School around the world сочинение

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Разработка урока с применением технологии развития критического мышления.

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Предварительный просмотр:

Разработка урока в 10 классе

  • Формирование различных видов учебного чтения, умения анализировать, систематизировать, обобщать полученные знания, выделять главное.
  • Обогащение и активизация языкового запаса, развитие умений и навыков устной речи на основе прочитанного.
  • Культуроведческое обогащение школьников.
  • Формирование навыков самоконтроля.

Оснащение: карточки-кластеры, презентация, учебник, аудиозапись.

1 этап. Введение в языковую среду . Стадия вызова.

Teacher : Good morning, dear friends. I’m very glad to see you. Are you glad to see me?

Далее идет вводная беседа, которая подводит к теме урока:

  • What day is it today? (P. – It’s Friday)
  • Is it your favorite school day? Why? (P.1 - It’s one of my favorite days because we have History today and it’s my favorite subject. P.2 – I don’t like Friday because we have too many lessons today. Etc.)
  • Do you like going to school? Why? ( P. 1,2,3… - I like going to school because I can learn something new / enjoy studying / can meet my friends / etc.)
  • What do you think we shall talk about today? (P. – May be about school life?)

Teacher: Yes, you are right. We shall talk about schools but not only about Russian ones. You will learn a lot of interesting information about different schools around the world. It is the topic of our lesson. What comes to your mind when you hear the word “school”? Take this cluster and write down your ideas.

Учащиеся, работая в парах, заполняют кластеры а затем проговаривают их перед классом.

2 этап. Осмысление новой информации.

Teacher: Thanks a lot. But do you know that schools can be different? Look at the screen and match the types of the schools with their descriptions.

На доске учащиеся выполняют задание:

Match the types of the schools with their descriptions :

A boarding school

A single sex school

A co-educational school

A private school

A specialists school

A school for boys and girls

A school students go for a practical reason ( ex: to become an actor)

A school for only boys and girls

A school owned by the government

A school which students live in during school term

A school you usually have to pay to go to

Teacher : What type of school do you study in?

Pupil – We study in the co-educational state school.

Teacher: You know that there are some school rules which all students must follow. You can read some of them on the screen. Which of them are true for our school. Let’s discuss what you would like to change.

  1. There are lots of rules.
  2. Facilities and equipment are good. (e.g. libraries, science labs, sports equipment e.t.c)
  3. The teachers are strict.
  4. Students are motivated.
  5. There is a selection of unusual subjects to choose from.
  6. Students sit a lot of exams.
  7. Most students take part in extra-curricular activities (Ex. drama, sports)
  8. Students get a lot of homework.
  9. Most students live nearby.
  10. Students wear a school uniform.

Учащиеся выбирают правила и комментируют их, высказывают свою точку зрения:

P1 : Students have to wear a uniform in our school. I don’ think that school uniform is a good idea. It isn’t comfortable and doesn’t show our individuality.

P2: As for me, I think we should wear a uniform because it is our dress code.

P3: Facilities and equipment are good. We have a science lab and a modern gym but it would be good to have a swimming pool or a stadium in our school. Etc

Teacher : And now let’s read about different schools around the world. Open you books at page 46 and do exercises 2 and 3. While reading the text make these notes:

  • “ !” – I like this idea.
  • “ V” – I don’t like this idea.
  • “? ” – I don’t understand it.

После того, как учащиеся закончат работу с текстом, они прослушивают его аудиозапись, во время которой самостоятельно проверяют правильность выполнения упражнения 3а. Затем идет обсуждение текста. Учащиеся объясняют пометки, которые они сделали в тексте:

P1 - I was surprised to know that in some American schools students can study such subjects as comic book art, song writing or photography. I would like to study them too.

P2 – I don’t like that in one Chinese school training starts at 5.30. I think it’s too early. P3 – I agree that cleaning of the school before leaving it is a good idea, because if we cleaned our school we would not make it dirty. Etc.

T.: And now we shall make a discussion with 2 groups, a TV bridge between the British and the Russian students. Let’s talk about your schools:


Schools around the World.
A) There are many types of schools in the world. Some are expensive, private boarding schools, like Rugby School in England where the game of rugby was invented! There are also some specialist schools, like drama schools, dance schools or the 40 acrobatic schools in Wuqiao, China. It might sound like fun, but, as 13-year-old Zhang Li explains. "Our training starts at 5:30 am. It's very hard, but these skills will help me earn a living when I leave." There are also a wide range of school subjects at different schools. At Holden High School in the USA, subjects include comic book art, photography, song writing and yoga.
B) At a school in the Annapurna mountains in Nepal, classes don't start until 10 am because a lot of students have to walk for about an hour to get there. In Japan, it isn't unusual for students to spend two hours or more getting to school on public transport. "It's not so bad," says 15-year-old Keiko from Tokyo. "I sometimes sleep or study on the train, and it's a great way to catch up with my friends."
C) The average school day in the UK and the US is 6.5 hours for high school students. Students in Korea and Greece, however are not so lucky! After school they attend extra classes in private schools. "On a typical day," says Jie Kim from Seoul, South Korea, "I don't get home until midnight, but if I don't study hard, I won't get into a good university."
D) All schools have rules, but sometimes they are really strict At Eton College, a very famous boys' boarding school in England, the students have a smart but very old-fashioned uniform with a long jacket, trousers and shirt. In Japan, everyone has to participate in 'o soji', or the cleaning of the school, before they go home, whereas at Summerhill School in England, it's the students who make the rules!
E) So, is your school better or worse than schools in other parts of the world? No matter what your answer is, we shouldn't forget that 300 million children in the world don't have any schools to go to. So even if you'd like to change some things about your school, you really are one of the lucky ones!

А Школа для мальчиков и девочек.
В Школа, где вы обычно должны платить, чтобы ходить туда.
С Школа, куда студенты идут с определенной целью (например, стать актерами).
D Школа только для мальчиков или только девочек.
E Школа принадлежит правительству.
F Школа, в которой студенты живут в течение учебного года.
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b Прочитайте следующие утверждения. Какие из них верны для вашей школы?
Студенты носят школьную форму.
Есть много правил.
Услуги и оборудование хорошие (например, библиотеки, научные лаборатории, спортивный инвентарь).
Преподаватели требовательные.
Студенты мотивированы.
Существует выбор необычных предметов на выбор.
Студенты сдают много экзаменов.
Большинство студентов принимают участие во внеклассной деятельности (например, театр, спорт)
Студенты получают много домашних заданий.
Большинство студентов живут поблизости.

Что бы вы хотели изменить? Почему? Обсудите.
►А: Я люблю носить школьную форму.
В: А я нет. Я бы предпочел надеть что-нибудь более модное в школу.

Ты с нетерпением ждешь, когда пойдешь в школу или ты абсолютно боишься этого? Или, возможно, ты бы предпочел пойти в школу где-то еще! На этой неделе журнал Go рассмотрит, насколько разными бывают школы в мире.
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2 Прочитайте текст на стр. 46-47 и соотнесите пункты (A-E) с заголовками ниже. Один заголовок не подходит. В чем заключается главная идея в каждом абзаце?
• в школу и из школы • правила
• образование или не образование
• Школы любой формы и размера
• Часы • Домашнее обучение
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Навыки обучения
Заполнение пробелов
Посмотрите на название и прочитайте текст, чтобы получить представление, о чем идет речь. Прочитайте еще раз внимательно и сосредоточьтесь на словах до и после каждого пропуска. Выберите слово, которое подходит лучше всего. Прочитайте полный текст еще раз, чтобы убедиться, что он имеет смысл.

миллионов детей в мире нет школ, чтобы в них ходить. Так что если ты даже захочешь изменить какие-то вещи в своей школе, ты один из счастливчиков!

3a Выберите лучшее слово (А, В, С или D) для каждого пропуска (1-8).
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b Прослушайте и проверьте. Объясните слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом. После этого составьте предложения, используя их.
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4 Прикройте текст и по очереди рассказывайте друг другу то, что вы помните о школах в странах из текста.
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5 Портфолио: разыграйте интервью между британской телеведущей и студентами в вашей школе в вашей стране. Поговорите о том, во сколько начинаются/заканчиваются занятия, как вы добираетесь до школы, носите ли вы форму, каковы правила в школе и т.д.
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6 Портфолио: напишите небольшую статью о вашей школе (60-80 слов). Напишите: тип школы и классов, как студенты туда попадают, расписание, правила.
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Слова Мудрости
Образование является движением от тьмы к свету.
(Allan Bloom, США философ)

Do you look forward to going to school or do you absolutely dread it? Or, perhaps you'd prefer to go to school somewhere else! This week, Go magazine takes a look at how schools are different around the world.
A. There are many types of schools in the world. Some are expensive, private boarding schools, like Rugby School in England where the game of rugby was invented! There are also some specialist schools, like drama schools, dance schools or the 40 acrobatic schools in Wuqiao, China. It might sound like fun, but, as 13-year-old Zhang Li explains, "Our training starts at 5:30 am. It's very hard, but these skills will help me earn a living when I leave." There are also a wide range of school subjects at different schools. At Holden High School in the USA, subjects include comic book art, photography, song writing and yoga.
B. At a school in the Annapurna mountains in Nepal, classes don't start until 10 am because a lot of students have to walk for about an hour to get there. In Japan, it isn't unusual for students to spend two hours ormore getting to school on public transport. "It's not so bad," says 15-year-old Keiko from Tokyo. "I sometimes sleep or study on the train, and it's a great way to catch up with my friends."
C. The average school day in the UK and the US is 6.5 hours for high school students. Students in
Korea and Greece, however are not so lucky! After school they attend extra classes in private
schools. "On a typical day," says Jie Kim from Seoul, South Korea, "I don't get home until midnight, but if I don't study hard, I won't get into a good university."
D. All schools have rules, but sometimes they are really strict At Eton College, a very famous boys' boarding school in England, the students have a smart but very old-fashioned uniform with a long jacket, trousers and shirt In Japan, everyone has to participate in 'о soji', or the cleaning of the school, before they go home, whereas at Summerhill School in England, it's the students who make the rules!
E. So, is your school better or worse than schools in other parts of the world? No matter what your answer is, we shouldn't forget that 300 million children in the world don't have any schools to go to. So even if you'd like to change some things about your school, you really are one of the lucky ones!

Главная задача сайта: помогать школьникам и родителям в решении домашнего задания. Кроме того, весь материал совершенствуется, добавляются новые сборники решений.

Schools around the World.
A) There are many types of schools in the world. Some are expensive, private boarding schools, like Rugby School in England where the game of rugby was invented! There are also some specialist schools, like drama schools, dance schools or the 40 acrobatic schools in Wuqiao, China. It might sound like fun, but, as 13-year-old Zhang Li explains. "Our training starts at 5:30 am. It's very hard, but these skills will help me earn a living when I leave." There are also a wide range of school subjects at different schools. At Holden High School in the USA, subjects include comic book art, photography, song writing and yoga.

B) At a school in the Annapurna mountains in Nepal, classes don't start until 10 am because a lot of students have to walk for about an hour to get there. In Japan, it isn't unusual for students to spend two hours or more getting to school on public transport. "It's not so bad," says 15-year-old Keiko from Tokyo. "I sometimes sleep or study on the train, and it's a great way to catch up with my friends."

C) The average school day in the UK and the US is 6.5 hours for high school students. Students in Korea and Greece, however are not so lucky! After school they attend extra classes in private schools. "On a typical day," says Jie Kim from Seoul, South Korea, "I don't get home until midnight, but if I don't study hard, I won't get into a good university."

D) All schools have rules, but sometimes they are really strict At Eton College, a very famous boys' boarding school in England, the students have a smart but very old-fashioned uniform with a long jacket, trousers and shirt. In Japan, everyone has to participate in 'o soji', or the cleaning of the school, before they go home, whereas at Summerhill School in England, it's the students who make the rules!

E) So, is your school better or worse than schools in other parts of the world? No matter what your answer is, we shouldn't forget that 300 million children in the world don't have any schools to go to. So even if you'd like to change some things about your school, you really are one of the lucky ones!

English 10 grade Afanaseva.jpg

Данный текст относится к третьему разделу учебника по английскому языку Spotlight (Module 3 - Schooldays & Work) для школьников 10 класса. Ниже приведён текст и его перевод. Правки, дополнительные вопросы по тексту и теме можно оставлять на странице обсуждения.

Do you look forward

1). going to school or do you absolutely dread it? Or, perhaps you’d prefer to go to school somewhere else! This week, Go magazine takes a look at how schools are different

A. There are many types of schools in the world. Some are expensive, private boarding schools, like Rugby School in England where the game of rugby was invented! There are also some specialist schools, like drama schools, dance schools or the 40 acrobatic schools in Wuqiao, China. It might sound like fun, but, as 13-year-old Zhang Li explains, “Our training starts at 5:30 am. It’s very hard, but these skills will help me 3) a living when I leave.” There are also a wide range of school subjects at different schools. At Holden High School in the USA, subjects include comic book art, photography, song writing and yoga.

B. At a school in the Annapurna mountains in Nepal, classes don’t start until 10 am because a lot of students have to walk for about an hour to get there. In Japan, it isn’t unusual for students to 4) . two hours or more getting to school on public transport “It’s not so bad,” says 15-year-old Keiko from Tokyo. “I sometimes sleep or study on the train, and it’s a great way to catch 5) . with my friends.”

C. The average school day in the UK and the US is 6.5 hours for high school students. Students in Korea and Greece, 6) . are not so lucky! After school they attend extra classes in private schools. “On a typical day," says Jie Kim from Seoul, South Korea, “I don’t get home until midnight, but if l don’t study hard, I won’t 7) . into a good university.”

D. All schools have rules, but sometimes they are really strict At Eton College, a very famous boys’ boarding school in England, the students have a smart but very old-fashioned uniform with a long jacket trousers and shirt In Japan, everyone has to participate in ‘o soji’, or the cleaning of the school, r - before they go home, whereas at Summerhi School in England, it’s the * students who 8) . the rules!

E. So, is your school better or worse than schools in other parts of the world? No matter what your answer is, we shouldn’t forget that 300 million children in the world don’t have any schools to go to. So even if you’d like to change some things about your school, you really are one of the lucky ones!

Е) Итак, твоя школа лучше или хуже, чем школы в других частях мира? Неважно каков твой ответ, мы не должны забывать, что у 300 миллионов детей в мире нет школ, чтобы в них ходить. Так что если ты даже захочешь изменить какие-то вещи в своей школе, ты один из счастливчиков!

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