревом и плакала. Мы подошли к ней и спросили, что случилось. Она сказала, что её кота напугала собака, и он залез на дерево, а девочка снять его не может. Тут мы почувствовали себя героями, и поняли, что мы должны спасти этого котёнка. Мы отбросили наши сумки и стали карабкаться на дерево. Мы уже почти добрались до котёнка, как услышали хруст ветки, на которую мы все сели. Мы начали переживать, кричать, что мы падаем. В итоге мы испугали кота своим криком, и он убежал к своей хозяйке, а мы ушли с ушибами и синяками, но всё равно чувствовали себя героями.

Люди работают большую часть времени, для того чтобы жить, и свободное время, которое остается, настолько тревожит их, что они всеми способами пытаются избавиться от него. This is wrong. Мы не должны забывать создавать яркие воспоминания и наслаждаться смешными моментами. Не должны забывать жить.

Essay on The story of my life

Let me introduce myself. My name is Anna German. I was born in Novokuznetsk, on the 1st of October 1986. It was very nasty weather this day, cold and rainy. I could say that I had quite a happy and exciting childhood. I hated wearing dresses and behaved like a tomboy. Thanks to my elder brother. At the age of 8, my family moved to another country. I love my new homeland, but I still miss Russia.

I studied foreign languages at university and graduated in 2009. I can’t say that I was a bookworm, but I really enjoyed studying. I didn’t finish university with flying colors, but according to my teachers, I was good.

Now I’m almost 30. When I look at myself in the mirror I see a young woman with short wavy hair, grey–green eyes and a slender figure. As to my appearance, I think I’m short. I’ve never considered myself a beauty. I don’t like wearing high–heeled shoes, but I can’t imagine my life without trousers or jeans. I think that I'm pretty calm and modest. But sometimes I can lose my temper and become really angry. I like staying alone and spend my free time reading books in my cozy flat. I have a few friends and I think they are the best. I love good jokes and I think I've got a nice sense of humour. It means I understand and appreciate it.

Nowadays I live alone in a city far from my parents' place. I terribly miss my mom, dad and my brother. I try to visit them once or twice a month. When we are together, we drive to our country house in the village. My mom cooks something delicious and dad goes fishing with my brother. I prefer spending time with the male half of our family. Just to let you know that I’m terrible at cooking.

I admit that I’m a lazy person, so, my hobby is not riding a bike, skating or skiing. I collect photos and souvenirs from all the countries I have visited. I’ve been to Egypt, Greece, Poland, Sweden and Germany. And my dream is to visit Great Britain, walk around London and visit my friend in Glasgow, Scotland.

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Сочинение на тему "История моей жизни"

Позвольте мне представиться. Меня зовут Анна Герман. Я родилась в Новокузнецке, 1 октября 1986 года. В этот день была крайне неприятная погода, холодная и дождливая. Я могу сказать, что у меня было вполне счастливое и захватывающее детство. Я ненавидела носить платья и вела себя как пацанка. Спасибо моему старшему брату за это. Когда мне было 8, моя семья переехала в другую страну. Мне нравится моя новая родина, но я все еще скучаю по России.

Я изучала иностранные языки в университете и закончила его в 2009 году. Не могу сказать, что я была книжным червем, но мне очень нравилось учиться. Я не закончила университет на отлично, но, по словам моих учителей, я был хороша.

Сейчас мне почти 30. Когда я смотрю на себя в зеркало, то вижу молодую женщину с короткими волнистыми волосами, серо–зелеными глазами и стройной фигурой. Что касается моей внешности, я думаю, что я низкая. Никогда не считала себя красавицей. Мне не нравится носить туфли на высоком каблуке, но я не могу представить свою жизнь без брюк или джинсов. Думаю, что я довольно спокойная и скромная. Но иногда я могу выйти из себя и очень разозлиться. Мне нравится уединение, и я провожу свободное время, читая книги в своей уютной квартире. У меня есть несколько друзей, и я думаю, что они лучшие. Люблю хорошие шутки, и думаю, что у меня хорошее чувство юмора. Это означает, что я понимаю его и ценю.

В настоящее время я живу одна в городе, далеко от моих родителей. Я ужасно скучаю по маме, папе и брату. Пытаюсь навещать их один или два раза в месяц. Когда мы вместе, то едем в наш загородный домик в деревне. Моя мама готовит что-то вкусное, а отец с моим братом идут на рыбалку. Я предпочитаю проводить время с мужской половиной нашей семьи. Просто даю вам знать, что я ужасна в готовке.

Признаться, я ленивый человек, поэтому мое хобби — это не катание на велосипеде, коньках или лыжах. Я собираю фотографии и сувениры из всех стран, в которых я побывала. Я была в Египте, Греции, Польше, Швеции и Германии. И моя мечта — посетить Великобританию, прогуляться по Лондону и навестить моего друга в Глазго, Шотландия.

Похожие сочинения на тему "Интересный случай из жизни" на английском

My family has a lot of interesting stories. My mom says that I should know that all my family has unusual stories all the life. From all unusual cases that happened to my relatives I like the story of my mom and dad meeting.

My mom was a student in the college. To have some extra money she went to work in one restaurant as a waitress. My mom wanted to go abroad for vacation. She was really nervous but she dressed up nicely to pass interview. In the office she saw a young and handsome guy. He started to ask her personal questions about boyfriend. My mom was smiling and didn’t answer this questions. Later on that guy said that one day he would merry her. My mom was upset. When she was going away from the office she had met a real boss who was little bit late. And that guy in the office was a waiter and my future dad. My mom couldn’t forget this joke for a long time. My dad said he had felt in love with her from the first sight. It is so strange romantic and unusual.

Every anniversary they speak about their first meet. My mom was so shy and beautiful. And my dad was an impudent joker. But they are always laughing together with all guests.

Who knows if they could meet if my mom didn’t plan to go abroad and she wanted to earn some money. Or if my dad were more simple and didn’t like to joke. Maybe they would never have met or haven’t paid attention to each other.

I like this story a lot. I believe in destiny and I know that my life depends on me and my choices. Maybe one day I will also meet some important people and I will tell the story to my family.

Unusual things happen in our life. We just need to pay more attention to see it.

Необычный случай

В моей семье есть много необычных историй. Мама говорит, что я стоит знать, что на протяжении жизни со всей нашей семьей происходили странные ситуации. Из всех необычных историй, которые произошли с моими родственниками, мне понравилась та, где встретились мои мама с папой.

Итак, моя мама была студенткой в одном колледже. Чтобы заработать немного денег, она решила устроиться работать в ресторан. Мама хотела поехать заграницу на каникулы. Она очень нервничала, но оделась красиво, чтобы пройти собеседование. В офисе ресторана ее встретил молодой красивый парень. Он начал задавать ей личные вопросы и интересоваться, есть ли у неё парень. Мама улыбалась, но не ответила ни на один из этих вопросов. Позже этот парень сказал, что однажды женится на ней. Мама очень разозлилась. Когда она уже шла к выходу, встретила настоящего директора ресторана, который просто немного задержался. А тот парень в офисе оказался простым официантом и моим будущим папой. Сама так и не смогла забыть его шутку и ещё долго злилась на него. А папа говорит, что влюбился в неё с первого взгляда. Это так странно, романтично и необычно по-моему.

И каждую годовщину они вспоминают эту историю. Мама была такой стеснительной и красивой. А папа показался маме наглым шутником. Но сейчас они постоянно смеются с этой истории вместе со всеми гостями.

Кто знает, встретились бы они, если бы сама не планировала поездку заграницу и ей не понадобились деньги. Или если бы папа был проще и так сильно не любил шутки? Возможно, они бы никогда так и не встретились или не обратили бы внимание друг на друга.

Мне очень нравится эта история. Я верю в судьбу, но знаю, что моя жизнь зависит от меня и моего выбора. Возможно, однажды я тоже встречу важных людей и буду рассказывать об этой встрече семье и друзьям.

Необычные вещи часто происходят в нашей жизни. Нам просто нужно обращать больше внимания и тогда мы их обязательно заметим.

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