Славянский базар сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 01.07.2024

Fall fairs have been a feature of North American life since early in the nineteenth century. At the end of the harvest, people from rural areas have come together to celebrate. Usually, these fairs take the form of a competition regarding the best of all farm products of that year. Depending on the part of the country, and its most important crop, fall fairs can begin as early as August or as late as November.

They usually last several days. When the United States and Canada were organized, they were divided into small units called counties. Larger units were called states or provinces. Many of the best-known fairs are county fairs or state fairs. There are also smaller local fairs, and larger ones too, like the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto, Ontario.

Since these fairs are usually annual events, many have developed permanent buildings over the years. Most of these are large barn-like structures. These buildings are used to display new products for farm life, such as tractors, home furnishings and water systems. Several barns are usually necessary to house all the horses, cows, pigs, goats, sheep, chickens and other animals in competition. There must also be room to display all the vegetables, berries and fruits in competition. Finally, there is space for handicrafts, artwork, baked goods, and jams and jellies.

Usually, there is a grandstand, which is a stage with wooden seats around it. Here entertainers perform for an audience during the fair. Country and western singers are usually popular at fairs, but so are comedians, clowns, dancers and musicians. There may also be other contests such as a beauty competition for queen of the fair, tests of strength for the men or pie-eating events. Most fairs also have a racetrack, which is used for horse racing, or, in some cases, auto-racing.

Fairs have helped to improve animal breeds, and races encourage the breeding of fast horses. Ploughing contests test the strength and steadiness of horses, and so do pulling contests. This spirit of competition has led to improvements in all areas of farming. Every kind of grain, fruit, vegetable, berry and animal is tested, and only the best win a ribbon. This encourages fairness to improve their products.

Farm women compete to produce the best homemade food and crafts. Many kinds of fruit and vegetables are stored in glass jars for the winter. The best of these also receive prizes. Most fairs have a dining area where this good food is served to the public. The goal of improving farming is sponsored by the governments of Canada and the U.S.A. Four-H Clubs are youth organizations that encourage farm children to take an interest in farming. Four-H Clubs aim at improving the heads, hearts, hands and health of their members. There are also women’s organizations, such as the Women’s Institutes in Canada, which work to make the life of farm families better. Fall fairs have taken over the idea of the midway from the circus.

The midway has rides like Ferris wheels, merry-go-rounds, and roller coasters. It also has games of chance and skill, such as trying to throw a small hoop over a large bottle. One nice thing about fall fairs is that they are fun for the whole family. Children enjoy the midway and the farm animals. Women like the crafts, food and household exhibits. Men like the machinery, the horse races and the crop exhibits. Everyone likes the grandstand shows. Nowadays, not so many people live on farms. But people from towns and cities still enjoy going to fall fairs. They are part of our North American heritage.

Приходите на ярмарку

Осенние ярмарки были особенностью жизни Северной Америки с начала девятнадцатого века. По окончании сбора урожая, люди из сельских районов собирались вместе, чтобы отпраздновать. Как правило, эти ярмарки учавствуют в конкурсе на лучший из всех фермерских продуктов этого года. В зависимости от части страны и ее самого важного урожая осенние ярмарки могут начаться уже в августе или в конце ноября.

Обычно они длятся несколько дней. Когда были основаны Соединенные Штаты и Канада, они были разделены на небольшие подразделения, называемые графствами. Более крупные единицы назывались Штатами или провинциями. Многие из самых известных ярмарок-ярмарки графства или государственные ярмарки. Есть также небольшие местные ярмарки, и большие тоже, как канадская Национальная выставка в Торонто, Онтарио.

Поскольку эти ярмарки, как правило, являются ежегодными мероприятиями, для многих из них были выбраны постоянные здания на протяжении многих лет. Большинство из них-большие строения, похожие на амбары. Эти здания используются для показа новых продуктов для фермерской жизни, таких как тракторы, предметы интерьера и системы водоснабжения. Несколько амбаров обычно необходимы для размещения всех лошадей, коров, свиней, коз, овец, кур и других животных в конкуренции. Также должно быть место для показа всех овощей, ягод и фруктов в конкурсе. Наконец, есть место для ремесел, произведений искусства, выпечки, джемов и желе.

Обычно есть трибуна, которая представляет собой сцену с деревянными сиденьями вокруг нее. Здесь артисты выступают перед публикой во время ярмарки. Кантри и западные певцы обычно популярны на ярмарках, но также комики, клоуны, танцоры и музыканты. Могут быть и другие конкурсы, такие как конкурс красоты для королевы ярмарки, испытания силы для мужчин или мероприятия по поеданию пирогов. На большинстве ярмарок также есть ипподром, который используется для скачек, или, в некоторых случаях, автогонок.

Ярмарки помогли улучшить породы животных, а гонки поощряют разведение быстрых лошадей. Соревнования по вспашке проверяют силу и устойчивость лошадей, а также это делают соревнования по тяге. Этот дух конкуренции привел к улучшению во всех областях сельского хозяйства. Каждый вид зерна, фруктов, овощей, ягод и животных проверяется, и только лучшие выигрывают. Это поощряет справедливость в отношении улучшения своих продуктов.

В парке развлечений есть аттракционы, такие как колеса обозрения, карусели и американские горки. В нем также есть азартные игры и игры, проверяющие навыки, такие как попытка забросить небольшой обруч на большую бутылку. Плюсом осенних ярмарках является то, что они веселы для всей семьи. Дети наслаждаются парком развлечений и сельскими животными. Женщины любят ремесла, еду и бытовые выставки. Мужчинам нравятся машины, скачки и выставки урожая. Всем нравятся представления на трибунах. Сейчас на фермах живет не так много людей. Но горожане по-прежнему любят ходить на осенние ярмарки. Они являются частью нашего североамериканского наследия.

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The International Festival of Arts "Slavyansky Bazaar in Vitebsk"

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The International Festival of Arts "Slavyansky Bazaar in Vitebsk"

The International Festival of Arts "Slavyansky Bazaar in Vitebsk"

On 18 July 1992, the first ever festival of arts was staged in Vitebsk to giv.

On 18 July 1992, the first ever festival of arts was staged in Vitebsk to give city residents and guests an idea of Slavonic song folklore. In 1993, the Slavyansky Bazaar in Vitebsk became a member of the International Federation of Festival Organizations (FIDOF), broadening the geography of its participants. In 1999, the number of festival events turned 125. The festival was awarded the diploma 'FIDOF Festival of the Year 2000' "for impeccable quality of organization, professionalism, hospitality, and promotion of noble humanistic aims on the international level". From 1995 the Slavyansky Bazaar was given the title of an International Festival of Arts. And in 2000 the Slavyansky Bazaar hit a towering record by joining together on stage representatives of each and every Slavonic nation. Festival motto is: "Through art - to peace and understanding!" This motto reveals the basic ideas of the International Festival of Arts "Slavyansky Bazaar in Vitebsk". These are the words for the festival participants, a call for peace, beauty, harmony and perfection. History

The International Festival of Arts "Slavyansky Bazaar in Vitebsk" is an open.

The International Festival of Arts "Slavyansky Bazaar in Vitebsk" is an open mass event, which helps to revive and promote culture and arts. The goal of the festival is to support young talents and introduce innovations in culture and art. The Festival is to be launched with an inauguration ceremony, attended by Russian singers Nikolai Baskov, Art Group Turetsky Choir and "SopranolO", Alexandre Rozenbaum, ballet directed by Boris Eifman, Mireille Mathieu, Chris Turner, reaching its climax with a Space and Didier Marouani performance. Festival today

Along with gigs staged by Belarusian and foreign performers the Slavyansky B.

Along with gigs staged by Belarusian and foreign performers the Slavyansky Bazaar gives its audience a treat of theatricals, interesting films and exhibitions. The Festival in Vitebsk has on its margins an International Investment Forum, National Fair "Small Business in the festive Vitebsk", a traditional fair of folk crafts "Town of Masters" - 70 various entertaining events altogether. The programme also includes an International Contest of Song Performers and International Children's Music Competition.

During the festival the contest of young singers under the name "Vitebsk" is.

During the festival the contest of young singers under the name "Vitebsk" is held. It has two stages, each held on a separate day. In the first day the contestants should perform the song in a national language of the country the contestant represents. All vocals are sung live using backing track. On the second day the contestants perform the song written by a composer from any Slavic country in any of the Slavic languages. On this stage all vocals must be sung live with the National Concert Orchestra of Belarus under Mikhail Finberg's conduction. The final decision is made by the international jury usually consisting of 10 people who are usually the former winners of the contest, the former contestants or other celebrities. After the performance each jury gives points from 0 to 10 (although the nil has never actually been given). At the end of the second day all the points are summed up and the Grand Prix winner and other places holders are defined. Children's contest during the festival in Vitebsk was first held in 2003 thus becoming one of the stages of expanding of the cultural and artistic diversity of the event. It has also be come one of the main events in the East European countries for children performers who are making their way to Junior Euro- vision Song Contest. Contests

Natalia became well known in 2002 after her performance at the music festival "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk".

На Международном фестивале детского творчества "Славянский базар в Витебске -2001" Ансамбль стал лауреатом конкурса детских концертных программ, обладателем специального приза "Самый звонкий голос фестиваля" и награжден почетным дипломом Болгарии.

At the "Slavonic Bazaar in Vitebsk 2000" children's festival of the creative arts this ensemble won the children's concert programme competition and was awarded a special prize for "the festival's most ringing sound" and a diploma of honour from Bulgaria.

На протяжении всех лет существования крупнейшего культурного форума - Международного фестиваля искусств "Славянский базар в Витебске" - Национальная государственная телерадиокомпания Республики Беларусь неизменно выступает его главным вещателем и одним из организаторов.

Throughout all time of its existence, the International festival of arts "Slavonic Bazaar in Vitebsk" has been organized and covered by the National State TV and Radio Company of Belarus.

Within the sidelines of the visit Secretary of State G. Abdykalikova took part in the opening of the international festival of arts "Slavianski Bazaar", that is, the largest cultural forum, which connects countries and continents.

Financial support is given to projects aimed at preserving traditions and promoting civil consciousness, such as “Ruskij souvenir” and “Zimnije posidelki” organized by pre-school establishments, national meals festival organized by the Ukrainian community, poetry nights devoted for Ukrainian poets, etc. For several years already, financial contributions have been made for organising the international child painting competition “Slavų šaltinis” (Slavonic source).

Славянский базар в Витебске" позволил народам евразийского пространства сохранить историческую общность и единое культурное пространство, считает Президент Беларуси Александр Лукашенко. Об этом он заявил 12 июля во время открытия ХХI Международного фестиваля искусств "Славянский базар в Витебске".

Slavonic Bazaar in Vitebsk helped Eurasian nations to preserve the common historical and cultural space, President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said at the opening ceremony of the 21st International Arts Festival Slavonic Bazaar in Vitebsk on 12 July .

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